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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. I finished all my quests on my planet but im still not the highest lvl to go to nar Shanda


    If your following a typical leveling curve, here's how it looks (i.e. what level you should be at to start said planet):

    Dromund Kaas (Corusant for repub) - lvl 10

    Balmorra (Taris for repub)- lvl 16 - 17

    Nar shadaa - 21-22

    Tatooine - 24-25

    Alderaan - 28-29

    class story chapter 1 finale - 31 - 32


    if you reach any of those planets before the level described above, you did not do all the quests available. period. even with power rushing toons through, doing nothing but all the quests i am of the right level, even if its right on the mark (such as hitting Nar shadaa a few points before level 21...done that before and I was fine.). But if you find yourself in that predicament...


    1) you probably missed some side quests. there are odd spots with quests on every planet...gotta keep your eyes open.

    2) your stealthing past all the mobs instead of killing a few along the way.

    3) your letting a higher level group up with you to assist in the quests.


    I have leveled over a dozen toons on both sides past alderaan....you simply cannot get through the game doing all the quest and not being high enough unless you fall unto one of the 3 categories i mentioned above.


    Here's a quick tip: keep all the Heroics for the planet you are on in your quest log. keep your eyes on chat...with the new server mergers, there's always heroics going on. just be ready to reply...or better yet, start a group yourself.. "LFM for Heroic 2+ shooting stars" you'd be surprised at how fast people will usually reply. a decent heroic on level is worth a 1/4 to a 1/2 level minimum. ill usually keep an eye open for groups forming for the Heroics, and ill be able to grab at least 2, even if im rushing through a planet

  2. Why people would play on anything BUT PvP servers is a mystery to me, are they so fragile about being ganked by the enemy or whats up?


    To the OP, sure starting a new Legacy might be a pain the butt, yet its the right thing to do:rak_03:


    to me getting ganked is like finding a fly on your head. it's really nothing at all, but you want to squish it out of sheer irritation. Nothing fragile about it...just not a fan of flies on my head.


    OP...PvP and PvP servers are different.


    PvP = Player vs. Player

    PvP server = gankfest


    Swtor isn't as bad as many other games, but a PvP server is nowhere near the same thing as regular PvP. the first time you get harried and camped at your rez point you will understand. but if you are willing to deal with that to eventually be the predator yourself and revel in the sociopathic mentality that is ganks-r-us, then enjoy!


    I do jest slightly....SWtOR really isn't that bad. but in all honesty, in my MMO experience, i tend to find PvP on a normal server just as good as PvP on a PvP server. and on a PvE server your ganked less. simple as that.

  3. sorry your having a hard time OP. Stick to it though....with all the classes I've leveled, I find that spending some time and thought on a battle helps out a ton.


    My toughest fight so far was a "special" boss for my Juggernaut shortly after Hoth. I wasn't aware that the boss was there, and i actually had been shifting my companions shortly before that...and ironically, the boss locked you into the companion you had when you entered the event! the companion i had was a dps companion...with about 1/3 of her gear on (the rest was on my healer, which i ran with usually).


    So I was stuck, in a fight that really was built around using a companion, and mine was the wrong choice for my build, and in extremely horrible gear. So i had to do a ton of thinking (I literally couldn't progress until i finished that boss). I ended up allowing my companion to attack first, waited until she was 50% health, then jumped in. she would die, but with my defensive skills i would finish that round (the boss had 3 rounds!) I also learned after a few deaths that I had time inbetween each round to heal myself to full, and raise my companion.


    This obviously was a different fight then yours (i remember the fight you mentioned...it is tough!), but the idea of thinking and maximizing your skills is a big one. here's a few tips for that guy:


    1) let your companion soak up a lot of initial damage. they may die....but that's OK. they rez fast and rarely complain. Use your defensive skill early in the fight, so you may have a chance to use it again later on in the fight. get a medpack of the highest level you can use, keep it handy....pop it at half health. when you get back down to about 60& health again, pop your "hero" skill. can't remember the name of the one assassins get, but its the one with a 20m cooldown. it gives you a nice heal over time.


    notice how Im spacing out my heals and medpack? this stretches out that healing over a longer time frame, helping you more overall. and use your defensive CD (on a 4 m CD, reduces incoming damage) before both of those. if you lump it all together (as I do on occasion when I panic), it really wastes allot of the overall healing and benefit you get from spacing them out.


    can't remember if that guy is immune to your stun, but if he isn't use it early on as well...when you hit your heroic ability, it will reset giving you another chance to use it. Kiting also helps as stated above...hit him with a few spells, run around hit him with a few more. not easy on the assassin, but if your companion is there, as least they will be able to attack while you are running back and getting space. IIRC you still have that green thing as a companion...allowing him to taunt helps take some pressure off of you, but make sure you taunt back (you do have a taunt as an assassin, make sure its on your hotbar) before he dies. then you and him can switch back and forth.


    If you like playing the assassin, don't' give up. they are a great class with lots of advantages..that's just a tough fight. but every class has tough fights in their story lines (as my example above shows). the key is sitting back and thinking about what you have in your toolbox (a.k.a skills/spells), and picturing how they could help you in that situation.


    However, if you do want ranged, you may want to re-roll. but don't delete! at the worst, thats another cargo hold and set of bags to store stuff. At best, you now have a "crafting alt" the way crafting works in this game, you can start the crafting on your alt, hop over ot your main, play for an hour, go back, and all the crafting is done! really makes crafting alts a viable option. so don't delete...recycle!

  4. Hi, just returned to SWTOR. Saw a big improvement in the news. So I decided to come back. :rak_03:


    I got a question. Well more like... I need your suggestion or reccomendation.


    What class would you like me to play? I've played all of them. Just need you to pick one for me so I can stick with it lol. :]



    Thanks. Hope to see you guys in The Fatman server. :D


    If you just want something to go with, Id say Operative as well. one of the best storylines, flexible class with CC, stealth....can DPS and heal as well, mix of melee and ranged attacks. interesting class. also the least played.

  5. played most the storylines. Like them all, they all have good points. I'd say the top in interesting plot twists, believeable NPC's, etc. go to the Agent and the Scoundrel for tops, with Bounty hunter shortly after. Jedi Knight is good as well (same with the jugg on sith side), though id still hedge my bets on Agent.


    light/dark is an aspect of individual quest choices. If your really playing the character, and not just choosing your answers based on light/dark points, you'll probably find yourself in some difficult (read interesting) situations where you have to make tough decisions. the situations below behind the spoilers are two examples'


    Republic side:


    on a quest on Corusant, you are tasked with obtaining files on a corrupt Senator. during the process, the senators aide discovers you. the light side choice is to admit that he's right, and that you should let democracy triumph (even if you disagree with the senator). the dark option is to get the files that would actually aid a rebel group in exposing the senator.



    My empathetic side desired to help the rebel group (because the politician was corrupt). but I would get dark side points on my light jedi to do this.


    Empire side:


    in a slave camp, you are tasked with tainting the water source for the group of slaves who rebelled. the original NPC only wants you to deliver enough do cause server pain in the affected (i.e. torture them) as part of an experiment. his aid dislikes the man, and would prefer to do the more human thing (which would also make him look better). What is the human thing you ask? overdose the slaves instead, killing them rather then letting them die a slow, painful death.



    that one was tough for me, as my character was a light sith from a perspective of freedom. but i only had the choices of killing, or torturing slowly. so a merciful death was honorable to me (and netted light points).


    Server wise, don't matter. most the populace is reasonable mature. the larger population servers will tend to have more trolls by sheer nature of population distribution, but i haven't had too many issues that weren't solved with a quick 'ignore'.


    and the end game material was stated above. Ops (raid), flashpoints (small group instances), PvP (if its your bent, im not a fan), or even better....rolling alts. the legacy system rewards you for rolling alts, as well as leveling your toons to level cap. plenty of tasty stuff in legacy if you don't mind playing more then one toon. Crafting is also more enjoyable in this game then most.

  6. Yup. You can pick virtually any AC. Each AC has at least one spec that will allow you to solo H2\H2+ with proper companions.


    Legacy powers further improve your chances. Heroic Moment Legacy abilities allow you to utterly decimate stuff. Legacy of Unity\Sacrifice also helps a ton if you need that extra push.


    Not completely. go grab a Jedi Guard or syth Juggernaut and try H2+ on them. they can do a few...but it's very tough. i agree with the advice on classes that have stealth/CC/maneuverability options. This is pretty much:








    the PT/Vanguard or Juggernaut/Guardian can do SOME, but they're lack of CC and lack of healing abilities is their weak point. Personally, i like the flexibility of the Op/Scoundrel or Shadow/Assasin, but any of the above and you'll do fine

  7. I think it's on purpose. since Jedi are not supposed to be in relationships, i figure they are making us completely unattractive to the opposite sex.


    on another note....just got a chest drop from Maelstrom prison. first chestpiece since that lvl 14 reward that I actually liked. sort of like the voss chest, but more subtle designs and some nice green colors. looks good on my guy (shrug). but for the most part i agree with ya...half the reason that 3/4 of my toons are empire are the styles (Kira was right!)

  8. As the above said, they're both viable yet have their own pros and cons. Hybrid seems favorable at the moment, though. As far as which build has the advantage:


    DPS: Hybrid

    PVE Survivability: Equaled, or slightly in Immortal's favor at the most

    Threat generation: Hybrid

    PVP Survivability: Hybrid

    PVP Utility: Immortal


    I disagree with the bolded part. One of the biggest differences I've noticed with the hybrid build is the poor rage generation. in a PvE environment, it is a BIG difference. And Rage = skill use = threat. Hybrid pulls a bit more in damage, and sadly enough survivability (It should be the other way around). but Soresu rage generation in a hybrid form sucks.


    EDIT: correction....in a mostly Vengeance hybrid. hybrids that are mostly immortal (key is getting the rage talents higher in the tree) do fine. but on the flip side, a 27/12/x is mostly immortal, with a few extra in vengeance. your just subbing out crushing blow for unstoppable (a nice tradeoff IMO).

  9. After leveling multiple toons and being a serious crafter, here's what I think (personal opinion):


    1) for leveling, cyber or artifice or synth. I probably go with artifice...being able to craft hilts with better stats is a big bonus. plus the crystals, and enhancements...and your own shields...artifice is custom made for a Jugg. then put aside your extra crystals for....

    2) once you het 50 (or mid 40's) respec to synth to get the rakata bracers and belt. you'd be suprised how easy it is to level up a skill to 400 fast...I took my leftover crystals (I had enough to do it, you may need a bit of side leveling), and it took me about 2 hours total. do it, get the bracers made (did a few pairs, one DPS, one tanking, and some extras for jaesa as well). Some people may think its too much work (it isn't), but i have rakata level bracers within a few days of maxing synth, when many of my guildees are still running BT and hoping for their columi bracers to drop. then drop it for...

    3) Bio. the amount of stims/buffs you use in raiding makes it worth it. plus the medpacks.


    i really did not miss Bio at all when leveling. Cyber or artifice IMO is actually a better choice. but at level cap you'll notice a huge difference having access to the re-useable stims and buffs. It's embarrassing getting into a raid and having the healer ask you if you brought stims/enhancements this time :)


    And no...the grenades in cyber aren't worth it. Jugg simply needs more AoE damage. a small AoE on a 3m timer doesn't cut it.

  10. Combination of "by design" and mechanic limitations.


    Unlike our BH/*** bretheren, our resource is built. We are the only class in game that has this requirement. which really means that we are the only class that cannot front-load damage (and hence threat) up front.


    Plus, the other two simply do more damage, especially now. our single target threat is fine (though im still mystified as to why they nerfed our damage while boosting threat...something they didn't do with the other two). but whatever, it works. Our AoE still sucks. it was fine initially after 1.3....until DPS classes started maxing their augments.


    respecced my SC over to kinetic a short while ago...the amount of AoE threat we make is silly once you get the 31 pt skill. it's CS is so short I actually miss when it comes off CD...whereas on my jugg im often waiting for smash to be back up again. it does do less damage...but for some reason seems to pump out a ton of threat. perhaps its simply the shorter CD means i can pump it out more often. a mroe regular steady threat increase is better then a less often, spikier one. plus it avoids CC'ed targets...something our smash does not do.

  11. This sounds far more rewarding than my experiences thus far running as a darkside consular.

    Unfortunately for me, I like playing the dark role. Lightside makes me want to punch a hippy.


    Don't let the darkside dissuade you from punching hippies. The only thing that beats that out in pure fun is gnome punting.


    to the OP: I agree wholeheartedly. the way the choices seem to work out in qeusts (empire that is) are:

    Darkside: hulk smash! in an evil way....

    Lightside: forced to think...and decide. some decisions are tough as they seem to lead to bad or complex consequences, and possibly revealing your true nature.


    I find that lightsde on a sith is far more difficult to maintain. it's like lightside on repub...its pretty much the milk and cookies approach. I love group hugs! sort of disgusts me. I end up more often then not being more neutral on repub side, and mostly good on sith side.

  12. When you finish your starter planet you get a quest to head to Dromund Kaas. taking the shuttle from your Starter planet lands you on fleet. teh first elevator you take on fleet that leads you up to the main floor lands you right in front of a group of NPC's that have qeusts available for you (that are visible after level ten). one of them directs you to the class trainer. you need that quest in order to unlock the next step at your AC specialist.
  13. 10) disagree. personal pref there. I like cartoony. As it is, it's OK. could've use a bit more stylish art to it IMO (i.e. more cartoony!). I don't get into a game to play it like it's real life.


    9) i don't think that the animations are sloppy. There are definitely some I don't like, but I find others very enjoyable to play. I love my Jugg's animations, as an example. now...some of the animation bugs I could do without for sure. Gear design? I agree, but for different reasons. I was hoping for more "armor-like" options on Jedi side...far too many "robes" for me. I think the big issue here is they made gear "styles" too limited. I don't see a jedi wearing pink frilly things, but there's no reason a jedi that has spent the last 2 decades fighting mandalorians wouldn't be wearing a few pieces of their armor...it's not like there's a jedi "dress code".


    8) don't really care. I'd be fine with a 3rd option, but it really doesn't impact my game


    7) I agree. I was hoping for far more planet oriented design. they force us onto fleet for crafting, working with cargo hold, etc. personally, I think that every planet needs easy access (at multiple points or centralized market areas) crafting trainers (including mission skills), cargo access, Daily quest hubs, etc. give us a reason to go back to the planets....heck, make each planet also have "specialties". vendors that sell nice items that only that planet has. As an example, if i was looking for the best parts for a ship, I'd probably hit Corellia for the vendors there. If i want nice Gun mods...I'd go to balmorra. want the best Crystals or hilts? tython (or Korriban). stuff like that would make it much more RPG like IMO.


    6) I'd add this to 7 above. more planet goodies.


    5) yeah...Ilum to me is a group of dailies. Not a PvP fan. and did we really need another ice planet?


    4) design decision. the also had one of the smoothest rollouts I've seen in MMO history. I don't think the issue was Too many servers (though it probably was a big overkill). I think the issue was they waited far too long for the merge. It should have happened a month or two at the most. they could have merged.


    3) they probably could have gone f2p and done fine. I agree with that. i think they wanted to try the sub model for a bit...with the initial sub numbers they had, they probably netted a ton of money off the first few months. But I would have preferred f2p initially myself.


    2) Agree. The story is great...but you can only do that story so many times. They plunked down a TON of resources on that...which also makes the game really limited in how they adjust things. the stories are all now set in stone. Eve if 90% of the playerbase hated one aspect of a storyline, they probably wont go back and change it. having to bring back actors to re-script voices, redo plotlines (and how they are impacting the larger universe)....nifty idea but they locked themselves into a pretty harsh relationship at that point. they could boosted pillars 1 and 2 a bit more instead of putting all their cookies in one basket.


    1) a more fully fleshed out space aspect would be great. i had a much different view of the space "combat" when I imagined the game. i was thinking of what I could do with a smugglers space skills (making extra money on cargo runs cause I know the backwater shipping routes). but a smuggler does no better then a jedi who spends most their time reading books and healing things.


    ...I really think a bulk of their issues could have been solved by pulling a portion of their budget out of paying high end actors to do the voice-overs, and instead put mroe into the side aspects of the game (crafting, space exploration, etc.) pulling a basic idea from early SWG....having known coords for the important planets is great....but what If i just want to go somewhere else?


    let me discover a random planet...doesn't' need to be huge, just throw in a random sub-group of monsters, add some crafting nodes, and ill be golden. perhaps a few random ruins from a forgotten species. that would be awesome. actually give me a reason to be in my ship for longer then the 5 seconds it takes to go from fleet to corellia.

  14. Well, I doubt well initially see game changing options (like player housing...that's more then a simply additon to the store, that's a major mechanics process). but here's a few I want:


    1) the character skins, barbers, races, etc. especially racial options. color dyes yes. moddable gear SET's.


    2) crafting materials. If you do it LotRO's way, you can't sell what you make with the store mats on the GMT, but you can use them yourself, or vendor them. that prevents peeps from buying mats and selling on the GMT (like a reverse gold farmer). But the mats are in every other way and shape the same as normal mats. it would cut back a bit on having to grind in lower areas for mats simply because they're not on the AH.


    3) Legacy on the market. everything (or almost everything) in our legacy unlocks should be buy-able at the store. perhaps they can keep their legacy level requirements (I'd prefer that), but simply add a "Cartel Coin" option in addition to the creds option. so that way if i want to unlock speeder 3, but I don't have the creds, i can use my points. same with racial unlocks.... ship droid unlocks...basically everything on the legacy screen that isn't free already. the ones that are legacy level only should still be that way (such as completing act2 to unlock that class' buff ability).


    4) I want to be able to unlock armor STYLES. as an example, i love how the armor looks on my jugg. but im not a fan of the "robe" that they force you into as a JK. I want to be able to wear jugg like armor on my JK.

  15. On top of the OP's friend....


    ....EA is also hoping that subscription players end up doing the same thing, paying more then just their $15 a month.


    I ended up doing that a bit myself in LotRO. even with a sub, I found that I had lost my taste for grinding endless materials for my crafting (the rare mats mostly...they were a pain to get at the time, especially for certain gear levels). so being able to purchase them in the game store saved me a ton of boring grind time. but i found myself spending a bit more then my monthly "VIP allowance". easy to do if it's there...and beckoning you.... :)

  16. Hello Dead Horse....


    ...Let me introduce you to Dedder Horse.


    My thinking is it won't happen. not until Bio has left SWtOR in the dirt. some may thing they already have, but they haven't. This has been stated before....many times before....in a nauseating amount. Ac switching is class switching in Bio's eyes, and they won't do it. we can argue whether it's really a "class" or not, but Bio thinks it does. and f2p isn't a reason to change this....many games that went f2p do not allow class switching...Bio's issue is they went with a non-standard class development process.


    Unlike many others (WoW, LotRO to name a few), they did not start initially with separate classes. Aion did something similar to this, but theirs felt more separated. once you hit lvl 10 and decided, that was it. bam. totally different. Bio decides to keep some things the same (less development time really, cheaper), but they sill see their classes as the same thing. separate.


    will the do it? honestly I don't think so. If they do, it will be big sign for me to switch games.

  17. Yup. that is exactly why Bio is doing it....and why f2p is becoming a popular model. I'm not an expert, but im sure there's a transition plateau where the monthly sub is more effective...but I think most games can't reach that mark easily. So for them it's more viable (i.e. more money) to go f2p and pull in those who shy away from a monthly expense. Much of it is psychological. a full years sub is 180$ on average. so if you compared the total amount with what they can purchase in the store (not sure right now, because we don't know) that will tell us for sure. But for allot of people, it really is a process of immediate rewards vs. long term "accountability"


    I think we all get turned way from monthly expenses due to bad experience. Ever had to turn away that vacuum salesman at the door? ever ended up looking at that 2000$ vacuum and wondering why you bought it? oh yeah, it's only 80$ a month!!! oops.... same with monthly subs. I don't want another monthly headache, but if I find i have an extra 30$ to spend, why not buy a few pretties on the game store? (not what I think but this is the mentality).


    Plus...no matter how intelligent a person is, spending habits are an emotionally wired in process...that we far too often learn from our parent(s). I've seen freakishly intelligent people that can't handle their accounts to save their lives...and at the same time, I've met Joe Farmer/Jane janitor who didn't pass 3rd grade...but keep tight control of their money (my grandfather did that. didn't get past grade 5, but raised a family of 4 kids and a few properties using nothing more then a 5$ ledger book) intellect =/= good budget skills


    I think people wire in the idea that if we can avoid the accountability of monthly expenses, were better off. even if it's cheaper in the long run. or perhaps not....


    I see the f2p as being more viable for those that are sporadic in playing. if you hop on and play for a few weeks every other month (or even only half of each month) it's probably worth it. I do that with LotRO atm, and it's one of the reasons i prefer it's f2p model for that reason. but SWtOR I play usually 4-5x a week at least, so for me the monthly sub is better. to me, it's all about choice. Tera is a good example...I would have tried it if it had a f2p model, but spending 15$ a month for a game im not sure i will enjoy isn't worth it. Especially with an MMO thats new, it takes awhile (and a good bit of leveling ) to see if your really going to enjoy it. Might as well save the 15$ if you can...at least you can sub later on if it fits you.

  18. Hello folks!


    I'm still trying to get my head back into the game with my Jugg after spending most of my time playing as a Sin. I have seen a good bit of talk about this hybrid spec but I've not seen an actual link to it or a rotation guide. Can one of you please help me out with this?


    I tried rage in PvP and hated having everything rotate around smash. I figure this would be more fun to try out.




    PvP or PvE? i know you said PvP when you referred to rage, but you didn't specify your ultimate goal with the hybrid build. and what help do you need with it? rotation? gearing? a few more details will help us flesh out some ideas for you

  19. I'm kind of in the same boat. I just hit 50 as a Carnage Marauder and I'm trying to gear up for the hard-modes and end-game content. I can't seem to get my Crit over 25%, un-buffed.


    Getting past 25% pre-columi will be tough. currently columi + rakata + 1 BH and sitting just under 30% iirc (jugg tho)

  20. Yes, I think Vette is 21 for exactly the reasons you lay out.




    The incident with Broysc was while Quinn was on active duty ten years ago. The real question is the expected age of an Imperial officer to embark on active duty. If Imps give their young ones the luxury of a 4-year program after age 18, that pushes him to 22 at Druckenwell and 32 at game start, minimum.


    If you buy into the "He's actually the freakish result of the same genetic program that yielded Imperial Intelligence's Watchers" theory, you could say he may have been in an accelerated program and may only be in his late twenties.


    I have no data on Jaesa or Pierce. Pierce strikes me as thirtysomething.


    Good points on Quinn. didn't realize it was a ten year period. Makes sense though...it can take time to bounce back from a bad career turn. so he could easily be low 30's. I think his quiet attentiveness and tendency to always follow orders (and not do much else other then follow orders), gives me a younger impression.


    Course...the empire could use a different approach. Here in the US we need 18 min mostly for personal accountability (emancipation age), but in a more empirical environment, it's possible they would start earlier...15-16 would be a good starting point. to early, and motor skills/emotional/physical development wouldn't be far enough along (theorizing here...)


    so late 20's at the earliest for quinn then.

  21. interesting point!


    I had never thought about it, but based purely on her voice + her approach to conversation (slightly immature, but in a cute way) I placed her in either her late teens or early 20's. Good to see that playing out in a similar fashion ingame.


    With Quinn, I'd say something similar, but late 20's IMO. fresh, new lieutenant....but he has some history on different deployments. if the SW model fit the US model, were talking about 2 yrs per deployment...add in a 4 year degree, and your looking mid to late 20's, if hes only had 2 deployments so far (firs the psycho commander, then baras)


    Jaesa is a tough one. You see padawan, you think "young". but she comes off as allot more mature emotionally (grew up fast?). but being sheltered and hidden for most her Jedi development, she could be older then she appears/acts. Im putting her in her late 20's as well.


    robot is robot.


    PIerce comes across as a much older guerilla soldier. been around the block, got the T-shirt kinda thing. I put him in his late 30's but that's only based on interactions. the furry thing is hard to tell its age, but i pull it out only to chuckle once in awhile

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