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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. Did you actually play the game or are you one of the thousands of sheep that just jump on the trash SWG bandwagon. The same could doubly be said for TOR , if it wasn't SW no one would still be playing. It's an average WoW clone with many basic features missing.


    I played it for 8 years, all of it's stages, and he is correct. It was a bad game.



    BM infil shadow here, and if u feel that then you dont know how to play infil or balance but im sure ur a fine tank shadow.


    i play all 3 a decent amoutn but main infil, which i find to be the most effective 1 v 1 albiet the hardest, u need to use all ur CD and use them correctly and mistakes made will bone u more then mistakes made while tank spec.


    balance depends a lot more on who ur facing, if ur facing a burst class ur fuked, if ur facing someone who does sustain if you play correctly you should be

    u should be able to kite any mele well enuf and with all our CC a ranged shouldnt be able to kite you 1 on 1.


    since i got even half of my champ gear i havnt found anyone who could beat me in a duel on my server, granted havnt dueled many, but saying infil and balance is bad at it is just plain wrong.


    A hybrid will poop all over a pure Infiltration.

  3. Wished they'd shut the forums down permanently sometimes.


    L2P, these are some of the easiest classes to kill. I hope they get buffed tbh, they have very little defense, no Punts, Pulls, or Stuns. You want FPS gameplay, get an Xbox..



    I bet umad because they beat you in huttball alot. For that I LOL at you..


    You're vsing bad Sents/Mars tbh.

  4. Actually have one. I guess you're right, they are a glass cannon also. But they can escape any fight they choose, which if you ask me is a leg up on the marauder. Marauder's gotta stick it out until death or victory.


    But that's if it's not on CD, and if it is then I'm out of the fight for a good 20-30 seconds and then all they have to do is re-target me and burn me down in 2-3 seconds because I can't cloak.



    The DPS spec for Assassin/Shadow is borked, that's why you're only seeing the hybrid builds now because you can put up the same dmg but have 5x the defense.

  5. Sent/marauders are the real glass cannons in this game. The enemy goes through our medium armor like it's paper usually and the only time I feel competitive is when I've got my CDs up.


    Of course, this is against other geared players.


    I'm full champion. Many players are not. I crush them pretty easily, but in this case I wouldn't say it's a class imbalance issue but rather a gear imbalance issue.


    Try playing a DPS Shadow/Sin.

  6. Resolve is the biggest pile of garbage that has ever been implemented in MMO PvP.


    You'll see the "L2P" ******s in this thread any minute, swearing up and down that Resolve is perfect and that they never have an issue with it. Good for them, they have been lucky.


    In my experience, Resolve is all about luck. Sometimes you're lucky and Resolve does something. Most of the time you're unlucky and Resolve doesn't do anything at all. On top of that your Resolve bar will tick down while you're dead, stuck behind the wall in the spawn area, 100m from the nearest combat, etc...


    There are easy ways to fix the ridiculous CC problem in this game.


    1) Make CC breaker skill give 6 seconds of CC immunity when cast


    2) Throw the entire Resolve mechanic in the dumpster (along with the Dev who designed it and the Program Manager that approved it)


    3) Add a CC immunity buff that automatically comes on after you have been CC'd that is 3x the length of the last CC that affected you. For example, a Sentinel uses Force Choke on you for 3s...now you get a buff that makes you immune for 9 seconds. If the Force Choke was broken before 3s (Sentinel died or was interrupted) and only lasted 1s...you would be immune for 3 seconds.

    God mode healers.

  7. Yeah about the medium armor thing...


    Combat Technique +150% armor rating.

    Shadowy Veil: Increases Armor Rating by 15%/30% while Force Technique or Shadow Technique is active. Tier 1 Talent(Available at level 10) in the Infiltration Tree.


    Cost 100% of our energy/Force to switch techniques now and combat is only good if you're actually spec'd around it.

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