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Everything posted by Giondi

  1. He means the Heroics. If you can't get a group together for them, I think it's an equal (very low) chance to drop from everything. If that's how you're doing it, the best way to farm world drops has always been the same: find an area with large packs of easily killed mobs that have a low respawn timer.
  2. This. Everyone knows the Internet is a completely safe place filled with just the nicest people. I like this guy, I think we could be friends. Of course, in order to be my friend, I'll need you to give me your full name, e-mail address, phone number, and the name of your bank. Just curious, nothing suspicious here...
  3. When you pick your AC, you get a bag with a weapon in it. If you're an Assassin (Sith Inquisitor) or a Shadow (Jedi Consular), it's the double-bladed lightsaber. That's the only class that can use one right now. Some companions (like Kira for the Knight and Jaesa for the Warrior) can use them as well, and they come with one equipped when you get them.
  4. Him: According to the calendar, the first day of summer is the Summer Solstice, which is June 21st. Therefore, early July is early summer. You: I WANT NAO! GIMME NAO! JUNE JULY AUGUST CONSIDERED SUMMER BECUZ MEMORIAL DAY! But yeah, you're the factual one.
  5. It's doable three-man with a Sorc/Sage pulling people, but if you don't have a friendly pull in the group, it won't be.
  6. What grind? Oh, you do three whole daily hubs and maybe one HM? A really good grind is exactly what this game is missing. They need to add in rep and make certain pieces rep faction specific. This is really one of the biggest reasons I'm strongly considering just switching completely to TERA, there you can log in for six hours and feel like you've worked toward something, as opposed to here where it's a couple of hours spent with people who act like this is hard. In addition to this, they nerfed Valor (the only real grind there was) into meaninglessness by just giving it away. In this game, you don't really even grind out your professions, you have NPCs to do it for you. Lowering the amount of grind is part of what killed WoW for me, and in this game it's billed as a feature and there's still people crying that you have to actually play the game to get stuff.
  7. The body types are fine. Yes, it looks a bit cartoony, but that's the feel Bioware was going for. If they added in a type 2.5, there would be nothing but posts of "Well, it's better, but I'd like it to be about three and a quarter inches shorter and maybe put on sevenish pounds."
  8. When I made my Twi'lek Sorcerer, I skimmed over the pattern choices you get (the spots on the face and lekku), and picked one that looked kind of cool with spots going all the way down the lekku and another set going down the throat from the corners of the mouth. Except at character creation, the camera is at an angle where it's slightly below the face looking a little bit up, and in game most camera angles look slightly down and you often can't see the throat, so it just looks like there's spots at the corners of her mouth. Combine that with Sith Corruption and it looks like she's dying of some horrible AIDS/herpes hybrid disease. On a side note, I wish you could use all the items that require Dark V but keep the Corruption look from like Dark II, since that actually looked kind of cool.
  9. Adding in faction rep is the easiest way to get players to grind useless stuff. The thing I remember most clearly from old WoW is spamming "DPS LFG Scholo rep run" and getting entire groups that HATED that dungeon, but just HAD to get those last couple thousand points. Add in faction rep, and if you don't want it to be absolutely necessary to grind it have the vendors just sell cosmetic and social items (pets, crystals, mounts, etc.) that don't have stats you can't get easier someplace else (or don't have faction vendors, give titles for maxing out rep), and the people who want a good grind will be happy just because they have something to work for.
  10. I don't think they should change the current fights, except to remove (or at the very least lengthen) enrage timers on Story Mode, and I don't think anyone's asking for faceroll encounters. I think the OP is saying, and I know I'm saying, that Bioware should not get sucked into the cycle of trying to one-up themselves. That very quickly leads to progression content that requires you already be progression geared to be possible. There's a difference between challenging encounter and not possible at currently achievable gear levels (and I'm not saying this is you, but a lot of people immediately make the mistake of claiming that if you don't want the second one, you don't want the first). The thing I'm most worried about, I think, is that this is Bioware's first MMO, and Soa was their first big boss. That encounter is one of the most complex fights I've ever seen, certainly the most complex in a long time. I kind of got the feeling that they were in over their heads with that fight, given how long he was bugged. I think they should do a couple more raids like KP, where the bosses each had their own (ONE) mechanic, get the feel of balancing and bug testing raid bosses, and then start to think of ways to increase the complexity of encounters. That way, by the time they start bumping the complexity, they know how to design fun boss encounters that are challenging without being just flat out insane. I think the way they should handle Story Mode is to keep the same mechanics as in Hard and Nightmare Modes (have stuff do less damage, obviously) to let people get used to those mechanics, and remove enrage timers from those encounters completely. The reason I would remove enrage from SM while keeping mechanics the same is that that way you can play through it, take your time to learn the mechanics without getting slapped down by the enrage (which is a mechanic that doesn't scale well at all, since in this game that basically means that the boss just starts killing people), then move on to Hard Mode, which seems like it's supposed to be the first real tier of raiding (since that's where the current sets of gear drop). If they did it that way, casuals would have the only mode they're likely to play, hardcore players would be able to go straight to Hard or Nightmare if they want, and those of us in the middle would be able to learn the fights without wasting time we don't have on endless wipes that happen usually because we can't beat a specific boss's enrage because our dps can't get good enough gear (because we can't down a specific boss). In that scenario, everyone gets what they want, except certain hardcore players who just want to be the only kind of players capable of downing bosses, which is why Nightmare should drop better gear to give them the incentive to raid Nightmare and quit their ************.
  11. This. You don't see me buying Call of Duty and saying "Wow, another gun, let's see what it does. Oh, it shoots people. I wish the different weapons did different stuff and also you punch mythological creatures to death." People would tell me to go play God of War and they would be right. The game you want to play exists, go away.
  12. If you spec Corruption, you're going to lose some damage, but no it isn't harder to level. I used Khem until about Hoth, then I got some Cunning gear and used Andronikos until I got Xalek. I think being a healer actually made Voss less of a pain than it could have been (pro tip: in a fight with lots of boss AOE that your companion just loves to stand in, let him die, run out of the bad stuff and outheal or interrupt the rest of the damage). In PVP, I think the biggest mistake I see people make is thinking this is WoW where you can win matches at the character creation screen (click Paladin, win PVP). This is team and objective based, so yes you do rely on that team to take things out. If a good Assassin or Operative opens on you out of stealth when you're running from place to place, they'll probably get the kill because they were able to catch you by surprise, but I've found that (depending on how good your team is) if you can heal through the damage for a few seconds to give someone time to come help you, you can usually survive by playing it correctly. If you're on a bad team fighting against a good team, you're going to die a lot and lose (and have that ******e who only leaves the respawn area to avoid getting kicked complaining that "omg! y arnt u guiz winning! u r teh suxorz!"). The best thing to do is find a couple people who know what they're doing and are willing to let you team with them, learn your class and everyone else's, then be on that team that has a premade that's rolling everyone on the other side who's queuing solo.
  13. I'd like to think that all this Sorc QQ (both PVP and healing PVE in other threads) is an attempt to get the same kinds of buffs that Snipers got from whining (Crushing Darkness kills someone so you get it back? Yes, please!). I don't think it's gonna happen because we're in an even better place than Snipers were (to be fair, you actually had to understand the class to do well there), but I'm here to support the cause. Sorcerers are the worst class in the game. We can't kill anything in PVP at all. Like if four of us were focusing an Operative who went AFK for the first minute of the fight, he would just come back and destroy us all! And don't get me started on healing, our Life Tap now taps life! It isn't like we have the capability to heal through it when we get the chance, or the ability to position ourselves intelligently for the AOE HOT we totally don't have, or should have any expectations that other healers can do their jobs with their AOE heals (there's only two other healing classes that have any AOE healing at all!). I mean what is this, some sort of cooperative effort? It is totally unreasonable that I have to rely on the team for team based things! QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ
  14. The should definitely look at this, right about the time they look at the fact that on every single male in the game you can see his dick. By the way, if you have never noticed the crotch bulge on every male model of the game, you're welcome you will never unsee it. This is a game, if it's too unrealistic to you that all the women have large breasts (and that's seriously the point that you go "Well, I accept that my space wizard flies faster than the speed of light to go fight aliens with a light sword, but I find the idea that they have great health coverage to cover small *** syndrome to be unrealistic"), then go play... um... that game where all the women look like small breasted nuns... you know... none of them.
  15. Yeah. I paid attention and played the game intelligently and want to be rewarded for that. It's how these games work.
  16. Because event vendors in WoW were available after the event ended? No, event vendors always leave with the event. Everyone is given the same amount of time and the same opportunity to know when events will begin and end. If you don't read the launcher, or come and check the dev tracker on the forum, or even pay attention to Fleet General Chat, you should still know that events come to an end (that's why they're events not features) and that associated vendors leave when the event ends. If you wanted (or want in the future) to buy something from that vendor, or sell the DNA Samples, you should have done that when you got them, not held onto something that would only be valuable for a short time.
  17. You don't be a fool. Superman is solar powered and Palpatine has access to space travel. Why would a Sith Lord, who has shown that he is leaps and bounds smarter than pretty much everyone else, who has the ability to dictate where in the universe this fight takes place, ever allow Superman to have access to his powers? That's without even mentioning the resources available to the Empire. They built TWO moon sized stations capable of destroying entire planets, and that was just the movies. In the EU, there were so many doomsday devices, it would make a Bond villain go "Yeah, that's a bit much." That's the thing. Everyone goes into every "Who would win in a fight between Superman and _______?" arguments thinking that Superman's opponent will fight fair. Why would he? Why would Plapatine actually go out and let himself be dragged into a fistfight with Superman? All he would have to do is task the Imperial Fleet with shooting at Superman while waiting for Supes' power to drain as a result of being away from our yellow sun, then gank him when he's weak enough.
  18. It says it shares its cooldown with "Other similar effects." So having this and the smaller relic would actually be detrimental because if the small relic procs, it keeps the big relic from proccing.
  19. Can you equip the non-character-specific pieces and unify them, then put them back onto the companion? I personally haven't run into this issue because I usually do group content, so I don't use companions much and when I do, they're in pieces that were meant to go together. I can see where leveling would be bad, though (but at least you can customize your companions, Khem has refused to put pants on, even after I begged him to).
  20. I can't possibly be expected to look up every mechanic of every fight and choose my server based on what type of griefing is considered acceptable. The analogy in the post you quoted was valid, your entire argument boils down to "I like to play this way, how dare anyone else, playing on a different server that in no way affects me, play differently." Why do PVP people feel the need to derail every thread with their asinine crying that other people play the game they're paying for the way they want to?
  21. It is a PVE server, RTFT. I agree with the OP, on a PVE server, at the very least they should either make it so that entering the area a World Boss is in while someone from the other faction is fighting it flags you for PVP or make World Bosses (and any attached adds) be untargetable to members of the opposite faction of the person already fighting it. Ideally, this would fall under griefing and be a bannable offense. It's ******** that people can, with no possible repercussions, completely **** up a group's night.
  22. Don't know about keybinds, but for the UI, you can save your settings, then when you log into another character, select the saved setting from the list of premade settings.
  23. I say to you now, without even a trace of irony, that the forums have become completely unusable. I am now absolutely incapable of posting even a single overly dramatic (adn poroly spll'd) comment threatening to leave and take my guild (of 5 billion people) with me. GG, Bioware. GG. /unsub That do it for you?
  24. Because they're bad at actual PVP, so they have to gank lowbies, then call their victims "carebears" to make themselves feel l33t or whatever. Most people hate this ****, just mention the offender's name in General chat and you'll probably get a couple 50s to come deal with it. Remember, it's annoying to get ganked, but it's funny to watch that ******* run away (usually crying about how unfair it is that "u guyz hva 2 gang up on me") whenever a real fight shows up.
  25. Using that strict of a definition of it means that technically only one person should have gotten one. Those of us able to read what it actually means understand that "unique" here means "very rare," which it still is, as far as we know, as it will probably only be up for at the most a couple of weeks. I didn't even want one until I read this thread. Now I'm gonna go sit in the fleet and infection swap to get the DNA samples to buy one just because I know that someone somewhere doesn't like that I can (same principle as going LS on a Marauder to have green and blue sabers).
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