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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. Oh wow, a Guardian just leaped on me and is building up his armor debuff. Wait, what?! He's choking me now to build up his Sweep damage. WHAT THE?! He force pushed me away?! Wait, wait, wait, why is he lunging me now?! What!!! I just got hit for 5K Sweep?! How did he do that and why can't I stop it?!
  2. Actually it's possible with Force in Balance when you've got an adrenal and relic popped. Force in Balance is a Force move (Can't be parried, dodged, or shield mitigated) that does internal damage (can't be mitigated by armor). You need Mental Scarring up the tree though and you need to get your crit. It's a 3 target AoE though and at end game where you have 30-35% crit rate before other buffs, getting that 5k is easy.



  3. For all of you 49ers who are doing everything you can to stay in the kiddie pool (under 50 warzones) I can't help call you all nothing more than hypocrites.




    Because you have the very advantage over the lower level players that you are too scared to face off against. Hit one more level and you are no longer the top dogs of your level bracket. You are instead the lowbies again.


    And the really sad part of all this?


    It only takes a few weeks to get your gear. Even without winning warzones you can still earn bags. It takes no time at all to earn 200 merc and warzone commendations in warzones. Even if you don't win a single game and never step foot on Ilum there is absolutely no reason that you can't be in full champ / centurion gear in two weeks.


    And if you do go to Ilum and complete your weekly quests ... that is 6 bags a week. Three bags for the kill weekly quest and 3 bags for winning 9 warzones. And that is not even counting the daily quests.


    If you will just have the courage to get out of the kiddie pool, you will discover that you can be drowning in bags with just a little effort on your part.


    If you are now just hitting level 49 on your first character ... well the game has been out for almost 3 months now. 2 weeks to get your gear is nothing compared to the long drawn out delay you have taken to get to 50.


    And even without PVP, there is still the PVE content. HM and Operations that you can't do unless you hit 50. By avoiding the PVP end game you are also keeping the door closed on the PVE content as well.


    So you are in reality doing nothing more than paying $15 a month to play a few warzones you aren't even finishing for fear of reaching the next stage in the game.


    And that people is just plan sad.




    I was in 85% Centurion/15% Champion gear in 3 days. I timed when I was going to hit 50 on a Friday, did my weekly and then Tuesday when they reset I finished my other weekly on that day too + the dailys for those 3 days.

  4. If you are feeling short on keybindings with a Deathadder, Naga+Lycosa=More.keybindings then you can shake a stick at. With the extra modifiers below the space bar bound to stuff like ctrl, alt, and then its own custom modifiers you have something like 60 keybindings before you even have to map something off your mouse and a keyboard modifier.


    I've played MMOs with this combo for years so I'm super used to it. Plus I have pretty big hands too so it's not hard for me to reach over and hit the 7-8-9-0 buttons if needed.

  5. Razer Lycosa and Razer Deathadder


    1 - Saber Strike

    2 - Double Strike

    3 - Telekinetic Throw

    4 - Project

    5 - Breach

    6 - Force Wave

    7 - Force Taunt

    8 - Cloak

    Shift+1 - Force Stun

    Shift+2 - Force Potency

    Shift+3 - CC Breaker

    Shift+4 - Spinning Strike

    Shift+5 - Whirling Blow

    Shift+6 - Force Slow

    Shift+7 - Force AoE Taunt

    E - Force Pull

    Q - Force Sprint

    F - Spinning Kick

    R - Mind Snap

    T - Force In Balance

    Shift+E - PvP Heal Stim

    Shift+R - Rakata Medpack

    Mouse Button 4 - Force Cloak + Resilience

    Shift+Mouse Button 4 - Battle Readiness + Deflection

    Mouse Button 5 - Rakata Power Adrenal + PvP Power Relic

    Shift+Mouse Button 5 - Warzone PvP Adrenal + PvP Power Relic

  6. I guess I'm just used to my main (Operative) lol. Because the survivability/utility on the Infiltration Shadow is much greater than that of the Conc Operative. Oh, and I actually have some form of sustained dmg, that's nice as well.


    Light-Armored Melee Class.....


    Operative/Scoundrel is a lot better lol


    The fact that I have to wrack up my damage as Infiltration and if I get interrupted/stunned in between that it takes that much longer to get my rotation off. With Operative it's just Acid Blade then spam your 3-4 melee attacks.

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