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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. Retain the cooldowns. Only plus to the cooldowns, is that they could still be reduced, or altogether eliminated in the talent tree. Combat would be more fluid.


    SWG did not have activation or channel times for their abilities. I think they were all instant, but they did have cool downs. If I'm wrong, someone correct me.


    Also, Operative nerf is the nerf that should've never happened. It gave the nerf callers too much ammunition by setting a precedent.

  2. Sniper is at the end. What's weird about the few snipers that are out there, is they are actually pretty decent. Sith Marauder/Jedi Sentinel are typically pretty powerful based on the skill of the player. If the player is unskilled they are pretty bad. It is an unforgiving class.
  3. For whatever reason in SWG, it was more advantageous for a bounty hunter to stack damage than critical chance. When I got my damage pretty near cap, it was fun to duel others, and take them out in less than 4 seconds. After incap, they would get up and exclaim, what the f*** just happened. Sometimes I would tell them, sometimes I'd keep it a secret. What amazed me was the players who would swear that critical chance was more important, when the field trials said different.


    Expertise doesn't have that mystique. Everyone knows exactly what it does, so there is no mystery. Here is hoping that Bioware doesn't nerf it, and keeps it in game.

  4. Sounds like a stupid idea. I like the fact that skill matters in pvp, but if i work hard i DO EXPECT to get new gear that is better than what others have, so i dont have to work that hard to kill people anymore. Also, i like to feel powerful... I will not be playing GW2.


    After another month, what will be the difference? Most level 50's will have gear, skills, and HP as good as you. The only weakling you can gank will be the brand new level 50. Your statement is convoluted logic (upside down logic).

  5. This would make me lol so hard. I would roll a vanguard if they implemented this and never die then. Regardless, this would not work. You are simplifying this far too much. Let's say there are 4 Republicans and 10 Imps. You bolster the Republicans right? But what if they are all solo or 1 is solo and the Imps are all in a zerg ball ops group? So bolstered for a 4v10 but he is 1v10? Won't work. And tanks would be indestructible, while stealth classes (mainly OP and Scoundrel, but more the Scoundrels) would be OP as hell.


    Like I said, the only griefing would be those complaining about other classes as over powered. What you are saying is basically a false flag argument. You can complain about over powered classes, but it does not make it so. Also, groups should have the option to queue against other groups eventually. Only way that would work is cross server.

  6. That is what bolstering was for this game really.


    SW:Tor and GW are entirely different games, and what works in GW doesn't work in SW.


    Bolstering did bring everyone upto level 50 but this game also has gear progression and expertise so it didn't work. Unless they remove the gear progression, I can't see it working, sadly.


    I'm sure GW2 will still have gear progression for end game pve content. Not only do they add health points, but also top notch gear and level capped skills to compete in pvp. It would work in SWTOR. If they had it, the only griefing in warzones would be those who claim other classes are over powered.

  7. That is what Guild Wars 2 is doing right from the start in their pvp. Direct from their website:


    "Everyone plays at the same level in Guild Wars 2 PvP, where skill and strategy provide players with the winning edge. All players are set to max level and given all the skills and gear they need to meet their opponents on even terms."


    It might seem slightly opportunistic to steal their thunder, but if it works why not. It would mean back tracking on brackets. Queue times would be less for everyone in warzones. You would still have the faction imbalance though. The boost wouldn't work for Illum. You'd still have to find a remedy for that.

  8. Multiply the number of exploits and hacks in pvp by 20, and that probably is the number in PVE. Most of the ones that have the ability don't show them off. One guy I saw in the 5 seconds before a huttball match ended zipped halfway across the playing area in 1 second. It was like look at me, I could've use my super powers to defeat you, but being the good sport I am, I decided not to.
  9. I figured it out, and practiced it a little. Go to any cantina and pick out a table. Now I maneuver using both fingers on the top of the mouse. While your sprint is activated make real tight circles around the table. The left hand presses the binded keys to your abilities. Really, you only need 2 max. The bounty hunter/mando, Sorceror/Sage can only fire with line of sight. It's really that simple. They usually wreck me before I can counter. Some times I get off an electrocute, or an overload, but to no avail. I am at too low a level to have interrupts yet. Best thing to do is hit force speed and run like hell.


    Of course, I'm referring to melee abilities from my attackers. Like Operative, Sith Assassin, Jedi Sentinel.

  10. Not a sorceror. I love interrupting them and killing them. Most of them are easy.


    As soon as you learn WHAT you need to do to interrupt them, you'll love killing them too.


    This. My sorceror is real easy to kill. My nemesis are bounty hunters, scoundrels, Sith Marauders, and of course Operatives. I tend to attact them like flies to ....

  11. Good ideas, but faction imbalances, and now low server populations make it untenable. It's the snake eating it's tail syndrome. This system masquerading as a pvp system is killing this game. It only gets worse from here unless they make radical changes, which there is no way they will do. This is a company who over hyped a failed system using Star Wars as the selling point. Without that, I doubt they would've had 50K in sales.
  12. I was for brackets. Then today I read this from the Guild Wars 2 website:


    "Everyone plays at the same level in Guild Wars 2 PvP, where skill and strategy provide players with the winning edge. All players are set to max level and given all the skills and gear they need to meet their opponents on even terms."


    If Bioware had this system on day 1, PVP would be thriving in this game. We would still be waiting on a new warzone, and faction imbalance would still be with us, but queues wouldn't be as long.

  13. It could work I suppose, i think it would be weird to suddenly have all these skills I don't have yet and learn to use them during PvP though. And I'm not sure how confusing it would be to have to rearrange my skill bar for a PvP setup to include a bunch of skills that I'm not fully accustomed to.


    If I had this from the get go, I would be pvping 50% of the time on all my alts. Man, it would be a blast to be uber starting at level 10. Of course, the uber thing negates itself when all the other players have the same skills and gear.

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