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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Knewt

  1. ok, i would say that it would be a 50/50 split. I am not anti-addons completely though. I dont mind having some addons, but ones that just make the game super easy shouldnt be allowed......also i dont mind a combat log, but group dmg meters arent right. BTW my main is a tank so i am not worried about people pointing out my terribad DPS. (still better than a healer's :p)



    I agree with you that the API needs to be limited.


    It would have been nice to have add-ons available when the new GCD animation went into effect. When these types of things happen in WoW, the add-on community is pretty swift in giving some temporary relief until Blizzard can fix the issue. I would love to see that sort of community action for TOR.

  2. You are absolutely right. Bioware should not listen to paying customers about features they would like to see in the game.




    If BW implements add-ons and macros and you don't think they are necessary, don't use them.


    Oh, and stop trolling. Calling people "whiners" is only making things worse around here. We can have civil discussions without childish name calling.

  3. First thing: I wasnt talking just about the forums. I was including the ingame community


    Second: Another person just backed me up

    And a third person(me) went against you. Most is an inaccurate statement. I would guess the split is close to 50/50. I would even venture to guess that many of the people against add-ons would probably be ok with a very limited API (not the wide open API of WoW).

  4. DDO, LotrO, maplestory, DCUO (AFAIK) to name three (I'll be honest I dont have much MMO experience, I just listen to what people say...so...go ahead and flame)

    The first part of your statement about MMOs not having add-on support is fine. He specifically asked you to back up the "most people" part. From what I've seen on these forums, the player base is quite split on whether add-ons should be included.



    back up +1

    back up -1


    I guess most isn't really accurate.


    PS to clarify, I don't care about damage meters (i could take them or leave them), but I would like to see add-ons available for customizing the UI and making information available in better places. I'm really tired of staring at my character's buff area to see if something procced.

  5. Did you seriously just offer a news paper over a professional Analyst AND EA Board? The people who invested the money in this game? Lol. I would discount it, as he himself did in his blog.

    The LA Time is a very reputable newspaper and has a very good bead on the video games industry. When they say "Wall Street analysts", that means they interviewed Wall Street analysts. Maybe you should go do some research about how newspapers differ from blogs.


    You should take everything a Wall Street Analyst says with a huge grain of salt. They usually have a huge conflict of interest since their firms will routinely handle extremely large equity offerings from corporations.


    That's because I'm not trolling people. If these people you speak of cared at all about the game, they would do something more constructive than post "this game is failing and they need to do something fast!".

    When you tell people to leave the game, you are trolling them. You are not having a discussion. You're telling them off.

  6. I see you conveniently ignored my comment on how you are trolling people.


    Actually, the question is, "where are you getting your 200-300 million figure from?" The origination of those figures came from EA Louse, which was not only a bunk source that wanted to douse EA/Bioware in fire for laying him off, but proven to be just that. The 80 million dollar figure is an accurate estimation from an analyst named Michael Pachter.


    His estimation just about hits the mark with the EA statement in one of their earlier earnings calls that said they would only need around 1.5 million subscribers to earn their investment back. The already given 1.7 million subscribers, plus 2 million copies of the game sold give them their investment and then some back.


    Most of the people complaining about this game in this thread don't like SW:TOR at all. It's like that in almost every thread which they present.

    I see your single analyst and raise you an article in the LA Times from January 20th:




    EA declined to comment on the amount it spent to create The Old Republic. That hasn't stopped Wall Street analysts from pegging the game's production costs at $150 million to $200 million or more, a figure that people knowledgeable with the game's budget don't dispute.


    And I wouldn't discount the EA Louse blog so quickly. Some of his blog statements ring eerily true now. He is angry about being fired. He probably exaggerated some things, but there is probably a huge amount of truth in his blog postings.


    Just because you don't like the opinion doesn't mean it isn't true.

  7. SW:TOR took around 80 million. WoW took around 63 million to develop initially. SW:TOR launched with more content and broke the world record for voice acting in entertainment history with over 500,000 lines of dialogue. If you don't really know how large that is, a game like Dragon Age has an average of 50-60 thousand lines of dialogue.

    Where are you getting the $80 million figure from? Almost all estimates peg SWTOR development costs at $200-$300 million.


    The voice acting is nice and definitely a step forward in story presentation for a MMO. However, it also has a major downside. Due to the story being king in this MMO, the game does not play like a MMO. It plays more like a single player game with co-op. Nobody will call ME3 a MMO, but it will feel very similar to SWTOR in how the story drives the game and you can play with other people via co-op.


    You don't like the game? Get off the forums, stop paying for it, cancel your subscription. Nothing you say in this post has been constructive, it's just pointing out "obvious travesties" you tend to dislike about the game in its current state. Just because you've "played a lot of MMO's" doesn't mean you're a professional in the business. Most of us have played lots of MMO's too, you're not a special snowflake that knows everything.


    "It's now as if every patch, you already know for sure something will be wrong with the game."


    Insisting that 1.1.3/1.1.4 is enough data to conclude such an outlandish blanket statement.


    MFW -> :rolleyes:

    This is the type of statement that needs to end around here. It doesn't do anything good and only inflames the passions more. It's trolling and really needs to stop.


    Most of the us who complain about missing features or end game content actually like to play TOR. We want to make the game better. We want TOR to last a long time and continue the story.

  8. It cracks me up to see people trying to say that a game launched now, should have all the bells and whistles of other mmo's. There is a cost to production, and every mmo is going to launch with the bare minimum so as to recoup their expenses as soon as possible. That gives them time and money to flesh out weak areas.


    It cost blizzard an enormous amount of money to reach the level they did, but it was justified by their income.

    You're right, comparing TOR to WoW is unfair. Instead of WoW, we should be comparing TOR to Rift. Rift was released less than a year ago (March 1, 2011), had a more stable game, more features and has added features over the first year.


    They did all of this with less development time and a significantly smaller budget. Heck, it was considered a huge deal that they received $80 million in VC money. That's less than half the low end estimate for how much TOR cost to make.


    If a relatively small development shop can develop a full featured MMO, why can't Bioware?

  9. Yeah this game is definitely growing. I keep seeing new people on my server alone. Nadd's Sarcophagus is my server.

    Are you seeing new people or new characters?


    On Dreshdae Cantina, Republic side, the fleet population has been pretty steady at 80-100 people each evening. You would think that population would go up a bit as people hit level 50. I've also noticed that the population spread per planet didn't change much when I leveled my second toon. There was a serious drop in world populations starting at Balmorra. That has been pretty consistent from my first level 50. It's like people finish act 1 and decide to try a different class.

  10. Well, threat in Vanilla and TBC was quite tight. I wasn't until Wrath that my TPS suddenly jumped to like three times what the #2 guy in the group had and I could sleepwalk through tanking.

    Vanilla and TBC were 4-5 years ago. That's a long time since threat actually mattered in the biggest MMO on the market.


    I hope they work the kinks out of that instead of taking the easy way out & buffing the hell out of base threat for all tanks (which is pretty much what Blizzard did).

    Blizzard eliminated threat because the threat meta-game wasn't fun. I actually prefer a model where threat is easier and tanks spend more time on active mitigation abilities. I don't want threat to be stupid easy so any monkey can do it, but it needs to be tuned to a point where someone doing a basic rotation won't loose threat on an AoE pack if they make a single mistake. Give us more active mitigation work that also acts as threat (like a damage shield or AoE debuffs).

  11. When i was in wow, I used a macro to do this. ie. click this button and it would sell all your grays. Open up a macro interface in game so we can code this.


    On your way back to town, you can have your companion sell all items. A minute later the companion will come back with the credits.


    /agree. put button in inventory. also mouse targeting loot, what's that all about. why not just a loot button that loots everything that's near if there is anything.

    Are you asking for something that makes it so you don't have to loot a corpse directly?

  12. Unfortunately, most people are coming to TOR from WoW. Threat hasn't been an issue in WoW for a couple of years. Re-training the DPS to wait before attacking is proving more difficult than imagined.


    I think single target threat is in a good place. I think AoE tanking needs an adjustment to make it a little easier on the tank.

  13. The datacrons are too good. They should not have implemented a platform game for something that has such a material impact on character progression.


    Space combat is a nice mini-game. If you don't like it, don't do it and it won't impact your progression.


    The wardrobe issue is a problem. We need more variety, especially for the Republic side.

  14. There are seven people who spew negativity, hate and call anyone that disagrees a Fanboy.


    or two people and their alts...either way that is a a minuscule number compared to the population that is enjoying the game.


    The problem is they do this for twelve to sixteen hours a day...which adds up to a lot of negativity.

    Really? That's an asinine statement.


    Bioware lost 300,000 subscribers(15%) in the first 45 days. There are plenty of people unhappy with this product.

  15. You obviously thing that is reasonable. Any new game has to have everything that has come before it. But is that logical to expect that?

    it is logical to expect this game to have many of the features that are seen in other MMOs like WoW and Rift. The last I checked, they are asking for the same amount of money, so they get the same amount of scrutiny.


    PS. Would you accept MW3 to ship with the same features as Castle Wolfenstein? I didn't think so.

  16. Yes, you meet the minimum requirements. However, those requirements are the bare minimums that will run the game. To get decent performance, you probably need to have 4-6 GB of RAM (assuming you are running the 64-bit version of Win 7).


    Your bottleneck is probably the graphics card. Giving it more RAM will help, but won't solve all of the game performance issues.

  17. Yes, you get the VIP Wristband. However, you do not get access to the CE vendor.


    If I had it to do over again, I would buy the standard edition. The only thing the DDE saved me was 8,000 credits at level 25. Unfortunately, that mount is replaced after level 40 when you upgrade your riding skill.

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