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Everything posted by Numerii

  1. Definitely noticing a lot more damage. Tabbing over people's highest hits after the match is confirming that people are doing more damage at the top end at least. Overall damage numbers are actually down atm, but I attribute that to people learning their classes after the changes and the fact that people are dying quicker now. Pretty much any time I had two people on me I was dead. Before the patch, I could usually kite and CC them, probably still die but at least put up a fight. Now, I just die. Some of it I attribute to playing 31 Madness though, it's a good spec for 1v1(at least as good as it gets for Sorcerers I guess since we suck at 1v1), but in a group setting I fold quick now.
  2. I've only done two WZs so far today. The second one was VS featuring a rather good Merc I know named Merkin. Both of us ended with just around 250k dmg done, his highest hit was just over 5k. To put things into perspective before someone brings up the damage done numbers: We were the top two damage for the match. It was a rather lopsided match, we tore through all doors while the enemy never got past the first one. I didn't hear him complain about anything but I'll talk to him next time I log in.
  3. Took most people 3 months just to hit max level. Also, WoW had awesome world PvP because you actually encountered players of the opposite faction in every contested zone. Many of their quests intentionally took you to places where people of the opposite faction would also be working on quests. FFS, the outside of a dungeon functioned as a battleground back then. Some of my PvE groups evolved into a PvP group because of this.
  4. I'd rather farm chickens than WZ comms.
  5. I was already getting bored with this game, especially when queue times started to rise on my server. This just became the straw on my subscription's back I guess.
  6. Most of them understand that while Marauders aren't getting any significant buffs, they are remaining pretty much the same as they are now. However, other classes are getting nerfs, therefore it's something of an indirect buff for Marauders. If they are already strong, and other classes are getting nerfed, it only makes them stronger. Sniper/Gunslinger is where it's at though. Not because they are OP, but because they can wreck Marauders. In about a month you'll see many QQ posts about them simply because they counter the next FotM.
  7. In WoW(for what it's worth), one of the most viable tactics, to winning in arena, was to focus on one player then suddenly swap to another target and blow your cooldowns and CCs in an effort to burst down that new target before the healer could react to the incoming damage. Burst is just as viable as sustained damage across multiple targets. The difference being is that you can catch healers off guard with burst far more often than you can by simply spreading your damage around. Especially if you can burst a target down inside of an 8 second mez because you simply take the healer out of the equation altogether. You would be naive to think that such tactics will not be used once rated WZs come out.
  8. I hate when people throw me the ball. I'm much better off trying to get to the goal line and pull the real ball carriers in this game.
  9. lol wouldn't be a proper nerf post without JediDuckling chiming in.
  10. lol wait for 1.2 when most PvP Sorcerers spec 31 Madness. 2 sec root every 9 secs followed by a 6 sec snare right into another 2 sec root. I anticipate many melee tears and broken keyboards. But hey, at least you got the hybrids nerfed lmao.
  11. Numerii

    Marking Healers

    I don't know about that. On our server, when we see the names Alienware, Serra, or Marinetrooper(just to name a few) we all dogpile those players. No need for marks. I especially love when known healers do emotes prior to a match starting. Thanks for the heads up *******! You've been playing the same people on your server for months now, the regulars know who the healers are by now.
  12. Great players can pick any AC in this game and produce outstanding results. Why do people feel it is necessary to scream for a nerf every time someone shows some actual skill in this game? It's not going to change the fact that these people are better than you. If every AC can pull off OP status, you have no excuse other than a lack of skill. Go fix yourself instead of crying for nerfs because you're killing what little fun this game actually offers to good players.
  13. Do they still drop you off right at the turrets?
  14. I'd argue that it is actually the Juggernaut who controls your movement. You can't get ahead of them when they have the ball, otherwise you're just giving them a faster path to the goal. What really makes them frustrating is the scenario that most of them will set up: They will jump down in the pit with the ball. This of course drags any melee you have down with them, otherwise they can't continue to attack the Juggernaut. Any ranged opponents must make an effort to stay on the platforms and position themselves in such a way so that when the Juggernaut charges them, he will hopefully fall back down. Though most good Juggs are not going to do this, because while they are down in the pit biding their time, there will usually be someone on their team who will try to run to the "endzone." If that person makes it there you then have a set up that is hard to counter: 1. Anyone who tries to go over and knock that person down into the pit with the Jugg becomes the target the Jugg needs to jump up to the endzone. This means, no melee can challenge that person, only ranged. 2. If you have a pull you don't want to use it on that person because the Jugg might jump to them right as you pull. You must save it for the Jugg. 3. If that person is a sorc/sage, you're boned. Between Extricate and the Juggs "intercede" or pass, they will likely score because you'd need to counter the Extricate with a pull, then the intercede with one as well. If you can get someone there in time to knock back the Sorc/Sage you might stop a score, but you also will likely be the target the Jugg needs to charge, and by then he's almost guaranteed to have full resolve. Now I'm not trying to argue that they are more of a threat than an Assassin when carrying the ball, that was never my intention. I simply wanted to point them out to the OP who somehow completely forgot about them. I'm sure once x-server rateds go live you will see both a Juggernaut and an Assassin(as well as Republic counterparts) on probably every top team because they both can create an environment where it is extremely difficult to stop them from scoring once they make it to that last obstactle, whether it be the last fire pit, or the pit itself.
  15. If you're going to point out class imbalances in Huttball, you really should have Juggernauts at the top of that list. Their ability to jump to either an enemy or a teammate means that if one has the ball, you can't stand near your endzone, but you also have to keep all of his teammates out of your endzone as well. Back to the topic at hand though, I love me some Huttball.
  16. As the Marauder population rises, so too will posts about Snipers being OP.
  17. Yeah, I was agreeing with you. My guild is mostly PvE, so I started to socialize a bit with some players I thought played well. Some people should try it lol.
  18. This. Does seem like a fun class though. Almost broken 200k dmg in a WZ and I'm only 17 on him. Mostly just leveling up alts of all the classes for the buffs. I log onto them whenever their rest xp is maxed out.
  19. I've played enough to know some of the PvP regulars. I just added them to my friends list. Occasionally, I'll ask them if they all want to join up. Looks like a PUG, fights like a pre-made. Most people who are just solo queue'ing will usually not turn down a pre-made, if the person asking is known to be good at PvP.
  20. Been in plenty of PUGs that have beaten Premades. 4 people can do a lot, but they can't just carry a whole team to a win. If you're paired with people who actually play to win, they can be nullified. Nullified. I like that word, mario kart.
  21. I get focused a lot in WZs these days. I have so little time to stop moving and cast spells that I actually run out of Force at least once nearly every match ie I can't even stop moving long enough to get off enough tics of FL to regen. Lightning spec would just be asking to get slaughtered on the regular. I wish I played on your server.
  22. Most of my server looks for the first opportunity they can get to talk s*** to me. My guildmates are about the only ones who never say anything when I kill them. I rarely talk to anyone on my server outside of my guild because people take same-faction pvp way too seriously. I just play, I don't care who's on the other team.
  23. Extricate, then type, "Everybody gets one."
  24. It might be cheap, but I don't think anything less of someone who uses it to kill me. It's a valid and effective tactic. Besides, you can usually catch these guys as they're waiting for their target, and use the pit against them with a knockback/stun combo of your own. If I see them do it to a ball carrier, I just Extricate. It's a game guys, quit getting so bent out of shape about it.
  25. There are ledges in Huttball, right below the spawn "door". Run left or right across them. Sure, people with grapples can pull you down, or people with leaps and throws can come up and knock you down, but those abilities are on long enough cool down that they can't use them every time you die. There's no need to get spawn camped in Huttball, unless you want to I guess.
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