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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. And when can we expect the other trees to be balanced to be better for group play.



    There's a reason why 90% of the people playing Assassin/Shadow are now playing hybrid.


    As mentioned before I think all Shadow/Assassin trees should have their own form of Harnessed Shadows.



    Kinetic - Damage debuff to target attacked with Tele Throw : 5/10/15% /per stack. -20% Force/Melee Damage when in Combat Technique. Increase the heal in Combat Technique by 200 to help the actual tanks who were wanting to tank keep themselves up due to the loss of the heal from HS.


    Infiltration - Increases Tele Throw damage by : 6/12/18% /per stack and reduced Force cost by 20/40/60%. +30% armor while in Shadow Technique. Switch the Kinetic Field (30% AoE Dmg Reducton) down to the tier 1 and replace Harnessed Shadows there for Infiltration. They no longer need the extra armor since Shadow technique automatically has the armor increase.


    Balance - Each tick of Telekinetic Throw Heals the player by 2/3/4% max health . +20m range on Telekinetic Throw/Project while in Force Technique. Toss out Mind Ward and make that an innate ability for people in Force Technique and replace that tier with the Harnessed Shadows for Balance.

  2. Sure will, can't wait to play games where I'M in control of my toon. Definitely worth paying x amount of $ a month to control my character. Oh wait..... GW2 won't have a monthly sub!




    It's going to be fun playing objective PvP in that game to have someone from the enemy team die/go down away from the objective point and unless someone goes over there and attempts to finish him off then he'll get right back up and not die.

  3. If you're PvPing for "rewards", then you should delete your account, because that's not what PvP is about. If you want rewards, go PvE.


    I think what he means is, in the time period between now and 1.2 people who are BM are still getting stuff that will be super-beneficial to them in PvP while the people who aren't BM yet are wasting their time getting gear to be competitive come 1.2.


    They should put out the gear changes right now tbh so that way everyone has enough time to get on the playing field.

  4. Stop taking servers down several times a week. its friday evening here in australia. its been a long week, I play to relax and because i enjoy it.


    I have two accounts, i have 250+ days game credit on this account , and 100 days game cred on the other. . i love this game, its fun. but man is it frustrating when you bring down servers at hours when I (and many others) get to play.


    My money is just as good as the American consumers (actualy its better,costs me less to play) . stop uploading flawed content. stop patching after you have "fixed" things. if your going to do maintaince weekly. DO IT WEEKLY, dont make content live if its terrible and needs to be fixed several times.


    I last night downloaded the public test server client , and im going to contribute so I can help stop this garbage interference several times a week. its bad business.


    I dont even get to qq about the game, BECAUSE I CANT even play the darn thing.


    its not rocket science. think about it.


    Stop complaining.



    I just went upstairs and grabbed my iPod to use my security key and then found out that servers were down when I was ready and wanting to play. But life goes on, go do something else for the next few hours. Watch a movie, take a nap, play a couple matches of LoL.

  5. Yes when she's done with it I use it after her. Then when I'm done with it, I put it next to me on the night stand just in case I cant sleep. It relaxes me. I fill comple with it. I'm sad when I have to give it back to her in the morning. She's lucky to have one. Wish we all could have one, you know?






    ..................I have to draw you...

  6. There's more to editing than making it flashy. I went to film school and studied editing and sometimes keeping it simple is the best tactic. I think you did a great job keeping it short and entertaining.



    Some transitions aka wipes can seem a bit distracting with other vids but I think you still chose finely.



    Good job man. If I wasn't on my wife's iPad I would've subbed.


    Wait..did you just say you're on your wife's pad?

  7. You know how easy it would be to implement a TDM/DM WZ with 10+ maps. First team to 600 points wins, 5 points per kill with a 10min max duration. For the maps all you have to do is use existed areas in the game for people to fight in and just put barriers on certain places.
  8. If you played a level 50 Operative you would know good and well how problematic a 12 second cool down back stab really is.


    Maybe it hasn't occurred to you, but after 1.1.1 we already lost a really huge chunk of our burst and sustained DPS. Counting the 20% drop in armor penetration, and the 20% drop in Hidden Strike damage, that amounts to a 40% overall loss of our opening damage. There was nothing subtle about that nerf.


    Of course, losing 20% of our armor penetration costs us on sustained DPS, and now they're reducing the number of melee attacks we can execute, which already have clunky cooldowns. Remember how clunky Operative felt at level 10 through about 30? Right, well now it's like that at 50.


    That 3 seconds is a 33% increase in cooldown... please read that carefuly: 33%. That is not a subtle tweek, that is a huge f*cking axe ruining our already non-existent sustained DPS. Back Stab is one of our bread-and-butter attacks, since half-way up the Concealment tree it becomes free of energy cost. Of course, mind you, that is a SPEC requirement not a class feature.


    Fail math tbh.


    20% armor pen removed =/= 20% less damage done.

  9. Actually mefit, until LA raised the licensing fees, SOE and LA already jointly announced last Spring they were happy that SWG and TOR could co-exist. When LA's stuffed shirts decided to jack up the fee for the new contract peroid starting in 2012. SOE balked, and that led to the sunset. SOE had the entire dev team adding new features up to when they took the hamsters off their wheels. Atmospheric flight, atmospheric combat, air to ground/ground to air combat was added, something folks had wanted for years. for Sony to allow a dev team to contiue adding content for a sunsetted game is unheard of. And yet they did so.


    In reading you posts, you have an extremely narrow minded view of what SWG was. I don't fault you for being enthusiastic over this game, which appears to bordering on fanatic/compulsive. But to reply to nearly every posters view that your opinion of Galaxies trumps everyone else's experiece and opinion makes your points invalid. and as such, you need to move along. this is not the thread you should be positng on. ;)


    False. But nice try.

  10. Its stayed alive because people played it.




    It stayed alive because it was LICENSED to run. Meaning they paid for it to run for the last 4 years. They weren't going to just shut it down so instead they milked people from TCG and character transfers.

  11. Lemme tell you something , yesterday i made 800 dmg with my shoot first to random mercernary dude.

    He was not guarded , not shielded etc.


    Im wearin best possible gear , full BM with 2 piece of rakata for %15 bonus crit. I feel lost as burst dps class , i feel lost as assasin class.


    And instead of buffing us they nerfin us to down for third time.


    Oh well im already unsubbed.


    I call BS.

  12. Biggest thing I'm appalled over still is the fact they haven't done server transfers yet.... lol


    I dont see any mention of them for 1.2 either...


    So they are making pre 1.2 pvp gear obsolete, so the people stuck on any server except the top 5 populated will be screwed. They will have no sense of progression since it already took them 100x longer to get the PVP gear they already have, the pop gap between empire and repub just means empire will get geared out 100x faster even on the low pop servers, making more people quit.



    We should make a poll to bet on how long before this game gos free to play and servers are merged.


    Hell , take a look at STO and DCUO, which actually look like they could have easily had 2x the amount of budget SWTOR had, in reality more like 1/2, and they went F2P


    STO was bad and DCUO had game breaking exploits that continued for nearly 3 months.

  13. People saying SWG failed could not be more wrong, 8 years of active subs is an amazing effort.

    I played only for 4 -5 years and i would be still there today if they didnt close. Dont get me wrong i really enjoy ToR but SWG had so much more in it than people think. I was an active Beast master in a guild that enjoyed my interests of Bm and crafting.

    IF i was to right up a list of things to do in SWG and compare that to Tor you would be shocked.


    I will admit SWG lacked in a few areas and really needed a graphics update but numbers were strong up untill they shut down the servers.


    RIP SWG and if SOE ever did make SWG 2 id be there in a flash.


    The game was licensed to run. That's the only reason why it stayed live it's last few years.

  14. And again, I'll waste my time saying this. THIS GAME HAS NO PVP! Their is only instanced pvp, which in my mind (and any real pvper) Is not pvp. It's gear grinding, instanced bull****.


    Because OWPvP and fighting and stomping someone with 5x the numbers is totally real PvP.

  15. I am thinking bro...you are looking at basic metrics and I am looking at actual game play. Healers are looking at reduced resources and increased chance of interrupts...24% of nothing is nothing.


    Don't be bad and learn how to play your class with these fixes.

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