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Everything posted by Numerii

  1. Numerii

    A fix for ravage.

    Yeah, but do you really think it's because of Ravage? I rarely find myself eating a full 3 hits of it unless they pop it while I'm stunned by someone else. Not every Mara is Carnage, all 3 specs are decent in PvP now. If there's one nearby, keep a trigger finger on whatever button you have that could counter it. I actually find the metagame behind countering Ravage to be a fun aspect of fighting them in the same vein as the Charge/Knockback metagame. I think we need more of these types of mechanics, not the ones that favor mindless button-mashing for big damage or the lulz "I push this three times then hit mah big dmg." Getting off all 3 hits of Ravage is actually something SWs/JKs have to think about, at least against good players.
  2. Numerii

    A fix for ravage.

    Other characters have tools to help counter a rooted Ravage. Furthermore, you can't base anything off of 1v2 fights. In the same situation, with a Rage Jugg and a Mara on me, I have to burn my kiting/CC tools twice as fast and I usually die in less than 10 seconds after the fact. I see no reason to scream nerf to either class when that happens though. You could substitute me in the spot of either character and the one you just substituted me for would die as well. That's just 1v2 for you.
  3. Numerii

    A fix for ravage.

    With a friendly pause before that final and largest hit that says, "Hey champ, if you haven't created some distance between us by now, maybe you should think about it."
  4. Numerii

    A fix for ravage.

    Do you have Disjunction and Lightning Recovery in your build? With a knockback on 20 second cooldown and a 20 sec Force Speed that breaks roots, you really should have something available to you unless you just line up a hundred Maras against the wall every day or something...
  5. Numerii

    A fix for ravage.

    If your KB is on cooldown, and, I'm going to assume here, your defensive cooldowns as well as your CC break are also on cooldown...well, these things happen. Hopefully next time you'll have something available to you to counter either the Ravage or the choke. Crying about being caught with your pants down however, is rather laughable. It happens to all of us, most of us just understand that having someone pop cooldowns on you while you have none currently available is not a sign of imbalance.
  6. Yeah, they hit like trucks, even after the nerfs. The difference is, there are fewer of them, and they fold pretty quickly under focus. Marauders/Sentinels are just plentiful atm and they have those sweet defensive cooldowns. Similar to all the complaining about Sorcerers/Sages before we were nerfed: they were everywhere and they had great escape tools. We never brought the level of damage that Marauders/Sentinels are capable of though, but hey, people got what they wanted lol. Now, bow down to your new FotM overlords, peasants!
  7. Do some crafting, or at least max out slicing and sell the crafting missions. I have two cargo bays full of 340 missions in case I ever need some credits, at the moment though I have about 1.5 mil spread across all my toons, and I don't care about the Legacy stuff.
  8. I haven't seen too many Sorc/Sage "anythings" since 1.2 to be honest lol. It's rather refreshing. Sometimes, it's just like this huge mosh pit of melee and I just run around in a circle around them sneaking in some lightning before moving to another spot so as not to draw any attention...
  9. Nah, I learned real early to be a paranoid, twitchy bastard whenever I saw dual-sabers running around. They had good burst and were hard to shake prior to 1.2.
  10. Before 1.2, probably an hour on average. Now, however, it seems like every other Imp is either a PvE hero or undergeared alt. So, some days I finish it in an hour or two, sometimes I just keep it going for a day or two. I'm mostly full BM already so I really don't see the need to stomach terrible PUGs just to get a piece or two of WH gear at the current prices. Once rateds finally come around I'll gear up quick.
  11. What really burns me is knowing that, for all intents and purposes, I just lost my spot in the queue and will have to go back to the bottom again and wait.
  12. They really do seem to be making it harder to like this game each patch.
  13. Judging by the lack of activity from either side and the 6-0 score, I'd say the match probably started out lopsided and snowballed into everyone who joined late leaving.
  14. Probably because you don't seem to realize that "force/tech heavy classes" damage is still mitigated by armor. We're not roflstomping tanks, hell as a Sorcerer I'm not roflstomping anyone. When I do win 1v1 against someone of similar gear and skill it's only because I was able to drag the fight out for at least 20 seconds. In 1.2, you don't have that amount of time to work with against most classes. Scissors > Paper is working quite well atm, I'm not sure about the rest of that ********** trinity though.
  15. Nah, 0/20/21 here. I have so much Force I can actually switch to a temporary healer at times. Madness runs dry if you live for too long and can't catch a seethe break. Plus, hybrid still gives you all the great tools for getting multiple melee off of you, 31 Madness only seems to work against 1 melee, but it does work very well against that one melee no doubt. I won't argue over which is better though. I put up similar numbers no matter which spec, I just enjoy breaking up the melee trains that try to run me over all the time, so for me, hybrid is the best choice.
  16. You're forgetting the rewards from the daily (and weekly?). I think there's only one daily now, not even sure if we have a weekly any more but still, 99 WZ comms for completing it. Over the course of two weeks that's probably another 4 hours of grind using your napkin math. Even if it takes a month to get fully geared, I don't see a problem with that. It's very similar to what I experienced as a fresh 50. Took about 2-3 weeks to get fully PvP-geared. The difference was, however, I started out with no expertise. That Recruit set puts you at less of a disadvantage than before. Also, upgrading a piece won't have as big of an effect on your performance either. I really have no sympathy for anyone who complains that gearing up for PvP in 1.2 is hard. You can argue that being rewarded so little for losing when you are trying to do the best you can is wrong, I'll agree with that to some extent. I just don't see an issue with gear.
  17. If you take issue with the need to get rewards from WZ in order to contribute: By the time I had a full set of Cent+ gear, I was more than capable of contributing to matches. The Recruit set is there for a reason. You'll be at a disadvantage for a week or two while you grind your BM gear, same thing many of us did while working on Champ gear. If you take issue with the need to get a fair reward for PvP'ing: I can see that. I've never been bothered by other people having gear either. I saw no problem with putting a floor on WZ rewards back in the last patch. I have, however, played enough games since this patch dropped to realize that contributing to the match will reward you in a similar fashion to that old floor. Except maybe Huttball, because walking into the final seconds of a 5-0 match is just a waste of time. I would rather have more people available in the queue at nights, and something like this seems to be pushing more people away. So give them the gear faster, it won't effect my swag, bro.
  18. Numerii

    New WZ = Best WZ

    lol, I did see that spam on my chat bar a lot. Luckily for me, I have the volume set to 50% in the game while my music is set to 100%. PvP'ing without music puts me to sleep.
  19. Numerii

    New WZ = Best WZ

    I'm just hoping this leads to a "Huttball with a different map" and "Voidstar with a different map". I really never understood why Blizzard didn't do this type of approach to PvP. It works very well in FPS games and doesn't require you to think up a whole new style of PvP...just provide some different maps for the styles you currently offer. Breaks up the monotony. As far as Novare Coast goes, I like it a bit better than Civil War, but only because it's easier to see where the enemy is going. At any point on the map, I can call out incomings instead of hoping that the guys guarding mid or the opposite side turret are smart/aware enough to do so.
  20. Before 1.2: 1. Get target down to 40% while lining up Wrath and Lightning Barrage procs. 2. Ensure that Death Field and Chain Lightning are off cool down. 3. Once procs are lined up: Electrocute target, pop adrenal, relic, and Recklessness. 4. Dump Death Field, then Chain Lightning, follow up with Force Lightning, Shock if target still isn't dead. After 1.2: 1. Pop relic, adrenal, and Recklessness. 2. Death Field, Affliction, Force Lightning until Wrath procs, Crushing Darkness, spam Force Lightning until either target or I die(s).
  21. I don't really care. Before, I had considered not even putting it on my action bar. I still prioritize Wrath procs to go CD. However, when CD is on cooldown, LS is actually doing decent enough damage to warrant using it. Couple that with the fact that I never seem to be hurting for Force, I see no reason not to use it, even if it does meager damage to some ACs.
  22. It's not just Marauders/Sentinels, everyone's damage is too high atm. Even as a Sorcerer I'm finding it ridiculous(talking about the damage I do, not the damage I take).
  23. Compare the Expertise of Champ gear to BM gear, it's rather large now. The gains to damage done from Expertise is pretty large now as well. I am 3 pieces from being full BM atm and as a Sorcerer my highest hit has went from around 2.8k to 3.4k. I've seen several ACs top the 5k mark already. That's something you almost never saw outside of Rage Juggs against low expertise targets. It's par for the course now. Damage increased, HP stayed the same, healing got nerfed. It's simple math.
  24. My Force Lightning is actually melting people. Before, that spell was just an annoying filler. Expertise doesn't seem to be doing anything for TTL. 2v1 is lulz, you get killed inside of a stun no matter what gear you're in atm. Feels like playing 10-49 with no expertise gear.
  25. Tried 31 Madness for a bit for PvP. It's good against melee in 1v1 but I found it lacking when focused, and against ranged Creeping Terror is nigh worthless. Overall, good damage, terrible survivability except against a single melee. Currently running with 0/20/21: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201Zfc0rbMrZcMdRsrk.1 Plays similar to how 0/19/22 played before the patch. Lightning Strike is actually hitting for decent damage, already had it hit for 2.5k. Survivability is much better when focused, Force never runs out it seems. If they break the double-dip on LB it might not be that great, but atm it's still a strong spec any PvP DPS sorc should look into.
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