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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. I find Shadows more fun as Infiltration. They seem kinda.....awkward......as balance.

    Sages as balance have slooooooow ramp-up but ca multi-dot. They are squishy, but fun.






    They went into Combat Technique and Guarded or they taunted everything on cooldown.


    20/21 Sage or 25/16 > All



    Most OP spec, ever.

  2. In this game nothing, in games like Shadowbane , UO and god of them all DAoC open world PvP beats any thing wow has tryed any day of the week.


    Arena and wz PvP are the same thing over and over.

    Arena you know what when and how the fights going to go each time every time before it even starts. Wz is not much better.


    Open world is a monster all of its own. It's never the same. You don't know when how where or how many you will run into. Called targets, ff'ing, changing tactics on the fly to out with a larger group. In 2 of the 3 games listed above siege PvP in taking out a defended city or keep 100vs100. Vent teams working together to keep 100+players on track working together for flanking and such.


    This game has no such critter.

    As DAoC is still a 14.99/m sub 12years after it came out it must be doing something right.

    If you won't to know about open world PvP is say go read about DAoC for a good understanding. Keep in mind that its 12ish years old and plays like its that old. But the way it was done is unmatched for pvp.


    Arena junkys. Like to think that's true PvP but they never would make it in a true open world pvp game as they cant think out side the box arena. Just do the same thing over and over. #1 #2 #3,,,,,,,, lol ya arenas Hahahahaha


    Obviously you have never been good at PvP.

  3. We are talking about a 10% nerf resulting in e.g. if you have 300 surge, you would need 330 for the same amount so it is barely noticeable or in other words one more enhancement.... a loss of 30 power and 51 accuracy? Wowowowowowowow


    It gets affected by diminishing returns even more now. People will just have to wait and see how the #s turn out on live but it's still not going to do any good to a lot of the DPS classes.

  4. read some books about real wars , it may come as a shock to you, smaller armies beat larger ones ALL THE TIME.


    And the people who lost against those smaller armies were complete morons who let themselves lose.


    And stop comparing a combat game to real life wars.

  5. you still don't get it and you never will..... And stop comparing a combat game to sports,


    Oh I get it, I played SWG for many years and that game had some of the most unbalanced world PvP. I won some and I lost some. And it was stupid because the only time we won/lost was due to the fact who had more numbers. And that's not only factor, such as who has a better PC or internet speed to fight through the lag that comes with the #s.



    OWPvP is a bad system to measure who is good/bad. If anyone, OWPvP needs to be the minigame (while still not receiving less or more) than WZs.

  6. Considering that was the first graphical MMORPG and the start of what you are playing today....


    It was the WoW of its time and DOMINATED market share. Today there are more people playing then before but WoW does not occupy the same share of the market UO did. Hell UO was pretty much THE market back in that day.


    I did BETA for UO.


    MMOs weren't popular back then.



    Guarantee you it wouldn't have been as successful if it had hundreds of other MMOs to compete against.

  7. there is no greater thrill then open world pvp.... If your not upset when you die your not playing a good pvp game IMO.....


    Take darkfall for example, having just spent the last 2hrs grinding a dungeon along comes a random enemy you see him before he sees you,... YOUR HEART IS POUNDING!!!!


    OMG i got a ton of loot on me I need to hide or get out of here, if you get in battle with this guy the feeling will be intense, drug like...... If you win you can't imagine the joy and feeling if you lose you will be ready to kill a kitten...




    open world open loot, the thrills of ganking someone and racking in uber loot is just so much fun.


    Minecraft sounds like your type of game.

  8. I remember you now, your the guy I pummeled in UO, threw a hissy fit, and then ran back to your moms teet.


    You still mad bro?


    Still haven't taken your PVP training wheels off I see?




    Never played UO.


    Props to keeping your dreams alive of your "self-proclaimed glory days" of playing an MMO that barely anyone touched.

  9. juggernauts (and to a lesser degree rage marauders), their smash crit is the lynchpin of their entire damage, that being said they're still able to do up to around 6k on it without proccing anything so...


    That ability still hits for 2-3K without all the buffs. And you at least have the armor/defense specials to stay in a fight more than Shadows/Sins do.

  10. The way I see it I use real life sports.


    You don't give 1 of the teams 2x the number of people on the field and call them better when they beat the other team just due to the fact they had more numbers. That's not fair or anything gloat-worthy.



    But if you get 2 teams who have equal number of players and they got to choose who was on those teams then whoever wins gets the gloat-worthy rights.

  11. Welcome to world PVP games with two factions. Games which were designed with world PVP in mind have multiple factions, or FFA.


    And it's nothing to do with the feeling of being instanced, it's more to do with the fact that grinding minigames is as about as boring and lame as PVP gets, and is no comparison to meaningful open world pvp in a dynamic world.




    You're playing SWTOR right? The game where pre-made get put against pugs? Where fully gear BM players get put against new 50's?


    Balanced, lol.




    Sourcing WOW as world PVP game shows how clueless you are.




    The carebear is strong with this one.

    Maddies will be baddies.



    It's okay bro, you're just the guy I single out and kill in 2-3 seconds in Warzones when you don't have the 5x numbers there to help you.

  12. Pointless to argue with them. They claim no burst even though they proc instant casts with dots running that = as much burst as any class.


    They claim they are squishy, even though a double shield (which will always happen if you are not braindead) = better then tank mitigation.


    Just kill these baddies till the next WoW expansion comes out. Obvious at this point the game is a massive failure in PvP and they are just catering to the highest number of subscribers who all rolled FOTM.


    The hybrid spec for Sorc is stupid OP. Which since they nerfed the hybrid spec for Shadow they'll be going through all the classes and nerfing their hybrid specs too. Especially since the hybrid specs usually top the charts in Warzones.

  13. no but they could very well merge it with another server and solve the problem for you without screwing over the servers that are NOT dying off ....get it?


    Or they could just implement cross-server queues and leave it up the the server community themselves if they want to have a community.

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