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Everything posted by Numerii

  1. This is the only problem I have with the changes. It actually dumbs us down a bit more. Using LS on a Wrath proc will be extremely situational, relying on Crushing Darkness being on cooldown(and not coming off cooldown soon, to boot) and an environment where you literally can't stop for a single second, ie 2 melee are humping your leg. It's basically just a way to apply some laughable damage right before you die. Any other time, Force Lightning is better. So now we keep Affliction up, hit DF, CD, and CT whenever they are off cooldown, and then spam FL the rest of the time. Occasionally, you'll pop Shock whenever you're moving.
  2. lol yeah, let me spread my DoTs around. One has a 15 sec cooldown with a duration less than that, another has 9 sec(can be spread to two targets), only one(the weakest hitting one) can be truly spread around. Not arguing its effectiveness here, just stating that anyone who thinks 31 Madness is going to be rolling mad DoTs on everyone is just silly. You'll roll Affliction around on a couple of targets maybe, try to keep two melee DoT'ed up with CT(or one if you're being focused by that melee), and you'll apply CD to whatever target you really want to kill. We're becoming either a good 1v1 class(control and sustained damage, not burst) or a harasser with 31 Madness. Affliction spreading won't even proc Lightning Barrage because you can't reach it in a 31 Madness spec. We'll be good at harassing healers and slowing down ball carriers. Whether or not that will be enough to warrant a spot on a team is arguable. Good teams will probably just sic two melee on you whenever you are around, bad teams will cry. I don't foresee many DPS Sorcerers at the top tier of ranked WZs.
  3. A Sorcerer has one stun and one mez. That mez can be talented to add a 2 sec stun if it is broken early, it also gives you a full resolve bar, not 80%.
  4. It definitely is. Better to step in when you have limited abilities, since whenever you get a new ability/talent you can start working it into your play. Stepping into PvP with little clue how to play your character properly, while at the same time, having all your abilities/talents takes longer to figure it all out.
  5. I doubt he was referring to you bro. You're good. Probably not a 9.5, but neither am I lol. I still forget to use Recklessness or my adrenals/relics on cooldown at times, but I have gotten much better at it after realizing I was forgetting them. Still working on recognizing other classes' cooldown icons as well.
  6. Numerii

    PvP can be tough!

    If you want to break the habit of clicking, start out small. Keybind the abilities you use the most and learn them, eventually start adding a few more binds. It's mostly just muscle memory anyway. Practice on easy PvE targets on some planet that you outlevel. Once you have your typical rotation down, try to do it while moving(assuming you move for instants and only stop for channeled/cast abilities). Eventually, you'll look back and wonder how you ever got by before.
  7. Saw something tonight in a Civil War match. Was going after a node that the other side had, fighting the one guy guarding it. Started to get hit by rocks from the node itself. Died right by the node and there was a guy who was actually inside of it for lack of better words. I was able to target him once he started to move and jump around, but prior to that he was invisible to me and had no nameplate. I can only assume that some stealth classes have figured out how to place themselves inside the node in such a way, cap it, then restealth. If they don't move you literally can't see them.
  8. How about making a video that actually shows some skill, instead of a cure for insomnia. Edit: Not to be a total hater here(which I admit I am being a bit harsh), I did like your editing skills and music selection. Would just like to see more clips of you actually performing at your best.
  9. Numerii

    NO BM comms

    I've not had the best of luck with them either, but that just means that I might go on a streak some day. I do however really wish that when developers decide to incorporate these RNG reward systems in their games, they actually give you a small modifier that stacks every time you find yourself on the losing side of the RNG. Make it continue to stack until you finally get your RNG reward, then reset it to 0. ie 25% chance for a BM comm, every time you don't get one, you get a +5% modifier so that after 5 bags you're now sitting at a 50% chance, after 10 you'd have a 75% chance. Once you finally got a BM comm, you go back down to 25% again.
  10. I got 6 mins into it, not sure I can watch the rest. 3 minutes of turretting TT while no one even looks your way, next clip you and a healer going against two DPS, you backpedaling for most of the fight... Civil War clip looked like the same stuff. Pro tip: When you respond to a call to assist mid, and there are like 6 enemy there, maybe use the Sage equivalent of Force Lift on someone, at least try to CC someone.
  11. If you want to pass to someone who is on a ledge higher than you, simply aim the target at the ledge right below the player's feet. If you are throwing to someone who is moving around, that person needs to have just a little bit of situational awareness. If they can't see that giant, pulsing blue circle around their immediate vicinity then it's not your fault you're playing with total derps.
  12. Numerii


    Civil War - I go snow to cap it fast, have to stay there to defend it because no one else will. Most of the time, no one even shows up because Republic teams cap grass. Everyone fights for mid, I twiddle my thumbs while the inevitable happens: we don't cap mid and our team spends the rest of the match trying to take it from the Republic. Trying to explain that continuously attempting to execute a strategy that has failed before, and has now become all too predictable, are futile. Voidstar - Bang your head on the left door while stealth classes try to ninja the right. Not going in your favor? Bang your head on the right door... Huttball - Never know what is going to happen. Sometimes it's one-sided, sometimes it comes down to the last seconds of the match. Always fun.
  13. Wait until you have a couple of matches in the 50s bracket against a good Marauder or Assassin, who wants you dead every time he sees you, bro.
  14. Some times, I get invited to premades. Most of the time, I just queue solo. I've been in plenty of PUGs that have beaten premades, it's an amazing rush too.
  15. Pretty sure it's been stated already that group rateds will have 8-man teams, not 2x4-man teams. So if you walk into a 6 vs 8, 2 of your people gonna have sum splainin' to do. Also, can't walk into a losing match as a group, it should always be fresh fights. Solo ranked, might just be something you have to deal with.
  16. Spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201Zfc0rdRbZcMdRsrk.1 3/3 Electric Induction can be spent on tier 2 talents if you like. Math arguing whether 3/3 EI is better than or worse than 2/2 Subversion would be nice to see. Use Wrath procs on Crushing Darkness. If Wrath procs again before CD comes off cooldown, cast LS. Occasionally, enjoy a free CL. Combine with Death Field and a Lightning Barrage-buffed Force Lightning; all the while, keeping your multitude of CCs. They nerfed hybrid speccing? Edit: Haven't been on the PTS to see exactly how the talent trees look atm, just going off of the changes to some talents with the assumption that those talents stay in the same tier they currently occupy. If anyone has some empirical evidence that such a spec can not be created in 1.2 please let me know. At the moment, that's probably the spec I'll be working with when the patch rolls out.
  17. Numerii

    Epic PvP Moments

    I love your sig. Pretty sure if they would have just nerfed consumable stacking and left things alone, we'd actually have that scenario that Zoeller guy is referring to.
  18. That's due to a Sorcerer facerolling his keyboard and accidentally hitting Whirlwind. We faceroll THAT HARD bro! Deal with it.
  19. lol, as an Imp on Davik's Estate, this is exactly what I experience. There's one guild on Republic side that runs premades. 9 times out of 10 when you're playing Civil War or Voidstar, you're going to go against 4 guys from <Open Rebellion> and 4 other Repubs, and occasionally, one of your Huttball matches will be against them. In the morning, if I play in between classes I can get my daily done in 30 minutes some times because it's almost nothing but Imp vs Imp Huttball, and if you get some of the best players on your side, you faceroll 4-5 minute matches. Of course, I've also been on the unlucky side of that scenario and finished my Ilum daily(doing just WZs) before finishing my 3 win daily.
  20. Not saying I agree with it, but does make for a catchy name.
  21. Numerii

    Epic PvP Moments

    Not gonna lie...it was a great clip!
  22. I've been in PUGs that have completely destroyed premades. If they get paired with 4 *******, they can put up a decent match, but they won't just run away with a win. Unless you're on a bad PUG, in which case, you(the only guy with a brain) should be able to determine that and quit getting bent out of shape about it. Go pick a 1v1 if it gets really bad. It's good practice time.
  23. Allow me to just stand there and faceroll my PvP rotation while a melee is on me, then balance it so that I have just as much of a chance(provided all things equal) to kill that melee, and I'll agree. Until then, I propose that you accept that it is necessary to my survivability to keep melee away from me; therefore you're going to eat knockbacks and stuns, and yet you'll still have the tools to close the gaps I create, or outright avoid them. One style promotes a mindless PvP system, the other requires a bit of thinking. Obviously I can beat bad melee while thinking, what is the likely outcome should it become mindless facerolling?
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