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Everything posted by Beergogglez

  1. Idk, it's tough going from WoW burning crusade. Where i never seen a bug before. Then going to Aion, again never seeing a bug before. Then going to Rift. again never seeing a bug before. Then going to Swtor and the whole game is a giant bug.
  2. it's funny we talk about grammar, when they misspelled words in their own patch notes XD
  3. Well 2 months and a STILL mirror classes aren't mirrored. The talents don't *********** work. Who knows how long this has been mentioned in Beta, but IT"S A PRETTY BIG DEAL ...compared to the other **** you deemed more important.
  4. So how do you feel about operatives and scoundrels ? are you happy that you nerfed this class to extinction. I mean ..i made the mistake of rolling it as a main ..since no one plays it .."i thought hey ..i'd play it ..mmo's usually leave the least played class unchanged " ..i was one of 3 operatives in my 140 man guild..now we all rerolled sorc. Yup 70% of ur population playes sorc ..how do you feel about this?
  5. ok, they don't listen buddy. how quite are they right now? they have no interaction with community. All of this has been said in beta and i count 0 changes
  6. oh man. telling a deaf company how to run their game since 2010. Changes made up to launch? 0 No changes. We even ..did the .bug in voidstar where you would turn into the door .so you couldn't get hit when it was players vs devs ..and nothing happened. We mentioned the amount of CC's classes get and nothing. Deaf i tell you. you're wasting your time with posts ..Unsubbing is the best way to make change happen.
  7. um ..i like how the start it was all yes and now it's all no ..but that might be just trolls ? who knows..am i happy? no ..why? it's like buying an expensive gold ring ..then to find out it's aluminum painted gold. Better yet, you paid for the brand name t-shirt that cost 80$ ..only to find a generic one that costs 5$
  8. Rift is coming out with a new 20man. It seems rather legit ..i got to test the raid..one fight .you have to fight 2 dragons ..which is really cool. I mean, guys comeone ..if ur a raider ..this game isn't for you. For example ..this part of the forums is barren. They don't care about endgame . Look at your raiding guilds ..how many members are raid logging ? 1 night and done ..i need excitement ..this game was wrong ..to begin with ..16/8 man is too low of a raid size. Normal mode raid? has to the dumbest idea ever ..and why do the bosses drop their whole loot table on death?
  9. get rid of this joke of a mode. Raids are not supposed to be normal..it just drops too much gear. Considering you can skip HM 4 mans and jump right into the normal is foolish. Keep hardmode and nightmare mode . why am i telling you common sense?
  10. you mean the memory leak ..that happens when you keep the game going for along time? yeah they know about that. The memory leak in world pvp? yes they know about that too. There care cup is empty right now ..since they know too well that star wars fans will keep this game alive ../bow
  11. i called some one ugly in game and get warned for it ..there's a flirt option for like every female that leads to s e x >_>
  12. well that's why they went with a star wars mmo ..no matter how hard they fail ..they will always be at 600k subs cuz of ..starwars fans
  13. i sense a post closed for making too much sense of the flawed system. oh noes .i exposed them
  14. not to mention your over glorified character name block .
  15. So, to get to the point. For such a censored game (example: getting warning emails of being reported for saying g o d d a m :misspelled btw, in the game chat box.) I'm not even using offensive language. People normally say this when disappointed. I'm making this post cuz i'm angry that i'm using words like sh it and je sus ..and being warned for profanity. i understand n_ggers and f_g ..but i can't even say sh it ? What age group is this game aimed for? i mean come on ...there are like 100 s e x implications in game ...i mean you hit the flirt button and ..you get a s e x implication. So are you guys deluded that you have this many s e x implications in game and yet i get reported for saying stuff like sh it in game and g od dam ?
  16. Yeah, nerf sorc. Bring it in line with the other 2 healers pls. You stated that Sorcs can run out of energy, but hey ..look they spam aoe heals to hearts content and never run out. thanks.
  17. it's heading to casual wars ..or bug wars ..the graveyard unless march patch doesn't fix everything >_>
  18. The reason there is no endgame is because you can skip the hard mode flashpoints and go right into normal EV/kp and Faceroll through it for MASSIVE amounts of gear. Then go into Hardmode which for some reason shares the same loot quality as nightmare and drops the same amount of MASSIVE loot. Gear urself in one night. That sir is why there is no endgame. It ends when you finish your class quests.
  19. I'm a good gamer. I level fast. while enjoying the story, maxing pvp and maxing raiding. by this i mean i have RL issues and work during the day and play at night. I sacrifice sleep, but i'm used to it being a hardcore raider when i was a kid in EQ. Now will i keep my sub? untill march when they say they'll fix everything. I've never seen a game where faction inbalance was this huge for so long. Talents not working. I'ts a big deal. I play with some old gaming friends on another server ..and i enjoy that since we're buddies. Much more than my raiding guild that downs everything at one night.
  20. glass cannon ..w/o the cannon..and more of a leaf blower
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