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Everything posted by dannythefool

  1. No; we were already punished by the old system. There is no reason to wish the same punishment on other players though. Even if we had to endure it.
  2. That's the main problem anyway. People who get confused when they look at a map.
  3. I'm not entirely sure about that. For example one area you might be thinking of could be the casinos on Nar Shaddaa. They could be interpreted as an area for future development as social hubs. However, there are also plenty of areas in game where this explanation doesn't work. For example, starting as a Trooper/Smuggler, right on the first planet behind the fort you can go to an area that is named, part of the map, but entirely devoid of life, and glitches out if you get too close to the spaceport. IOW, there is evidence that these half finished areas weren't actually postponed reasonable uses of those spaces, but in fact just unfinished areas that they didn't manage to complete before christmas. Yeah, WHAT! If this was anything like an FPS then we wouldn't be having half the discussions in this PVP forum. I don't particularly like FPS games but if they get anything right, it's competitive PVP.
  4. I suppose the plan was having two different rewards so that people who participate in both types of PVP activities get a slight edge, while people who favour one aspect can still get all the rewards but not quite as fast. The reason it's failed isn't that this is an inherently bad idea, it's that the system is so skewed that depending on your situation, one way to get commendations is vastly more efficient than the other despite the horrible 1:3 conversion rate. It's never actually the case that you'd balance merc/warzone commendations and gain rewards in the most efficient way.
  5. That's a bit short sighted... My guess is, most of us play video games to pass the time and have fun. If it's not fun, or doesn't even work for passing time because it feels like a drag, that's a pretty good reason not to play and a very valid complaint.
  6. Well what do you think how I came to know these limitations, you jester?
  7. No it's not The more situationally aware players aren't even looking at their toon as they run out of spawn, they're looking at the map to figure out what the other guys are doing, so left/right naturally has an entirely different meaning to them. (also they use the bloody fast speeders and don't even arrive at the same point as you think everybody does)
  8. Well there's always a direct means of achieving a goal, and then there are several less direct means that also work toward the same goal... In this case, it does not seem to be obvious enough to Bioware yet that the imbalance is kind of killing the game, so making it more obvious may even help more in the long run than fighting against windmills in trying to get people to play republic...
  9. There are some flaws 1. Ilum (and any other zone) does just not work on a technical level as soon as you have too many people there 2. Both Ilum and Tat are susceptible to one faction overwhelming the other just because they can, regardless of any planning 3. Despite being an FFA zone, the den on Tat can not even be used to arrange a real FFA because being in the same guild makes you friendly there 4. On PVP servers there are obviously more options, however items 1) and 2) still apply
  10. They should, like republic, just use east and west, because the same problem exists for both factions on other maps and it doesn't really make sense to label everything differently for every single map.
  11. Gearing up companions through PVP is something you do between 40 and 49, the other time in your pvp career where there's nothing else to buy...
  12. Du musst dich immer entscheiden, welchen Skill du auslöst. Jeder Heal ist eine vertane Möglichkeit, Schaden zu machen. Die Chancen, einen Heiler down zu kriegen, sind auch nicht für jede Klasse gleich. Soundrels/OPs schaffen es, wenn der Burst sitzt. Sentinels/Marauders schaffen es wenn sie ihren Heal-Debuff auf einer Taste liegen haben. Eher tankige Klassen ohne eigene Heals machen dagegen einfach nicht genug Schaden, tankige Klassen mit eigenen Heals sollten zumindest aber mal nicht selber drauf gehen.
  13. Der Debuff zählt bei einem laufenden Spiel schon wenn man noch den Ladescreen hat. Bei mir ist das trotzdem schnell genug aber... naja. Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist (kann es hier nicht gewesen sein) dass man schon im Sterben von einem Sabo/OP niedergestreckt wird und dann am Spawn auf dem Boden liegend aufwacht und überhaupt nichts tun kann bis man endlich gekickt wird.
  14. Sniper specced into the shared tree maybe.
  15. That's the ideal. In reality it's pretty damn hard to enjoy the same three warzones over and over again for any extended period of time just on their merit as well designed warzones. Which is, well, you know, not quite an accurate description of the warzones in SWTOR.
  16. With the upcoming changes, you'd still get Centurion gear first. You'd actually have a decent chance at getting a reasonable number of Centurion items from commendations you earned while leveling, and maybe the occasional Champion item.
  17. Both Jedi Knight classes can be very strong in capable hands but they're somewhat harder to play. They're either tanks (Guardian) or AoE DPS (either) or awesome single target dps (Sentinel) and spend most of their time waving lightsabers and jumping around. (Note that the tank role in PVP is more like a utility role, you can guard friendlies and damage debuff hostiles, but obviously you can't stand in the middle of a zergball like an immortal god and take all the aggro.) Jedi Consulars can be tanks (shadow), rogue-like dps (shadow), ranged dps (sage), ranged aoe (sage) or healers (sage). Sages are one of the strongest classes in the game right now, but in part this is due to an advantage that all ranged classes have over melee classes and is to some extent more defined by lag and latency than actual mechanics. Somewhat tanky shadows can be fun in PVP as well due to their unusually good survivability for a DPS class.
  18. Der Konter dazu ist einfach dass eben, wenn dein Team kurz vor dem Ziel ist, du aber noch nicht, du nicht stupide hinterher rennst, sondern sicherheitshalber mal in der Mitte bleibst um den Ball zu pflücken - oder den Gegner, der mitgedacht hat, von eben diesem abzuhalten. Das ist etwas nervig, ja... Aber: Dafür muss ja auch erst ein Ballträger in die Nähe der Ziellinie kommen. Das finde ich in Ordnung weil es team/zielorientiertes Spiel ist, im Gegensatz zu so ziemlich allem anderen was man in der Situation tun könnte. Vor allem wenn es unentschieden steht und nur noch eine knappe Minute zu spielen ist. Ist ja nicht so dass man den Ballträger nicht down kriegen könnte - man müsste halt mal sein Team dazu überreden, auch wirklich den Ballträger zu fokussen und dann möglichst im letzten Moment umzuhauen, so dass das eigene Team dann am Schluss den Ball hält. So hab ich schon einige Spiele gewonnen...
  19. Was in den Patch Notes steht, ist das: - mehr Marken für Centurion-Gear in Champion-Taschen - weniger Token für Champion-Gear in Champion-Taschen - mehr Marken für Champion-Gear in Battlemaster-Taschen - weniger Token für Battlemaster-Gear in Battlemaster-Tasche
  20. Even if that weren't the case, the argument would still be invalid, because this doesn't work in any other industry. You're not going to buy a car and not complain if it doesn't work very well and the only thing you have to look forward to is that things may or may not get better after it's been in your garage for a few months... and the same applies to just about anything else, just apparently not video games...
  21. Well, the entire complaint about the process being random is just that, it's that the randomness makes it really frustrating. Plenty of times you'll grind through your daily/weekly and get nothing at all for it. If they made it more predictable, grind X number of daily/weekly PVP quests and you can buy your next piece of gear, I believe a lot of people wouldn't even bother going to the forums and ask if this is really as it's supposed to be...
  22. When they are being CC'd in some specific ways (force crush etc.), it'll still score.
  23. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=260731 But the statement could very well refer to what's in the patch notes. That change would reduce the difference between new 50ies and BM geared ones because at least the first tier (Centurion) would be easier to get.
  24. To get equivalent PVE gear, you have to go through a progression of increasingly difficult PVE content that rewards you with increasingly better gear. To get the PVP gear on the other hand, you start at the hardest difficulty and then everything becomes easier everytime you get a new piece of gear. Tell me again why you can even consider comparing these two progressions and how the PVP one even makes any kind of sense?
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