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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. Gleened directly from the Guild Wars 2 website.


    "Everyone plays at the same level in Guild Wars 2 PvP, where skill and strategy provide players with the winning edge. All players are set to max level and given all the skills and gear they need to meet their opponents on even terms."


    Now before I read it, this had not even occurred to me. If we would've had this system, there never would've been any need for brackets.

  2. I am on a heavy server in the evening. Queue times are getting excessive, and I'm an imperial. When I do load it's almost always huttball, which I can't stand. If I've had my daily quota of huttball, I log off as soon as I see it.
  3. actually you are wrong....bioware made the class 80% optimal with a one button spam, its a noob class.....it gets steamrolled by anyone with half a brain, i see a tracer spammer i make sure he doesnt do tracer sapmming, its that simple...he dies after a few seconds and i move on....


    the class is not optimized by doing tracer spamming, yes it is easy for a noob to kill another noob with tracer spams, i personally never die to tracer missles, some form of damage may kill me while i keep tracer missles from happening, but your never let a BH tracer spam, just like you never let an arcane mage blast spam. next time you see a tracer spammer, tell the sentinel in your ops to get on the f'ing bounty hunter or do it yourself, interupt...interupt....interupt


    Yeah, telling a premade group member to get on their game works. But, in PUGs this never works, cause they never read chat. Maybe because it's in the wrong place.

  4. You've got to understand that the 2 points in power barrier gives you a 10% defensive shield for 15 seconds. 2% per tracer missile which is stackable 5 times. Personally, I also use unload, fusion missile, and rail shot. The standard stun, and the stun from concussion missile also. But, yeah you are right, the main attack is tracer missile.
  5. I hate to compare Bioware to WoW, but to me they're both in the same boat. I find the same excuses to not play SWTOR, that I do to not play WoW. By same excuses I mean it's no longer any fun. To my knowledge, Guild Wars 2 is the next big release. Correct me if I'm wrong. At any rate, that is about 10 weeks to fix Ilum, the gear system, warzones, faction imbalance, long queues, etc.
  6. Before we have premade queues for level 50 warzones like WoW, Bioware needs to fix the faction imbalance. Also, they need to add cross server queues, or you will be waiting a real long time.
  7. Ah! So the Operative gets the nerf bat and the first thing I see this morning is Sorc crying. I believe I said this would be the second class against the wall after Operatives. Glad to see I called it since even pre-nerf a sorc with even half a brain could negate an Operatives 'broken' opener with their 'broken' bubble shield.


    Personally I'd rather all the classes keep their 'broken' abilities as most of them negate each other. If we keep nerfing everything every class has, PvE will suffer while PvP becomes Toon Town. I guess catering to the lowest common denominator in an MMO is cost-effective.


    Oh, and after Sorcerer/Sages you can look forward to a huge Bounty Hunter/Trooper nerf if you're a betting man. Mark my words, it's coming.


    Agreed. No more nerfs, or this game will be remembered for its mediocrity.

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