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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. Started SWTOR as F2P and after a week of playing i subscribed,then after a week i forgot about SWTOR and i am back to SWGEMU bye bye!

    SWG is still way better than SWTOR.


    PS SWG will always live they cant shut it down.If they want to make some money they should think of creating SWG2.

    Its not what is good its what the market demands it.


    If you have any questions you can find me on swgemu.com (PRE-CU) or projectswg.com (NGE).



    If they wanted to. They could easily shut it down lol.

  2. Ok, Y'all want a reason some of us "Do not find friends to make premades with". Easy, We stopped trying. Some of us do not have the time to sit in fleet for an hour or so, looking for that "Perfect" Class/Utility combination needed to effectively make a premade. Some of us, no longer play classes that other Premades feel are viable. I know I hate healing on my Commando, with a passion, and since I am now Commando DPS, the Premades on my server wont take me. I wont change my spec, as I feel that Commando heals need A LOT of love ATM.


    Others of us HAD friends that we would PvP with at launch and for a time after. However, with the lackluster systems (CC, and Resolve to name 2) our friends decided to ditch this game for another, like going back to WoW or going to GW2. Leaving those of us, as stated before, who are die hard SW fans, to play a game that is in essence, failing despite itself.


    For either of these reasons we feel that queuing solo is the best fit for us. We should not be punished for this decision. Separating queues is NOT the answer. ACTUAL matchmaking (which is coming) and X-Server Queues (which may not be) would solve a huge portion of these problems. Also adjusting the Class Balances would go a long way as well.


    For those of you who feel "entitled"... for whatever reason... Get off your high horses. This game is meant to be enjoyed by everyone. NOT just those of you who want to dedicate all your time to one toon, Who do not have families of your own, and (a few of you) who have absolutely no life outside a video game. Please attempt to see that the other sides problems have validity and stop trolling the forums because you think you are somehow "better" then all other players. You never know the reason that player is not "as good as you" and you may not want to find the answer. Thank you.


    Not our problem.


    Get friends to queue with or get out.

  3. Also I thought I've read somewhere if you rip DPS mods out and put them in a shield offhand that your primary damage will still be lower... I haven't tested this myself, but will take a look at it in a day or two.


    But look up any of the Shinarika armory/builds/guides/threads/videos and you'll see some of the exampled hybrid builds. Even then I would take those and modify them to your play style, hell due to field respec and a full lockout in the spawn room I might change up specs if its required.


    IMO, I don't look at the OP'ness of being able to 1v1 or anything like that. I look at the fact you can be extremely annoying/capable of stopping caps or holding out till reinforcements show up in any of the 24/x/x builds. Also excellent at killing ball carriers in hutt ball...


    But that's my play style, I am the one who will normally take one for the team and run to snow or grass or east or west, and just sit there if I have to. The one who waits near our in zone when a ball carrier passes that comfort zone of getting close to a cap.


    But this is coming from a two week old 50 assassin that's called a noob or pos for having 16.8 k health in every other warzone i queue up in.


    Wow bro, L2P.

  4. Lol guardians are OP, but sents, vanguards, scoundrels, and shadows aren't.


    NEW AT 11!!! Classes I play aren't OP, but a class I don't play is.


    Vanguards have a very easy rotation but they aren't OP.

    Scoundrel's healing is a tad stronger than the others but it's not crazy OP. Their damage is fine, I still see Operatives I vs hit me for 3-5K through their rotations quite frequently.

    Sentinel's Sweep spec is the easiest rotation in-game and puts out the highest damage and I'd say it's a tad OP along with Guardian.

    Shadows and Gunslingers are most likely the most balanced classes in the game. With a tad OP-ness favoring Gunslingers just a little bit.

  5. Only valor that matters is 40, so you can get ranked comms. If you aren't 40 valor already by the time you hit 50, that means your bad, and don't deserve MVPs anyways.



    This guy isn't even good at PvP.

  6. I probably need to rewire my brains before I can use any of those. And an extra pair of eyes to see where my thumb is at.


    I can't believe people are actually using them and be happy.


    That's how I thought it was going to be too but eventually you just become naturally used to it. Like going from driving an automatic to a manual. It just clicks.

  7. Wireless does have several disadvantages of course:


    1. Batteries.

    2. BATTERIES!!

    3. Wireless disruption (physical objects, equal wave frequencies, etc).


    And Synapse, isn't too hard to get to work. The SWTOR mouse will work pretty much the same as the regular Naga works with it.


    The new wireless Epic has a wired/wireless feature and has a charging docking station so you don't need batteries. I love this thing.

  8. According to the recent Dev trackers, we are not only getting a skill rebalance, but a gear rebalance.


    My prediction: They are going to pull a Surge 2.0 and nerf Power. That alone, would probably make the "Smash Spec" less desirable for PvP while still leaving Rage a viable tree for PvE.


    So nerf everyone.....great....

  9. You think that the people that already don't care about their team and objectives would care enough to queue into the separate TDM queue? Nope, they would still queue into your objective based warzone and deathmatch.


    I don't think it would be as bad.


    I'd much rather join a Warzone and play how I wanted to play and just kill people instead of playing obejects and still get about 100 comms. Than having to stress how bad my team is and having to rely on them.

  10. You can choose NOT to use stun, or stun the other healer while you kill that healer, there are interrupts and pushes, the 50% guarded damage can be redirected before damage reduction on the receiver is applied.


    Ever tried playing a healer without a guard? Didn't think so.


    Damage reduction on stunned victim is a great idea.


    Yes I have played a healer with a guard. And I'm sorry but you have to stun a healer to kill him even if he isn't being guarded. The idea was bad and wouldn't be balanced.

  11. WoW's diminishing returns works well with WoW. But I'm not quite sure how well it would work with SWTOR. SWTOR's and WoW's combat system is completely different. I'd even say that SWTOR's combat is even faster than WoW (LOLOLOL). So I don't know how it could even work. The entire combat/CC system would need re-vamped if something needed to be changed. Cause as of right now, if that type of system was put in then healers would be stupid OP.
  12. Aside from the extra 5 expertise points you'd get from the level increase, it is doubtful there will be any additions to combat or abilities. With EA giving the unique storyline aspect away for free/F2P, this game is officially on life support.


    Don't expect to see many more expansions beyond this one, either.


    Debbie Downer right here.


    And if you'd read info being put out it's already said each class will get multiple abilities. And games have been on life-support for a long time yet they still get expansions. Since you already unsubbed, why not leave the forums too?

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