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Everything posted by Beergogglez

  1. Make haste effect dots/hots. Surge is the only thing reasonable players stack ..cuz haste is just a useless stat.
  2. I played the beta tests for blade and soul ..and am playing korean tera ..man these koreans know how to code lol. Hire some of these guys ..cuz they are nailing it
  3. I think people should care ..we are having a discussion about a game and a company that's not doing much. Remember potential buyers go on the forums to see how the game is. You can tell alot by the community. The forums are a place for change and venting problems with the game that Devs read. yes they Read ...they will read this too. So if you want to stay ignorant well ..go ahead
  4. Wow on it's release had Upper black rock ONLY. It took 3 months to create an original pvp system. remember warzones were not the normal for mmo's. warzones were never heard of ..they had to actually think about it...calling it "simple" is a slap in the face when they essentially created it ..
  5. posting on these forums > playing the game right now. so *********** dull
  6. Can we compare a game that essentially invented the "warzone system" and "lfg tool" ? I think not
  7. wow's lfg tool ..was the first i ever came across in an mmo. I don't want to say they "invented " it, but i'm 85% sure they did. I don't think you're allowed to copy and paste code (illegal), but you can get the idea and copy it. This Tera game is coming out with "rifts" and another game called "rift" used it with major success. Can they create their own code using an idea from another game? yes. Am i aware of how tuff it is to create code using an idea? yes. Writing code is not hard at all ..and there are programs that check the code for errors. It's easy.
  8. it's been done ..look at rift ..with 1/5th of a budget of swtor ..>_> ...i guess i really hate the coding of this game
  9. well they don't need an imagination ....wow released with nothing, but EQ to go on. Wow invented Battle grounds 3 months down the line. Every mmo has a server lfg tool .and stable coding ..too many errors on bw's part
  10. lol, pretty sure i saw the same "awards" on every other mmo. look at rift "game of year" i go on swtor "game of year" ..i go on gw2 "pax game of year" ..these "awards" are nothing, but scams.
  11. saying "fps issue" is to broad. BW stated that 5% have fps issues do to out dated rigs. Which is true. They also said "they are aware of performance issues, they would call bugs". Memory leaks for example. Should change the topic to "fps in fleet,wz's and illum"
  12. the game is the most incomplete POS i ever played. I gave it 2 months, but it looks like it's not going to get better or fixed.
  13. After playing a certain beta, i almost forgot what an mmo was. I mean it's complete compared to swtor. I never experienced a game this incomplete for this long. I don't think March can fix all these glaring problems. The more patches release the more i go "*** are they thinking?" ..when i'm in game all i can think about is "this bug is still going on for how long now?". Tbh after creating multiple alts ..all the vendors share the same voice ..sure the stories are different, but i can call what's going to happen next because it's so blatant. "the student kills the master" shocker right? plus all the story quests share the same zone ..every class goes back to dromund kaas ..for something ..um you know what i mean. It's located in the same areas . So the whole "voice acting", "quest system" budget goes to waste right there. ..by this time i would think even the most casual player is 50 by now and realized what's endgame? where's world pvp? TLDR Incomplete mmo is incomplete
  14. The patch is coming out March. The patch that will determine the future of swtor. Everyone knows this game should have launched in March with 1.2. It was hella rushed. So in March ..new raid ..new battleground ..guildbank/custom Ui ..The raid has to be hard on nightmare mode. I don't want another it's cleared in 3 hours. I can honestly predict the new WZ. An altrec valley/port scion type of WZ. Lets hope it's lag free and the game can handle alot of people on a screen at once. This is make or break for me. The only reason i'm keeping this sub right now ..in the hopes of march >_>
  15. This isn't true at all. Lucas just takes a % from profits. The game doesn't even mimic the star wars genre. I mean how many of these creatures/humanoids have you seen in movies/cartoons? ..
  16. Hi, I'm lvl 10 Sorc, and I agree with everything you said. I'm tired of being 3 shot by troopers spamming 1 button. I swear i've seen them hit me for 8k-10k.
  17. Tera? why ..korean version sucks. Archeage is where it's at
  18. so did you forget about set bonuses or ?
  19. Torhead also says a white crystal gives 51 stats lol. And they say you get a 6th companion hk51 ....no you don't get anything if you RE rakata gear. Do you realise how much time it takes for a crit to happen? Or how much mats is needed?
  20. every boss is a free loot boss ....March raid is do or die ..if it's as easy as kp/ev ..unsub!
  21. as a player who beat both raids on NM 16man ..it was the easiest content in all of my MMo history Eq2, maplestory, Wow.Rift. My guild raids only 1 night to down both raids. Honestly we skipped the "Hardmode 4 mans" and jumped straight into normal 16 man to get gear. The bosses themselves DROP TOO MUCH LOOT. The whole loot table drops on 1 boss kill ***? Again there is no point to 4 man. Jump right into normal from quest gear. You get geared out TOO fast since the bosses drop a megaton of loot and it's so easy. So yeah. i'm lvling alts and getting them geared out for the march raid. If the march raid is as faceroll easy ..i expect everyone to unsub.
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