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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. Good.


    LA has been tearing apart game development for years, focusing exclusively on SW at the cost of their other franchises. I hope with Paul Meegan gone the next person to step up has a broader perspective, and brings LA back on track.


    Oh and dismembers George Lucas, cause that would help to.


    your cool, you flame Lucas online....while padding his pockets.

  2. WoW will be the last P2P MMO from Blizzard.


    This, they've already said Titan will be F2P.


    Of course either .....


    1) MMO nomads will say it's a brilliant move even after spending years bashing other MMO's for it.




    2) They'll eat blizzard alive with thier lynch mob mass hysteria syndrome they seem to suffer from.

  3. When are the devs going to reward people doing savage pvp ?


    Without that pvp is completly useless !


    I come from Star Wars Galaxies and when i wanted to pvp with friends we could get a fight everywhere we wanted on every planet the game proposed !


    In a player city guildn, a Starport, Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine etc.... and when we killed an ennemy from the other faction we had faction points to spare on stuff "factional armor, weapons, special stims or item to decorate our house" !!!


    Here we get nothing. The Battleground are fine for sometimes then complety boring, to repetitive allways doing the same arena ! If you had done differrent arena for the different game type that would have change something.


    But no it's allways the same *********** huttball arena ! the 3 others are the same everytime and u can't choose what type of BG u want to do !!!


    Come on give us 5 or 6 huttball arena and the same for the others gametypes and most of all give us rewards when we do savage pvp !!!


    You've could have done something so great if you had take ideas from Star Wars Galaxies and not copying WOW and change some idea from it !!!!


    After you spent 2 hours getting everyone in group 6 rows of buffs so you could roll eveything in your path then wait 2 more hours while the other side buffed up too and waited out your buffs.....yeah, SWG pvp as so much fun.....

  4. They have just broken free from their shackles of delusion and realised this game isnt really that good. Some people however defend it with their lives.


    And some like you have nothing better to do than degrade and flame ppl for likeing something you dont, your a pretty pathetic person tbh. I enjoy the game still and have been here since day one of early access, sorry that upsets you so much.

  5. I fell asleep everytime i tried to watch Dune....so i figure trying to read it would put me into a coma. Dont know much about Herbet other than Dune.


    I respect Roddenberry a great deal for his vision and contributions to the genre....still dont enjoy Trek, and trekkies....go suck a spock.


    Dont care what the bandwagon internet hipster haters say, Lucas weaved together the universe that i love (with alot of help, but he is the maker). Flame away at me if you wish.

  6. You really believe SW:TOR is even knocking on the door to WoWs castle?


    Because I don't see SW:TOR getting anywhere near the throne to knock WoW off of.


    Watch the GW2 forums at / after launch....take notice that the same ppl that were here and on the blogoshpere and on the mmo sites and on youtube flaming TOR for months on end will be the same ppl doing it there. Theres more going on than you can ever realise.

  7. Your a blind fool keep holding onto what little bit of hope you have its ok i did too until this announcement F2P ppl will play to 50 say hey great rpg wheres the mmo at hmm and sorry GW2 starts at F2P with 5 times the content HAHA sure sure this game will be fine *skips away drooling*:D


    Another noob who thinks GW2 is the mmo messiah....lol.

  8. Remember.. These are the people that complain about bugs and then complain about the down time to fix the bugs.. They probably shouldn't be playing an MMO.. They may also be WOW players trying to ruin this game so it doesn't knock WOW off it's throne..


    This game is awsome.. Nuff said..


    Your on to soemthing there, keep diging around the net and you may find more than you thought was imaginable.

  9. Twinking is disgusting in any shape or form, unless there are twink-specific brackets, which there aren't.


    So yeah, they need to burn in hell. PvP kills and objectives need to yield XP.


    The hell with the twinks i just want that in game!

  10. Nope. Its the game. If the game is bad, people will leave.


    Been in MMO's for over 10 years, if you dont think it's the playerbase you must be new.


    But i'll put my money where my mouth is....


    If by the 3rd month of the messiah MMO, Guild Wars 2's forums arent an endless trollfest of pissing and moaning about the game, i'll e-mail you, get your adress and send you a $50 bill.


    Todays MMO gamers will make sure that by 2020 the genre will be dead.

  11. Just because your a best selling author doesn't mean your good...... Write a book with a massive fanbase already and your going to sell.

    Also, there was a thread a few months back where we re-wrote chapters from the book, same info, just written better, and i have to admit, most of ours were better than Drews.


    Certainly not a biased opinion......

  12. I saw reference to a 1000 cartel bonus for collecters edition, not sure how much this was at launch, I believe 89.99? or around there? What about us people who bought the normal edition for 59.99 we only get as many as the people who are now paying 15 dollars for the game?


    just wondering, that doesn't really add up to me.. people who have subscriptions dating from january/february should get something for dropping 60 shouldn't we? maybe half of the cedition's 1000.. 500 would seem fair.. I bought this game january 11'th around 2 weeks or so after launch. Would seem reasonable for the people like me who paid full retail price get something for that.


    or anyone with the founder's tag..


    $150.00 USD.


    I bought it.

  13. Anyone who plays mmos knows there is a fee per month. I dont see ppl leaving because of the 15.00 a month. People still played SWG after they gutted it and still paid for it. they didnt leave becuase of the cost it was because they changed it.


    please are leaving this game because of a lot of reasons i dont see them wanted to admit so just say they leave because of the cost.


    Hhmm, hey EA lower they monthly price.. that would be nice


    Yes all 2-3k of us by the end.

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