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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. think you need to go read upon the definiton of "hybrid"... you think 31/0/10 is a hybrid . all people know (not you ofc) a hybrid by definition is based on comboing 2 trees. not go full darkness or whatever then put on some damage gear... and btw how would go take down a equally geared bodyguard ,tracer missiled hybrid bounty hunter if could ask?


    my last feed to the troll op. let this retarded nerf thread die indeed


    1. Don't agree with OP.

    2. Call him a troll.

    3. ???

    4. Profit.



    For you, my special little buddy.




    A thing made by combining two different elements; a mixture.


    Of mixed character; composed of mixed parts.


    I've had multiple people say that a Shadow/Assassin spec'd into the tank tree while wearing DPS gear isn't a Tank nor a DPS class. So what does that classify it as? I'm in a tank tree that gives me better defense, but I'm wearing DPS gear that maximizes my attack power for me. Hmmmmm...?

  2. 1) Your knowledge and understanding of how to define "hybrid" is totally stupid. Any proof I was an idiot back in the days of SWG? or was that just a childish insult because you are mad? I don't even remember you.

    2) You have yet to explain why the spec is OP, compared to other "hybrids"...I have mentioned this before.

    3) Again you are throwing out random comments out there about how an assassin "hybrid" is far superior when compared to another "hybrid". Yet you have no proof, or evidence to back up your argument.


    Post a screenshot of a Vanguard/Guardian in the tank tree wearing DPS gear pulling out 500k+ damage with 150k+ protection and 75K+ healing. We'll go with that for starters.


    They also need to be able to get 2-4k crits, their regular DPS rotation attacks need to hit for 1.5-2k, and their ending rotation ability needs to hit for at least 5K. They need to be able to heal themselves for about 1/2 of their health in a 25 second fight. They also need to have an AoE knockback, 5 second immunity to Force/Tech attacks, the ability to pull players, the ability to sprint and get away from bad situations fast.


    1) You have provided no evidence that the spec is OP, nothing at all. I and the rest of us defending the spec (the majority), on the other hand have proved how it is perfectly balanced for group combat. Comparing it to other "hybrid" specs, as you like to call them, proves my point perfectly.

    Also, why would you know anything when you cannot even use correct definitions? (rhetorical)


    2) The reason so many people are playing this spec isn't because it is OP, it is because so many believe that it is the only viable spec for group combat, this is true, the other trees are gimped for any sort of group combat. Infiltration may be good 1v1 but certainly not in group combat.


    Get off your high horse and do some research to help support your argument before posting a thread on the forums.


    That is all.


    I've post plenty of things to back it up along with other players yet people like you just /shrug it off and say "Nope, that's not right no no no no no!" But it's okay, you were a bad in SWG and I see it just carried over to SWTOR. And I think you need to go read what hybrid means, buddy o' pal.

  4. [The problem is you didn't give it a try, you went to Ilum, tried doing a mission that was bugged by chance, and figured it would be easier to just come on the forums to complain.


    There are way more end game gear paths for you to take so you can experience all the content. People will take you through HM's and reg ops in Centurion gear... ]



    K but why should I have to PvP when Im just interested in PvE, its not like MMO PvP takes skill or is even interesting otherwise I would be playing SC2 right now for that. I want PvE for story and more of an experience not a bunch of chickens running around with their heads chopped off.


    You shouldnt be forced down a certain path and right now I clearly am, either I PvP for the stupid PvP gear to get welfare runs through HM, or I simply do not progress my character.


    Good job Bioware.




    Pretty sure you can do NM Flashpoints and Operations as a fresh 50 without any type for 49-50-ish purples.

  5. min maxers are a huge game problem these are the people that lituraly ruin games abusing exploiting theg ame mechanics in ways to get high advantages over people and these are the ones that dont pick the normal class's but will pick and abuse the overpowerd class's abilitys and items.


    justice will prevail if they get shafted :)


    This is by far one of the dumbest things I've read on the forums.

  6. LOL. Same person posting over and over again claiming that it is OP.







    Actually the fact that the same few people have written around 40 pages of this crap is sad and depressing.


    What's funny about your comments is that the people who claim it to not be OP just say "It's not OP!!!!!" while the people who've actually played every single specs of Shadow/Assassin and also played many different classes post a more detailed analysis of everything of how it is going to be overpowered. I've already asked Bioware via PM to chime in on this discussion and to give us statistics as to what specs with what gear people are playing on each server on their Assassin/Shadows.

  7. yeah it's pretty easy to analyse you.. wouldn't disagree there. and comparing how many guys that are on you side on this topic i wouldnt expect a nerf any time soon


    The same people posting over and over again defending =/= that it's not OP.



    And the way people talk and state things on their servers just makes it seem like 99% of these players are bad.



    I pray to the SWTOR Gods to help us when people playing the hybrid build of Assassins and Shadows learn how to do it 100% correctly.

  8. no my 50 bounty hunter arsenal. would probably take him with my assassin too




    Best Shadow on the server and loses to an Arsenal BH?



    Hey Robin and Vosh, do you think we're going to dominate the entire game when cross-server PvP comes out? Just seems like 99% of the people in this game are TERRIBLE and have no idea what they're doing.

  9. any class can be beaten. it's all about how to counter. I got owned first time by a jedi shadow kinetic in ilum ,came back and countered his moves ,wrecked him 6 times in a row until he left ilum. he is the most achievefull jedi shadow on my server with full bm, i got champ and centurion gear. it's all about countering and being smart. jedi shadow are not op , people that think it is are just plain stupid that can't manage tactics and should not play pvp.


    With a Sith Assassin.........?

  10. Regardless of which was better, SWG was probably closer to multiplayer than this will ever be. SWTOR is nice though ... I just get a single player feel to it no matter how much I try to play with others. With the adaption of mail and galactic trade on ships through the legacy system ... no one will ever have to leave their ship to do anything again.


    That's exactly how SWG was. People had multiple toons to do all their crafting for them and didn't need to interact with others.

  11. Are u one of those guys that Hears what they want to hear ?

    U play shadow/sin....Ur Delusional if u think they aren't OP.




    hahaha yea hes 50 that bastard >.<. This Server SO Ez. I'm still trying to find the good players. Guess i gotta wait till 50 :(


    Miss you on WotS. <3



    I'm just so tired of seeing so many hybrid builds of Shadow and Assassin nowadays because it's super easy to play and even the half-decent ones can kill some of the better players just due to the fact the class is that overpowered.



    My main concern is that they bring Infiltration and Balance up to play because they are THE weakest specs in the game.


    Just going to toss this in here. Doing burst DPS and sustained DPS with high survivability, with 40%+ damage reduction (Combat Technique), all while being able to guard a healer? You have to be seriously bad at this game to be bad at this spec.


    Shadow in the vid is 27/0/14 and is well known on our server for being nearly impossible to kill. He gets the same results with 31/0/10, using DPS gear in both specs.


    I've seen him get over 700k damage multiple times after the surge nerf (while in 31/0/10 and 27/0/14).


    IMO, there is no way to justify a class doing over 700k damage with 31 points in its tank tree, or even 27 points in it. (Especially with all the defensive CD's and innate survivability).


    In fact, Prestige (the shadow in the video above) is so comfortable with his innate burst damage that he actually uses defensive relics and adrenals most of the time.




    I'm glad you made this thread Amk and I'm glad you are keeping it alive. Really just seems silly that no change was made to this spec in 1.2.


    I'm all for changes to be made with the hybrid build as long as the boost up the Infiltration and Balance trees too. Which I've already given the easiest ways to do that.

  13. what a 2 second stun from guardians? hardly anything a sage has.


    regardless you can't compare Sages and Shadows in a vacuum. to many variables.


    Do sages have anything like


    Sever Force


    Force: 20

    Cooldown: 9s

    Range: 30 m

    Weakens the target, freezing it in place for 2 seconds and dealing 854 internal damage over 18 seconds.


    Again can't compare in a vacuum.


    And beta was so long ago. Did you know shadows could change stances without it costing 100 force back in beta. No one complained but it was changed. A 30m project on all specs for shadows obviously something was wrong with it. Thats why it was changed.


    If I had a 30m project in infiltration spec I definitely would have stayed infil spec.


    30m project in kinetic spec


    Hmmm so it would go Here comes high Pri target. Project, force potency, relic, telekinetic throw (im in full stalker gear so I have 3 charges) project.


    They are getting close now. 30m stun or should I use kick? dont want to fill that resolve bar lets get them close probably should pop resilence. Kick, slow time, force speed away to safe distance if i choose, project. Telekinetic throw.


    Uh oh here they come 30m stun (time to start building up harnessed shadows since I already have the life lead might aswell heal the little damage they have done to me.


    By the time a full melee range engagement has taken place you probably have force potency close to back up or your relic.


    This scenario is ok for you?


    Yes, Sages do have that ability because that's the shared tree. You're dumb bro lol.


    You obviously have no idea what you're talking about and have TERRIBLE reading comprehension. I said for the FORCE TECHNIQUE to get the 30m increase on Project/Throw.

  14. So pretty much this whole notion that Tanks are better when geared as DPS is just some "trend" that many people follow but in actuality, does not really make sense?


    Some classes REALLY benefit as playing a tank spec with DPS and some do not. Shadow is easily the best class that can do this following Vanguard/Powertech.

  15. This was a premade match with my guild. My place is picking off healers or keeping them busy so the rest of the team can dps down the main group. Or going to a lightly guarded point, bursting down the defender, and then proceeding to cap. I think we'll do just fine in ranked matches with me as a infiltration spec shadow. We'll do better then we're doing now because we won't have to deal with random pugs who don't know what they're doing in pvp.


    What I'd really like to see is dual spec so I can run infiltration for offense and switch to kinetic for defense.


    Except when you're trying to burst down a guarded healer then doing 2x less damage to the healer while still being open to 2x more damage done to you.

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