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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. No gear gap? That sounds cool.


    Honestly, the biggest change I'd like from SWTOR is for them to increase the comms you get from winning a match. That way I could gear up faster.


    SWG had a gear gap, a big one too.

  2. im obviously talking about the nge...........



    to anyone complaining about pre-nge combat mechanics that sucked. sorry you had to deal with it? but pre-nge was barely one quarter of the total lifespan of SWG. the NGE *was* SWG


    personally, pre-nge (including pre-cu) was meh. the game had incredible depth (too much in some cases), and was almost entirely player driven (again, too much so in some cases). my dream MMO would be the pre-nge profession system merged with all of the balance and content that existed post-NGE


    Had they stuck with the CU and added all the content they did, I have no doubt that SWG would still be alive today and SWTOR wouldn't have even been a though.

  3. ignoring the fact that you are a massive troll and a terrible player (both in SWG and SWTOR), i personally prefer SWG pvp over SWTOR.




    - Easily accessible open world PvP (restuss, anywhere you were overt)

    - major forms of CC were snares/roots

    - gearing system was 99% crafter based

    - no gear gap existed

    - combat was fast paced, but fights did not end instantly (among good players anyways)

    - class balance (other than melee) was very close

    - guild wars (same faction even)

    - cross faction chat



    - Melee was 100% useless in organized pvp

    - Massive lag in large open world PvP battles

    - only 4 battlefields (aka warzones) which got repetitive

    - queuing system for battlefields was frustrating





    - its starwars

    - 5 warzones, devs seem intent on continuing to develop more

    - queuing system is very user friendly.

    - minimal gear gap (as of 1.6)



    - class balance is laughable

    - ranged classes are massively inept at combating melee

    - ranked pvp is disfunctional b/c of poorly thought out design

    - PvP gear acquisition

    - PvP gear stat allocations (bioware doesnt play the game if they think i need that much accuracy)

    - engine can barely handle the 8v8 combat of instanced warzones

    - world pvp is all but non-existent due to the hassle of traveling to areas where open pvp may take place.

    - no "reward" for world pvp at all.

    - no central world pvp zone


    SWG's PvP balanced? In the NGE maybe, but Pre-NGE LOLOL.

  4. My advice?

    Get to level 50.

    Get Bubblestun or Sever Force. Perma-kite Juggs/Guardians all day.


    I can keep Juggernauts and Guardians off my Balance Shadow 95% of the fight. A Sage would only be easier.

  5. So, some guildies and I were talking last night & the comment was made that the speed of combat in pvp has become too fast. They asked with consistent gear progression, how BW could manage the speed aspect to pvp, and ensure there are still "epic" battles (their original intent and design with the GCD, etc).


    It's an interesting thing to think about.


    I am a twitch gamer & started playing console FPS games a long time ago, and I must admit, there are times that this game now feels like a Halo game (two shotgun blasts and you're having to respawn) rather than an MMO.


    SWG was way more "epic" than swtor (in terms of time to kill, etc).


    So, here's my question:


    Would you be upset if BW decreased all healing and damage output in WZ's by 25%, but left it as-is for PVE combat/operations in an attempt to control speed of combat?


    SWG's combat more epic? LOL

    Spamming buttons due to no glocal cooldown....that was really epic man...

  6. That's a good point. It seems like the only people who are okay with the prices are those with the deepest pockets (or have little care about spending - ie. lack of self control) and people who argue against price lowering just for the sake of doing it but they don't actually buy anything anyway. The latter just derails conversation and it serves no purpose to point out things like "no one is forcing you to buy" "these are optional" "so don't buy them," we've heard that old rehashed stuff so quit parroting it, people.


    If a 1200 CC set was to be reduced to 900, 800, 750, even 700 CC, I guarantee you that more people would buy coins. It's much easier to swallow that cost when you can buy it with a $10 coin package. You can't even get a set if you don't put $19.99 on the table first. THAT is what puts off a lot of people.


    So because people have more money than others and want to spend it on what they want it's a lack of self-control?


  7. Does anyone consider the fact that most people don't like to tank anyways? This is not just a problem in this game, it's in every game. It goes DPS > Healing > Tank. Tanking is perceived as being not as fun as DPSing or healing.


    Not many people have played the hybrid-tank Guardian/Juggernauts in Huttball yet. Easily the funnest class to play in that Warzone.

  8. Nah, cheers though.


    The day PvE players get the top tier PvP gear just because they like to kill the same AI over and over again is the day I, and the rest of the PvPers will call it quits.

  9. Sorry, but tanks are balanced right now. I don't understand why people want un-killable juggernauts.

    In PvP, a Tank/Healer combo can already hold a node vs 4+ people for a long time. And as long as that tank had a healer in Huttball he would never die.


    Sorry but it's balanced the way it is.


    No need to be having tanks with 30K base health along with 2x their defenses they already have.

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