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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. Man, restuss was so much fun!!!!


    Groups having stare down contests across an invisable line, ranged spies DB'ing random ppl if they dared venture away from the AOE spamming group playing king of the hill, wall hacks, groups full of 20+ ppl all with 7-8 rows of buffs that had just spent 2 hours getting everyone buffed steamrolling everyone then waiting for the other group to spend 2 hours buffing to retaliate.....oh wait, Restuss wasnt fun, nvm.

  2. Because Alliance/Republic=Blue and Horde/Empire=Red. It's already programmed in your mind as being related.


    Republic is expected to be "good" and I can assume will draw in kids and carebears. Empire is about being powerful and cruel so I'd expect a more mature group there. You EVE players will know carebears ;) (least the pirates will)


    hmmm, you may be on o something much bigger as well.....dems=blue, repubs=red....crips=blue, bloods=red....those 2 colors are used in almost all regards to affiliation in modern society.

  3. Marauders never got a huge buff. Other classes just got nerfed, and people started to realize how good they really are.


    And you can't chalk up such a huge disparity in class numbers, to people wanting a "shiny new toy." Perhaps if the ratio was 2 to 1, or 3 to 1, I could stomach it. But 20 to 1? That's a huge indicator that there is a problem. You can't chalk that up to people being FoTM re-rollers. Especially when we're talking about the class that most people feel has the best story, and that most people claim is one of the most fun to play.


    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

  4. Thanks for the responses guys, its good to know im not alone. I felt the forums had enough random useless negativity.


    Your not alone, most of us are to busy playing the game to get on the forums TBQH, the trolls, both paid and amature (yes i said paid, but thats another story) are really the only regulars here. I'm here simply waiting on the servers.

  5. Hi!


    How about some balance changes? How about structured PvP for 1-49? How about a reworked Ilum? How about some change to current Warzones to make them less zergy and more objective based? How about Arena? How about a possibility to make Tournaments? How about a freaking duel zone on the fleet?


    I mean, the fight isn't lost, GW2 isn't Star Wars and not everyone will enjoy the combat in it, so go Bioware? I mean, it seems that Bioware is doing nothing atm to keep the PvP-Players here.


    Thanks for reading!


    The highlighted is exactly why i'll be staying here.


    Have fun playing another fantasy POS.

  6. You guys do realize that these comparisons rarely hold any merit? This theorizing 'who would win' business highly depends at which stage these two 'would've' fought, if both would've fought eachother at the peak of their abilities, I'd go with Revan simply as he was far more resourceful and had a broader horizon regarding the force and it's application.


    Obi Wans peak level can be considered to be when he fought Anakin, where, mind you, he was on the defensive for the 'vast' majority of the entire fight, and had near-death situations up to the end. If not for a saving grace, last moment idioticy stunt by anakin where that one decided to just 'screw it all', underestimate Obi Wan, overestimate himself, and make a stupid move, Obi Wan wouldn't have survived (and if you take a look at the fight, that ones actually obvious).


    Now, while Revan perhaps didn't have the sheer power-level of anakin at his peak, he 'was' far more catious and resourceful with his abilities.


    In the end I personally couldn't make a proper pass as to which one would've won, simply because it'd depend on far too many variables. Plus the only time they 'would have fought' is when Revan was still kicking it as a darth set out on conquering the galaxy, which wasn't the peak moment of his power.


    Kenobi's style was a defensive style, thats what he did and he did it better than anyone in the order at the time.

  7. It's like a train wreck. I'm sorry, I can't help it.


    I'm not sure why this would concern you. Most of you seem more concerned about my entertainment and what I do with my free time than the fact that you are clinging to a sinking ship. I would be evaluating my priorities if I were defending this game on the forums rather than playing it, yet still making remarks about how other people should have better things to do with their time.


    I'd evaluate my priorities if i payed money to cry about something i dont enjoy every month, also im at work and cant log in ATM, thanks for caring though.


    See kid i've been in the genre over 10 years now and TBH youre just another troll that thinks his passive agressive flaming is original, sorry, i saw that for the first time in EQ.


    Try again.

  8. And what a big joke it is.


    I stand to lose what? Fifteen dollars? Man, someone, somewhere is getting one hell of a laugh out of that at my expense. I truly hope they are enjoying it, because their life must be seriously lacking in humor.


    The joke isn't on anything, the joke is SWToR. We all fell for it, and that doesn't make me anymore of a fool than you.


    And yet here you are.

  9. Why in the blue hell does everything have to be about the force?


    Here....Luke as a smuggler : He last 5mins after whining to Jabba about needing to waste time with his freinds in Toschie Station, at wich point Jabba feeds him to the Rancor.

  10. Yep, because we all know how much Jedi and Mando's hold hands, eat ice cream together and play hackey sack with each other.....when thier both not trying to commit genocide on each other of course.......


    Way to once again try and tie the Mandalorians to your bathrobe brigade George.

  11. I don't think the clones had to be 'tricked' at all. The Jedi are terrible leaders. Since they're usually the focus of the story, it's easy to identify with them, but if you take a step back, you can see why the clones wouldn't be thrilled with them anyway.


    It's a modern military, yet the Jedi have them doing cavalry charges and running en masse at enemy emplacements. The Jedi go too... but the Jedi are nigh-invulnerable, able to sweet blaster fire aside and dodge with uncanny foresight. The clones they lead just get shot.


    In AotC, Mace Windu gets a squad of specially trained commandos. What does he do with them? Do they sneak around, and catch the enemy where they're not looking? Nope; he leads these stealthy demolition experts on a madcap charge to the front lines.


    The Jedi are endlessly confident and endlessly reckless. Yoda himself says as much. They answer not to the people of the Republic or any other authority, but instead to a mystical power beyond non-Jedi comprehension. Why should they get to throw people's lives away just because they can make rocks float in the air? Why should they be given command of armies when they have no experience or training in leading them?


    Your gonna get it now....inb4jediworshipers.

  12. Stopped reading there because you sir are WRONG. FOTM was a HUGE topic in Pre-CU SWG. With the ability to completely customize your skill set FOTM was rampant. Don't get me started on the Combat Medic Rifleman FOTM vs. the Master Doc/Master TKA dance. :p


    But no it is NOT a "second gen" term. You are welcome.


    o hai thar.....

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