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Everything posted by dannythefool

  1. What's the problem with fotm classes? I want to play all the stories anyway
  2. 40 with maybe 15 expertise, or at most a number in the low tens if he's been doing a lot of warzones (to rip out the expertise enhancements from pvp weapons and put them in his armor) definitely is a lowbie compared to a level 50 with hundreds of expertise.
  3. There's a working counter. Put a DoT on him. But a stealthed player should not be hit by another player who can't see him. Or for that matter, a mob, because the same thing happens in PvE too.
  4. I've always only queued solo so far and it doesn't feel that unbalanced to me. I can usually tell why we're losing. Sure, sometimes it's because the other side is full of level 50 players and my team has one or two that instantly leave after the other team caps the first objective, but most of the time they're just plain playing better. When we play better, we win. Keep in mind that "balanced" means you still lose half the matches. If you willingly accept disadvantages like solo queueing, pvp'ing at low level, or prefer to insult other players instead of showing them how to be better, don't expect to win a majority of your matches... (For reference, I play Republic, mostly on Lord Calypho.)
  5. Can't really blame level 50 premades, warzones are entirely pointless at 50 if you don't get as many commendations as possible. Not their fault either that they don't have a separate queue.
  6. Well, next Tuesday's patch will introduce a level 50 bracket for warzones, which should make pvp more fun for characters below 50 (mostly because it'll get rid of the constant whining of the level 50 players about low levels in warzones). On pvp servers, the only working open pvp objective, as far as I'm concerned, is the balloon on Tat, which is usually not camped by level 50s
  7. However, tank Shadows/Assassins can pull you to spawn from stealth.
  8. Naja, mit ner Ranged-Klasse lauf ich auch nicht rückwärts. Aber wenn ich aus max. 10m dem Gegner ins Gesicht ballern will und dabei in Slow/Stun/Interrupt-Range bleiben will dann ist es pupsegal, wo ich hin lauf. Der Gegner will entweder an meinen Rücken oder er trifft mich egal wo ich bin, auch wenn ich wie wild um ihn rum hüpfe.
  9. Well, it's absolute crap, but doesn't require much attention. Space combat does require you to actually play the game - and a game that is more boring than afk'ing, at that. That said, I haven't seen a single person just afk'ing in a warzone yet. Sure, lots of low levels depending on time of day. I do that too. The game has incentives for it. The level 20 and level 40 pvp gear is kinda useful, and so are the weapons you can get every few levels. Plus, it's more fun than questing all day long or why do you think I play on a pvp server and read the pvp forum? Because I like pve? Nahh. If there is anything wrong at all with warzones, it's the lack of brackets, which is possibly getting fixed; a level 50 bracket is a step in the right direction. It won't fix pvp for all of us but at least it'll get the whiny pro pvpers off everybody's backs.
  10. Unbeatable is still fairly easy to get since you can get some of the medals without even seeing combat. I regularly get it when I'm guarding turrets that aren't being fought over much (two extra medals just from standing there, if you can heal you can get a 2.5k heal on yourself medal, and all it takes after that is one killing blow or something like that).
  11. Ich nehm mal an dass dir das klar ist, aber vielleicht kann man es trotzdem nochmal schreiben... So ab 40 fängt man an, wenn man fleißig PvP-Marken gesammelt hat, Equipment mit Expertise-Stat zu bekommen, was unter anderen den eingesteckten Schaden reduziert. Voll ausgestattete 50er haben deutlich mehr, aber auch mit 40 in voller PvP-Ausrüstung (ggf. inkl. aus Waffen rausgerissenen Expertise-Enhancements) kann man schon einen deutlichen Vorteil gegenüber nem Lowie haben. Ein anderer Punkt ist dass der Bolster-Buff nur Stats skalieren kann, die nicht null sind. Je höher das Itemlevel, desto mehr Stats sind drauf. Eventuell fehlt den Lowbies der eine oder andere Stat komplett (z.B. Defense oder Absorption, die beide ja nur Boni auf den Defaultwert vergeben und im PvE auf niedrigem Level nicht viel nützen). Das gleiche gilt für Expertise wieder, das Overcharge-Comsumable erhöht Expertise um 15%, usw. Von den Skills hab ich da noch gar nicht angefangen. Wen ich, je nach Klasse, mein Schild, mein Absorb, meine Resilience o.ä. anschmeiße, dann kannst du auch ne Weile länger auf mir rumkloppen. Lowbies haben solche Skills eher nicht, da hilft auch Bolster nicht viel. Alles in allem ist es also nicht großartig überraschend, dass ein voll ausgerüsteter 50er wahnsinnigen Schaden an Lowbies macht... deshalb ist die Klasse dann nicht plötzlich OP. Ein Bracket für 50er ist ja schon angekündigt, mal sehen wann es kommt.
  12. Klar. Lichtschwert mit zwei Klingen = besser nicht den Rücken zuwenden. ;-) Ob's deutlich effektiver ist als wie ein Wahnsinniger rumzustrafen, hüpfen und zu springen, keine Ahnung... kommt wohl darauf an, wie leicht der Gegner zu irritieren ist...
  13. About 2 or 3. I play warzones a lot, and my faction is not overpopulated so I don't have to play huttball all the time. Still, there's only three different warzones and no level brackets (yet). There is not much PVP outside of warzones (I play on a PVP server) and there are no real rewards for doing it that would make more players seek it out. (It is kind of fun though to force wave people off the balloon etc. but that also gets old.)
  14. dannythefool

    I hate hutball

    You're not thinking this through. The reason huttball comes up so often is that it's the only warzone that supports two teams from the same faction. When huttball against the same faction comes up, you're not in a position to choose the warzone. You can play huttball, or no warzone at all. Maybe there should be a button that lets you opt out of those matches, but you can already quit them when they pop up, and you would not get into a different warzone instead anyway.
  15. Yes, the abilities aren't mirrored 100% perfectly. Yet, when my side loses, I usually see why we lost, and I don't think I ever thought "why he must have been waiting for a longer cooldown than his mirror opponent has on the same ability, or we would have won this match". Usually, I think something along the lines of "why you no shoot the guy at the door" or "why you no guard the turrets" or "why is everybody standing at spawn so their ball carrier can force jump right to the finish line". Yeah, sometimes it's clearly because their team has more higher level players, too. But most of the time it's lack of experience, not balancing. In fact, focusing on some individual, seemingly overpowered abilities clearly shows the problem. None of the warzones are about winning 1v1 fights, even though you get a medal for it.
  16. Lowbies against teams of 50ies won't be a problem for much longer.
  17. In some cases, only bonuses are affected by bolster (because some stats only increase bonuses). That would explain why some people aren't seeing some numbers adjusted; it's because they have zero in the stat that gives bonuses to them.
  18. There could be a medal for being part of a scoring passing chain or something like that. Right now, what you outline is only a possibility, while the reality is that you get medals and objective points for fighting in the middle and not helping the game at all. If you are after commendations, and I suppose most people are, the most efficient thing to do in Huttball is trying to get your kills, protection, heal, defense and so on medals in the middle. Carrying the ball, passing it to someone closer to the goal, or actually scoring, on the other hand, does not gain you anything at all especially if your team is already losing. In terms of rewards, i.e. PVP gear, the only winning move is not to play.
  19. For me, it's mostly how unwiedly it is. At least as far as technical reasons go. Most of the time, technical reasons aren't so important, though. If I'm getting chain-CC'd and am busy keeping up my defensive CDs because everybody else on my team is running ahead waiting for a pass while I have the whole enemy team on my tail, sorry that's not going to happen; the passing ability is vulnerable to CC and cooldowns like everything else. If you can lifegrip/rescue the ball carrier to the finish line, that is way more likely to work. But if you're just one single guy running ahead with no constructive abilities and there's nobody else around, chances are there will be no score.
  20. Yes you can inflate the numbers by spamming AoE. No it's not good for much besides getting medals, which does not affect other players.
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