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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. In Star Wars Galaxies I spent 80% of my time buying and selling. The rest was pure pvp, dueling, and flashpoints (called instance in SWG). I wish the powers that be spent a little more thoughtful time designing items to sell. They don't have enough. I haven't bought any coins yet. Since I re-subscribed I've been given a whole boatload of coins. I might buy some in the future if I find something worthy.
  2. Love it when you score an extremely rare holocron, and hate it during the middle of a tedious grind. At least it gives us something to do while we wait on content updates.


    Holocron rewards: How about a completely new capped light armor outfit and lightsaber after completing a set of holocrons. Also make the holocrons sellable. I want to continue grinding for the rare ones after I get my complete set.

  3. I think that's how many devs they had near the end. I had 3 accounts which was $45 per month, but I had fun. I miss the crafting. I even miss the surveying and harvesting. Miss my DL-44 smugglers pistol too. I wanted to get that huge vehicle garage just before they decided to pull the plug. I was going to turn it into a work shop and outfit with vendors.
  4. It's frustrating to get gang r***ed in non-rated warzones and not be able to fire some of my specials due to pushback. The opposing team was mostly over 40 in rank, and my team varied from the low teens to level 34. The republic team's ship didn't even sustain less than 500 in damage until the last 2 minutes of game play. I couldn't get hardly any good combat specials to fire due to pushback.
  5. 1) How do I enable chat bubbles, and is there a way to get an audible tone when someone sends me a tell?


    2) Are the devs planning to retool crafting to make it player oriented instead of companion oriented? Crafting is as dull as dishwater.


    3) Because the game is so linear in more ways than one, is there a chance that on open planets they will remove barriers. I hate Corellia because you have to fight through mob after boring mob just to get to an objective instead of skirting around it. I know it's impracticle to suddenly remove walls in cities, but on the non-city planets they need to remove the rock walls. There is no sense of exploring in this game. It's gotten so boring I can only play in snippets of 15 minute increments.

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