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Everything posted by DarrkLore

  1. Had anybody ever found out whether or not the moddable orange schematics can be critted with an augment slot?
  2. Well I tried the game on my lunch break so at least I got to try out AA. And so far so good. It seems to work just fine for me and my fps didn't drop by much at all. It definitely does look smoother too.
  3. Yeah... I'm at work so I haven't had a chance to see the changes for myself but from what I've been hearing it doesn't look good. It sounds like the patch broke more things than it fixed. I'm still not cancelling my subscription yet, but if the next patch goes awry like this one I probably will.
  4. Are gathering skills really making that much money?
  5. No... I never cried for them to nerf it, but when they did I understood why and felt that it was a good decision. Then people started crying about the nerf and now they un-nerfed it. Which means they went back on a decision that made sense because people cried about it... again. Like you said Bioware can't make everyone happy so it doesn't make sense to switch directions every time somebody cries about something. They're going back and forth and I was simply commenting on that. I never stated that I wanted them to change anything. I just said that I hoped they DIDN'T change anything. With changes like this it makes it seem like they only care about shutting people up and not what's best for the game. That's the problem I have. I just want to see them do what's best for the game regardless of how much noise people are making.
  6. I hope that's not true. They did they right thing by nerfing it... now they want to un-nerf it? Make up your minds Bioware and stop catering to the QQers!
  7. Speak for yourself. I never even use the grenades. They're nice and I probably should start using them, but that's not the only thing that makes Cybertech useful... not by a longshot.
  8. Seems like everybody who's having problems has an ATI card... Looks like Milaways knows a bit about what he's talking about. I wouldn't be surprised if the problem was ATI's drivers or something. Those cards are always having issues with games. I'm curious to test this out on my Nvidia when I go home for lunch. *crosses fingers*
  9. I've been playing MMOs since the original Everquest and I play just about every day for at least 4 hours and I love the game. But I've also been taking my sweet time getting to level cap since endgame is always bare bones at launch. If you plan ahead, it's pretty hard to get bored.
  10. That's what I do with my secondary stats. They all have a point of diminishing returns so you wouldn't want to go all-out on any one of them anyway.
  11. I sell mine with the augment slots empty and they sell fine. And from a buyer's stance I'd rather see them empty since I too would rather pick my own. Try it both ways and see if it makes a difference I guess.
  12. I am! I've never enjoyed crafting so much in any MMO before. Crafting was such a pain in FFXI that it wasn't even worth doing. I have Cybertech on my main (just got it to 400 yesterday) and I've been making a ton of money off of it. I started doing Armormech on my alt and I plan to take up Biochem with my third alt. I can't wait to see what kind of stuff they'll be adding to crafting later. I think I'm really going to enjoy Armormech once I get a lot of schematics for it.
  13. Apparently I presumed correctly though, as your post just validated it. Obviously not EVERYBODY falls into one group. But I bet a majority of the people who think it's a single player game fall into that group, yourself included.
  14. You can lvl the alts through space missions and PvP instead if you're sick of the quests. Plus, you end up leveling so fast that you end up skipping quests on planets and you can pick those up with the alts instead of the ones you've already done.
  15. To see the Republic storylines. To see Republic planets. To try out the alternate AC of your class. I have 4 Empire characters, one from each sub-class. I also plan on making 4 Republic classes, each the opposite of whatever AC I chose on the Empire side. Then I'll get to play all 8 classes, and all 8 stories and I won't be repeating any classes on the mirror side.
  16. Sadly, no. Those are the people who feel this is a single player game btw.
  17. If they've played MMOs before or know anything about the content of MMOs at launch and played things smart, they wouldn't have that problem. MMOs never have much going on at end game when they're released. If you pushed yourself to get to 50 while knowing the simple state the endgame would be in, you have nobody to blame but yourself. End game isn't going anywhere which is why I've been taking my sweet time getting there. I've been crafting, leveling alts, datacron searching, and I've never once felt bored in the game. Because I played it smart. I'll worry about hitting 50 when there's stuff at 50 to worry about playing. Until then, I'm smelling the roses
  18. Agreed. It seems pretty unfair that you can only get offensive secondary skills on Mods. Where's the tank love? At least the offensive stats are helpful for threat though. So I make myself a tanking ear piece and buy some armormech gear with tank stats on them. Then I put the offensive mods in my orange stuff for some threat boost. It would be nice to be able to make some mods with defensive stats on them though...
  19. You get new gathering missions and mission missions automatically as you level. The only thing you need to revisit crew skill trainers for is your crafting skill. And new schematics pop up on the trainer every 10-20 levels.
  20. Ditto. End game always sucks at release in MMOs. Which is why I've been taking my sweet time getting there. This game has a ton of stuff to keep you busy without hitting end cap, so why bother trying to get there quickly only to have nothing to do? End game isn't going anywhere. I have a lvl 35 Powertech (tank), 14 Operative (heals), and a lvl 4 Warrior->Maurader (dps). I've been enjoying the different class stories and playing the characters with different personalities. I've been working on my crafting, which I don't think is as bad as people make it out to be. I love the core of the game and I've been enjoying myself so far. The classes are fun and the storylines make the game more interesting than other MMOs. The game's not perfect and definitely pretty empty compared to MMOs that have had a few years to work on their content. But I think if we're patient and see what Bioware has to offer down the road, then TOR will be one awesome game! I can see myself subbing for at least 3 months to see how Bioware handles their patches and future game development. If at that point it seems like they're still twiddling their thumbs, then I'll think about cancelling.
  21. If you ask me, their system isn't harsh enough. You don't have to worry about losing exp or gear when you die, you just have to wait a little bit and pop right up like nothing happened. There's supposed to be some kind of penalty to death to make people NOT want to die. The way it is now (unless you suck and die constantly) you just wait a few seconds, no big deal at all. It causes people to not care about dying and therefore not care about refining their tactics. I think they should switch the wait time for an exp loss.
  22. Tera's political system sounds interesting. I might give that one a try out of curiosity. GW2 I'll prob try since I'm guessing it'll be F2P like the original Guild Wars. However I wasn't too fond of the original title so I doubt I'll really get into it. Honestly I think my fave for 2012 will remain TOR. It's the only MMO that I've liked enough to stick with other than FFXI. I just wish it was a tad more sandboxy
  23. I don't know about other people, but I buy stims off the GTN sometimes.
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