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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. Even if he saved up 1 bag and 1000/1000 comms, and has level 49/50 Gear/Mods, he'll still be getting killed in seconds. You can throw on some baseline crap yourself though and try it yourself, if you are sure they are only dying in seconds because the players they are going against are so 1337 @ PvP.


    Go ahead, for laughs. Put on 2 cent pieces, and a champ piece, along with some 49-50 trash from the Trade Market or crafting. What do ya need all that money you're hoarding for anyways? Then duel your buddy wearing his regular Champ/BM set. He will beat you if he button smashes auto-attack.


    It's broken, denying it doesn't help the developers improve the game. Expecting players to play something broken for any length of time is unreasonable when this *GAME* is competing for leisure time with alot of other stuff.


    100% lies.

  2. At that time they laughet in Ilum farming valor, credits, xp and battlemaster equipment owning whole planet :p What you did was just noobs play and not open PVP :p It's like hunting people on Tatooine. Where is the fun running around as lvl 50 killing people on entire planet when you can take down 4-man group by yourself ?


    Tak Ilum and block Imps :p Then we will talk.



    PS: Funny thing. You needed ENTIRE GUILD to block Hoth while on my server I once bored went to Tatooine and block ENTIRE PLANET by myself :p Even lvl 50 was not able to hunt me down (I was lvl 35 at that point) because I'm stealth player. Try to find guy in stealth on a dam desert :p

    I was able decloak near lvl 50, kill low lvl player he was guarding and vanish :p Whole Republic Tatooine was crying because of me probably.


    No one could leave nad move to area with mobs without getting killed by me. And since there was like 15 reps on planet it was not hard. I was attacking even groups with success.


    Seriously - you are not even funny :p


    That level 50 was horrible and I have a feeling you're just lying and are truly terrible at this game.

  3. Yeah SWG was a great game. I cannot help but do the comparison eery time I find something in TOR that I wish was more interactive. SWG felt like MY story. I hope that TOR feels like that at some point.


    A very bad story.

  4. Where is this an exploit? At worst an oversight by BW. Easy to fix if the increase the gab just about 3-5 meters by just reducing both plattforms accordingly.


    If they're going to fix it then they need to block it off. Because any class with a lunge will still be able to leap across.

  5. No.... It wasn't


    (See I have an opinion as well ;) )



    There was a lot more than what you described. May not have been your cup of tea but the fact remains (and this CANNOT be disputed) that everyone has their own opinion of the game.


    I played from launch to about 6 years straight and then went back now and again until it shut down.


    Again, opinion. I am not correct nor am I wrong.


    To you it was awful... To me, it was the best MMO experience I have had.


    to each his/her own, I suppose


    A game that was shut down and is considered the biggest MMO joke ever.

  6. If you look @ a game like Tera, they've done away with stealth entirely because it was too difficult to balance. Stealth IS a significant advantage in PVP. Just look @ rogues + druids in WOW. For the longest time they had the highest representation in Arenas.


    LOLTera. The game that steals, literally.

  7. I was there as well and all i remember was a laggy ****fest of zerging, ranged classes spamming **** at eachother while the melee stood around and watched.


    Nostalgia makes things better than they were.




    World PvP is terrible.


    People need to get over themselves.

  8. i wish we were on the same server so we could duel, i would like to learn from someone who could beat me in a duel even though their imp tele throw or force lighting would be interupted literaly every time. it would be quite impressive.


    If they're focusing on Tele Throw or Force Lightning then they aren't the OP hybrid spec.

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