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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. Look guys, I stated right in the first post that it wasn't a perfect metric. However, it is a fact that those are the number of posts in their respective forums. So please, stop making up statistics like only such and such percentage of players play that aspect of the game. It makes you look ignorant if you don't back it up with facts.


    That being said, I don't see how you can say this game is largely focused on PvE at this point in time. There are currently only 3 operations. There are currently only 4 warzones. I know that there is a little more depth to the operations than the warzones, but that looks like pretty even development to me. I'm saying that in the FUTURE they should focus on PvP, instead of the nice split that they are doing now.


    Before anyone says we have normal, hard and nightmare operations that makes 9. That's just a feature that improves existing content, not new content. Much like rated warzones were a feature to improve warzone quality, not additional content.


    So wait. You're saying that you can throw up numbers of posts and you're OK, but I put out a percentage number that has been a standard in the MMO industry for years, and has been verified by Dev's with major MMO's (roughly 5-10%), and I'm Ignorant?


    Look...if you like PvP and you'd like the dev's to spend more time on PvP development, then I can appreciate that. like I said, I don't dislike PvP. But when you put up an arbitrary number that has no proven correlation to the facts whatsoever, and then state it as you're reason for telling the Dev's they should just drop PvE and do PvP full time....man, I certainly hope you understand how that makes you look.

  2. That is because 90% of those PvP related posts are "buff this and nerf that".


    Not to mention they are usually the same people pretty regularly. you can have an argument about a specific aspect of play between 2-3 people and it can span dozens of pages, making a post look very "relevant" and add to numbers..when in reality it's two players who can't agree to disagree.

  3. Where'd you get that statistic from? 1990?


    I've never seen data contrary to this. Although on the flip side, there are many games that are purely PvP games. These games would obviously have a higher percentage of PvP players.


    But if you have other information, by all means provide it. I'm willing to change my opinion on that if its out there. But It doesn't make my point an less factual. This is a PvE game. The larger percentage of players in the Game do PvE. Even the PvP players do PvE. They have stated multiple times that this is a PvE game and they will not make change based on PvP only that would impact the PvE game.


    And im not responsible for any player opinions about whether they make change for PvP only or not. And I also don't want to get sidetracked into an argument about said changes. this thread was about the Op convincing the general populace about something that isn't correct, and using misleading numbers to prove it.


    Edit: now that you think about it...the last time I heard about numbers seriously was from a dev post here. previous to that, it was Dev's on the WOW forums during the wraith expansion iirc. And that's late 2000...not 1990. and they indicated that only aprox 5% of their player base regularly posted. Nice try making my data sound...dated. but I doubt the player base could change that drastically in a few years.

  4. It is a well know statistic OP. only about 5-10% of a games population actually posts on the forums regularly.


    also, most people only post when they are dissatisfied, or looking for info


    and PvP players tend to be dissatisfied allot....and they area always looking for more info. This skews the numbers drastically...especially in a game that is set up to be PvE friendly (a.k.a. you don't need to be a whiz to get through the game).


    Your using a number without representing it in a realistic light as a way to manipulate the Dev's into doing more stuff for the aspect of the game you like (that others may not)


    The good news is the Dev's actually really know how many people are playing PvP, and how often...and how many are not. So we will continue to get PvE content for the most part, with smaller (but still regular) PvP additions as well, because thats what really represents the population of this game....not a bunch of whiners in the forums.


    Edit: this is not to Dis PvP, and i Hope others understand that. I've played PvP in many MMO's, my first being DAoC (which really was RvR...and a fun one at that). I've done BG's and Arena in WoW, I've done PvMP in LotRO, and I played Aion pretty seriously during it's first 1.5 years. But I've been around long enough to understand how games work, and I am not a fan of games that try to cater to more then one aspect of play (such as PvE and PvP at the same time). It never works. and this thread is a perfect example of why.


    I appreciated Aion for its focus...PvP game, with PvE elements. And I like LotRO for its direct opposite approach...PvE with an Isolated PvMP game that had NO impact on PVE whatsoever. SWtOR is a PvE centric game. pure and simple. the Dev's stated this.

  5. I think most the mud slinging is because people are trying to pin the issue down to a black and white X = Y scenario, in a game where there's enough variance and flexibility that just about any role can interrupt, given the right environment and skill/availability of interrupts (Merc is one of the rare exceptions).


    So the real point boils down to role function, capability, and priority. to me, roles that are on the mob have top priority. those being DPS, then tank. DPS is first because, unless your dealing with very tight enrage timers (and you are on that line), then DPS is important, but not necessarily a time sensitive/critical element. basically, a DPS can drop off the boss and interrupt the easiest, without endangering the party.


    the tank is actually pretty close to that as well. it's critical for the tank to watch threat and the healer and boss/mob placement, but threat in this game isn't so time sensitive that they'll automatically drop if they throw an interrupt in the mix.


    Last in this list is the healer. whether they have ToT on or not, they will be the slowest to engage, and watch, and noticed the cast bar. can they do it? yeah. but they should be the last role to be expected to do it. I've have times where I've thrown an interrupt in the mix as a healer....and CC'ed multiple mobs....and done a ton of other stuff. But there have been times where I'm spamming the oh-crap-heal-them-fast-before-we-all-die buttons in hope we don't wipe. That's the last person you should expect to "always be ready to interrupt".


    So, Can the healer interrupt? sure. can the tank? sure. can the DPS....but it's not like the DPS are solely responsible, nor should someone call a healer a slacker for not doing it. So it's really up to the individual group and the dynamics. If the group is brand new, and the DPS are taking a ton of damage cause they can't step out of the bad stuff...and the tank has bh/rakata/campaign gear on...I'd be asking the tank to interrupt as the healer is probably working their butt off to keep the stupids alive. but if you get into a situation like i had a while back...


    Was in a Pug one time where we had 2 merc as DPS ( i was one of them), and the Jugg who was tanking had horribad lag...just long enough that he would see the boss cast just before it went off...so who was left? you guessed it, the healer. the good news was that both me and the other merc were experienced enough that we could back up the healer, so we'd throw in a few heals if it got bad, or the healer missed the interrupt (the jugg did get a few in, but wasn't a solid guarantee). it worked...but it was one of those rare times. i think statistically, most groups should expect DPS first, tank second, and healer in emergencies (or if bored).

  6. Honestly I get the completely opposite impression. All these arguments about the Devs favoring the Empire revolve around dumb little cosmetic stuff and a warehouse full of CE figures they couldn't move. But look at the actual meat of the game, the story:



    In each Republic class story (except possibly Smuggler, haven't played it), you fight against the Sith Empire as your primary antagonists (The Emperor, the First Son, Havoc Squad). If you're an Imperial player? Well, you ALSO get to fight against the Sith Empire as your primary antagonists!


    The Big Bads of the Empire stories are: 2 Dark Council members, a corrupted Jedi, and the neutral Star Cabal. Not one of those antagonists is a straight-up, legitimate general or Jedi that the Republic would really be sorry to lose. Saresh is frankly a better Chancellor than Janarus anyway, so even that's not a huge loss.


    Then of course there's the Battle for Ilum/False Emperor series, where the Republic fights against a hero of the Empire, and what do you know the Imperial players ALSO fight against a hero of the Empire.


    Is anyone at this point holding their breath that say, Satele Shan will become an antagonist in a future FP? Certainly not the next one, because we already know it's the Dread Masters, so us Imps can cut down another huge asset to the war, just because.



    Compared to that, I don't see how some cash shop fodder means the Devs favor the Imps.


    Interesting points Paul. Upon reflection though, I could see that being a case of storyflow and culture development rather then a developer bias.


    the Empire is currently the "conquerors". Plus, they are devisive by nature (a.k.a you work your way up in the ranks by sabotaging and betraying your superiors, not by effective teamwork). so a divided empire would be further fueled by the possibilities in a war that they are winning.


    And on the republic side, they are the "underdogs". they are responding to a sith invasion. this has the tendency to band people together...even people that normally wouldn't want to work together team up for the sake of simple survival. so what you describe seems just like what would happen in an evil empirical society trying to dominate and control a free republic.


    On the OP...I have always felt that they either favored the empire, or at least put the most development time into the storylines. or at the least, they had a gap in creativity when it came to making stories for the "good guys" (as well as costumes). My issue is that functional does not need to be ugly. pure and simple. and especially the higher level gear for republic...it is FAR from plain and functional...yet it's ugly as sin. course...I'm not happy with about 90% of the tier gear atm (only one I really like is the agent and the inquisitor sets). but still...

  7. Something else to point out OP:


    Mara/Sent are the FotM right now. highest DPS in Ops, and good in PvP....and relatively easy to get DPS out of. Not sure if this affects you, but I'm a non conformist by nature...I have a natural avoidance to the "common trends", so it colors my vision a bit. That's why i want to give Mara's a fair shake, they're not a bad class.


    But I prefer Jugg. But roll both and see. You may wan to roll one on sith side, and the other on repub side to experience the stories...both very interesting and engaging. My preference, after seeing all the gear look options and attack animations, was Jugg on sith side, and Sentinel on repub side. but pick your flavor...it's all fun in the end.

  8. I agree with the above posters. your nitpicking isolated numbers without looking at the bigger picture. Mara/Sent's are top DPS right now, period. so much so that most people are surprised that they haven't been nerfed yet. This isn't to slam Mara's, but to simply state that no matter what numbers you see on your screen vs/ your buddy's character sheet, your still going to out-DPS them....if you know your class.


    Bio adds talents when they think the class needs it. It's pretty obvious that they think you don't need any extra str atm.

  9. Quinn is hands down the best for a vengeance Jugg, from when you get him on Balmorra to end game. At higher gear levels (rakata and higher), Vette and Jaesa are a viable alternative for normal mobs, but elites will still require quinn for zero downtime.


    I echo the sentiment about keeping him geared. getting orange moddable armor and updating his gear to on level blue mods will make a huge difference. on both my juggs, with quinn geared up well, I had absolutely zero downtime. even my immortal jugg pre 1.3 couldn't accomplish this. Qunn is amazing healer....when geared up. quest greens don't do it. a blue thats 5 level old doesn't do it.


    If you can't keep him and yourself geared up with commendation rewards, I'd recommend picking up cybertech. you can always switch out of it if you don't like it once you hit 50, but for leveling it's an amazing craft. you want to gear quinn up in mods that are high in cunning instead of endurance (i.e. cunning is the higher stat). cunning = more heals for you. Also, if you have to decide between alacrity or power/crit, take power/crit. alacrity doesn't do squat for quinn, but he gets very real and visual results from power and crit (power is prob his best stat aside from cunning).


    Of course, you also reap rewards from having cybertech, because you can get the mods with str over endurance. all comm mods are specifically designed to be poorly itemized (Bio even stated this in a Q&A session). The reasoning is they wanted mods available as an alternative for comms, but they didn't want comm rewards to be better then crafted alternatives.


    so, TLDR is pick up cybertech, gear you and quinn up the arse in blue/purple mods, and you'll steamroll stuff.

  10. I love threads like this....if i knew back then what I do now....


    Here's some more.


    *Don't be afraid to ask in chat for a Heroic. Don't put it out there like you're looking for a group either. put it out like you ARE the group, and you just need a few more. you get much better response that way. a good example: "LF2M for HEROIC 4+ ,insert name of heroic here>" This is much more effective then "DPS LFG for HEROIC 4+ <insert name of heroic here>"


    *Watch for Marks - often a tank or senior member of a group will "mark" things. These marks are used to tell who to hit when. Most often they are for a kill order, and for CC. they're easy to figure out....huge brightly colored shapes hanging over the head of a mob. a bullseye target....an orange blaster...green hilt...blue shield...these are player placed marks. If you are a CC Class, Make sure you announce it and let them know you're available to do so ( Hey tank, FYI, i can CC droids. mark one when you want me to). As you gain experience and get comfortable with it, you can start marking your own. as an example, I mark my CC with an orange blaster right away. make sure you let them know the reason your marking it though....others may think your CC mark is first kill. ("Hey everyone, the Orange blaster is my CC, don't hit it!")


    *on that note...if you see marked targets, make sure you know why they are marked. and don't break da CC!


    *up through the mid 20's or so, you can pretty much do any role your AC was made for (by the way, an AC is an Advanced Class. it's the role you choose when you hit level 10 and head to the fleet.) so if your a Juggernaut, you can probably tank an instance at lvl 20, even if your in DPS gear (if you know what you are doing). but post 20 or so it's not wise to do this unless you're talents are set up specifically for this. It places too much pressure on the other group members. same goes with healing AC's. once you get to your mid 20's, don't queue for a spec that you are not geared and set up to be.


    *please communicate! if there are things going on in a group, it's okay to talk in chat! If you haven't been in that flashpoint before, don't be afraid to let peeps know. I've had better reactions from people in this game then many I've played in...most people are fine with you not knowing. but they won't be fine with you saying nothing, and then wiping a group because you didn't know the bosses special attacks. On that note....be open to helpful information. being snide or rude when people are offering advice doesn't help you...or them. This is, of course, if the advice is well intentioned and accurate. bad advice is simply....bad advice


    *As you gain new skills with your chosen character, get out in the world and practice with them. I can't begin to tell you how often I've ran with people who have said stuff like, "Oh, is that my CC? I never knew what it did! (from a lvl 44 merc). Many skills may be very situational, but in those situations they are amazing. knowing what all your skills can do makes you a very well rounded player, and increases your skill level. Killing mobs does not increase skill. learning what your class can do and practicing it will.


    *Practice situational awareness. this is probably one of the biggest skills that new players really need to improve, but rarely learn until much later on. It's an essential survival skill in high end Operations, and turns average players into exceptional players. and it's not that hard either. Plus, the upside is practicing S.A. can also get you better at your class (it forces you to stop the "skillbar stare" where you spend your entire session staring at your hotkeys waiting for skills to come back up). here's a few ways to get started on S.A.


    1) when fighting normal mobs, get used to looking at other things in the environment. everything from other mob groups to plants or building or NPC's. let your eyes roam and start to track things. This may be difficult initially because your not used to knowing where your skills are on the action bars, but as you practice more, it will get allot easier to know without having to stare where your most common attacks are at.


    2) Once your comfortable with 1, then start moving your camera around while your fighting. the default for camera turn is Left click and hold it down. this allows you to pan your camera without moving your character. practice the same visual skills from #1, but this time do it on things behind you and to the sides as well as the front. Get used to knowing whats behind you, and how far away it is.


    3) Once your comfortable with 1 and 2, you can start the advanced training. this involves taking all the data you visually gleaned from one and two and proactively planning possible scenarios based on this information. yeah, you probably wont be forced to "act" on this information when playing solo, but once your grouped up, you'd be amazed at how much better you are at responding to things once you can get this down.


    an example: you are fighting a mob, and in your execution of #2 you notice a silver mob coming up behind you (some random patrol). being proactive, you decide to save your 4 second stun instead of using it on the mob your currently on. you wait until just as that patrolling mob gets in range, spin around and whamo! stunned just long enough for you to finish off the first mob. without being proactive, you would have been blindsided by that mob, and often in those situations, with 2 big mobs hitting you, you would die. but by being proactive, you saved yourself, and looked really cool in the process!


    I know that last one was lengthy, but I can't even begin to tell you how many people I've ran with that have wiped the group due to simple lack of situational awareness (were talking stage 1 or 2 here, nothing fancy.). those that break CC, leap at the wrong mob, spam AoE's and break everything, ignore the uglybad pounding on your healer...all these things are simply lack of situational awareness. Practice it...it will make you look like a pro (when all you really did was look around and think for a second). on the flip side...when you are aware, and being proactive...and working with others that are being proactive as well...its an amazing feeling (what teamwork was meant to feel like), and really makes the grouping effort worth it.

  11. Yeah cant wait for next patch. :rak_04:


    Commandos get 25% damage reduction so we can remove them from the game completely

    and marauders get a 15% damage increase + a red cape and a S on the chest.


    Insert 12 class mission fixes.




    Warhero gear now require the player not only to turn in BM gear but also all your credits and bank codes

    and children.BTW rated coms can now only be earned when having 5700 rating and 24500 expertise.

    Recruit gear were over performing and get a 90% endurance reduction.



    NM mode EC is out. Can only be played after bying a entry card in the ingame store for 49-99$

    Subscribers.get 3% price reduction onse a month.


    Also just like 1.2/1.3 all class feddback from PTS WILL BE IGNORED.

    obs: PTS size is now 527 gigabytes.


    You forgot a few....



    *Immortal Juggs were still being recorded as actually doing damage. A further nerf to soresu form...you now to 20% less damage across the board. But we increased the rage generation on crushing blow.....again. you now only need to have 3 stacks of sunder to get your AoE out of Crushign blow! but it no longer produces sunder stacks. And it costs 6 rage. and smash still breaks CC.

    *Vengeace Juggs got an extra 6% damage reduction for internal and elemental damage on the second to last tier....so those pesky immortal juggs wouldn't have access to it.

    *Rage Tree is fine for juggs, as evidenced by all the mauraders using it. no changes.



    *It was determined that shortly after 1.3, A kinetic Shadow consular was recorded effectively mitigating an attack. due to this, we've had to reduce their armor by an additional 15%. in addition, they take 2x the wear from attacks on their armor now.

    *to compensate for the lost armor, we've increased their threat generation by 40%. and we added a skill to mauraders/sentinels to make them temporarily invunerable to attacks from assassins/shadows. we figured we'd put this in the assassin section as the marauder section was getting too full from all the other buffs we were adding to them.



    *we noticed that they were almost competitive in PvP, so we reduced their PvE DPS to compensate. but they're stealth skills have gotten a 50% reduction in CD's, and they can use countermeasures twice as often now!



    *They were trying to heal again....so we've added a mechanic to their heals that returns 10% of the outgoing healing as damage to them unless they heal themselves...then it damages the rest of their party.



    Mercenaries weren't using their Rapid Shots enough to heal with...so we've cut back healing from all sources by 20%, and boosted rapid shots healing by 30%. to comensate for the extra healing, we've reduced their damage overall by 10%. We considered giving them an interrupt at this point, but since they're still too OP, we instead gave them a new color for their tier armor.....pink. with flowers.



    theyre fine. no one plays them anyways. but to be fair, we gave them a new damage shield that reflects all damage to party members, or your companion if they're around. So you won't die, but everyone will hate you.



    Don't worry guys...we gotcha taken care of (wink wink). the Maurader only VIP lounge is coming next patch, and yes, your armor will glow in the dark now. And your farts will smell like cookies. This is in addition to all the buffs we privately messages each one of you.

  12. This just about sums it up.


    In PvP its less useful because of how important burst is, but its a great attack to lead with on a tank. In PvE its absolutely vital to maximizing your DPS as a Vengeance Juggernaut, you can't live without it.


    I'll add to this sentiment. As a melee class (that has to move allot in boss fights), the more DoT's we can have up, the better our damage is overall. In my opinion this makes Shatter better then obliterate for pure PvE purposes.


    But if you PvP allot, your hybrid may be better for your personal playstyle. but make sure you still have Rampage in your setup...Ravage is a huge part of our DPS atm.

  13. 1) Monthly Class reviews (that result in class updates). More communication about class changes and direction.


    2) make space battle an RPG aspect, rather then just arcade style mini-games (though the are fun...boring). allow for class development using space (smugglers can't smuggle in the game atm....why even call them smugglers?)


    3) Give us REAL customzation. LotRO has the best example I can provide....Dev's really need o head over there and check their system out (short and skinny: its a skin. you toggle it, and the skin replaces your current look, even though the gear is the same). weapons should be included, but im not too picky, we just need real customization...not this horrible money sucking extravaganza that you currently have. Current cost to re-customize is around 600k creds (3 per armor piece, 5 general armor peices that are visible. 31k per piece with BH level mods. 2X5X31 = 465k. add in 5 augments @ 30k apiece = 150k. total cost is over 600k. horrible. I understand why you want the ablity to adapt your stats to be a cost choice. but this should not be tied into our customization process as well (which is purely cosmetic). Mod switching should be for stat purposes only. Customization should be fast, easy, and hot key-able.

  14. I am a level 25 commando on alderran trying to do my story line. But that problem is, i'm being killed by weak mobs. This is very frustrating for me since i love playing on my trooper. I'm pretty sure lots of other players have this problem, so any ideas of how i can level my character up to the level world would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


    It Honestly sounds like you skipped a bit of the previous planets. What I mean by that is you skipped by a bunch of the side quests available (perhaps you focused solely on the class questline?) The game is actually designed around doing more then just that. the class quest system is a great deal of fun, but it's not designed to allow someone to get from 1 to 50 only on that series alone. the side quests really aren't optional...more like 75% mandatory.


    Or, because it's easy to do (I did it the first toon I had), you went to Alderaan instead of Tatooine. you get both at the same time, and the story discusses Alderaan, so It's easy to get confused. But Tatooine is really 25-28 or so, and Alderaan is 28-30 or 31 (rough numbers). at 25 you should just be starting Tatooine.


    If you have already done Tatooine, then you simply have skipped too much of the quests and/or Heroics available. I've leveled over a dozen toons past Alderaan, and I can tell you for a fact that if you do at least 60-75% of the qeusts available, and at least one or two heroics, you will be past the leveling curve by at least a half a level. I have skipped entire planets on some toons that I've had decent rest experience and have ran a few flashpoints. So the capacity is there.


    If you are really stuck (i.e. done coruscant, taris, nar shadda, and Tatooine), and are on Alderaan at 25, here's what I'd recommend:


    * go back and do every qeust you can find on nar Shadaa. also do the bonus quest series on Tatooine. if you did your class quest line on Tat, the bonus series should be available. also pick up anything quest-like you can on Tatooine.


    *run daily space missions. You may have to catch your ships equipment up to date, but relatively easy to do (most ship equipment needed for the basic quests is available at a vendor at every space port)


    *queue up for aithiss and mandalorian raider flashpoints while you run around on Tat randomly killing mobs. This is a good time to get your crafting skills caught up. doing aithiss and Mand raiders a few times will catch you up fast.


    *PvP is an option, but you may not want to do it. But you can queue up for the daily quests as well there.


    not sure of your status as you didn't give us much more info beyond being stuck. the more info you can provide, the better. But I can hazard a guess that your situation is probably one of the two I mentioned above.

  15. Interesting to see Juggernaut/Guardian so high up, guess they're not as bad as everyone seems to think.


    They aren't as bad as everyone seems to think. the individual parses I usually see in the forums (on the other site in addition to this one), consistently show Jugg's in the top 3 for DPS. These numbers are no different.


    It just goes to show you how much people cling to ignorant, unsupported perceptions in spite of the data that's available. Juggs were posting in the top 3 since Bio started allowing log dumps. people just don't pay attention is all

  16. They Both do a great job tanking. Our Ops group (doing HM Den atm), runs one of each.


    Shadow is a bit easier to play in that regards tho. They have better AoE threat, but less mitigation. And the Guard takes more focus and watching resource use more carefully. But since both work quite well, I'd play the one that appeals more to you


    That being said, Guards mature a bit later then shadows do, and they suffer for not having a healing companion till higher levels. But I enjoy the playstyle of my guard (jugg actually) more then my shadow.

  17. IMHO it is the Sorc/Sage AOE that people really love. Not saying it is a necessity, or that other healers don't have good AOE heals, but when I did Soa as a new 50 (with a bunch of other new 50's), boy did I love our Sage's AOE!


    And this may not be quite what the OP is thinking of, but when it comes to why some people like Sorc/Sage healers the best: I don't really know how to put this, other than to say that it might be in part because they seem more like classic healer/caster types and are more "mage" like. They have a very different concept and look compared to the other healers in the game, and while some people may find it refreshing to play a heavily armored or stealthy shotgun-shooting healer, some may simply prefer the caster type. Light armor, robes, glowy shiny heals . . . it has a certain appeal.


    I really grew to love my Scoundrel healer (I can run around like a chicken with its head cut off and STILL heal!), and she is my favorite, but I still prefer the general aesthetics and concept of my Sage healer.


    I think this is an excellent point (aside from the "EZ"heals, which is quite accurate). Perception is 3/4 of what impacts peoples decisions on who to take/like as AC's. combine the Traditional feel idea, with the Ez healing (which also means that people have more bad experiences with poor Op/Merc healers, since Sorc's are easier to heal with), and it all adds up. It's not a realistic perception, but it is a common one. And I find that people prefer to be lazy about their opinions in general, then try to see things differently.


    But you always have to remember, easier does not mean better. It simply means that less skilled players will get more results from the sorc/sage then the others. It's a buffer for the less experienced.


    My preference in healers, barring skill, for general use (when im tanking) is Op, Merc, Sorc. but ill take anyone that can keep the group alive. I'm not picky

  18. the squishyness unfortunately remains :) your healing companion offsets taht quite a bit once you get him though. downside to that is you don't get him till your mid-30's.


    I play mostly Sith warriors (2 juggernauts so far, starting a 3rd), and just started my own sentinel last week. the warrior/knight class is very engaging to play. I actually started with my consular, and started my Jugg because the SC rotation felt a bit dull. but they do pick back up in the later stages, and they're DPS is quite competitive at higher levels (though sentinel is still top...Bio swears its only by 5%)


    I think the key is that with sentinels it's simply EASY to get the dps out. an SC, whether they are balance or Infiltrate, take allot of micromanagement of DoT's and complex skill use. easy to play, hard to master. the Sentinel is simply straightforward...and flashy to boot :)

  19. im using noxi guide, full columi with some black hole and rakata implants, however during operations i feel the toon too weak it can't survive without a healer being constantly healing him, hate that. Is there a way to improve the shadow?


    I mean is dps and it makes good damage no complain there.


    If your DPS and your require constant healing, then you are standing in the bad stuff too often. simple as that. Or, and this happens allot I've noticed...your attacking a different mob then the tank is. make sure you are on the same mob as the tank is. Enable your "target of target" health bar in the UI editor. if you are on a mob, and the mob has you targeted, thats bad. the mob should have the tank targeted.


    It may be your standing too close to the front of the boss, and catching cleave attacks, your in the wrong spot

    You may be getting rained on and not moving in time

    if there's green gas in the air, get away from it. same goes with ANY circle or color or weird glowy thing on the ground. If you don't know what it is, get out of it.


    beyond that, pay attention to boss mechanics. like on the twin tanks in Denova...there are specific points that DPS have to get under a shield fast...or you take lots of damage. stuff like that. But there is no Ops at this point in the game (currently doing HM Denova myself), that you should as a DPS require a constant healer.


    If your Tank....that's a different story. rotations, using your CD's effectively, it's beyond the scope of my post-that-is-already-too-long. but there are tanking writeups galore...check out darthhater.com forums as an example. Hope this helps.

  20. It can actually be easy to miss. On my very first character I didn't even notice it till I ran right by it. It was my first time on the fleet so I was gawking. Just looking around and stuff, taking in the environment. Wasn't even paying attention to quest givers and just happened to notice him and the adjacent quest to pick up your crafting professions.


    Again, this is a MAJOR DECISION. Not some reminder to train your skills. This is your class you're going to be playing as and is a permanent decision.


    In Aion you can't even continue playing the game until you pick your class. It's part of your quest. In SWTOR nothing is even mentioned about it. You step off the shuttle in the fleet and notice some random, nondescript NPC chilling off to one side with a quest marker over his head. You click on this guy and realize it's the quest for your permanent advanced class.


    Uh...slightly important decision there. It only affects your character's entire life.


    Although I didn't miss it, I can understand what you mean. It's there...it's visible, but it's also OPTIONAL. i.e. , it's not part of your quest chain. when you leave your starter planet, you HAVE to go to fleet. it's part of the chain. from there, you HAVE to board a shuttle to the home planet. But you don't HAVE to talk to the dude who sends you to the AC trainer.


    the problem is, some people don't want to choose right away, so it should still be something that you don't have to do to continue your quest chain. so going and talking to the NPC on the fleet should be mandatory, but the quest to go to the AC trainer should be a side quest after that. so you go talk to the NPC, he directs you to your class trainer, and the side quest after that opens up, while the main quest chain then directs you to the shuttle to your main planet (coruscant or dromund). that's the idea I get for a solution.

  21. Interesting quandary. When I had done it on my SC, there was a quest Icon. Is there none now? sounds like a serious bug if there isn't...it should be a quest to initiate the planet based quest chain (i.e. not your individual class quest). thats if I'm remembering correctly. i wonder if there's some quest based proc mechanic that the game isn't recognizing since a recent pat
  22. Hi All,


    2 quick questions, which spec and companion combinations are best for levelling a juggernaut. I am currently level 10. I saw threads before but they seemed to be before 1.3 so I'm wondering what the up to date answer is




    At this point, my main focus would be Vengeance, with Rage an option post 40.


    altough prior to 20, I'd float across all 3, once i hit 20, then I'd go vengeance all the way. Some folks like rage...its definitely doable, but Vengeance has more defensive options. Of course....massive Smash is fun :) so up to you. I like the Vengeance tree.


    pre 20, id put points in these skills:


    Decimate - the reduced CD and extra damage on smash is huge low end DPS boost

    Enraged Sunder - extra rage off my main generator? bonus

    Single saber mastery - it varies pending the stance your in, but you'll get either 6% force damage, or 3% extra defense in Soresu.


    Put your remaining points in battle cry...the free scream is nice at lower levels when your rage starved. at 20 that's when Id respec and go either Vengeance or Rage. Shien form in Vengeance doesn't sound too amazing, but the rage you get from it is amazing. from that point on your really not going to have rage issues (it's possible of course if your spamming everything you can, but thats not rage efficient, nor Damage efficient). Rage gets a very tasty new attack, but even with the rage development in Sho-chi, Rage still suffers from rage starvation early on. post 20 it's not an issue in Vengeance. but either way, you'll level fine. the two differences I've noticed between the two as you level is:


    Vengenace - Burning down single targets quickley, focusing on spreading damage out effectively to nearby targets as needed. Feels like a freight train steamrolling targets one at a time.

    Rage - Big focus on collecting mobs, building yoru procs, and finishing with huge AoE crits to bring down. Not as effective on single targets, but if you time smashes right, looks really cool. buildup and Boom!


    I would avoid Immortal at this point. they're damage has been cut enough that you feel sluggish while leveling. It was OK pre-1.3, but at this point I wouldn't recommend it unless you really like the rotation (less invovled then the DPS specs). With the damage nerf, I can kil almost twice as fast with my DPS spec then the tank spec....even with the tanks spec having a DPS companion. I actually run with a DPS companion on my Vengeance spec now...mobs die insanely fast, fast enough that I don't take one quarter the damage of what I do in my immortal spec. So until Bio wises up and realizes that it's OK for a tank spec to have damage too....I'd skip immortal for general leveling purposes. Hybrids aren't bad tho.


    companion wise - pick your poison. if your going DPS spec, and want smooth leveling it's:


    start to balmorra (roughly 20 or so) - Vette. cute, witty, and does crzy DPS at lower levels. keep her guns up to level, and she tears stuff apart...faster then you at that point. I actually use her to tank extra targets early on.


    from the end of balmorra on, go with quinn. hes a champ healer, and really makes you feel like a juggernaut. I'm not a fan of his personality, but i learned to ignore it for the benefit of his healz.


    You won't really need anyone else. if you want difference (variation, whatever), jaesa is popular once you get her. the other two are really situational, and tank style companions, which aren't as effective for our class as the others. they're doable, if you prefer the variance...but quinn is tops, with jaesa or vette as secondary.

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