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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Knewt

  1. I've just rolled my first Imp toon (level 21 Sniper) after taking 2 characters(Sage and Guardian) to 50 on the republic side. I didn't believe all the comments about the Imperial favoritism.


    However, all my skepticism was swept aside the first time I went to the Imperial fleet. The Imperial fleet is brighter and more open. Many of the trainers look like they are doing something on the fleet besides standing there and waiting for me. It's amazing how much better the Imperial fleet is compared to the Republic fleet.


    And the Phantom is so much better than any ship on the republic side. There is no contest.

  2. Why are people playing this game if they don't want to do grouP content?!?!

    Chamber of Speech is easily solo'd once you get your first companion.


    The simple reality is leveling is usually a solo event, especially in this game. The entire leveling experience is wrapped around my story. Why would I want to mess up my story for a quest I can easily solo?

  3. It's quite predictable if you are tracking their weekly patch update numbers?


    It's not hard math... they are on 1.1.4 now...

    Each week +1 to the patch notes/ number = 6 more weeks to go.


    That roughly puts you at around April 3rd - 10th... That's assuming when they get to 1.1.9, +1 = 1.2.0; and hopefully not 1.1.10 :rolleyes:

    It would go to 1.1.10. The numbers are not true decimal numbers. They are programming designations. It is usually [Release].[Major Revision].[Minor Revision]. So, 1.1.3 is release 1, major revision 1 and minor revision 3.

  4. One suggestion I would like to make, if it hasn't been made already, is to have access to one's cargo items when using the GTN. It would make things easier as you don't need to take out the items from your cargo to your inventory and then use the GTN.

    There is usually cargo access relatively close to the GTN terminals. I can understand that this would be a nice feature, but I don't think it is necessary.


    Another nice thing to have would be the ability to get the items stocked piled automaticaly. What I mean is, when you right clik on an item from your invetory to put it in the cargo, it goes in your first empty slot, even if you already have more of the same item. Instead of clicking and dragging the item on its corresponding pile from the inventory to the cargo, or vice-versa, having it done automatically would be good imo.

    This already happens in game. It was implemented in 1.1.2 or 1.1.3. The catch is if the amount you are transferring would make more than 1 stack, it creates a new stack and does not fill out the one in your bank. So, if you have 88 of an item in the bank and transfer 10 items, it will stack properly and make a stack of 98. Now, if you try to transfer another 10 items, the stack will stay at 98 and a new stack of 10 will be created in the first open bank slot.

  5. This is new and refreshing.


    PS New content will not make this game last. The main reason MMOs are successful past a niche audience is accessibility to the content. Right now, getting into groups for FPs is too difficult. Also, some of the content is made irrelevant from a gearing standpoint because of the relatively easy and quick dailies in Ilum.

  6. The biggest issue with TOR's end game is they completely abandon what made this game so good from 1-50: the storytelling. I know asking for more story at level 50 is an almpst impossible task. We will consume the content faster than they can create it. However, they didn't add enough gating at end game to make the content that exists last longer.


    So TOR falls back on the tried and true, MMO end game principles established by earlier games like EQ and WoW and replicated in modern games like Rift. This would be an acceptable end game if they added more tools to make finding groups and doing things at 50 less frustrating.

    • The LFG tool is horrendous.
    • The lack of dual specs makes life more difficult for the most in demand group roles (tank and healer).
    • The lack of UI customization makes information harder to process and rewards people for staring at their character buff area.
    • The lack of a combat log make theory crafting much more difficult. As seen in other games, a robust theory crafting sub-community is a huge aid to the rest of the community.
    • The lack of macros and/or mouse over targeting makes things more tedious.
    • Target of target is a universal feature in MMOs. This game doesn't have it.
    • The lack of add-on support means the community can't find solutions for the more tedious or distasteful components of the game (like the current GCD issue).


    TOR could be a great game. Bioware has a good foundation for success. However, the frustration level at end game is too high for many of us. Re-rolling alts isn't going to hold my attention forever. This game needs many quality of life improvements to retain its subscription base over the long term.

  7. In what direction do you feel this game is going?


    Is it going in the direction of WoW where everything is going to be queue based and all we are going to do is sit on the fleet and queue for things?


    Or is it actually going to become an MMO?

    As much as you might hate WoW, it is still an MMO.


    And, after the leveling process is done, TOR is basically WoW from the vanilla or early TBC days. They are using the exact same, tried and true end game formula.

  8. I play at least 3 hours a day ... I work full time, no kids, i am married ... Thats a good chunk of the day ...


    I wake up at 8 , get to work at 9, off at at 5, hit the gym, and am home at 7, eat dinner, and hop on by 8... I genally play till 11 and then hit the sack ...



    I am lvl 50, dont have great gear ... And have a hard time finding a group to run hm flash points ...


    I hear people talk about how easy it is to get battlemaster gsear .. I have no clue how they do it ... I am either a really bad mmo player or am just not playing enough ... I try to split pve and pvp in those 3 hours ...


    Please help ...

    There isn't a set number. Casual vs Hardcore is more about your attitude towards the game. The labels are really bad and probably should be scrapped. Personally, I consider myself casually hardcore. I'm hardcore in the min/max area. However, I don't have the play time for Ops anymore, so I'm more casual about my in game activities.

  9. i was'nt referring to your complaint.


    It's true the world doesnt revolve around you boring nobody.


    It's possible that someone could communicate without it being about you

    Then don't quote my post and answer my question like you're talking to me.



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