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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Vlacke

  1. Rodians.



    I have been wanting to play as a Rodian smuggler or bounty hunter for IDK HOW LONG


    True i agree that Rodians should also be in game, however Rodian species must be viable to both Empire and the Republic, as you said both Smugglers and Bounty Hunters should have them.


    On the other hand some of the previously mentioned races (Togruta, Kel'Dor, Nautolan) need to be made Republic exclusive as an incentive to improve faction imbalance issues.

  2. I'm a SW lore noob. Can anyone post pictures of the races you're naming off?


    Well you might find this useful.






    Edit : I will rename the topic and insert Kel'Dor instead of a Wookie for reasons stated by others in this thread.

    Edit 2: Title change option seems to not be working properly :)

  3. There was a previous thread on this, which I think is a really clever way of solving the population imbalance. I don't know how effective it will be, but the lack of playable alien species has always been a big complaint, so one would think it would help encourage more republic players.


    While Togruta would be one of my top picks as well, Wookies wouldn't work because they don't speak galactic basic. I would throw in Cathar, Nautolan or Kel Dor instead.


    Good post, i agree fully.

  4. What i would like to know are your thoughts regarding this, any advice would be much appreciated.


    Artifice or Synth for my Jedi Guardian?

    Armstech or Armormech for Bounty hunter?


    Note that i will not jump on the Biochem band wagon, too popular for my taste these days :)


    I have heard that Armstech is really not so good at all so i would want to hear your thoughts regarding that also.


    And the famous slicing skill, from what i understood it is not a bad way to earn some more credits, but i am at a loss there, because i have no idea what works well with slicing, how to utilize it with something else?


    Thanks in advance for being kind enough to advise me, and may the force be with you.

  5. I am a Star Wars fan and this game is simply great for me, therefore i am obviously not bored a bit.

    I am taking my time with leveling, i play with friends, there is a ton of content, i have alts because i decided a long time ago that all 8 stories are very much worth playing through...the list can go on.


    There are issues like in any game of this magnitude but to be fair it hasn't even been a month since the game out and it will all iron out eventually.


    Bottom line is that you can only speak for yourself.

    I am tired of the people who think that their opinion is shared by legions of others.


    It reminds me of the thing one not so bright person wrote in the thread about high res textures, something like:"This game sucks because of this problem, WE quit and lets hope GW2 fulfills OUR hopes and dreams".

    That was just hilarious really.

  6. Armstech is primarily useful for supplying your other alts with weapons if you decide to roll a BH or an IA; while leveling most of the schematics you unlock for weapons arent't worthwhile because you outlevel them so fast even if you have the purple schematics. On the other hand,if you obtain the purple schematics for the barrels they can be useful as you level up to endgame.


    But once you reach end-game the barrel mods aren't worth it because you can run Ilum dailies for the top tier barrel mods. The high level schematics that you do get our outclassed by raid and pvp gear as well so Armstech at this point is in poor repair which is unfortunate since I leveled it to 400 already and have mainly been relegated to making low level gear for friends and alts and selling the mid-level mods on the GTN for a meager profit.


    Thank you for your reply sir.


    As for Biochem, i won't take it because there will obviously be a moment when all other crafting skills are improved and made more useful at top level, when i don't know, but it will definitely happen.


    I can see a legion of people who dropped all their other skills for Biochem regretting their decision when it happens.

  7. Is this true?

    A good response would be much appreciated because i have a lower level alt and have decided to learn Armstech, so if it is indeed worthless as you claim it to be it's better for me to change while i have it relatively undeveloped.


    The alt i am talking about is Bounty Hunter so advice for another crafting profession would be also much appreciated.

    Maybe making armor?

  8. Commendation vendors and their gear are just fine as is and anyone who says otherwise is plain wrong, topics like this are just a distraction from the real problem at hand that needs to be addressed.


    Just like the people who are yelling "NERF BIOCHEM" are also wrong.

    Biochem is actually fine and useful unlike the rest of the lot, i personally didn't take it as my crafting skill but i still don't regret that decision hoping that other crafting skills will improve.


    The real big issue here is the fact that ALL crafting skills except Biochem need to be seriously improved and made much more useful especially at top level.

  9. This thread's a little funny to me, because my main is a Bounty Hunter. Her ship is cool on the outside, other than how worn and messed up it looks, but the inside's cramped.


    Then, I got my Consular's ship and was friggin' shocked.


    "...Nothing's rusting in here!


    "Holy crap, is that a conference room?!"


    My BH feels a lot poorer when I play her now. XD


    Haha so true :)


    Personally i like the Defender a lot.

  10. Better to be hit by the door on the way out than stay here and keep bending over for Bioware.


    Hey Carnac, i was simply pointing out that me and the person i was referring to don't share the same DREAM structure.

    Normal person's hopes and dreams can hardly be fulfilled by a video game, right?

    You can agree or disagree with me of course, but what he/she wrote is just absurd.

  11. Did you look at your ini fle lately ?



    // Making any changes to this document will result in the corruption of //

    // your install and will require the use of the repair utility. //











    So you understand that your not supposed to edit this file. and that

    Anti aliasing = 4

    adding that to your current ini does absloutely nothing to your ingame settings as everything else that works in conjunction with AA is not present. you realize the option was removed because AA does not work for some systems period even if you force it?

    You understand that the reason this is happening is because they are trying to retrofit their hero engine that has not seen an update since 2007. Look it is what it is the cut features to make a release . Lets get honest now and give the community a straight answer of we are working on it we realise the graphics are not matching the marketed screens. We will have this fixed in X amount of time. dont defend the non defensible.


    My ini file doesn't look anything like that and it doesn't have those warning, guess why??

    Because you are looking at the WRONG ini file Mr. Expert, the ini i am talking about is not located in the game directory itself, it is located inside user/name/appdata/local/swtor directory and IT CAN be modified, there is also a little box called READ ONLY which you have to check so that the main ini file you have presented cannot overwrite it every time you start the client.

  12. I suspect we'll see a "Visual Improvements Patch" somewhere down the pipe.


    Question is...when?


    The good thing is that we will see it definitely.

    My estimate is that it will happen during the next two months tops because it is more than obvious that people want it.


    But then the problem will be the thread similar to this one, only filled with users with low-end PC's complaining about how high resolution textures impact their FPS to near unplayable level, how it is unfair and how they feel cheated because their machine meets the minimum system spec and yet something is wrong :D

  13. http://i.imgur.com/2GX52.jpg


    Welcome to 2012 SWTOR where even games from 2001 beat it graphic wise. Luckily for BW we are not only playing because of the graphics.


    But after this, i'm eager to her the stance on ability lag / delay. WAI probably as it was in Laghammer :)


    This is most certainly not set up to highest settings in options, that particular armor looks bad indeed because it is probably one of those armors that have broken textures, but on the other hand your entire picture looks bad, edgy with no AA, etc.


    Myself and some other users have provided pictures with graphics overall (not just the armor) looking much better than this, how can you explain that?

  14. ok that is pretty bad. This is what I see when I play.




    HD6950 11.11 drivers


    I have similar quality, and i find it to be good enough to enjoy in game since at this moment it obviously cannot get any better until developers and programmers find a solution to the problem.




    Radeon 6850, 1920x1080, AA=2, mipmap set to highest, all in game options cranked up.


    So it really is nowhere near as bad as it is in the picture of user who compared it minecraft armor, i don't have the slightest idea why it looks so bad on his end.

  15. Please stop posting your replies in yellow until you provide us with some pics of what you say are very little from in-game to the holocron thing. The proof is in the pudding and no other posts are in yellow or red, or blue. I believe you are trying to make a bigger statement then you suggest and that the mipmap and not providing that much of an upgrade please provide the proof,


    GamwizX always posted in yellow and always contributed to the forum, if you had been around little longer instead of finding out about this game in december you would know that.

    Also it is called called minimap, mipmap doesn't exist.


    Why don't you try increasing the minimap option for yourself and see what it does and then state your opinion.


    It will not provide the quality real HIGH RES textures can provide because nothing can do that except those very textures working properly, but it will be an improvement.

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