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Everything posted by Giondi

  1. For a first character, I would recommend going Bioanalysis, Scavenging, and Slicing. Bio and Scavenging both get materials for popular crafting professions (Biochem for Bioanalysis and Cybertech (and now Armormech because of Augments) for Scavenging) and Slicing is a gathering profession that lets you gather money. If you decide to craft beginning at level 10, just be aware that (like most MMOs) leveling up your crafting is fairly expensive, and there's a pretty good chance that you'll run out of credits and not be able to afford other things that get fairly expensive (like speeder training at 25). The best thing to do is wait until you have a level 50 character with a large number of credits (I had close to a million before I started), then use that money and the money from doing dailies to level up a crafting profession. You can also start out alts crafting at lower levels, and they'll have a bit easier time doing it if you fund them from your main.
  2. The way this game is designed that's like saying that Hunter with pet is not solo. I don't know what horrible pugs you've gotten into, but healing companions suck and are really not comparable to a player.
  3. It's called Terror From Beyond, the last boss should be Cthulhu. Have him never take a player below 1 HP, but balance it out by making him impossible to kill, locking you into a fight not against some computer generated NPC, but against your own mind as you slip into madness. I don't know if they're there yet with the technology of this game, but I'd also like it if even if you disconnect from the internet or unplug your monitor, Great Cthulhu still stares out at you, beckoning you to come back. Or, you know, more enrage timers...
  4. I hope if they bring back white, they're really hard to get. It would be kind of a letdown if I spent 2.5 million credits on one and they started giving them away for downing a boss. Maybe they could do something like the Legendary Weapons in WoW and have a huge questline that includes gathering stuff from endgame content and have the reward for it be a weapon with a white crystal, that way it would be available but would only be gotten by people willing to put in a bit of work to get one.
  5. I don't so much get cut-scene skippers, but it seems like every group I'm in has that Assassin tank that insists on Stealthing past everything and then getting pissy when the Sorc healer can't do that. And every one of them has a little jumping trick to get over terrain so I can spend 30 seconds skipping a pack that would have taken 15 to just kill, as if I play this for the platforming.
  6. As a healer, I would much rather have an Assassin tank than a Juggernaut. For one thing, they seem to be much better at keeping things attacking them, which helps out a lot. For another, they seem to take less damage overall, even compared to a Powertech.
  7. Undying Rage gives a 99% damage reduction, Cloak of Pain gives 25% damage reduction (1 min CD, can be active for up to 30 seconds if you keep getting hit), Obfuscate is a massive Accuracy debuff, Annihilation Maras get a self heal when their bleeds (which should have 100% uptime) crit. Plus Predation is an awesome raid-wide speed buff. I think it's a little odd that stuff that would be great on a tank (especially CoP, given that you can talent into Retaliate lowering the cooldown) would be given to Marauders instead of Juggernauts.
  8. The first week I got Kaon about four times, which pissed me off because it's the only Tier 1 FP that doesn't contribute to the Tier 1 FP weekly. Since then, about half the time, I get D7.
  9. Same with beasts for Bioanalysis. I've found that the easiest way to make credits as you level, especially your first character (or for all your characters you level before you get someone to 50, if that's your playstyle) is to take Slicing, Scavenging and Bioanalysis. Slicing is a gathering profession whose gatherable resource literally is money, and the other two (besides gathering for Cybertech, Armormech, and Biochem, which makes all tiers of gathered materials sell quickly on the GTN) will mean that almost every Strong and higher enemy you kill other than Humanoids will be able to be gathered for even more stuff to sell. Get these skills when you first get to the fleet and gather in places you have to go to (and from stuff you have to kill) anyway on your way to 50. Then take Biochem, settle in for the long-haul, and laugh at other professions and their piddly little patch day payoffs.
  10. That would be great. My first command to HK: Shoot Ashara in the face until it stops being funny. My BH friend told me he would do the same with Skadge.
  11. I use Xalek for my Belsavis dailies and mow through them on my Sorc. It goes faster because I can just chain pull my way through everything and stop Force Storming everything down to heal him up to full every two or three packs. He's in part Columi, and some of his gear is stuff I put on him when I got better pieces for myself.
  12. It doesn't show what FP your que has popped for until everyone clicks ready so they might see it's something they don't like and decide to leave. I left a group when I saw that I got put into HM D7 for the third night in a row of queing for my BH comms. I told them that I just didn't want to run that, but some people are rude and don't bother. Or, as someone above has said, it might be that they did a quick HP check on everyone to see about gear levels (since higher gear pieces have more Endurance so you can get a general idea from that) and decided to be a jerk. Or maybe "hello" is their trigger word and they just had to go punch a kitten. With these kinds of people, you just don't know.
  13. Corruption PVE 1. I think lots of people (some even play Sorcerers) think that the change to Force Surge gimped our resource management since we now have to pay life when we need to use Consumption. People still seem to be glad to see me in PUGs, though. 2. I love it. I was a Holy Priest in WoW for years (yes, even in ICC), so I'm used to choosing between longish casts (Heal and Dark Infusion) with good resource efficiency and faster heals that are less efficient (Flash Heal and Dark Heal), and I love that we get a channeled heal for times when we only have a second to stand still (last boss in D7 when you have the claw, for example). Overall, I think it's a very strong spec.
  14. You know, at first I thought you were just a whiny noob, but then you posted that link. Yeah, people paying attention to future patch notes that are available to everyone and preparing for patch day... that's just wrong. I mean sure, those high numbers were only for the first day before everyone and their brother started making kits and Augments and drove the prices down. And yeah, once you sell someone all their kits and Augments, they don't need to buy from you anymore, but it's still broken... somehow... So much this. I mean, I guess you could go to the BH/Campaign vendors and buy the schematics for Exotech Stims, but they cost 20 BH comms (which is FOUR WHOLE DAYS to get if you only run a HM FP from the GF) each. Yes, they sell fast. And yes, the fact that you craft three at a time for similar material costs as the Hyper-Battles (they use the purple Medical Supplies instead of the blues) makes them cheaper per unit to produce while still selling for more than double what those do. But... someone who was paying attention got a big payoff on patch day! That has never happened in any other MMO EVER!
  15. That's your opinion. Personally, it hasn't gotten old for me yet, and it's more like building a rollercoaster that doesn't go anywhere entirely so you can send a train crashing into the plaza where you've trapped all the little Sim people in Rollercoaster Tycoon, which is always fun.
  16. If I were a more spiteful man, I would claim this as absolute proof that some dev plays Rep and BioWare is clearly biased since you can't do this on Boarding Party. But I'm not, so I'll just sit here smugly in my horrible looking (but still subjectively better than Sage) Sorcerer tier set, reminiscing about the small fraction of a second quicker Shock would hit compared to Project before BioWare changed that.
  17. For the worm, you say you weren't in the spit, but it's possible someone else was, if only for a second or two. That damage adds up fairly quickly, and it spreads out your healer's resources. This is the bonus boss, though, and I usually skip it when I run the HM on my Sorc. It's one of (if not the) most healing intense encounters in the low-level FPs or the Tier 1 HMs (you say you don't want to rely on healers to keep you up, but get used to it, it's what we're here for, and (speaking for myself here) it's one of the reasons I love playing the role). HK, on the other hand, sounds like he's bugging. Is he one-shotting (or close to it) right after you get him out of the box? What works best for the groups I've run with is to have the DPS hit the panels while the tank picks up the adds and the healer heals. It seems to bug out when all of the panels are hit at about the same time, so assigning two people to do it instead of placing all four at a corner will keep that from happening. Another tip, just for the healer's sanity, is to try to keep everyone on the same side of where the pillar drops, because (at launch anyway, I haven't tested to see if they've fixed it yet) there seems to be line of sight issues even when the pillar isn't there. All in all, I thought that the last boss of Boarding Party was harder at level than anything in Foundry.
  18. You don't need to be 50 to get comms, the first random FP you do in a day will always give you 5 comms of whatever planet is appropriate for your level. You do have to que for a random one, though (make sure all of the available FPs are selected, not just one) or it doesn't count for your daily comms.
  19. Sure. Lots of people have developed the exact same issues at the exact same time, and only when playing this game, but I'm sure it's possible that all of them switched to the most specifically crappy ISP ever at the same time and just forgot.
  20. It would have been completely impossible, given that if something is five levels above you, all your attacks automatically miss or get resisted.
  21. They're from the Treasure Hunting gift missions. Really, the answer to the problem of not wanting them is simple: Use literally any other mission skill to get your companion gifts. If you really just want companion gifts, Diplomacy is probably best, because while you're running all the missions you'll need to do to get that one specific gift you want, you can also max out your Light Side or Dark Side points.
  22. I support you doing that 100%. If everyone bought the grade 5 blues and purples to list on the GTN, I wouldn't be making nearly as much money, so thank you for doing silly things like trashing valuable stuff.
  23. It's modified by your Force Healing Bonus, which comes from Willpower and Power.
  24. Why do only non-Force users get firearms? What, you're the only one allowed a choice? Luke used a blaster in the original trilogy. Obi-Wan used a blaster to kill General Grievous. Kyle Katarn used all kinds of weapons. In KOTOR, Revan could use blasters throughout the game (it was more effective to take a lightsaber once you became Jedi, but you could still use a blaster if you wanted). Have my Sorcerer stop shooting lightning and start shooting a blaster. And why stop it at a blaster, I want to be a healer Sorcerer who uses a sniper rifle. Sure, it would seriously complicate loot drops to have itemization for every weapon for every class, and yeah, they would have to completely redesign all the combat animations (how exactly does a Warrior use Vicious Slash with an assault cannon?), but I think they should get right on this instead of making any new content or fixing bugs in the old content.
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