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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TKMaster

  1. Stop trying to make WoW.

    Stop comparing your game to WoW.

    Stop trying to appease the WoW crowd.

    Stop thinking the only meaning of success is 10 million.


    until then, yea, dead end.


    You realise theres dozens of MMO's released every year that does exactly what you say.....and no one notices.

  2. Yes, lets regurgitate the wow model that will sure to be a success. :rolleyes:


    Whats the solution then?


    When a AAA MMO is developed you have to know that the ppl funding it expect it to be on par with WoW subs. Also the WoW players claim to want something new but if said product isnt similar to WoW the millions of WoW babies cry for thier blizz bottle back. If it is similar they all get on the new game bus but leave after 1-6 months all the way home flaming, tweeting, blogging, and posting about how the game they just left is the worst thing since the holocost.


    The entire genre now is a catch-22.

  3. She comes up a lot in these conversations because she re-wrote so much of the Mandalorian culture to her personal perspective. At no point (that I can recall) prior to Karen Traviss did the Mandalorians have anything but respect for the Jedi and their combat prowess. Once Ms. Talifan started writing, all of a sudden all they were good for was getting jars open and they were regularly referred to as the "Bathrobe Brigade".


    The point being, she is an extremely biased source for anything regarding the Jedi and the Mandalorians, and her personal view is pretty obvious in all of her characterizations and character interactions.


    You really dont have to try and expalin your slant to me, i've been on the Star Wars block a looooong time now. Did they like holding hands with Jedi? Doubtfull, just because it wasnt wrote down doesnt mean we cant use a little deductive reasoning on the matter.


    After centuries of getting beat down by Jedi, not because of thier "combat prowess" but because they got lucky in a galactic wide genetic lottery and have super powers, tbqh it was prolly starting to rub the Mandos wrong.


    You can yap all day about how OP she made mandos but i bet there will be no mention of Troy Denning and his passionate love of his lord and savior demi-god Jedi that he makes them out to be, or say Christine Golden and her Jedi love letters......i mean novels.


    But hey, history is written by the winners right?

  4. Also dont forget the MMO players of today ad thier crying about wanting something other than WoW....then crying when a product isnt more like WoW.


    Someone said WoW wasnt an anomaly....yes it very much was / is. WoW was caught up in the middle of a perfect storm of media / cultural attention (i've known former blizz employees that have told me a running joke at the HQ was about sending Matt Stone and Trey Parker commision checks every year after "Make Love, Not Warcraft" ), wide availability of broadband internet, the inability of EQ2 to capture the lions share of old EQ players (WoW came about because Diablo programers were missing deadlines due to thier "Evercrack" addiction), and the lowering cost of PC's around 2005+.


    Yes it was an anomaly and no, it will never be seen again, and if it is it'll be after this genre and it's players has destroyed itself completely.

  5. F2P won't save this game anymore that its saved other games. Changing the cash charge model doesn't make a bad game good. SWTOR had potential, but that was lost way back right after launch. Bioware failed to complete the game. They failed to balance it. They failed to make decent PvP. They failed to create lasting and meaningful end game. They failed to keep us interested by releasing information about upcoming content and events. F2P won't change that. It won't even affect it.


    Sounds like every single MMO ever made made at launch......and everyone ever to be made. This "perfect MMO" fantasy will never happen same way automobiles are never perfect and we've been producing them for over 100 years. Some noobs live in fantasy land TBQH.

  6. As the topic states, do you think these are likely to hit the cash shop within, say, 6 months of the F2P model launch? And do you feel they are worth up to 15 dollars to do so?


    -Automatically leveling your character to the max level

    -Switching your Character's Faction (swapping to opposing mirror class)

    -Advanced Class Respec

    -Companion Parties (up to 3 Companions out at a time)

    -Purchase of in-game credits (let's say 15 bucks gets you 10,000,000 credits)



    Feel free to add your own wildly speculative and outlandish possibilities for the Cash Shop as well. These are just a few off the top of my head that I think are not Pay to Win, but are just kind of ridiculous but I fully imagine people asking for.


    1) No way, no how.


    2 )Plz yes!, i just cant take the imp side anymore, what i wouldnt give to be able to take my PT-> vanguard and my SW-> JG.


    3) See this coming a mile away.


    4) for FP's mabey.


    5) .....just....no.....

  7. You really can't take Karen Traviss' take on these things seriously. Before she came along, Mandalorians respected the Jedi as worthy opponents, and didn't hate them at all. She pretty much re-wrote the entire Mandalorian culture into a Jedi Hategroup.


    You can hate and respect someone at the same time.


    You really seem obsesed with Traviss TBH.

  8. What good will the CE do them? I dont see the point in buying more than one. If you think you will resell them thats just crazy. You can buy the DDE for 19.99 noone cares about a statue or some cds. To me its a case of fool and his money. Sure if you dont have the CE get one for $30 add the code to your account. Buying them in hopes of reselling them in crazy. Some think this will be the last sale. Got news for ya these will be $30 for a long time right up until launch.


    You know what they say about opinions and *****holes dont ya?

  9. if you love this game more power to you,


    don't start a holy war about my big list up top i invite you all to make your own list of why you hate or love this game ( no trolling if that is possible for this community)


    i am from STAR WARS GALAXIES they set the bar for star wars mmo's to the max in my opinion and a lot of other's

    SWTOR failed to give me what they said they would. i asked for a game i would love not a half-explored and lazy put together at the last min of the 6 years of production type of game.


    star wars galaxies will be back very soon here are the 2 websites for their info


    (pre nge version of SWG -- finished!--) http://www.swgemu.com


    (after CU version of SWG --not finished yet--) http://www.projectswg.com


    may the force be with yall


    Your crying about bugs in this game but played SWG wich had bugs from launch till it died 8 years later? you really dont live in reality do you?....SWG is dead nubsauce, get over it.

  10. I actually wonder why more people don't go looking to cause trouble on these planets. I mean, not specifically to gank low level players, but to start a fight.


    All this complaining about no open world PvP but it aint like the game stops you from doing so on PvP servers.


    Ah, you've found the crux of it have you?


    PPL will piss and moan that theres no world pvp but at the same time wont go world PVP...welcome to MMO's post Warcraft, if theres no shiney carrot to chase after they wont bother.

  11. This has been the case from well before launch. By far the worse community management i've ever seen in gaming. I love the game itself but have nothing but perplex feelings towards the BW community management strategy.


    As a familiar name from SWG, you either have long term memory loss or your high on ludes.

  12. Cynical hyperbole again.


    Rest of the servers are heavy/veryheavy.


    Considering every social misfit in the game skip jumped to Fatman for PvP action before server transfers, It's not surprising at all that a lot of them have either gone back to their old characters (which then transfered to other servers and can play in heavy pop again), or they have burned down their PvP candle and moved on to a more suitable games for PvP (because we all know PvP is a bolt-on in this PvE game). Then again, there really isn't a good PvP game other then perhaps EVE if you like pretending to be a space ship.


    Any Fatman hopper that did not see this coming was not really looking ahead.


    Hey...HEY damn it!


    Keep that rational thought and common sense off these forums damn you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. with all due respect to the creator of star wars, George Lucas is an idiot for a lot of the crap he has brought into the star wars universe and is completely out of touch with his fans. I don't believe in any such thing as science fantasy.


    Dood, SW is science fantasy, ask in the SW general forum. Think about it....


    Force = Magic.

    Jedi Knights

    Sith Lords

    A Princess in distress.

    A diminutive but wise little jedi (mage) tutoring the young inexperianced hero in the ways of the Force (magic).



  14. Ray Bradbury, Doc Smith, Philip K Dick, Heinlein, Harlen Ellison, Asimov, Clarke Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, any of them contributed more to Science Fiction to me than the "big three" mentioned in this thread.


    Its from people like these that Lucas borrowed ideas from to weave the tapestry that is Star Wars. Lucas himself says Doc Smith was an influence on Star Wars. Ellison even wrote episodes of Star Trek (anyone remember "The City on the Edge of Forever"?) And if you liked Blade Runner, Total Recall or The Minority Report you can thank Philip K Dick. He wrote the books or stories all were based on (and many more as well,)


    If you want to really experience the feast that is science fiction, don't just nibble on the fancy appetizers, go explore the vast menu of delicacies and delights from other chefs...


    PS: For a more modern cuisine, look to folks like: David Weber, David Drake, Eric Flint and John Ringo, to name just a few.


    Op asked about the 3 he mentioned, get off your artsy, hipster, better-than-though high horse.

  15. And also proved his point.


    You're right zeron, about the community.


    I hope to play a game you worked on someday!


    Yep, ppl claim it's not the MMO comunities that destroy games....i say they've damn sure not helped like they used to do. Make no mistake, it wont be game design that kills the genre, it'll be the trolls and e-thugs.


    Keep defying the odds OP, ppl like you will be the inspirations i can show my son who's also mildly autistic.

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