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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. Regarding those numbers, if you actually listen to the conference call, a guy from Goldman Sachs essentially calls their subscription numbers BS, in conference call terms...and promptly gets hung up on.


    Make of it what you will.


    You beleive anything a jagoff from GS says? My grandfather used too till they pissed away 96% of his life savings.

  2. I see frequently posters compare SWTOR to the original launch of WoW.


    "When WoW launched it didn't have this or this and had this......" And they try to say that we should not complain about SWTOR's failing because WoW had the same problem. The only problem is this:


    WoW came out in 2004. Welcome to 2012. Even if we go based off of release date, you get 2011. If you were to go to Best Buy and the clerk tried to sell you a 2004 laptop for $1000 you would laugh at him. "But it was good in 2004!" Guess what, technology improved. You expect better because it can be better. When you say "WoW had this and this and this problem" you're only trying to hide the fact that SWTOR has a problem and therefore because WoW had it, that SWTOR having it is just business as usual


    I want to make it clear, SWTOR succeeds in areas that WoW even today still struggles in. But there's only so far you can go before you hold SWTOR to a 2012 standard. You dont expect to buy a luxury car in 2012 without heated seats because luxury cars in 2004 didn't have them, why would gaming be any different?


    By your argument, weve been producing automobiles since the 19th century.....they should be flawless by now with no defects.


    See your living in a fantasy world where everything as it should be.....welcome to real life, it's ugly. But hey, i guess when GW2 is released and its the flawless messiah of MMO with no bugs or glitches or any single flaw we will be saved right? right?


    If the genre is around in 2050, it will still have the same problems. I've been in the mmo genre over 10 years and things are still the same as they were back then, it's the players that have changed.

  3. Sorry even naming this game in the same sentence with SWG gives it far too much credit. SWTOR is an epic fail that could only be produced by a company like BioFail. SWG was a much better MMO and held it's sub's for over 7 years until it shut it's servers to make way for this terrible game.


    SWG > Anything SWTOR has and ever will have.


    I laughed at launch when people said this game was so much better than SWG, now look at it 8 months in going F2P, most of it's developers already left.


    Also the final nail in the coffin, never thought I'd say this but SOE is a much better company than EA/BioFail.


    Biofail is an unoriginal creator of MMO's that allowed this game to fail because they were too short sighted to realize that people wanted more besides their sub par V/O, failed to deliver content or fix bugs quickly.


    In other words....




    As an 8 year SWG vet all i can say is...



  4. LotR and TOR both have the same paticular problem...the IP is huge but not appealing to the MMO masses.You can slap a fantasy MMO together and it'll still out sub the biggest IP on earth (star wars) regardless of game quallity. TBQH i dont see it making much of a diffrence either way. We SW fans will be here regardless most of us with a sub and i suspect that were the ones holding the game up ATM anyway.
  5. I would like figures of my characters. We have the technology…


    I'd rather busts/statues like WoW does with Figureprints.


    As to the OT, i own several Gentle Giant peices and would prefer higher end collectables over figures. (Larger 1/5th scale Malgus is up for pre-order i believe from them or Sideshow)

  6. Kreia was essentially Chris Avellone giving a big middle finger to George Lucas' binary, rather childish, "Good is good, and evil is evil," implementation of the universe. KotOR II is basically one big deconstruction of every Star Wars trope out there, which is why it's so good.


    Opinions and a-holes tbqh, i gave my opinion, didnt need to be corrected for it.


    And if you think evil isnt black and white talk to my great grandfather about the nazi's and what he saw with his eyes. Yes, there is complete unapologetic evil in the universe. This new age BS about everything is subjective is wrong.

  7. Gotta go with KOTOR1, it was 1st and had such a great "HOLY $#IT!" moment when you found out who Revan was.


    The Exile seemed less interesting to me and having to listen to Treya double talk her nonsense was annoying and poorly written...."oh no, dont do the right think because it'll lead to the wrong thing".....shut up old woman.

  8. I said give us something to get excited about.


    WOW has that. They have been working on a expansion. If Bioware is working on something they probably should tell us about it. Even if they are going to be really vague about it like "Coming up in september, we have something big planned for the game."




    Kung fu panda island is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome sauce!!!!!!!!!!!


    We were talking about it in the jr. high lunch room just yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    And dont even get me started on Pokemon battles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    /pisses self in adolecent excitment...oh thats not piss......

  9. in ROTS film, Obi-Wan pleaded with Yoda to let him fight Sidious since he didn't want to face Vader. Yoda straight out told him that he wasn't strong enough to face Sidious, and sent him after Anakin instead. If Obi wasn't strong enough to face Sidious and was sent after Vader instead, one can conclude that Yoda is stronger than Vader, which is why Yoda fought the more powerful Sidious insead.


    Was going to post this myself, how in the world are there so many choosing Vader?

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