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Everything posted by Giondi

  1. PT tanks level pretty fast because (using Mako) you can move from pull to pull without much downtime. Once you get your leap and your grapple, you don't even have the time it takes other specs to walk over to the next group.
  2. I don't know if it's the same Rep side, but for Imps, Alderaan's Bonus Series is level 40. I think you get the start of it on the fleet.
  3. A female blue Twi'lek. I wanted something to really stand out in contrast to the red, mostly male, Pureblood ruling class of the Sith. Plus the female voice acting is (in my opinion) much better than the male for this class, especially dark side. There are points where I don't think they had an actual actress, they just taped a psychopath and wrote the rest of the game to make it fit.
  4. The way the Diminishing Returns on Crit Chance work in this game is a bit odd. Your Crit Chance comes from two places: Willpower and Crit Rating, each of which have a SEPARATE DR curve. Each has a theoretical ability to give you 30% Crit Chance, but there isn't enough itemization to actually get that high. Crit Rating has huge gains when it's low, but it diminishes very steeply, becoming not really worth taking over Power around 300. Willpower has a much shallower curve, which means it gives lower gains to Crit Chance, but diminishes at much higher levels, which makes it worth taking all the time. Willpower stays better than Power in all currently available levels of gear (there is a point where Power becomes better because there is no DR on it, but it isn't possible to get that much Willpower right now) because of that. Power will give around 3% more damage and about 9% more healing (not exact and I'm tired and don't feel like looking it up, but that's close enough) than Willpower, but the Crit Chance increase outweighs that because you get to increase your Crit Multiplier in this game and getting 170% of the effect fairly often is better than getting a few points higher on everything. Unless you're a tank, in which case take Defense, Absorb or Shield.
  5. I am disappointed by this. Not as much as I am about Blizz not being romancable (and I had heard he could use an Assault Cannon, which made it even worse when I got him). He's still the best companion, though. I think, though, if you look at the lore and the just... outright creepy way Khem is still... attached... what I'm trying to say is that... does anyone else think Khem was gay for Tulak Hord? And that leaving him and Talos alone in the ship may result in a scene you just don't want to walk in on?
  6. Your "big deal moment" on Korriban is If you want excitement in getting a lightsaber, roll a Warrior, they get to go grave robbing for theirs.
  7. I don't know, have you seen Fast Five? He was like that scene in Christmas Story where the little brother had on so many coats he couldn't put his arms down, but with muscle. 'Roided up horrible ex-wrestlers aside, this is why all my characters except my (body type 2) Agent are female, their models just look better.
  8. An easy way to check now is to click the Reverse Engineer button and hover the cursor over stuff and see if it has a chance to learn a schematic in the tooltip (near the bottom). It's also a good way to check to see if you have any upgrades left to a piece of armor you can craft without having to go through your entire schematic list.
  9. A little off-topic, but so much this on my Twi'lek Inquisitor. I get that it has to be limited because it's a Flashpoint not an entire single player game, but I think I would help him overthrow the Empire, kill him and take power for myself. The closest you can get is telling him you "respect his initiative" or something like that.
  10. I actually liked Colicoid best, since it was different from the same old "Go in, kill stuff until you get to something big, then kill that and keep going until you hit the end" format. But I have to say, my favorite experience in a Flashpoint so far was the first time I ran Foundry HM. We kept getting the bug that made HK enrage when we broke him out of the box thing, finally pushed through him (some of the most intense healing I've done in this game), then ended up hitting the "Revan is unkillable because you hit him too hard" bug that was going on then. On top of that, it was someone's first run in that Flashpoint (the rest of us had done Story Mode), so he wanted to do that stupid worm boss, which wiped us a couple times. It was the only "run from hell" I've had in this game, and I loved every minute of it because I and a guildie worked with two complete strangers and ended up finishing it.
  11. Yeah, I thought it was weird on my Twi'lek Sorcerer. They go from "Oh, my Lord, how can these lowly ones serve you?" directly into "All filthy sub-humans must die!".
  12. Yes, people ought to be able to quickly respec, but then they also ought to be able to check or uncheck one box and que up correctly.
  13. My favorite is Lord Kallig's Lightsaber (I think that's what it's called) from the Sorcerer storyline (I think Assassins must get something different at that point in the story since they use the double bladed).
  14. QFT. I don't actually have anything to add to the thread, but that can't be said enough.
  15. If you pull the mods from Rakata and lower, the bonuses stay with the shell, if you pull from Campaign and whatever they release in the future, the bonuses will stay with the Armoring. So you can always pull out the Mods and Enhancements (and Augments if you have them) and keep your bonus, and on the lower tier pieces you can pull out the Armoring as well. Yes, but if pulling mods is free, what stops my healing Sorcerer from taking the mods out of gear meant for someone else and putting them in my gear (like taking Crit/Surge Enhancements from a DPS Marauder piece or whatever)? The reason there's a charge is that you can re-itemize your gear. What you're talking about (it sounds like) is taking all of the mods from one piece and putting them all in one other piece, which is not how it would be used by most people.
  16. They've been around. Not as much recently that I've seen, but when the game launched I got a couple. The ones starting now probably think this is WoW and they'll never see people again, but once they figure out that same server LFG means that they're running with the same people who didn't put up with it last time, it'll die down again.
  17. Yeah, it isn't like Snipers and Mercenaries exist. Over half the ACs have a knockback, this is fine. Unless you have all PTs, Ops, and Marauders, someone will have a class skill to push him off.
  18. If nothing official has been said (and it sounds like it hasn't), then 1.3 is not coming out Tuesday. I guess they could do like with 1.2 and make the announcement tomorrow that it's coming Thursday, but it seems like servers weren't brought down on Tuesday that week.
  19. You need more than "just for fun"? I don't think you know how games work.
  20. This is the Internet, there is no happy here.
  21. I've noticed that I can't see what the rolls were, but I'm still seeing other people's characters talking. If you were the only one you saw talking during the conversations, you were getting lucky rolls.
  22. Is there anywhere that lists the destination servers that are available for transfers?
  23. GW2 has it, and apparently, that's the game that's completely redefining the genre and making everything good again. No, this game mechanic doesn't make all that much sense as far as lore goes, but it would be extremely unbalanced for Jedi and the military classes (Agent and Trooper) to get their skill training for free while everyone else pays (Bounty Hunters and Smugglers are paying for underworld training from not always legitimate sources and Sith do nothing without personal gain). I guess you could argue that as an apprentice, your Sith master would want you taught and the trainers don't want to piss off Baras or But that still leaves the other two classes who would have to pay, and there's already not many Smugglers around.
  24. The way I read it, it says that having someone else do your class content (story missions) for you would prevent mission items from dropping and shouldn't now. It says nothing about group content (Heroics, FPs, Ops), and given that my healing Sorcerer has pretty much no dps on many fights and I've gotten my fair share of gear drops, I would say that dealing the killing blow was probably never a determining factor.
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