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Posts posted by AMKSED

  1. H








    Bioware copies wow check

    Bioware care about moeny check

    Bioware disapoints always check

    Bioware is going to destroy pvp check


    Man your so funny, after all the desperate and horrible moves bioware made with swtor you still HOPE....lol, i guess hope dies last xD


    Here's an idea. Don't queue up for ranked WZs and you won't have a problem.

  2. Blizzard even said Arenas (ranked WZ) were a big mistake:



    There is no way Bioware can do better


    They said that because in order to get the top PvP stuff you had to do arenas and once you get the top tier PvP items you literally destroyed anyone who didn't have it. SWTOR hopefully won't be that case.



  3. Every top Tank sin/shadow knows their dps is too high for the amount of survivability they have. They are gonna ride it/defend it until the day it gets nerfed, just like every Operative/Scoundrel did.


    Every time someone says "the game isn't balanced around 1v1", remind them that the reason Bioware levied the ONLY major live class nerf to date was because of the way it functioned in a 1v1 situation.


    That's because Scoundrels and Operatives were 3 shotting people in less than 6 seconds.


    If you die to a hybrid Shadow/Assassin in 6 seconds then you are doing something very wrong.

  4. Then you can combine Shroud too and it's gg against a lot of classes.


    Sins have a lot going for them.


    IMO, their Tank spec should NOT be doing that damage. You spec Tank/Tank Hybrids for suvivability. It's silly it's spec'd for damage. (On our server most sins have a tankish build in PvP).


    Their DPS Trees should though, yet as it stands right now if I run in to a DPS sin it's a free kill and they don't do much damage which to me, stands at a current design flaw with the tree and needs to be severely looked at.


    That's not a tank spec btw. It's hybrid, tank skills with Stalker gear on.

  5. SWG pre NGE was great...broken but great....tons of potential but a train wreck because of the idea of a seamless world run by very bad computers.


    But the players made the story. The sandbox was immense.


    Right now SWTOR is nothing like SWG pre NGE but SWTOR has all the right stuff........its just got to get content.


    CONTENT....SANDBOX.....Content and you got a winner.


    If they insist on spending every dime on end game PVP its nothing but SWG turned into....a FPS.......and a bad one at that....everyone I know is ridiculing the PVP.


    I was on VOSS....a JEDI asked me to flag so we could PVP...I DID........2 hidden republics jumped out of hiding and 2 of them ganked me. Actually it was 3...including the jedi's companion.


    That is how pvp transpired in everquest ...which failed.....miserably. EQ2 has merged their pvp servers down to either one or two not sure but no one pvp's there anymore because its just a gank fest.


    SWTOR has all the right stuff.....they just need to get it right or it will be an epic failure....it can sooooooo succeed....but it can also fail badly........


    If they focus on endgame and ignore everything else....it will be epic fail....


    You have no idea what you're talking about lol.

  6. Exactly what he said....


    Its bad enough you PVPers can get Columi comparable gear from standing in WZ all day long, and a host of PVE gear off the PVP vendors..


    Tough, you want PVE items, then PVE...


    Because spending 30 min to run Kaon Under Siege is super difficult...

    Or spending 1 hour to run a normal-mode Operation is super difficult...


    Oh and lol @ saying the Biometric craftables are PvE items. If that was the case then you shouldn't be allowed to use/wear them in PvP.



    Sorry that the game-mode you choose to play is super easy and you get offended when PvPers want something that makes it fair between the 2 types of playstyles.

  7. In a word...NO!


    How about we just start handing out PVP rewards in FP's and Ops as well then? Like Every boss has a chance to drop a champion bag.



    See how stupid that sounds?




    want to craft? run a few hardmodes, otherwise deal with it.


    You run hard-modes to get your PvE gear.


    We run our Warzones to get our PvP gear.


    That's the line between PvP and PvE.


    The Biometric alloy is something that should be given to PvP and PvE players doing what they want to do, especially since the Biometric craftables are very effective in PvP and PvE.

  8. Look, we enjoy our Infiltration Shadows. Many of us do just fine. If you don't do well with Infiltration, that's okay. Go play a Kinetic, or roll a different class. But don't come saying that Infiltration Shadows are crap.


    This all depends on your natural play style. Each of us naturally likes to play different ways. For example, I'm a melee skirmisher who relies on lots of control and mobility, and prefers fast damage over slow fights with high defenses. With +15% in-combat run speed, a 50% slow, and Low Slash (which is an incredible skill), as well as stealth and Force Speed, Shadow fits me perfectly. It's exactly how I like to play.


    However, I've tried playing a Sage a few times. I sucked at it. It's just so far from my play style to have inductions, and to be weak at melee range. I don't like kiting. I like to get right in the enemy's face, and then slip around to stab them in the back. I'm an experienced MMO player, so I'm sure I could eventually learn to make a Sage work. However, it's just wrong for me, and I'd never be as good on a Sage as I am and will be on my Shadow.


    Sage is a powerful class in the right hands, but in my hands it's an underpowered, wimpy class. However, you don't see me going to the Sage forums and saying that the class sucks, or that the Sage PvP makes me sad (which it did; I died way too much). It's a great class for others, just not for me.




    Maybe you Infiltration-haters should try out some other classes. One of the 8 has to be able to fit the way you like to play. If you're unhappy with our burst DPS, go play a Scoundrel. If you're unhappy with our defenses, go play a Guardian. One of them out there has to make you happier than you are now. But just because you can't enjoy playing Infiltration doesn't mean nobody can.


    Infiltration Shadows are crap lol.

  9. Totally true, there was so much you could do. pvp, pvp armor, crafting, the crapload of collections, social interaction, space, galactic wars in bestine, naboo and coruscant, heroics, and so much more.


    Too bad nobody played that game to do even 75% of the stuff you mentioned.


    Must have been because all those things you mentioned sound good on paper and were actually very terrible in-game.

  10. The system now is catered towards casuals. It takes a month to get relativley most of your champion with some pieces of centurian.


    I've leveled a new toon and 2 weeks in I have full centurian, champion chest, mainhand and leggings.


    God forbid you have to spend time to get better gear sir.


    If Cye Gwazi can do it, anyone can.

  11. Er... you know that Shields don't work against Tech/Force attacks at all right?


    And neither does Defense?


    And almost all relevant attacks in PvP are either Tech or Force? The only exception to this being the Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior classes -- whose comparative ineffectiveness in PvP can be attributed to the fact that almost everything they do is subject to Shield/Defense checks but their own defenses only work well against... check this out... other Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors.


    Go check out the abilities on TORHead if you don't believe me. Almost every single high-damage ability for almost every single class EXCEPT for Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors is a Force or Tech attack.


    If tank defenses worked in PvP they wouldn't be overpowered... they would just be TANKS. They may even have a place in large-scale PvP such as in Ilum. Shadows and Assassins are particularly affected by this oversight because their low armor (the lowest of any tank class) is supposed to be offset by a higher shield and defense chance. Furthermore, their main defensive cooldown is ALSO tied to defense chance -- a statistic that is almost entirely circumvented in PvP.




    Tanks would be mega overpowered if their defense abilities were able to take advantage of Force/Tech attacks.

  12. If tanks got shields got even more benefits vs shield/force attacks then tanks would be far too OP.


    And 31/0/10 and 27/0/14 is one of the BEST and most OP builds out there for the class. They need to start fixing Infiltration because as it is, there's no reason to play that spec for Shadow/Assassin.



    I agree they should fix the bugged things with the class but they shouldn't do anything to beef it up outside of what it already has.

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