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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. I think you are already on to the solution. If you can craft, it sounds like a good time to start pumping out crafted items. It may not be what you like, but that appears to be the space to fill in the market.


    I agree with you that this is a direct result of the F2Pers and Preferreds that only get like one Crew Skill. Pretty sure the majority of them aren't crafting anything mainly because they can't. So they are just running Gathering missions and posting the stuff. I know that's what my brother and a friend, both F2Pers, are doing. One is Bioanalysis, the other is Slicing.





    Would be sweet if those Black Hole Schematics weren't Bind on Pickup. I have Alts with BH comms I could use to buy the Biochem Exotech schemas for my main, but I can't pass them along. Maybe make them Bind on Legacy or some such thing. I just can't muster the desire to do any of the PvE for BH comm dailies either.


    End-game wise I just don't like PvE. I really wish I could buy the schematic for a a thousand or so WZ commes.

  2. no. its probably the least representative metric of skill.



    if bioware was smart, they would select a member of the community to represent each AC and their complaints//suggestions. any of you that played SWG would know about player Senators, this is the same idea. it would provide the community with a direct line of communication to the devs, but would also act as a filter for all of the stupid crap that ends up on the forums


    As long as the people they elected weren't complete morons.

  3. I really don't get the point when you say scoundrels have absolutely no resource management, if you're spamming surgical probe/emergency medpack then you're right but that's not what will heal a team, i find myself using diagnostic scan a lot to get energy and i have to say that if as a scoundrel/operative you never run out of energy without using diagnostic scan than you are doing something wrong, as i always have to use it after 2 underworld medicine/kolto injection.


    As for emergency medpack/ surgical probe i agree that it needs a nerf, i would do something like 7 energy cost and 1 upper hand (still regranting 1 upper hand when used on targets bellow 30% health) and underworld medicine/ kolto injection would reduce the energy cost of the next emergency medpack/ surgical probe by 100%. A nerf bigger than that would require some love to kolto pack/ kolto infusion.





    Do you even remember how commando healers where OP before 1.2?

    A scoundrel healer right now isn't even close to what commandos were before, they could tank through 2-3 people, heal themselves, heal all their team and they still would have time to do some dps.


    I'm not saying that they don't need a buff, they do but putting them back to pre 1.2 is just plain stupidity.


    That was if they were guarded and those were before the expertise changes too. Scoundrel could do the same, just nobody knew how to play Scoundrel healer well. There were a few and that's about it.


    Either way it still stands. In PvP, there's no point in bringing a Commando/Mercenary anything.

  4. Maybe because TOR has been an unmitigated disaster for EA that has already cost them millions and ultimately will cost them millions more?


    This was supposed to be at least in the neighborhood of WOW...it has become the most expensive flop in the history of online gaming to date.


    They were told to leave...they didn't get a choice and any company would have fired management who did such a terrible job.


    The last EA Quarterly report said volumes by saying as little as possible about SWTOR. You know how bad it was when SWTOR was burried in the report and Simpsons Online was trumpeted as a rousing cash success.


    Simpsons...Online....think about that.


    Funny thing is, they've already made their money back.

  5. Really??? You made it to nearly 2900 rating and you backpedal? Jesus christ. Sigh, hence why games higher than 3v3 games are terrible, too easy to carry bads to high ratings.


    Oh look, a back-pedal bashing moron who thinks this is WoW.

  6. But classes I play rely on bleeds. Shadows have a cleanse they can use when they stealth I believe. And stealthers getting away is not as big of an issue as stealthers killing me from stealth.


    It all depends on how you use Resilience. Sometimes if I'm opening on a class I'll use Resilience first especailly if it's a bubblestun Sorc/Sage. Or a Rage Smash class. I don't know how many times I've seen the Rage people try to Exhaustion me and it not work then they instantly try to Choke me and I just giggle. Usually if I try to run away in cloak I'll sprint off and pray I get out of their line of site before a DoT ticks or I get damaged.

  7. C'mon as deception it's not that hard to stay on top of someone to get two voltaics off then to shock and discharge if they get out of melee range. And yeah sometimes team set ups are stupid but you gotta for guards and that in pvp and switch targets if it's that big a problem... Build up procs on the guarded person, target switch to someone fast and blow them up.


    POT5... lots of scrubs in normals and yeah a good sage/sorc can stay ranged for quite a while but if you stealthy it up right you can blow them up quickly without them getting too much distance.


    Proxy for the links?


    I'm not saying it's not hard to stay in melee range and do damage. But an Assassin in the middle of a bunch of people spamming AoEs or protecting their healers as Assassin will go down much faster than a Sorcerer at range spamming abilities.

  8. The one is base armor then the other isn't really a cooldown, it's a proc that builds up pretty fast so you're running around with 31.98 damage reduction while in combat.



    And it's hard to get into melee range as an assassin?!


    Didn't say that. It's quite easy to stay in melee range. But I'm not sure what people do on your server but usually the good players protect one another. And if they see an Assassin in the middle of 4-5 of them they usually just turn and melt his face. While a Sage/Sorcerer can stay at range and not have to worry about being in the melee distance threat.


    Oh and I can't see your links to the stuff you posted. Work blocks them.

  9. You must be confusing sorc to sniper.


    I've been perma-kited by Balance Sages before on my Shadow. I've even perma-kited other melee classes on my Balance Shadow. I'll admit that the kite ability compared to Sniper isn't as great but that's what sets the bad Sages/Sorcerers to the really good ones. The good ones kill you, the bad ones die.

  10. on war hero targets...



    deathfield 2.5k-3.5k

    shock 1.5k-2.5k

    crushing darkness 1.5k.2k and dot


    chain shock proc? chain lightning i assume?


    Chain lightning -2k-2.5k



    all while being smashed for 5k-7k

    rail shotted for 4-6k, thermal for 4k, rail shot proc again for 4-6k

    maul spammed for 4.5k-5k

    ravaged for about 92829238k



    idk where this stupid dmg is u think sorcs have, all these classes we vs also have good defensive cooldowns whereas we have none


    You're a ranged class. If you know how to play you can perma-kite any melee.


  11. The only question you need to ask is:


    Do they make the game more fun?


    I'd obviously say NO...not in the least. I wish all CC's would break on damage - they'd be much more tactical and "fun" that way.


    If all CCs broke on damage then this entire game would now 100% be based on CC.

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