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Everything posted by Stovokor

  1. Haha spin from Bioware. On my server. PvP'er Many top level PvP'er quit immediately after the 1.2 debacle. Seems quite a few are in GW2 Beta. One guild had their eye on the PvP there but for the rest it would seem multiple disasters on the PvP front here only exacerbated the exodus. Significant numbers Casual Hard to observe those outside guild but many in guild quit before February PvE raiders Attrition seemed high during bug riden period of EV. One of the top raiding guild here announced they were leaving at that time. 16 man guilds always had a rough time recruiting from a player pool of this size. Despite that the server has very good progression and depth. Right now at peak hours we are down to 70 - 100 level 50's server wide for the Republic side
  2. ^ Great build. I can already envision this working immediately due to consistent output (advanced tech + heavy trooper talents ) . Gonna give this a try at some point.
  3. Its hardly the worst. I think Voidstar design screams for change ( spawn distance from doors etc ). Novarre and Huttball seem great compared to the one dimensional nature of Voidstar. Personally my character ( Commando ) performs best in Voidstar mainly due to one or two skills having real mileage there. Would love to have warzone along the lines of the Warhammer scenarios or Alterac Valley. Hardest to cover for mediocre pugs in Huttball by a large margin
  4. There also seems to be a new? skill mentor in Coruscant near GTN. ( underground area ) close to taxi.
  5. If a solid state drive ( SSD ) is used it is a pretty significant difference for loading times. Drive seems to be the main bottleneck for loading. I've seen the before / after results on my friends pc from changing this one component. The other stuff likely have diminishing value after a certain point.
  6. Provocative LOL. Its kinda obvious that Marauder and Powertech are performing in a sweet spot compared to many of the other DPS. Maybe it is tied to the duration of group skirmishes. I also have to mention I directly benefit from this scenario. Let me explain. Pre 1.2 , I que-d # Two from the Top four Sentinels on my server regularly Post 1.2 daily either que-d with one or a combination of # Top DPS Vanguard on the server # One of the Top 3 Sentinels on server # Arguably the 2nd best DPS Vanguard on server I know what these guys ( and 3 good PT on imp side ) are capable of & inversely i am very familiar with the run of the mill mediocre Powertech / Marauders. After 250 wz games in 1.2 I feel overall the PT class is still on the upper percentile. In so many situations they are the best class to have bar none especially against a majority of opposition. However you will notice in my initial post, I did not advocate a urgent nerf. Logically i should just keep quiet and milk the situation with my premades but further down the line if the other DPS classes are not brought in line there could be repercussion to the health of the game. That's just my personal opinion of course.
  7. Only players with vested interest and want to enjoy an OP period can't recognize that Powertech's and Marauder are currently performing at a higher level then many other classes. This is in spite of 1.2 changes to PT. However an urgent nerf is not really required cause there are ways to circumvent the average Powertech PT player. It seems to me that many other classes need their mechanics tweaked ( like poor cousin Commando assault ) rather then Powertech PT nerfed. If a warhero is dropping in 3 - 6 seconds to a Powertech they basically don't know how to handle PT's or have no clue on their proc mechanism. No amount of nerfing to PT is gonna help them cause those guys will fall victim to the next alpha class.
  8. Seems like a great number of CM made knee-jerk reaction to PvP changes without testing out extensively. I played about 250 games as CM since 1.2 winning significant portion of those. CM play fine and still contribute a great deal to determining outcome of warzones. ( I've observed 2 or 3 other CM ). Its about using the strengths of the class at the right time to make a significant contribution to a skirmish or objective. No point out-healing everyone but still lose ... there is a significant difference in what your heals actually achieve and if you healed the right person at the right moment. Much of this is frequently lost on many players. As CM post 1.2 sometimes you have to forgo the most efficient rotation for ammo to win the skirmish and you have to do things ( cleanse ) frequently that don't turn up on the leaderboard. Hell sometimes you might even have to use non healing traits and be smart to hold a node. I get invites from multiple premades outside my guild to run with them cause ultimately its about winning and we still have the tools to make that happen. I still experiment but i have ( i ) Forgone Kolto Residue ( ii ) Speced into Bacta Infusion ( iii ) Taken the talent that reduces 2 % incoming. I have also 1 point in the ammo recharge and alacrity talents in the Healing tree. ( iv ) Taken the Adv healing talent that gives armor screen. If the alacrity talent procs together with my relic its >20 % alacrity for clutch situations. There is much flexibility with the augment slots in armor, be creative and find something that suits your style ... The commando DPS tree's are in bad shape but CM is still viable.
  9. Most people quit cause Bioware in its infinite wisdom decided that fluff like "Legacy" would get priority over real content and real issues. Most that re-subbed were left with bad taste at last minute when Ranked warzones were pulled at last minute ( < 12 hours ) prior to 1.2 launch. That fiasco did not do BW any favors as a followup to Ilum. Much of the attrition also seems to be tied to server population issues. Bioware should be putting ALL their resources into making the server merges happen ALOT quicker then summer, deliver Ranked ASAP and reassure the playerbase that they have a plan for open PvP that is viable like GW2 realm vs realm vs realm. Should also be noted that plenty of the players that left were the stronger ones that did not really have anything to prove and were doing fine after 1.2 hit. They just got fedup that PvP is an afterthought in this game. Ironically bleeding populations will affect many server's viability & PvE. Many of the competitive raiding guilds are located on PvP server.
  10. My perspective as CM Huttball - pretty much as other have mentioned For other situations( not clustered ) ie Alderaan & Novarre, tend to observe what class and exactly who is attacking me. At this point I am very familiar with most who can hurt me badly and rest i don't consider as significant threats. Many times I will eat their stuns. I'm especially vary of the top level Operative DPS players, only a few around but I will generally immediately break and punt / stun them or pop defensive if allies fighting close-by. If I am solo guarding a node, I would position myself away from vicinity of node and observe what ANY Operatives do after they stun me. They will have walk time to the turret, Ideally want to eat that initial stun and save tenacity for further stun. I also tend to use tenacity to break out from Infiltration Shadows although their stun sequence is less forgiving on us compared to Operatives. One class I have major trouble with regarding tenacity are Juggernaut that spec into multiple cc ... have not figured that one out yet. Some games i get mezzed over and over, for this I will observe my teammates situations / numbers on the objective.
  11. I'm enjoying it and so are many other Republic on Wound In the Force. ( The actual state of PvP itself if different story haha ) Republic here have always been able to hold their own. Even-though population wise we are outnumbered as with most other servers we have enough PvP centric guilds to match the ones on Imperial. Lotsa premades both sides and for the average Rep they would have a 50 / 50 chance. If they luck into a game with some of the stronger Rep players chances are very high to win. Basically right now it comes down to presence of specific players on other side rather then faction itself. If i run with a 3 or 4 man its usually well over 70 % wins every single day
  12. It's the Reps on your server. I play Republic @ Wounds in The Force and I would say it is 50 /50 for the average pvp'er. For the stronger players / groups on either faction winrate would be up dramatically to 75% - 85 %. Lotsa competitive PvP here with very close games if both sides are stacked. IMO you either wait for summer server transfers or reroll immediately to one of the more balanced servers.
  13. Its not even close man, i frequently que with a Gunslinger from another guild, he plays to his strengths and very tactical. Even if we end up with pugs, morale is high and everyone knows how good he is. 2 or 3 gunslinger / sniper players on my server that always play this class well. Commando grav on the other hand in actual warzone situation hardly make a difference. Can't think of even one Commando that won us games. They are just waiting to die. I think its gotten pretty bad cause i see so few on either side these days.
  14. Well written and I totally agree. On Rep side it is really hard to justify a spot for a mirror Commando DPS in premade group. Prior to 1.2 Grav shot spamming was really situational and generally tended to shine against mediocre group's that would let you have your way. Versus good opposition especially half competent melee the Gunnery Commando was basically fodder that tried to get off one last futile Grav. The changes in 1.2 have made this spec even more irrelevant. If we were to factor in the loss of utility from NOT bringing another class like sage over a DPS commando it would be even more glaring. This spec really needs a rework and some reason to be included .... Haha even the other DPS spec is inferior. There is no tangible benefit in actual warzone situations to having a Assault Commando over a Vanguard/ Pyro PT. Good players could still overachieve with Assault but the same player playing Pyro would have far greater results basically running an improved version of EXACT mechanic.
  15. Bracket: 50 Republic Class: Commando Spec: Heals Gearing/Valor: Valor 83 - full BM gear, 4 item Warhero Que: Mix of 4 man Premade / duo / solo . Win Ratio: Minimum 75 % and often up to 90 % ( 4m premade ) if specific opposition players / groups are not present. I have bad lag past 48 hours so performance has dipped. ( 10w - 7 loss ). Prior to that i had about 137 wins and less then 30 loss since 1.2 hit. MVP : Usually slightly 2x of win count. Should be 280 ++ now Runtime: Never observed, would vary wildly between pug and premade.
  16. In PvP as Combat Medic, I don't use Blitz - too situational although its free Stock-strike - just removed giving priority on bar to other skills 3 target DoT - loved this as DPS Sticky Grenade - this is still good but i tend to go hammer / explosive to stop cap
  17. Running into 4 man premade or 4 + 4 from different guilds should be more prevalent then running into a full guild 8 man over and over. However not all 4 + 4 are good & there are many individual players from strong PvP guilds that can hold their own against this if they have the right mix. I watch the parameters you mentioned and so do players i play with. I play frequently so older players on the server will usually back me up with peels in tough games. My healing numbers might not be highest but its not fluff numbers. I will heal the right targets so we will win the node & execute plays in Huttball. Heck if i need to ( i ) Switch to delaying mode ( ii ) DPS attempted capping / DPS pressure important target ... ( iii ) Cleanse frequently ( vs certain compositions ) ... yet another intangible Seems that is more then enough to perform the role & give my team a good chance of winning. The fixation on final healing scoreboard tends to miss the larger picture. I notice sometimes other healers do plenty of healing but I am not getting any heals when getting focused ... LOL so ye I put those numbers into context. Sure played Operative healer will outperform CM right now but we are hardly inferior to sages. Sages drop much faster versus organized teams. ( Other's observed this too ) . My server actually had one Operative healer that was performing phenomenally prior to 1.2 and they were supposed to be bad then. The real hit to CM healing is more on the PvE side. Many CM are extrapolating from that when they have not tested enough PvP since 1.2. Most already made up their mind when this was in PTS. I accepted advise from one of the top2 CM on my server who was kind enough to provide insight. Other MMO and other games have players / teams that hardly lose for long stretches, how is this any different ?? I would not be surprised if dominant teams on many servers lose very few games. Obviously ranked WZ is totally different story but right now I'm just saying for averages its not too bad. I have more then 135 wins right now and definitely not lost 30 games. Running in a pug there is a chance some of your teammates are strong. There will also chance there are some randoms on other side. I did not say winning 80 % of pugs, i said winning 80 % ++ of my games since 1.2 ( the sample includes premades and pugs )
  18. Could it be, those medics just might be average and were elevated by the overpowered state of the class itself pre 1.2. There is also a possibility many CM overall will eventually adapt to PvP changes as time goes by. As for winning games, you are exaggerating by a wide margin. Having a commando healer is no crutch. Frequently, the moment i log in i will get whispers " You in group ? " from OUTSIDE the guild. Many players are fixated on raw numbers compared to other intangibles that help win matches. CM can get the job done in many ways. I'm on a PvP server with many PvP only guilds. Either faction can field strong individual players. Many of us have also repeatedly group with each other to know each others strengths. Sure there is also the risk of horrible horrible pugs and the bad loss. Vice versa, there are strong players on Imperial side that have beaten premades. Winning 80 % overall irrespective of how i group has no correlation to CM alone, I never said I carried teams but I sure as hell am not a crutch or point of failure. Unless you run into a 8 man premade there is a decent chance. There are many streams / videos of players pug'in and winning plenty across many servers. Generic defensive statements. What server are you on ? The class is still functional. Reminds me of Operative nerf, a few Ops adapted and knew how to be effective. There is very little to separate high level play across multiple PvP servers. Plenty of competition & intensity on my server.
  19. LOL Winning 80 - 90 % of warzones atm running Commando medic. This is across Pugs , Guild premade ( 4 ) and random invites. Learn to adapt people.
  20. ^ As 1.2 freshly hit i noticed a dramatic spike in TTK as i tried to compensate on my Commando healer. However I have now adapted by various means and find it to be manageable. I pug extensively and also run with multiple guild / non guild premades. I don't see much of an issue if teammates esp tanks / peelers do their jobs well. Although the number of healers have dropped the strong healers I observe on either faction are still influencing the outcomes for many plays /objectives. On a micro level, my guild still has 4 PvP healers and I don't hear them complaining. A temporary phenomena on my server is one guild that has cleared Explosive Conflict HM 16 and has a few decent PvP'er. They currently have faster access to a mix of the top tier PvE gear + Warhero gear compared to rest of us who face long grind for Warhero gear. As a result they are currently outperforming compared to pre 1.2. But eventually that group's TTK will normalize & go back to baseline. ( this is a repeat of Rakata / BM curve )
  21. ^ Pretty much this. I tend to look at contribution first Huttball - The player directly responsible for most scoring. Usually the main Ball carrier / Puller / Healer. Huttball is one that I will consistently vote for someone over a guildmate Other warzones the sequence ( i ) - Ninja that got us a cap (ii ) - If no major plays that determined the outcome I would usually give it to the guy guarding node. (iii ) - Undergeared guild guy if present Having said that, when i pug i generally get 0 - 4 votes as healer. Sometimes I play very average and still get votes. Four man pre-made I usually get 1 vote from my premade and most of the time 1 from others. It seems to average out over time. I did check a while back when i was at 100 wins and the MVP votes were around 220. MVP is irrelevant compared to consistently winning though.
  22. Worst for me as healer would be Pyro Powertech with front loaded burst. As a healer you are basically nullified immediately and must take drastic steps to cleanse and hope for immediate peels. This is more about spec. Followed by Marauders, Juggs and Operatives at about same level. These classes damage up front is not as dramatic & healers could circumvent them or prolong the encounter. Would usually come down to players / situations / reaction times.
  23. ^ This is what i have observed many times as well. Especially so if a passer throws from the pit and you stand in front of the receiver in endzone. Sceptical the whole middle thing is working consistently
  24. If you are dying often irrespective of opposition it is definitely combination of factors. For me there is a significant gap between majority of opposite faction and their best players. The average ones don't do enough to stop me from influencing the objective. On the other hand, If i don't have a tank versus 3 of the top PT and 2 of the Juggs it's so so ugly. The Marauders seem to usually get focused themselves IMO three CM talents are important for self preservation spec and ability to stay on the objective Armor Screen ( 10 % armor ) Treated Wound Dressing ( reduce 2 % incoming ) Trauma Probe
  25. No doubt there is a marked difference running as solitary healer in WZ versus good opposition but its far from futile. I was just giving input that effectiveness scales exponentially if two healers are present for many of the warzones. Been involved in many scenarios in which strong single target heals were turning point or significant to the objective /win. Assuming there is no dedicated peels, having 2 healers is still big against most compositions. Noticing its also getting easier to adjust to the spike damage. Get specific invites for guild / non guild premades so can't be all bad. Quite happy with running something like this atm 33/8/0 - No Kolto Res Swapping between Endurance or Aim stim depending on opposition.
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