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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. I guess what I'm really trying to say is don't do it to make credits, do it because you like to craft. I did biochem for my guildies, but now they can buy better stims on the GTN.


    And what really gets me is Bioware jumping in and making stuff available and ruining the market. If I'd known the crystal vendor was coming, for example, I wouldn't have bothered to make those purple schems.


    My third toon only gathers, and she's the one with all the credits! :)


    I can get behind that :) and in all honesty, most MMO's place a high degree of emphasis on how the crafting impacts the market...I certainly made some nice cash the first few days of augments being out, but they really throw the GMT out of whack now.


    and yeah, lagers thread was pretty good hehe...motivated me to try it myself (was my second jugg). It gets boring after awhile tho, i miss my special abilities :D

  2. My first toon has Artifce. I spent a lot of time and a massive amount of credits to get purple level crystals. Then BW comes out with the Crystal Vendor, and my crafted ones were nearly worthless. The going price is less that the cost of the materials. And before you say to gather the materials, I do, but Corusca Gems are from TH, which costs credits to run the mission, and it takes abut 10 missions to get enough gems to make one crystal.


    Then the crystal Vendor goes away and Rakghoul event comes out with crystals. So again, mine are nearly worthless.


    My second toon has Biochem, because while outfitting my first toon, I noticed the high prices of good stims and medpacs.


    And again, and probably foolishly, I spent a lot of time and an even more massive amount of credits to level up stims to Purple quality.


    Now, the Black Hole vendor has schematics for better stims, that are already purple quality, and the finished products are being sold on the GTN for very low prices.


    I've heard from synthweavers that their crafted gear that luckily came out with augment slots have plummeted in price now that people can just buy augment kits.


    There's just no reason to have a crafting skill unless you really, really like crafting, and have the means to support it.


    Crafting may have been a good idea at the start, but it's ruined now.


    Crafting will always go through cycles. I still spend many hours crafting and thoroughly enjoy it. people still buy crystals of various colors that I can sell...but I mostly craft for myself. crit crafted gear with augmement slots doesn't sell, but the kits i make with the same craft do sell (and I don't buy the mats...it's more of a spare material sink then a purposeful cash flow process). I enjoy being able to craft gear for an alt when none of the gear on the AH is what I want.


    what you really saying is that you don't find the crafts beneficial...but many others do. and I doubt that I will be able to convince you that your wrong about what you feel...and I shouldn't try. that's your opinion. But don't tout that post as fact....the simple fact is crafting does many different things for different people. your obviously looking for a maximum profit at minimum expenditure. yeah, the crafts aren't necessarily the best for that. but that's not all they're for. That's just what you use them for.

  3. sorry, maybe its me but there seems to be a tons more people crafting than there is selling mats full time. I can count maybe 5 others on my server for whom I'm always competing on pricing wars versus the hundred of others making the same armor over and over.


    This makes sense. those that enjoy crafting may not enjoy playing the auction. I'm one of those. people who craft to excess but aren't serious GMT players will usually price their items to sell fast. This has a cascading effect. those that play the GMT will snatch those up and resell. I'm perfectly comfortable with that. I'm hardly the GMT expert, but when i want to make a bit of extra money, I watch the prices and try to be competitive but within a range that nets me a profit. But it's not something I enjoy. I prefer to craft, and in all honesty, i prefer to farm my own materials too. so when im bulk crafting, If I sell I sell at low prices.


    The fact that you benefit from my cheap sales is actually a good thing to me. Your doing something you enjoy, and Im doing something I enjoy, and we both reap the benefits!

  4. the more I hear about SWG crafting system, the more I wish I would have been able to experience the game prior to the breaking changes made my Sony.


    to the OP: I agree on many of your points. And don't think that my spam below is arguing your points, you have a good basis for the argument. I just found it puzzling that you used WoW's crafting system as an example. Avid crafter here...I'm the kind of guy that won't get to level cap for ages cause I'm crafting too much, creating alts to craft with, etc.


    Out of all the systems I've crafted with, WoW's is the most generic and boring of them all. It's sole focus is leveling it to cap so that you can get the level cap items to use. the amount of items you can get from crafting that are actually better then the items you get while questing are slim to none. and usually they are rapidly out-leveled. even the purple tiered items are worthless...you get to the next expansion zone, and the greens their immediately outperform the previous purples you worked your butt off to make. so Wow's crafting is very bland and SOLELY focused on level cap. here's a few other things that SWtOR does that are better:


    1) Everything you make has the potention of being much better then ANYTHING you can get in game for your specific level at the time. it takes work (crafting, RE for the next tier, crafting again) but it's there. unlike WoW's system, where you can't improve the base patterns. they are simply what they are. a Prototype lvl 16 set of legs, as an example, will outperform more quest reward and Comm rewards through lvl 22-24 easily.

    2) Even the lower tier schemes are better then what you get via quests or comms. the comm based items (mods or equipment) are itemized very generically. As an example, if i want a high str armor mod for my JK, I need to craft it...all the amor mods from Comm vendors prioritize Vitality over Strength.

    3) Augements. don't need to say more. there's your fur liners for bracers, your equipment buffs for eingineering, your ring enchants all rolled up into one....augements can severely boost a toons stats, even while you level. In comparison, fur liners aren't even available in WoW until 70 iirc because they origionally were an end game crafting item...not a leveling item. Same with ring enchants. can't get till 70 because....they were an end game bonus when BC was first put out. But you can augemnt anything you can craft (for the most part) as early as your teens.

    4) the amount of special or powerful recipes you can find in SWtOR are far more then in WOW...and they are at all levels, unlike Wow where the "nice" patterns are only found at, again, level cap thresholds (because they were rewards from raiding, not leveling bonuses). But i can get a blue level 15 Schematic from UT that can be RE'd to a protoype tier piece of gear that will easily last me ten levels or more. If thats not a level based reward, I don't know what else would be. The fact that some people don't take advantage of it is probably due to RNG factor (you won't always have it), and lack of patience. but it's there.


    those are just a few. not saying that it's perfect, but just pointing out that it's light years better then WoW's, and WoW's really doesn't cater to leveling toons any more (even less) then SWtOR's does. Not to mention that WoW killed ANY aspect of crafting being viable as you level with one thing: Heirloom items.


    Plus...I was confused. You stated that SWtOR really needs more motivations to craft as you level (I agree), but the changes you mention are all really level cap based benefits. which I also agree with btw :D having a special bonus for each craft I think is really needed. I fail to understand why they give synthweaving some of the best bracers and belts outside of campaign gear as "gimmes" once you hit 400 (I already have rakata bracers and belt crafted for my merc, and she's not even lvl 50 yet), but theres no implant for Bio? no earpiece for Cybertech? sure, cybertech gets to craft lvl 56 mods (if you get into the Ops to get the patterns), but they should have something like the earpiece. And....you have to run Ops to get the higher tier mod Schematics, whereas synth gets belt/bracers from the vendor for about 4k per schematic. So I agree with you, I was just confused as to how those bonuses are beneficial as you level?


    If you meant providing BoP items at various tiers of crafting, then I could see that being a nice bonus. Like giving Cybertech's a BoP purple earpiece that is available from the vendor. you reach crafting level 100, get a level appropriate prototype equivalent schematic, and bam!. I definitely support that. make the materials reasonable too. the idea is that you are gaining experience as you craft, and are holding some of the best stuff aside for yourself. it shouldn't be any costlier then a level equivalent blue in materials.


    I also support the idea of decaying products. Like special (purple or prototype level) items needing repair by the appropriate craft using a few materials as the cost, or something like that. Or having to use higher grade materials to craft higher tier items, like a grade a phobium metal for a prototype, but a green can use grade D or grade E material). all of that sounds very involved and fun to do.

  5. Sure there was inexperience with MMO's but still, they delayed launch many times, it took them many years and like a hundred million dollars to make a rushed game that delivers every aspect to the game either halfway or not at all


    In all Honesty....What MMO isn't rushed out the door with glitches, problems that take them a year to solve, and crushed hopes of fans who were following the development with exited anticipation?


    Look at Diable 3. The longest development cycle of just about any game out there, backed by the same company that made its two previous successors (yeah I know the original Dev's aren't there anymore...but I don't want to sidetrack this thread). And...they had tons of cash to develop it (probably more then Bio did for SW). and it was probably the worst release in ages. From the company that has long been touted as setting the "standards" for many MMO's in the industry.


    this is something I knew would happened. As excited as I was about a KotOR style MMO that expanded the SW universe, It was going to be an MMO...so i held back on my expectations. And I wasn't very dissapointed. It's like movies...I had heard that Sherlock Holmes 2 wasn't as good as the first one, so I went in expecting a poor shoot-off of the first...and wasn't disappointing. If i had walked in expecting a better version of SH 1, I would have been pissed.


    You really need to have a skeptical view of MMO's nowadays. it pays off in overall enjoyment, really. start low, and you will probably have fun.

  6. that's a tough question. I like all the planets for various reasons at various times. After just getting a toon to 50, I don't want to even look at correllia :) but its a pretty cool planet. Reasons such as this.


    But If I were to pick one overall it would probably be Dromund Kaas. It has a very mysterious, semi-dark feel to it, but not in a bad way. The capital is fantastic looking, and the jungle with the wild animals (big ones!) has a foreboding sense to it (makes it feel adventurous).


    Add to that the creepy old sith temple and it has all the flavors of a traditional RPG setting. very fun IMO...wish it lasted longer.

  7. I agree that it's frustrating OP. Just simply going back with my high level toons and farming irritated me because of that reason.


    The good news is...


    the Justicar area is open for speeding. the 2 prior to that (black hole gang, market) are not. the works is underground for the most part (usually not allowed no matter where you go), and the jedi temple i can't remember if it allows speeding in the open temple area (which was originally a closed building before the sith blew it up).


    But in light of the legacy perk (and IMO for those with speeders in general), they should unlock those areas, in spite of whether they are in buildings or not. heck, most of Nar Shadaa is available for speeding, and its very similar to the works. and there is simply no excuse for the first two areas. I started a new empire toon, and from the second she walked off of Korriban, she hopped on her speeder, and has been using it since.


    simply not balanced, and really should be.

  8. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#1010MZGMZcRrRMudduR.2


    Ye basic Vengeance build. run with quinn for invincible feeling, run with vette/jaesa if you want a bit O challenge and like to kill mobs faster.


    Immortal spec isn't bad, but is hurting now for solo with the 1.3 changes.


    Rage isn't bad, but I never play it. Vengeance is too fun


    Edit: please keep in mind that torhead has the Rage tree and Vengeance tree switched atm (not sure why). so make sure your putting the points in the correct tree! (Vengeance is normally in the middle, Rage on the right.)

  9. The only major issue I've having with my Jugg is that the general consensus is that Juggs are tanks. When people are looking for more for ops groups at the fleet, dps are a dime a dozen. There are so many dps classes out there that when they ask for dps for ops runs, even in SM, they get a few tells right away.


    Even if generally I'm first to answer them, they just wait around a few seconds and some other dps class comes along. The stigma is that they would rather take a Mara over a Jugg dps, or their preference would be a ranged dps class. I'm in full Columi on my Jugg but I often get taken over other classes because people still have that stigma that Juggs should be tanks. I think I asked once if they could use a Jugg dps, got an invite, and they assumed I was a tank. Another group already had enough melee dps and preferred to get more ranged dps so I got passed up there.


    I guess people still have this misconception that Juggs are only good as tanks.


    This is one of the few things that IMO makes the LFG tool acceptable. you can queue as a DPS, and they simply don't know. on my easy nights I prefer to DPS. queue up in the LFG, start dailies, and within a short time i have my instance run going. no one has complained yet.

  10. There's only one 'blind' invite I accept: When myself and another character are obviously after the same thing, whether it be killing or collecting. I don't consider this to be a blind invite, though, because it's obvious we're both doing the same thing. Grouping up for the short time it takes us to finish will likely make it go faster, and we won't be competing with each other as we would be if we remain ungrouped.


    Any other type of invite popping up on my screen flips my anger switch. I can't help it- I've been part of too many absolutely horrible groups over the past decade that began with such invites- and when I see that pop-up without so much of a 'Care to join my group?' message, an icepick jams into my head at the thought of clicking 'accept'. Ow. No thanks.


    read after I posted, And I agree wholeheartedly. I even do that (the first one) on occasion...your both waiting for a mob/spawn point to respawn (as an example, the computer panel in BH that you click to "summon" the last elite for the area quest). if I see someone cruise up and stand patiently next to me waiting...that deserves an invite. But I guess you could assume that it's not blind...your probably 99% sure that they are on the same thing you are.

  11. I too love helping folks out, but I will always decline random invites. so many examples of it leading into bad situations that I lose count. Ultimately to me it boils down to this.


    If you incapable of explaining what you need in a few short sentences then im not going to come help you. I've found far too often that people who do random invites are NOT politely asking for a reason...


    People who politely ask can even be as short as "hey man, mind helping me with quest X?" sure im game. on a rare occasion it will lead into them trying to drag it out....but in all honesty I've found that people who are articulate in specifying their needs are also respectful enough to appreciate the help you give them, and don't rudely push for more.

  12. sorry your having such a hard time OP. there's a ton of great ideas on how to improve your performance. I'll add one of mine.


    FIRST...if your laptop is new (HD has never been re-imaged or reformatted) you could probably do with removing some of the bloatware. Bloatware is programs or applicaitons that the comany installs to push products to you, or to advertise various aspects of their company. Some bloatware is beneficial (if you put it to use...I left a laptop manger app on my hp because it gave me a fast way to check for updates and to get system stats on my laptop, including serial/model# and such). But for the most part, bloatware takes up space, and unfortunately CPU cycles as well. You can most likely google yoru laptop and bloatware, and find a few forums with gutsy people who have gone through the process and removed it all. I know there are products that can remove it too, but you can do it yourself. took me about 20-30m initially to remove it all, and i never had to look back. saw an immediate performance increase on my brand new laptop.


    SECONDLY - research your laptop model! after browsing many forums, I found out that my laptop had 2 different video memory sets...one was on the separate GPU (a nice one), the other was a slow, but efficient, set of memory on the motherboard. the slow set was for low power, low resource applications, and in sense was a good idea....


    ...except that the laptop was choosing the slow set by default for EVERYTHING! by manually going into the application and setting my games for the higher performance video card memory, I saw a huge improvement in both performance and efficiency. Now...I have no clue if your laptop has any of these kinds of apps, but with many of these "generic" brand name production line laptops, it pays to know what the company shoves into it's brains. it turned SWtOR from a unusuable hunk of lag to a well performing game. in other words....


    DO YOUR RESEARCH. KNOW YOUR LAPTOP. and learn about computer techie basics (like how memory and Vid cards work, how to change system settings on your computer, etc). It will only help you in the long run.

  13. Though I agree with the OP, how about everyone just comes up with some constructive criticism rather than launch into another Bioware bashing frenzy. Players wonder why they don't communicate much in the forums and stick to social networking means. So many good threads but then players ruin it with the negativity. I wouldn't listen to feedback if I was being called incompetent among other things.


    Anyways, yeah the credit sinks are becoming way too frustrating. It's enough that we have to pay to rip out mods, crafters have to pay to farm the materials needed for the kits, but now we have to pay to augment the gear. Way too many credits sinks. I like the Legacy System but I'm not touching anything on it, just isn't worth the credits.


    You bring up a good point. We should bring constructive solutions to the table.


    It is easy to complain about this issue, without providing feedback on how to change it. yet...at the same time, it's not rocket science to figure out how to resolve the issue.


    Make those things cheaper.


    I think the hardest part is figuring out WHICH ones to discount, and how far. As an example, if customization is expected to be a normal, everyday aspect of the game, then a quick set of dailies should cover a full re-gear. this is roughly 100k for each worlds set of dailies. I think it's unrealistic to expect an average player to spend the 3 hours necessary (for those who disagree you have to add in travel time there...it really is about 3 hours), to do ALL the dailies. but doing...say....BH only is realistic. add in a daily HM FP and you probably have around 130k or so. take away about 30k for repairs and respec, and your looking at 100k for customization. which means a full set of gear switching mods.


    inlcuding all the basic armor elements (head, chest, bracers, gloves, legs, boots, belt, weapon), and thats 8 pieces. Even without augment slots (which dont carry with your mods, so you'll have to reaugment your new custom gear), thats around 12k per mod piece. which is perfectly reasonable IMO. Im more of a fan of FREE customzation...you know, like it is in most other games....but ill settle for a reduction to 12k per mod for top level gear. lower level gear cam be less of course, but for lvl 56-61 gear the cap should be around 12k.


    Augements are similar. 5-10k max IMO for mk-6 (and thats only for the slot creation...its still 50k+ for an augment kit off the GMT). a full re-augment will set you back about 40k. per set of gear you want customized. to me, that isn't unreasonable. sure...once you've done it its permanent...but the problem is its the standard now. sure, if you do nothing more then run normal FP's its not a big deal. but any form of progression, and its expected. It's like stims. if your in your guilds progression run (doesn't matter where your at, if your guilds learning the run, it's progression), then your shosrting your team by not bringing that stuff along. same with augements...im sure they are calculating all the new standards (tanking, DPS, healing) around the fact that people WILL have them. so making us pay exhorbant prices for something that is being forced upon us is unfair.


    so if i wanted to do a complete re-haul of my gear (so i can actually feel like im customizing, not punishing myself for wanting to look different), total cost under my plan, with mods and augements, is 160-180k, which is a number that a person could realistically achieve in a solid nights play. a casual player with limited time (i.e. - do i run BH dailies tonight...or do an HM FP? egads, i have to choose!), perhaps 2 nights.


    For those that think its too cheap, keep in mind that most other MMO's allow it for FREE, or at severely reduced rates. Even WoW's transmogrification cost is cheaper (which is stil mroe expensive then most games I've played with this feature).


    here's a brief list of those things that I think are regular and expected part of the game and should be far cheaper then they are:


    Mod Switching

    Augment slotting (this could vary, as it's not necessarily an every day event. perhaps only 20% of the cost...one full re-augment per week is acceptable)

    Respec fees (this could simply be eased a bit..perhaps a reduction in the curve rather then at all levels)


    legacy costs should be calculated with this IN MIND. it's almost as if they are balancing costs per item as if you are not doing anything else with your money...whatsoever. the above items should be baseline per day expectancies. I should not have to save my spare money and refrain from unlocking a few legacy items per week, as an example, just so i can have a different look a few times a week. I should be able to customize 3-4x per week, unlock 2-3 legacy items (less if its account-wide stuff, like racial unlock), respec at least once for the guild run on Friday nights, and still have some money left over (not much at this point really, but gotta have something to purchase that rocket fuel, or those fleet passes)


    And I should be able to do this without sacrificing all my spare time as a casual player to do so. Im not talking about rare speeders here...or high end gearset purchases...or anything like that. I'm talking simple things that should be cheap enough that I can use daily if needed.

  14. To the OP:


    Your request isn't unreasonable nor unacceptable...I can understand why you make the requests that you do.


    I've been playing MMO's since DAoC day. I remember researching ilvl back when it wasn't shown on the gear....i remember endless theorycrafting threads about RE'ing gear stats to get those calculations. Finally having the ilvl shown on the gear was a blessing and a curse when it finally happened. More of a curse, but it had its high points.


    I'm against the current creation of the LFG tool completely. I'm against the idea of why one is necessary when they have done such a bang up job of merging servers. I won't argue the details because that would derail the thread. But the fact that it's here means we need to live with it. I can pretty much get a group together in the same amount of time that the LFG takes on my server. I know that lower population servers have it harder (i merged...it seemed the logical choice. worked out great).


    The problem isn't the lack of ilvl (though it could "help"....not sure im convinced it would help more then hurt, but ill leave that on the table). The problem is the LFG tool becomes the standard the moment it's implemented. I knew this would happen...the pro-singers of LFG talked about it being an "Option", and indeed as it stands you don't "have to" use it. But your post OP pretty much shows that it is definitely the standard now, because it has become the method by which people compare how they can get groups and thereby get their "dailies" done.


    The real issue is that Bio made it the standard by giving us rewards that overshadow ANY OTHER ASPECT OF THE GAME. there is NOTHING in the game that is more rewarding atm then using the tool. period. people who are gearing up in columni pieces will ignore Rakata (the next logical step) because its' simply too hard to get into runs to get those pieces. As ane example, LI only drops rakata off the LAST BOSS. why worry about that when you can run BH endless times and get 25 black hole comms a week? add in the 6 from the weekly, and your netting 40-41 comms without ever having to step into anything harder then HM BT.


    There is no reason to NOT use the Finder now. there is no reason to run much other then one run a day. they bait and tag us with benefits that outperform anything else. It is no wonder that people are asking for their own additions to the finder. though the OP's request is understandable and withing logical reason, I wouldn't be suprised to see a ton of wild requests thrown out with this thing.


    IN all actuality, they need to reverse the reward system. the reward for randomly pugging a slot or two should be the fast grouping time IN ITSELF. organizing a run with your guild or friends list is far harder...I think that the BH comms should be a reward for MANUALLY setting up a group, and the LFG should rewuard standard daily tokens (of which there is already a quest for...it should just automatically drop into your quest log when you queue for a pug). if they did that, then people would have allot of reason to MANUALLY set up their team...and those who "need" the LFG can still use it, and they will be rewarded by getting a group when other means are simply too difficult for them. it's not hard to impliment either...LFG has a random button and a manual button. manual button enabled, you select 4 people you choose yourself, and once the group is full it engages, and you can choose the run of your choice. random does it all....random.


    this is the pivotal issue in just about every LFG/RDF tool i've seen to date. players have rapidly found that RDF/LFG nets the fastest results with the least amount of work and least amount of accountability. There is NO REASON why we should further emphasis a bad solution to a bad issue by rewarding those who choose the easy path (not easy bad...simply easier). its very logical...the reason why a pre-made meal is more expensive then buying similar quality ingredients and making it yourself....the reward is a fast meal with little effort. If pre-made meals were cheaper then making yourself....the grocery business would be OUT of business. that is not logical, and I don't understand why LFG should be illogical either. the reward is the fast group. the comms should be rewarded for manually setting up a group. not the other way around.


    TL - DR: I don't disagree with your request OP, but The issue isn't lack of ilvl. It's a broke system that rewards people for being lazy and being unaccountable. you may not be either....but the system rewards them anyways. changing the rewards is a ncessity if the LFG system is going to be a positive addition to the game.

  15. I don't think the immortal benefits in threat. Or, at least not enough to matter. Threat for end-game tanking is pretty much a yes/no proposition. "Extra" threat provides no benefit. I tank with fully augmented dps in black hole/rakata and I've never had a problem holding single target threat with hybrid, or immortal, pre and/or post 1.3. Aoe threat at end game is also NOT a concern given the prevalance of cc usage and the lack of any truly threatening aoe encounters.


    Rage generation, rather than threat, is the true negative of the hybrid. In fact, it's so bad it's a borderline broken build. It can be made to work but the room for error is so small. Give the survivability and damage increases, though, it's the best we can do at the moment. Force scream every 9 secs is HUGE. Don't mismanage your rage and leave yourself unable to proc that every. single. time.


    Immortal needs to be reworked. I keep posting about the hybrid vis a vis immortal not because I'm a huge fan of the hybrid (I'm not, it's an annoying, exhausting spec to use) but because immortal is now SO bad that I feel inclined to make my opinion known on these forums. As we seem to be ignored, I'm probably going to lose the energy to continue posting about it in the near future.


    I agree. The extra threat wasn't really needed IMO (and stated so many times in the PTR threads). I held aggro before 1.3 just fine. but it is there, so worth mentioning (even if it is overkill) And Indeed....the simple fact that a hybrid build that is Mostly Vengeance works just as well (pending the variances) as the full tank build is baroke. My fear is they'll just nerf Vengeance to compensate. I don't mind losing a bit of mitigation in Vengeance, but Immortal really needs some reworking to make it more attractive.


    As an example, I understand the reasoning behind reworking saber mastery...but ultimately all it did was negatively impact Immortal, and benefit Vengeance (when using soresu). that bonus to soresu should have been higher in the Immortal tree, so only by taking a full tank spec would you gain the extra DR. As it currently stands, my immortal spec loses 6% melee damage, but my hybrid can benefit from both (though only 1 at a time). thats 6% extra defense that hybrids and vengeance did not have before.


    that's just an example, but it illustrates why Immortal really could use some love. There's been plenty of great ideas that have come across the forums as to re-organizing the immortal tree. I think most the irritation from 1.3 wasn't because people thought it was breaking the class...it was because in spite of all the great ideas, they gave us something we didn't need (overall threat), and took away something that we really liked (damage). it's like a teenager complaining to his parents that his clothes are worn and torn, and he gets cold...so his parents give him a hat, and take away his shoes...and don't touch his clothes...


    ...but...I liked my shoes. they weren't the problem. i didn't need the silly hat, just give me a decent pair of pants!

  16. It's not that you're confused, it's that they are. Hybrid=more survivability, particularly if you get Force Scream off every 9 seconds.


    Things definitely seem to be pointing in that direction. The shield loss is negated by improved use of scream and the 4% reduction in ALL damage (not just internal/elemental) tops Dark blood (plus the insane bonus on ED almost makes the threat loss worth it...especially now that we generate enough threat to hold aggro on a dead stick).


    So at this point what I see as the real difference is:


    full immortal = more threat, more rage generation in soreasu, and backhand.

    Hybrid (some variation of 18/23 or 16/25) : More damage (in either soresu or shien if your off-tank), equal or better mitigation.


    I personally prefer an 18/23 build with sonic barrier. your getting 30% more out of it with the Vengeance talents.

  17. Plus I have a mirilian body type 3 and I like to remove his shirt in WZs and yell HULK SMASH!! whenever I smash. Kinda fun. But vengeance is cool too.


    that one made my day :D


    But in all honesty OP, if everyone found out how much fun Vengeance was, wed have too many Jugg's on our hands! nonononono...let them keep thinking Vengeance is worse then your mother in law giving you an enema.

  18. Hey guys, wondering if any of you do a straight up tank build that is good for leveling solo, flashpoints, and pvp. I want to be a useful tank in flashpoints, not run into trouble leveling solo, and i want to get some good pvp medals (using guard and such, protecting other players).


    Is there a good straight up tank build for this as opposed to a hybrid? Or is that required for what I'm looking for?


    If any of you guys can post your builds for what I'm looking for I'd really appreciate it!


    I am currently just raged out and while it's great for owning in PVP I don't find it too useful for much else.


    Here's a basic one:




    I left free points to put in what you prefer. Decimate's nice for the extra AoE damage, and the extra force crit is nice too, but some prefer the str bonus from Dreadnaught. Some of the points I allocated are flexible too, namely 2 pts in quake (need at least one to open up the next tier), and the points in Revenge. but that's the minimum you can put in the Immortal tree and still unlock crushing blow.


    For solo work though I'd probably go with the hybrid. Prior to 1.3 I'd say Immortal was fine, but the damage nerf is enough that it slows down Solo play. Doesn't impact tanking, and some people who don't mind killing slower it doesn't impact them, but I noticed the DPS loss when I was running solo...and Immortal was slow enough solo that it didn't need that hit.




    Here's they hybrid I currently use. damage isn't bad (with a DPS companion), and you can tank anything outside NM mode content if you know what your doing. Not as much damage as full vengeance, but more damage then full immortal, and your pretty solid too. you miss some rage generation and threat from immortal, but you make up for it with the extra damage and your mitigations are almost equal (if not better with the reduced CD on scream). use Soresu for tanking or dealing with elites, use shien for regular packs. run with a DPS companion unless your soloing heroics or champions, then switch to quinn.


    I stick with my tank gear for the hybrid for solo work, though if your leveling you can probably do just fine with a mix of damage and defensive stats.


    Oh yeah....and torhead's class trees are jacked up atm....for some reason they have rage and vengeance trees switched. So don't be confused if you look in the far right tree and you don't see those talents there :D ...they are actually in the middle tree.


    EDIT: almost forgot to say...im mostly PvE. Some of the PvP players could pipe in with changes they'd make for PvP, but the problem at that point is your going to have to sacrifice something....you can't be the best tank, the best damage, and the best at PvP all in one. But there's a thread in the forums already for a solid hybrid build. Not sure if the discussions up to date for 1.3, but it was a good solid PvP build at the time....

  19. Let me say thanks again for all the replies, guys. I appreciate the info.


    I dunno. I really do want to want to choose the Jugg, as the look's just better, and one saber's classier than two, but...there's just too many reports of Jugg leveling being painfully slow, DPS being terribad until you're in awesomesauce gear, etc. I've done that before, just dunno if I really want to do it again, especially when there's a (comparatively) ready-out-of-the-box solution in the Marauder. I can learn to accept two sabers, but the armor's always going to look absurd.


    Go for it Cav. Jamie's assesement is very fair and well made. But in spite of these realities, my first serious class was my Jugg, and I have never really had problems with it.


    Most PuG's for FP's as you level are happy enough getting a tank that they don't care. I've never been kicked or ignored at all. Killing may be a bit slower under 30, but the class is so enjoyable to play I could have cared less. I have 2 50 juggs atm, two more in their 30's, and a few in their teens. Never had a hitch leveling them. Blast to play, the armor looks great...


    And in all actuality, whats more important? that it takes you an extra 5 seconds to down a mob, or that you enjoy the process. if you have to grit your teeth to play your toon, then IMO your wasting the whole time it takes to kill the mob. would you rather spend 5 seconds killing a mob on a class you don't like, or 7-10 seconds killing the same mob on a class that you find fun to play?


    And in all honesty, post 30 Jugg's pick up with the other classes, and post 40 I found my jugg killing things easier then all my others. their combination of survivability and damage allows you to deal with groups that my other classes have a hard time on. and once you hit 50 and start to gear up, I doubt you'll regret your decision.


    So I'd go with a Jugg. start with Vengeance (very fun spec), and later on you can try the others. a vengeance build with quinn in the background makes you feel very invincible. and after all, no matter how fast you get to 50, the road there should be an enjoyable one. I don't think there's anything in end game that is worth sacrificing your enjoyment on the way there.

  20. At what point does the diminishing return on Defense, Shield, and Absorb render Endurance or another stat more viable?

    I have a 50 Jugg Tank with the following stats when buffed and under stim:

    2169 Endurance = 24435

    571 Defense = 29.16% (Caps at 30%)

    447 Shield = 45.57% (Caps at 50%)

    333 Absorb = 46.32% (Caps at 50%)

    My Squishiness factor is .28059


    Taking into account the available gear and mods, I have noticed a couple things:

    1.I cannot raise Shield any higher as the shield stat is tied directly to the enhancement.

    2.At 150 Accuracy, I rarely miss (less than 1%), and Threat and Damage are not an issue.

    3.At peak gear itemization, Squishiness moves to .27865.

    4.There are several mods and enhancements that favor greater endurance over Defense and Absorb.


    My questions:

    1.At what point does Endurance or another stat outweigh the increase I can gain from moving squishiness 2 tenths of 1% or .194%

    2.At what point does Endurance or another stat outweigh the diminishing returns on defensive based stats?


    What's your gear mix at this point Nebin? rakata/campaign/black hole....are you using set bonuses, or mixing and matching?

  21. Saying the immortal tree is broken is vastly exaggerating the situation. Reminds me of my teenage son who's life is ending when the internet goes down and he can't play xbox.


    It's not broke. It does less damage now (by around 15% or so overall), but threat is much higher. mitigations are similar now to what they were before.


    I prefer to spec full immortal for tanking progression. IM comfortable with my rotations in full Immortal spec, and other then a damage decrease (which our sorcs make up for with their new augments), I don't noticed a difference at all.


    The new Crushing blow is nice with its faster debuff stacking, and hitting 3 targets (smart targets I might add), even if the damage is reduced. backhand damage is painful to look at now...but it still does exactly what it's supposed to do....build high threat and stun a target.


    So the changes aren't breaking....they are just irritating. most good players accepted them and moved on. My biggest gripe with it was I never understood the damage nerfs. But they are there now...and even with Bio silent on them, they aren't going away (any times soon). But they also haven't slowed me down.


    currently running a hybrid for non progression stuff...it's not bad. with my DPS companion, things die about as fast as my vengeance spec (a little slower, but meh). and I can switch right over and tank HM's and heroics with ease. But i still use full immortal, and it's still enjoyable. I just tune out how much damage im doing and its all good.

  22. Mara's are easier to get DPS with. Plain and simple. the actual variance is around 5% or so, in favor of the Mara. Jugg's take a bit more work, but can put out the DPS to be viable. Plus as you noticed, they can Tank.


    If your solely doing PvP and want an easier time, I'd say Mara. If you want something more versatile, that can also do PvP, go Jugg. If you want to play what you enjoy, Go Jugg.


    BTW, the above statement isn't saying that Mara's can't do PvE...they are top DPS atm. But that's all they can do. But I love having a Mara in my runs...When I run HM BT or Foundry with my guilds Mara, I don't even respec into Immortal...we both run in DPS spec and stuff dies too fast to worry about (I switch over to tank gear for the bosses)

  23. If you actually did level as a tank, and actually have leveled another guardian/jugg as dps too, then you would have to admit that leveling in tank spec is slower. I'm not talking about pvp.


    QFT. My first jugg was solely Vengeance, and my second was Immortal up through the 40's...Vengance was simply faster. not by a huge amount, but it was. Plus, the moves feel more dynamic and exciting to execute, it's simply more fun to play. I ran withquinn on my Vengeance Jugg, and cycled DPS companions with my Immortal (mostly vette....was working on her story).


    Immortal isn't bad...Vengeance is simply faster. especially post patch.

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