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Everything posted by ghettogenius

  1. I seem to recall reading Leah use the force to heal Mon Mothma on an atomic level when she had some sort of terminal illness. She had very little training as well. Just sayin.
  2. Time. Credits. Experience. If you die it is going to cost you something. Players get off easy in this game.
  3. If you want me to hit like a wet noodle you'll just have to restrict DPS gear from the Tank tree, which would make the stat setup even more restrictive than it already is. Many abilities are shared by all three trees and they do the same base damage. The main difference is the strength from gear (aside from the smash combo). The thought of tanks not doing much damage is new to me. Obviously a DPS build should put out more sustained and burst DPS, but a good tank needs to be able to do more DPS than it can absorb or they would be useless on their own. You know tanks have that big gun on them right. It doesn't exactly tickle. Another reason tanks are called tanks in games and not armored personnel carriers.
  4. I believe I have Quinn using this now. Want to say I found it on an early hoth mission. Sorry that's the best I got for ya as it was awhile ago.
  5. Just give my sith the option to punt little chokobos and tauntauns.
  6. I really wouldnt mind seeing combat log text in real time as I have for previous games. I would like to know what that enemies attack is, or who did the 2k damage to me, etc. Parsing the data after the fact seems a bit cumbersome and time consuming. I probably wont bother more than once or twice, if ever. I cant really see why people would be against this. The data is streamed to the client and would be private. Any attempt to intercept the data using a third party client is likely against the TOS. If there is any valid reason for not wanting this it is because of performance. The calculations are already occurring so that wouldnt be the issue, but I think people overlook the impact streaming those calculations and then rendering them has on game play. Ive seen combat systems redesigned to minimize this impact and in those games turning off the combat spam would nearly always increase the users performance. As long as its private, deactivated by default, and can be toggled off then I dont see where the problem is.
  7. Even esl people understand "hjeal me" and "more dots".
  8. I saw these for sale and wondered why. Now it is clear. As a tank I can see the benefit of being able to mark various enemies, but i would have thought they would have implemented this differently. Like say an ability that is learned which can then be used to apply different color tags. Not as a consumable sink product that gets abused in PvP.
  9. Well last night I logged onto my 27 shadow on Terentatek. First thing I notice is Im being pummeled by a sorc. He was promptly dealt with. Then I traveled south of Outlaws den and manage to pick off 4 imps running quests down there. They put up good fights (mercs, sorcs and an op). Later I ambushed a mara one level lower than me and nearly had him until he turned the tables on me and i had to disappear. I was impressed enough that I let him go. Finished off the night surprising 2 imps in the czerka base, they werent too happy with me. So last night was particularly fun. This was on a low pop server where empire outnumbers reps like 4:1. I specifically chose this type of scenario to keep me on my toes, though I do wish there were even more opportunities out there.
  10. I had to log in just to respond to this ****. English may not be your first language and it is definitely *** backwards in relation to some other languages, but I can tell from your prose that you understand it well enough to ascertain the difference between poorly structured slang and proper English. Your abbreviated gibberish only weakens your case and your attitude towards your prospective audience just makes you look like a spoiled 12 year old. Man I never write these kinds of post but you sure as hell deserve it. Why is that so many foreigners come to this country (either physically or through the Internet), take advantage of all our opportunities, services, and hospitality which their host country cannot or will not afford them, then curse us under their breath if things don't go exactly as planned? Don't bother answering, it was a rhetorical question. Oh and L2P (insert whatever racial slur pisses you off the most here).
  11. I picked this up last month when it was $780 with free shipping. Still a very good deal if you ask me. Runs SWTOR at 40-100+ fps on high without optimization. Ill probably upgrade the power supply in a few months, but Ive been very happy with everything so far I havent made many changes other than upgrading video and peripheral drivers. Runs cool with great airflow. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227383
  12. Love me some hutball. Its one of the few original ideas BW has had. I wouldnt mind an option to choose which WZ to queue tho, as well as some new flavors. Would be awesome to see an arena deathmatch type of map with powerups and traps that become more active as the timer runs down. Allow for temp groups to be formed within the arena. Think Hunger Games lol.
  13. Dont segregate pugs from pre-mades, just give them the main thing pre-mades have going for them - voice chat!
  14. Yeah what's up with that? I rolled some alts on a PvP server and when I first started encountering the opp faction was around 23 in Nar Shadaa and they were all blue and I couldn't attack them. I was levelling on a PvP server to avoid this kinda thing. Am I missing something? Shouldn't they be yellow or red? I heard open world PvP was bad but is it really this bad?
  15. Dont try to rationalize love, even in a fictional story, youll just hurt your brain. But if it has to come down to some kind of rational explanation for irrational thought I would have to go with trust. Padme trusts Anakin. 1) Shes known him for several years - during some very difficult times in her life. 2) In that time hes never tried to lie or take advantage of her, in fact hes quite open with his feelings with her (this is before any romantic interest - he talks about his mom) 3) Hes saved her life several times. As such they have been through some dangerous and traumatic situations which will reinforce their friendship and connection to one another. 4) He expresses his interest in her and is quite determined. This only builds her attraction for him.
  16. Honestly Im just not the biggest chatter. If I wanted to chat there are countless places on the Internet where I can get much more mileage out of some chat time. Im usually pretty focused on the game and trying to immerse myself in the story. For me the game is about escaping reality for a bit. Any tether back to the real world kinda dilutes a bit of the fun out of it. I may have adopted this behavior from some past hardcore roleplay worlds/games I took part in, but it also seems logical if you want to really become part of the character. Some people dont see it this way and thats fine. In a good guild where Im comfortable with people Ill open up a bit more with some light jokes, playful insults, prodding, etc. I do like talking about the game mechanics and how to master certain aspects of the game however. Talking over voice, not typing. Theres just no room for typing in games these days with as fast as combat is and all the abilities/objectives we need to keep track of. I dont consider 1 to 3 word sentences chatting.
  17. Hang on let me get a helmet - to protect me from these rock hard facts you're hurling at us. /sarcasm Cant please everyone. Personally I thought it was the best, most ingenious and flexible crafting system I have ever encountered. Not just the crafting/leveling process itself but the economy it supported.
  18. First thing you need to do if not done already is remap straff left/right from Q/E to A and D. You dont need both and keyboard turning will only slow you down (even here with auto facing). Now you can remap Q and E to either something spammable or a couple of your big attacks for easy access. Everyone plays a little different, but like another poster mentioned I try to keep some similar abilities on the same keys or near the same keys for my alts. Actually only playing 2 chars currently to avoid too many keymapping discrepancies. Some abilities are always in the same place from char to char tho like interrupt. i often just leave the abilities in the place where they fall when I learned them (ie: older abilities are usually still on the 1-0 bar). I mix it up as new ones are learned but rarely do I try to place specific rotation keys in an order on my hotbar. Theres just too much need to adapt and switch things up in both pvp and pve for me to do that. I use a naga here and most attacks are on keyboard 1-0 or keys near there while force powers and other attacks are on the naga thumb keys. I havent needed more than this but if necessary I can add the shift + 1-0 or shift + thumb keys. Razer and Logitech mice/keyboards offer a tremendous amount of hotkey accessibility but the issue you will find is that the client doesnt even offer enough hotbar slots to fill them all (only 48 I believe). You can get by without these tools but they are a lot of fun and can definitely increase your performance level once you get used to them. Oh and about that. I recently got this mouse (2 weeks) and have finally settled in on it. Its a tricky transition, like trying to knock a bad habit. Sometimes in the midst of a stressful encounter I will catch myself trying to click something lol. Just got to force that thought out of your mind and keep on with the furious fingers. Its like a choreographed dance or technical martial arts - need to eliminate useless extraneous movements to increase efficiency and that takes practice.
  19. I wont argue with the who tabs ability to form a group, but I would argue with its effectiveness. Truth is people are lazy, and with it being so easy to solo here many capable players just bypass group content entirely or at least dont spend much effort trying to find a group. Its been my experience that instanced content needs a group building tool to maximize its exposure. Aside from heroics, FPs and OPs dont exist until the group enters them, so forcing players to use an older grouping mechanic (go to entrance and spam chat or conduct multiple steps with who tab) just slows things down and further discourages players and grouping opportunities. The grouped instanced content is kinda like an upsell. Not being required, it unfortunately needs to be in your face and easy to access or players will just skip over it like an item on the bottom shelf. Like a marketing trick, it should be presented like magazines and candy at the checkout isle. Real easy, grab it and hand it to the clerk. Impulse buy done! Many people would join groups if the tool were just expanded in context yet simplified in nature. 1) Leader starts group, selects roles/classes needed, desired quest, lvl ranges, etc. 2) Button appears in group tab. 3) Players see group forming and can visually determine if they meet desired requirements. If met they click the button to send a request to group leader. 4) Group leader accepts/denies request. 5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 until group is filled. If you dont see a group forming for the content you want you can always wait or start your own group with the tool. Simple. Easy. One click joins. Do this and group instanced content will see much more use and I think some of the travel/grouping frustrations will be removed from the game as well. No auto group building $#it! No cross server $#it! Some people may argue its lame to have to spoon feed the FPs and OPs to players like this, but I just see it as a modern solution to the old problem of dealing with wasted time and space in MMOs with instanced content. We need a stronger tool other than local chat. One would think that in a science fantasy universe with faster than light holographic communication that tools would be present (in a metagaming sense) that would enable efficient group formation in place of the old "Lets gather around the well and decide where were going" method.
  20. All this talk of muffin pounding has me looking forward to tonight with my lady.
  21. Vette is more experienced in bed, but Jaesa is eager like a naughty prom queen.
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