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Everything posted by Stovokor

  1. This paragraph basically cemented what I am saying. They ignore mitigation of many classes w/o awesome defensive cd & subsequently unload crazy damage. I don't know why you are emphasizing 1 vs 1 when OP is talking about performance in warzones. The real observations should be across warzones and what really happens. Sure in melee train Marauders are potent but its much easier to circumvent Marauders and prevent them applying the consecutive damage compared to a PT. This is the gist of what I am saying. Immobile players will feel the brunt of Marauders DPS and get dropped by them in a few GCD's. That is like a best case scenario for Marauder. On top of that, when I run my healer, mediocre Marauders don't even register on my radar whereelse average PT that keep churning out the same sequence need to take seriously even if they are not top players. Resource management issues are now a bane across many classes but this has not stopped Pyro's from dropping players fast or negating them. On top of that if top level PT are present in a game I nearly always see them outperform other classes in damage as well. So they have the means to be effective and also get the stats.
  2. I'm not a soft target. I sit at between 17 - 18 k in Heavy Armor. I know what Pyro hit for pre 1.2 and I know what they hit for post 1.2. Operative nerfs were very noticeable, the very few Ops that adjusted continue to thrive but obviously they don't perform as before. Its a joke that you are somehow correlating Operative nerfs to what changed to Pyro Powertech. Reaching ..... There was QQ on powertech forum prior to them actually playing the new 1.2 changes but once it hit most just went silent & for the good players its business as usual. Heat management and prolonged fights is not the context of what i mentioned cause many classes have resource management issues. What I am talking about is the burst cycle they initiate when they start to engage targets . This is still extremely high &piles on pressure. And you are talking about heat management . It just changed from chance based to more consistent timer. Overall taken with the damage increase from Expertise and other skills the change is negligible. The nett effect is Pyro PT still output tremendous damage & the pressure is unparalled. Why are you even mentioning Death From Above which is a situational AOE skill that has no correlation to the frequently employed opening sequence burst by Pyro PT. While not relevant, still amusing that the reference to Death From Above is flawed. Opinions on this change are mixed from players that utilize it. ( go and check ) There is no delay now & It works better now If you know what you are doing. Only scrubs employ it in an obvious situation / manner you have mentioned. If i disagree with you on blanket statements it somehow has a correlation to my server LOL ??? Not every server has similar distribution of good players for specific classes. Get a clue man. I really don't have any issues with Tankassin's in warzone scenarios, but I acknowledge its a different story in 1 vs 1. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=415146
  3. This is exactly the case on my server. It is a spec issue. Also Pyro PT did not get nerfed, only the % and procs marginally changed. The nett effect is still the same, the combo of stun's + burst results in the highest pressure. While high level Marauders and Ops can put out obscene numbers if you let them, it is not that hard to kite these classes and buy time compared to dealing with the Pyro toolset. The damage increase from expertise and more severe nerfs to many classes means Pyro PT still thrive.
  4. You are forgetting is the Pyro burst sequence does extremely high single target DPS as well to pressure healers. The fact that they have AOE pressure / numbers is a side issue ... Most PT Pyro ( even average geared ) ones take a significant chunk out of a healers HP purely due to the Burst cycle alone. Rinse and repeat. Sentinel / Marauders ( more commonly played ) do not perform at that level if they are baddies. It just the fact that there are so many sentinels x 2 or sentinels x 3 or mara's + jugg in warzones that it amplifies spike damage due to poorly implemented expertise changes.
  5. 1. Planet to planet progression = yes 2. Taking every quest will over-level you most of the planets. You will get to be picky. Chances are you will drop many you find unnapealing 3. Mix and match. Do the class quest and run space mission ( great at lower levels ) + warzones. 4. Heroic content and Flaspoint are the other stuff to look into. These are more challenging content but offer much better gear. Not the most optimum for XP but lotsa fun.
  6. Apparently he is not the only one. Additionally there are so many players that do not come onto the forums. BW should have communicated this better & more explicitly.
  7. I did a few more warzones. I also agree with many of your observations The major factor now is Marauder( s ) Positioning is also paramount now TTK has gone up but it feels more like a factor of specific classes rather then all DPS Dying in 4-8 seconds each time means you have bad positioning. There are other variables inc defensive skillset that should prevent this ( reference to another post on this thread ) Healing is still viable but effectiveness varies. Now it is more dependent on : a .) Taunt + dedicated peels b. ) Having 2 healers ( increases lifespan significantly ) c .) Not overextending to heal the wrong targets. Tough choicess rather then being Rambo with shield d. ) Enemy composition. Example If its highly geared group of Marauder + Jugg + Powertech .... the burst is exponentially compounded. That kinda composition will roll most setups & they will not need a healer to do so. It still feels that in warzones the healing makes a difference tactically especially if you have good DPS on your side. You might die fast but you do enough overall to help with the objective. Other then MP + AP I am still messing around with what to drop. I still use field aid especially in HB on the ball carrier. Many procs are also dependant on DoTs so if I am targeted : Get separation ---> Cleanse/Shield --> Heal. I also consciously try to not eat initial stun from Powertech, AOE Jugg, Operative. Considering testing Hybrid healer + Grav which I loved prior to 1.2 Have any of you guys tested healing in premade vs premade ?
  8. Have u actually seen the set bonus apply on created augmented gear ? We asked a player who had a piece yesterday. He had equipped all the mods + armoring. However the augment slot was still empty. He said the set bonus did not apply. Then he linked it and we could not see the bonus either.
  9. No set bonus on Augmented Warhero gear ? Is this by design or something Bioware is looking into. I'm asking if we gain augment slots but lose set bonus ??? thanks
  10. Surprised at speed BW responded fast and fixed this. Now its either level 50 or legacy 6. Players still have plenty of time to attain it. Read dev tracker
  11. Much of the disputes seem to be over reporting time on the website itself. If there is no legitimate issue and those timing issues are rectified by Moderator etc what is the next step ? Specifically what is procedure to reverse the effect on the reputation when there is no actual legitimate issue with the kill. Somehow I don't think that those with an agenda are going to reverse their dispute. I see a report Unjustified Dispute button there, how would that work ?
  12. wow I'm not really much into dailies or pve but my guild-mates will appreciate this. Nice work getting this out on Day 1 !!!!
  13. This was the guys post in which he is clearly talking bout PvP If you don't PvP why did you jump on him ??
  14. Anyone with a balanced opinion would have observed that pre 1.2 Commando healers were OP in PvP. It would have taken a special level of mediocrity to not have taken advantage of it. This is from perspective of a Commando Medic. Many players have also expressed similar sentiment to me in regards to Commando / BH healing in PvP.
  15. Ran quite a few warzones yesterday. Every single one featured experienced opposition coming out and many featured multiple top 3 of their respective class on server. Did not respec for 1.2 and was running with high latency on the day. Despite this I think 1.2 just takes some getting used to. Over the course of the day my outlook changed from frustration to optimistic. Had many good comeback games in the process. As with many players I run full BM CM with about 18 k HP. > 1000 k Expertise ( ~ 12 % healing / 18 % dmg reduced / + 22 % dmg output ) I did not feel overtly squishy. Many times I dragged 2 -3 players away from objective in Novarre for long periods. Ammo management seems to be the main issue. Really need to utilize active ammo skills in rotation without fail. Against good opposition I felt the timing of chain stuns was also brutal. This however does not happen vs average players. The DPS burst level seems about the same as pre-1.2 Its imperative to have the tank + healer synergy for tough matchups. The whole squishy thing might be due to this. I also pay attention to CLEANSE even if it puts me in a worse light when it comes to healing numbers. If you are the only Commando Healer in a Warzone then it is pretty much uphill to heal for extended periods. However you build plenty of synergy if there is another healer or tanks peeling. Each healer has ability to perform slightly better in niches. Not always about numbers but getting the win. Sages are king with pull utility in Huttball + heals. They might excel in clumped VS situations but plenty of times the VS numbers are fluff. CM do really well with focused healing especially with the triangle placement in Novarre. We also have offensive and defensive tools for VS. Point being, Its not apocalyptic as made out to be for CM, we can still get the job done in PvP. I like what you guys are coming up with, likely go with one of the specs in this thread after but Kolto Residue is def gonna be removed.
  16. If they need to patch ASAP it means there are bugs that need to be rectified pronto. Left unattended those bugs would manifest way more grief onto the forums with a myrid of post. Emergency patching is common across any IT deployment not only MMO. Its only a few hours, you guys have the whole weekend. Let me get this straight, you are saying American's got the game much earlier then anyone. On top of that inferring that if they are not American they are more loyal to the game. I must have been in an alternate reality when I played in early release & December with friends and players from Europe and Asia.
  17. This is very common after major update. Get a clue & stop making bad threads about every small thing that happens. Bioware also gave much of the population 30 days free gametime.
  18. You missed the memo ? The question being asked is why players that don't have a level 50 are not getting the free 30 days but the rest of us are. Seems kinda odd, could be a technical issue.
  19. Perhaps it will take time to acclimatize to better rotations & the other changes but I observed similar on first day of 1.2 Yes - Attempting to target friendlies by click on Raidframe is worse now Yes - Tab targeting enemies not intuitive as usual Yes - I seemed to be in chained stunned state for longer ( multiple times ) No - I did not find the burst to have changed dramatically. ( on myself or keeping others up ) Yes - Resource deplete faster ( not used to sequence ) so that would seem to be main reason allies die now. No - I did not see a single Battlemaster die in 3 globals. I had multiple on me a few times and I dragged them around all over the place in Novarre Haven't noticed anything dramatic yet like one class outperforming in all scenarios & the new warzone is really fun
  20. In 1.2 there is new PvP gear set available for < 300 k credits. It should be better then Centurion and on par with Champ but either way that is what you should get first to bridge the gap as a new 50
  21. Pretty much this. Unfortunately Bioware now have a major credibility issue. They knew many players would come back for Ranked WZ but decided to perform this underhanded maneuver to capture those subs. Attrition from this dissappointment is one thing but how this fiasco transpired points to really poor form all around. The statement from Stephen Reid that suddenly Bioware need a full dev cycle to get Ranked out again is telling.
  22. what a letdown at the last minute Bad timing with GW2 ramping up
  23. My numerous encounters also point to Pyrotech and Ops being top 2. But major difference is even slightly average Pyrotech can cause serious hurt due to the current Pyrotech mechanic / rotation. Operatives need to be really well played to perform at that level, very few players perfect this but when they do its nasty. Other classes don't have the required DPS sequence + stun combo to replicate this.
  24. I think more players are becoming astute towards healing that mattered versus pointless healing stats. There might be games that i play mediocre & not rly a factor in outcome but still put out big numbers. Deservedly i wont get votes but there are other games where I am not even top healer on my team but the targeted & persistent healing made a huge difference so I would get 3-4 MVP. Healing the right players at critical points is probably gonna be a big factor moving forward.
  25. hum ... removing them would have been good. Add another dimension to ACW other then zerg reinforcement
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