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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. So all damage is increased 23-24% as well...with extensive nerfs to healing interrupts become even more important. I see TTKs dropping drastically with these changes...not a good time to be a healer.


    You also get 23-24% more damage reduction.


    Think bro, think.

  2. If you roll assassins you have to remember to come to the forums and whine like a bit ch that you cant solo a good healer all day though. Seems to be what a majority of the assassins around here do.


    And where does that happen?

  3. People might need to get gear then. My 27/0/14 Shadow can't hit anyone over 3.5K if they have gear.


    In order to get a good spec'd Shadow you have to devote a lot of time to get all the right mods/gear. And yes, the payout is amazing. But it's not anything to cry nerf about. Their hardest hitting attack is a channeled ability and is super easy to stun or knock them back out of it.

  4. I've noticed on my sniper I would get a 4k ambush crit on someone when they had about 1500 hp left.


    At the end my biggest hit wasn't 4k. It was like 3k in the WZ charts. Someone told me an explanation.


    Say your target has 1500 health left. You hit them for 4k. It will count the 1500 as the damage done. Not the overkill amount as well.


    Until there are logs, there is no way to confirm this without an official explanation.


    PS I have a 50 scoundrel too. Happens on both sides. Not just Repubs


    That is correct. Works the same way with heals.

  5. Because I don't want to play with the same people over and over and over again on my server when ranked WZs come out. I want competition. If the community wants a community based server then it is on them to host events and such.
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