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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Knewt

  1. God, I hate all the QQing. These features look fantastic. And it's all happening just 3 months post launch.


    What I wouldn't give to raise the maturity level of this forum by about a decade.

    That's because all of these features were meant for launch, but they didn't get them finished in time. They get no credit for finishing features that were intended for launch day.

  2. Just wanted to note, that this ability is only planned to be usable when your companion is active and your (companion buff) power is going. In other words it will have pretty much 0 impact on PvP or Raids. Its something for fun, if you loathe the idea, ignore it. Sounds like a great way to have implemented a neat idea while avoiding the usual huge imbalance problems.

    So a major feature of the legacy system has little to no impact on the MMO part of the game?


    More examples that this is really a single player game.


    It is still akin to jumping the shark for me.

  3. James Ohlen promises you that you will never see a free game update this massive in an MMO before


    LOL. I don't see them implementing anything as large as the Cataclysm 1-60 revamp (yes, it was part of an expansion, but you didn't need to buy the expansion to enjoy the content).


    PS Thank you for doing this OP. Even though I am a cynic, it is nice to see what they think they will do.

  4. omg really?..... different time period so it does not count?.... ok let me give an example here. on Hutta there is a quest that has you either kill a father and send the son to Korriban to be sith or let him go. So if you let him go don't you think his father would have taught him some force tricks to use along with his blaster? ....ya it's called having an opened mind and seeing that not every force user get found and trained one way or the other...or maybe they just escaped because they did not want that lifestyle.....hardly game breaking.

    I didn't say it was game breaking. However, in my opinion, it does severely damages the integrity of the game. Class defining abilities should not be available to other classes.

  5. Sounds reasonable enough.


    It could help the leveling of classes/specs that aren't all that good at solo'ing, and just generally spice up the leveling process.


    That said, it still doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

    If it really is linked to using Heroic Moment, then it will be on a 20 minute cool down. That's not very helpful to leveling. Might help more classes solo Champion level mobs.

  6. I approve of the OP's suggestion.


    Sweet. I'll get a friend to stand in front of me and we'll keep buffing each other over and over to max our social points!

    As opposed to running the first flashpoint over and over again for the points?


    They could easily get around this by placing a small debuff on the caster that prevents gaining social points from buffing for 30s. They have something for giving companions gifts, they should be able to do it for buffs.

  7. That's basically pre-Degobah Luke. Force sensitive, uses a blaster for the most part. Knows a few force tricks. I see no real problem.

    Completely different era and context. In the Star Wars era force users are rare and anybody found to have force abilities would be sent to Korriban and trained as a Sith.


    Yes, I know force sensitive people could develop some tricks. I believe there is a companion who is not a Jedi/Sith, but has a few force tricks. But adding it to the legacy system is a jumping the shark moment for this game. And it will come in the 2nd major content patch. If they are willing to make this move so early in the game's life, what are they willing to do in the future?

  8. Ok, this patch looks awesome... but, I do not like the ability thing.... AT ALL. If they added it as a social, fine. But a Smuggler Force Choking? Ugh.

    If they give out force powers to non-force toons....jumping the shark comes to mind.


    Anyhow, giving out class defining abilities is a quick way for me to leave this game.

  9. This is why they don't want to give specific dates... They even said possibly Early April.


    On the video a few months back they said around March but it wasn't a solid date. Things happen so it got pushed back... so what


    If you can't live waiting another month +... i suggest to reevaluate your life. Sorry OP not saying you... just in general.

    They should have learned this from Blizzard. Giving dates and missing them is a quick way to piss off most of the community. They should keep their mouths shut about dates until it is very firm.

  10. Lore is broken in this game , in the Jedi Guardian starting story you actually fight a Sith apprentice and his master Bengal Morr in Tython . So yeah we should be able to visit each others planet or fleet .

    Bengal Morr is not Sith.


    As for why you can't visit opposing cities, that is for game play reasons. They want more open PvP and making nice with the enemy isn't the direction they want to follow.

  11. Use the GTN on Narr Shadda it is neutral.

    It's also a bit of a chore to use. You can't quick travel from the spaceship and the flight points are a good run from the GTN. There's also a lack of people using the neutral GTN.


    They should just make the GTN cross faction. It would help the economy on most servers, especially the ones with a severe faction imbalance. It would be easy to explain via lore by saying the GTN is Hutt sponsored.

  12. This is not a solution!

    There are no solutions. Most gold sellers are using compromised account they obtained via key loggers, phishing, etc (aka stupid users). It does not matter how much the MMO makers try, they can't stop the gold sellers as long as there is a market. If they make credits too easy to obtain, inflation destroys the economy. If they make credits harder to obtain, more people are driven to buy gold due to the scarcity of it. As long as the games have people in them, the gold sellers will always exist.

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