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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. Sorry for the delay there guys. weeks are busy...usually i catch up on the forums on sundays.


    Here's a starter Rage spec:




    Note: this is for PvE only. PvP players will have a different setup..and I don't know :) I don't PvP. but most of the optional talents are pretty logical.


    Ravager, Payback, Interceptor, and through Passion are the flexible ones. I picked Ravager for the pure damage increase, but none of those 4 will break the bank. The points in the immortal tree are mostly rage savers, and help the spec out immensely. Vengeance talents are damage oriented.


    the build isn't really that different then the original one in Moresexy's post (I think the older build site he used isn't working as well anymore), but this is a good starter. once you have rage built, going up vengeance first or immortal first is personal preference...if you still feel rage starved do the immortal talents (huge rage increase). If you simly wnt to do more damage, go up vengeance first (again, after rage is filled in). Moresexy's rotation is still valid....no new skills here. rage generation and non-smash based skills got some damage boosts since Moresexy's guide, thats about it.

  2. I'm not sure what you're quoting in this statement. I never made such a claim. My comment stands. Theres nothing to be constructive about. I am full time vengence and i don't think it needs a buff.


    you insulted the OP and then made reference to his idea like it was a fix all solution, which he never said it was. A quick fix does not mean he thinks it's the only solution, which you referred to. Quote:


    "I wait for the day where the amateur player doesn't think that more damage is the only way to buff."

    Emphasis mine. you inferred that he thought it was the only way to buff, which he didn't. he said it was a quick and easy fix, not the only fix.



    We're not marauders. Be a marauder if you want big bleeds. Vengeance spec is based on 3 abilities, the bleeds are a side bar of extra damage. Deadly saber for example is not a front load hard hit ability THEN a bleed - its just a bleed - same with rupture. So - no.


    you should check out some parses. you'd be surprised at how much of our damage is constituted by bleeds. Plus, the marauder isn't the "Only " bleed class. sorc/sage and shadow/assassin also have some heavy bleed/DoT based specs. Just because you downplay the DoT's we have doesn't make them unimportant. Lastly, Even if you took out all the mauraders bleeds and our bleed (believe it or not, we have as many as they do), they are still a very different class in playstyle and looks. I like the Jugg, bleeds and all. Not the maurader.



    Again.. constructively - no. They don't need to change it.


    I support this. you feel like it's fine where it is. I do too...but it doesn't mean it can't be improved upon. To me the key is to improve the spec without changing how it plays. see my comments on that below.


    Ultimately what this comes down to (and almost always does) is weaker players think they are stronger players and when they can't accomplish something they spend most of their energy pointing the finger outwards when they should be pointing it inwards.


    I can't argue with that. Far too many times I've seen people ask for changes that would drastically change the class I love so they can have their PvP (or whatever) day in the light. I'm not a fan of that, and in all honesty you and I are probably closer in agreement then it seems. I don't think the spec needs changing much at all...In it's play-style I simply find it the most enjoyable class/spec i have played in the game.


    Again, I play full time vengence jugg and I have zero issues with.


    I also play full time vengeance. I have also leveled 2 other juggs, one as rage, and one as immortal. Vengeance stands out as my favorite spec and If it weren't for the lack of tanks in the guild, I'd play all 3 as vengeance. But let me ask you this....if you love the class so much, what is it about the spec you like? and if they simply "upped the damage" through bleeds or an extra boost on other skill, how would that kill how your class is played? I'm honestly asking this because I too love vengeance, yet I'm not seeing how those two simple ideas (extra bleed damage or extra % damage on SSM) would change how it was played.

  3. I love Vette. She's fun to play, and her witty comments still make me chuckle.


    now, having said that, I geared up jaesa at endgame and when i run a DPS comp I run her (quinn has my cunning set). mostly because doing solo work as a Jugg endgame is all about massive damage to kill stuff Asap. jaesa and I both leap in there and wage total destruction. Her AoE damage helps out a great deal in that situation.


    When im leveling (if it was either or), I'd prob go Vette. better control and single target damage is greater. But when it comes to leveling, im a fan of DPS spec and quinn. Don't like quinn as much (he's just....there...really), but DPS spec + quinn is simply the smoothest and fastest combo. but if it was between Vette and jaesa, i did Vette, then jaesa end game.


    If it was based solely on personality and enjoyment of the comp, then Vette hands down. Even light side Jaesa creeps me out once in awhile. I feel like she's the psycho GF just waiting to blow.

  4. Immortal leveling is slow now. 1.4 killed the damage for immortal solo play. Doable....but after leveling 3 jugg's it's the worst tree for it.


    I'd go vengeance. there's very little in the game that requires Immortal to deal with. if 80% of your time will be in Flashpoints, then Immortal isn't a bad idea. but if you are only an occasional FP runner, stick with Vengeance. it's a wonderful spec for solo and group work.Rage is good post 40, or if you PvP allot.

  5. My guild has yet to kick me to complete content. In fact, I raided with them all of 3 times before being promoted from recruit to raider, and I'll be there with them for NM EC on Thursday. The guild in question is Chosen, who got world 2nd 16m HM TfB complete. So if they're willing to take a Jugg DPS for progression content, I'd say there isn't an issue for good players to find raid spots with good guilds.


    I agree with you wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, this thread was about PvP. the OP didn't specify it in his title (like 75% of the PvP players don't, a small personal gripe of mine). PvE Vengeance is great. If we got a little more on the DoT's I'd be perfectly happy with the spec.


    On the Origional Topic. I'm not certain I can still agree with you. Even though I don't PvP, prior to these changes, Rage simply wasn't wanted for PvP OR PvE. now, it's a viable PvP spec. how can that be bad? Please tell me any class that has all 3 trees PvP viable, I doubt it's there. most AC's use one or at the most 2 trees for PvP.


    At this point It seems to me your simply being one sided about the class. You want them to make every tree viable for PvP. personally, I'd be perfectly happy if they left Vengeance as it is as a more PvE focused tree. Rage is great for PvP now....lets fix the immortal tree so I can stop feeling like I'm taking a step backwards to spec for a tanking role.


    In all honesty, aside from the Immortal tree, I feel like the Jugg/Guard is getting close to a balanced class, more so then just about any other class out there. The immortal tree is our one weak link.

  6. Short and dirty:

    30% defense

    50% shield

    50% absorb

    96-100% accuracy

    those are the stats you want to shoot for. Doesn't matter that you can get higher or not. those are commonly accepted norms for most the hard content in this game. You can get by with less in 98% of the end game though.


    Rotation: saber throw, leap, sunder, smash, scream, backhand, sunder, crushing blow. people mix those up a bit, but that gets your close to 5 stacks on your main target, and gets out your biggest threat producers. You can throw in a taunt in there if you are worried about the DPS threat.


    do what you want after that. The Jugg relies more on reacting to the situation then my other tanks do, so rotation is less critical. I find the most important part of the "cycle" if you want to call it that is the first 5-7 seconds when DPS is throwing everything and you need threat fast.


    Our taunts boost us 30% above the highest threat on that mob (or group of mobs) i addition to the "6 second lock" so they are helpful even if you are top threat. So you don't have to use them as "oh sht" buttons like other games. they are an effective threat generator on their own.

  7. Hey folks, this question has been bugging me for awhile. I've noticed prototype purple moddable gear for sale on the AH (an example is the rd-13b striker chestguard. purple with full purple mods). these pieces of gear seem to be selling from the same person, 2-4 of them as a time. Is there a way to get the schematics for these? Are they upgrading through RE, or are they getting lucky on RE"ing one found randomly, or are they just farming this stuff, and you can't RE/craft them?


    Was hoping to figure out how to craft some of this gear for my alts, but if they are just lucky dogs and finding them randomly i may just bite the bullet.

  8. Gratz on your choice OP! Jugg's are still to this day my favorite class. got 3 of them, and just started a 4th on a new server. Yeah...im bored....enjoy the class, and having fun with the "ohnoes, i have no alts to craft me uber gear" playstyle (it can be rejuvenating actually).


    leveled with all 3 specs...and in all honesty, they're all doable, but depending your leveling preference, not optimal. here's my unabashed opinion (this is post 1.4 mind you, pre 1.4 i had a different opinion on immortal).


    Immortal - while doable, it is probably the least productive of the specs post 1.4 for solo leveling. even with a DPS companion, your overall grind time is simply slower. You think that with the DPS companion life would balance out, but it doesn't. Bioware didn't take into account leveling quality when they cut our damage in 1.4. Yes, it's that noticeable (for me at least). When the two other specs are getting huge damage boosting skills, you are getting...less. literally. still, it's doable, and it allows seamless transition into FP's. if you are a heavy FP player, I'd recommend this. NOTE: I do mean heavy. if your even just an occasional FP player,like a few times a week during the leveling process, read below.


    Vengeance -

    probably the most overall smooth for leveling. plus, if you like tanking an occasional FP, this is the best option for you. the defensive skills in it actually work out well when doing FP's. some high end players think it has more mitigation potential then immortal. the biggest thing I miss when tanking as Vengeance is Rage. in random FP's you are low on rage frequently.


    a high degree of experience with the class helps balance this out, but still overall you will suffer for rage unless you are in high end Ops (where the continual pounding of bosses nets you plenty of rage). The DPS is very smooth, with no real lag spots, and plenty of available rage for anything you so desire. IMO pre-40 it's the best of the 3 specs for solo play with a dash of FP's mixed in. FYI...currently end game i don't spec Immortal for FP's anymore, simply not needed. Only do it for Ops runs.


    Rage -

    prior to 1.4 I would have said that this was solidly behind Vengeance, but with the 1.4 boosts, its a solid contender. It's only issue is early on it lacks for 2 things: a solid regular use ability to proc its main damage dealer, and simply lack of rage. I know...there are talents to help that, but in back to back comparisons (when leveling mind you), it didn't have the same rage gen capability as Vengeance BEFORE 40. After 40 it's a different ball of wax. you get your cap skill in the tree which helps a ton for the specials in the tree, and after 40 you can put points into other trees tht can help out with rage gen. so post 40 it keeps up with Vengeance.


    So, in closing I'd say this: unless your someone who regularly runs FP's (50% or more of your leveling time is in FP's), and you don't do PvP, go with vengeance. If you like tanking, but want better damage outside of that, go vengeance. if you prefer PvE (no tanky tanky) with some PvE mixed in, Rage. Obviously you can see im a Vengeance supporter, but I've leveled all 3 (why i made 3 juggs), and that's the results I got.

  9. I wait for the day where the amateur player doesn't think that more damage is the only way to buff.


    Heads out of butts kids.


    you could at least try and be constructive man.


    The OP said nothing about bleed increase being "all we need" he stated it was a simple and easy solution to increasing damage and versatility. And I agree. I also like the options Helig listed as well though. See, he offered constructive criticism and options. your post is not even worth reading, except its now stained on my brain.


    In all honesty, I have seen far too often people saying that our bleed aren't "worth it" and due to the small return, are poor investments in points spent. I don't agree completely, but I've always thought we could use more bleed power....either a more powerful tick, or simply longer bleed times. Bleeds increase damage, provide more flexibility (you can do other things while the bleeds are up), and are a detriment to opponents (who have to clean them, or if they can't, then deal with a damage source that can break stealth, etc.) Are they an end-all solution? no. but he didn't brand it as such.


    besides, if the Dev's were going to implement a solution, they'd probably rather do one that is simple (add 3-6 seconds to a bleed or up its damage by 10%) then try a complicated new skill or ability that can change game mechanics. which means they'd be more apt and willing to implement it.


    Of course, the increase in damage to SSS is also a very easy and quick fix to the issue as well. I'm for either of those. And I'd also enjoy some more complicated talent solutions to make me think more and have more to do. But in all honesty, the vengeance spec really isn't that bad. Immortal has serious issues. I'd rather see a quick damage buff to vengeance and leave as is, and let them focus their attention on immortal...the tree is in serious need of some rejuvenation.

  10. I do not play PvP whatsoever.


    /signed. Even though I don't, it's the most horrible looking thing i have ever come across. My first commando got to 15 and i dropped her because of the stupid thing. I have flashbacks to barney and other such things when it pops out of my huge gun. I blow things up....unleash torrents of destructive blaster fire...and shoot a green lazer out of my gun?


    Seriously, just give us a shot like the mercs have. let us save face among our trooper brothers. the vanguards laugh at me every time I enter the barracks!

  11. False, they were nerfed a few times. Secondly, I did those hardmodes in moded gear you got by doing solo dailies. You get even better modded gear with solo dailies now. Gear is not an excuse. Those instances were not designed for top end gear.


    You may be right on the nerf aspect, but i think you don't understand my original point...that being, people who find HM's easy now probably did not find them so easy early on. they get used to the runs and they get better gear and the HM's feel easier. at this point i could probably run an HM in just about anything because I know the mob pulls so well. but back when I didn't....it was tougher. also, if I'm equipped in rakata and BH gear, the run is going to be ALLOT easier then when im in blues and I have no clue how the instance will go. it's even worse if your new to grouping and how groups run nowadays (a.k.a. they simply expect you to "know" how they pull the groups...CC mobs...etc).


    so i fail to understand your point. aside from the nerfing, that is. I simply don't know for sure, so I'm willing to go with that.

  12. So how has the hybrid been for TFB? Also can anybody post the hybrid tank spec with impale? Was mentioned earlier but I never saw it


    Generic Hybrid


    there's a basic one. it has all the key elements that make up the hybrid. there's a few variable ones (such as accuracy instead of pooled hatred, etc), but those are really gear specific and personal preference, so i just maxed accuracy. but it gets you all the critical elements that make a hybrid work.


    also, if you want more flexibility from a DPS standpoint, you could drop a few points from accuracy and get Shien form instead...very nice rage boost allows for allot more specials. I tend to run that way when im using the hybrid.


    I chose battle cry over quake mostly because I tend to feel the rage starvation more then anything else in this build. After running hybrid in HM's, i just tend to prefer full immortal in PuG's. in guild ran Ops, hybrid seems to work well. but in Flashpoints I tend to feel far more rage starved then i do in full immortal. don't see threat as a regular issue tho, so it's most likely just a personal preference.

  13. It doesn't need it.


    also, i have no clue what part of the game your referencing. PvP? or PvE?


    I'm seeing allot of these posts now that rage has been buffed a bit. odd thing was, before the buff, vengeance was doing pretty well in PvP based on those that i read who were playing it (dracosz use to run vengeance in his guilds rated games).


    I honestly think that its simply being overshadowed by rage now that its FoTM. doesn't have anything to do with vengeance and its ability.


    oh...and vengeance is fine in PvE.

  14. I'd rather run with a DPS that puts out 1500 DPS and does those than a DPS that puts out 2000 and doesn't.


    Heck, i'd take a DPS that does 1000 DPS and does it well over someone that does 2000 and can't function effectively. Other then that, you pretty much hit everything Grall.


    One note to you personally OP: know your class, and figure out if you have skills that can help a tank. like grall mentioned, a DPS that knocks mobs away from the pack is irritating. But Jugg's can easily PUSH a stray mob into the pack for a tank. whenever I run DPS on my jugg, im trying to maximize my ability to help the tank out. an assassin could do the same with their force smash now, since it knocks back better.


    If your a DPS class that has a taunt, use it when a mob heads toward the healer. it will come back to you (and the tank), and the tank can grab it at that point.


    Another one is intercede...use it on CD for the healer. you can take more punishment then them, and it helps overall threat production. or you can alternatively use it on another DPS that seems to have issue pulling threat from the tank. It's stuff like that that make tanks really appreciate you as a DPS. I think that DPS players often get short sighted and forget that we have more to our classes then just dishing out damage...i rarely see other juggs doing stuff like that in DPS spec. so you will stand out.

  15. First Off OP, I wanted to applaud your approach. a very well rounded way to try and balance the tree. But I'm not sure it's all needed. In reality, bleed damage is just as good as burst in many ways (and in some ways,better). All we really need to do is increase the bleed damage, and make a few adjustments.


    first off, for extra damage in both arenas, we can just add a talent that increases our overall DoT damage by, say, 20-30%. that's all we need. we could tack that on to sundering throw, as its not really that much of a talent anyways (and a horrid one for being that high in the tree). personally, id like to see the DPS 4 piece bonus be something actually valuable to the class (current 4 piece is squat compared to other classes 4 piece bonus). so I'd prefer sundering throw to read, "Decreases CD of Throw by 5/10 seconds and eliminates it's range requirements."


    there ya go. you can take the talent in the rage tree that boosts its crit, and you have a pretty vicious attack with a moderate cooldown. This would also help our ranged limitations as well (without being OP). we get a real nice heavy hitter once ever 20 seconds. if you want, we can apply the root to that, that would be great for grabbing that sage or sniper 20 meters away and give us a chance to catch up with them.


    then add the bleed damage bonus to Draining scream. for the next 9 seconds, all bleeds to 20% extra damage (or 30...adjust pending how much damage we actually need)....and Finite. vengeance would be top notch with just those changes. now...For pure PvP purposes, I can see why Pooled hatred is just....dumb. They could easily change that to "anytime the Juggernaut is rooted, CC'ed or mezzed, they gain 1% of their health per second for 3/6 seconds." No stacks of course. the percentage can vary, but that would be an excellent counter to the continual CC that juggs undergo in PvP.


    your changes seem interesting, but it seems like allot of work to just add some extra damage thats viable to PvP that doesn't break PvE. All you need for that is bleed damage.

  16. LOTRO was sub at one time, right?


    It was. As a matter of fact, I was playing it at the time. server pops weren't dwindling...but they weren't growing leaps and bounds either. I was actually unhappy with the decision, but after they did it I changed my mind. It added mroe to the game. more players came in to try it out and found they liked it. we saw more content more often, and the cash store purchases helped out a great deal in many ways.


    the only gripe with it I had was the way they advertised it. it ruined the immersion for me to have a little coin sign on every purchasable element in the game. But once I realized that it was much like quest icons...a game based marker that you visually tuned out after awhile...I had no objections. And this last year they opened up more servers then I had ever seen them open since late SoA days (early first release). this was AFTER the f2p conversion, well after. so even well aged into the f2p process, they were increasing their numbers and having to add servers. now, the game is also very well designed (I think ToR could learn quite bit from them), but still...


    If anything, LotRO is a perfect example of a very SUCCESSFUL conversion to f2p. they're going on a few years now, and are still trucking along with a solid fan base. My hopes are actually that Bio learns from them, and makes similar smart decisions, and doesn't go the way that EA was going originally.

  17. The forced change of model when you move gear between Empire and Republic is my #1 complaint with this game.

    It's pointlessly arbitrary. What, someone at BW have a vested interest in not letting the Republic get the cool looking coats? And what's the deal if I want to put my sniper in a cool hat? It's maddening in its lack of rhyme or reason.


    I agree with this sentiment. many of my class choices (imp vs repub) have literally been made based on what the gear that I will be forced to wear looks like. this in addition to other visual effects (attack animations, environements, storylines, companion romances, etc).


    I think they're really not understanding the amount of people that prefer full customization. I absolutely HATE 95% of the medium armor on repub side. i have the exact same gearset for my medium armor wearers from 1-50 and it never deviates because there's not anything else i can stand putting on them on repub side.

  18. This thread has strayed a bit. No one has mention the first error in this complaint. Your comparing hp from a heavy armored tank to a light armored tank.

    I'm a jug tank and I also have a sorc healer as well, when I heal a assassin I'm shocked at how fast their hp drops. I rarely put out any dps when running with most assassin tanks. I by no means am dissing assassins, the good ones make a fp go much faster then I can with my jug.

    I'm new to MMO's and I'm really shocked at the amount of socialism that spewed from it's community. HE'S GOT THIS...HE'S GOT THAT..AND I DON'T..IT'S NOT FAIR.. There is a reason there are different classes. If you want what one class has play that class! Nobody is forcing you to play any class!


    excellent point. On my shadow i simply feel squishier. i worry more about incoming damage then i ever do on my jugg. it's almost a second thought on my jugg. I've learned to appreciate the mitigation differences.


    And to Ark and shaun: thanks for bringing sunder up: it's probably one of the most under-appreciated party buffs ever. Everyone says that juggs don't have party buffs....but 20% armor reduction is amazing. I think most people miss it because it's ALWAYS THERE. That, and it can come from other sources as well (PT and other juggs as an example), so it's not as noticeable as the mauraders burst damage ability.

  19. No one is whining here or saying that Sages are "terrible." The developers have said all DPS specs are intended to be within 5 percent of each other. This is clearly not the case right now. Asking why balance changes aren't being made to fix this disparity is a fair question and one the devs should answer.


    I agree with this. Im not a big fan of the foundation of many of these "My class is worse then X classes", but when it comes to overall balance...Bio said everyone should be within 5% of each other. and the data is not even close to that. even if all the players were completely wrong (and the sims), bio could at least come here and say, "yeah, you have no clue, cause here's our data...and were right". but they don't. they just say that their design goal is 5%. but most of us know from real life as well as MMO's, that theories rarely connect with reality where the dirt meets the road.


    I think the problem is lack of even a basic level of transparency. we don't even know if the dev's that manage the classes PLAY the classes. we don't know what metrics they use, how they test them, or...more importantly....how those results fare against the real world results of imperfect people in an imperfect world. (not a slight, we all are in that same boat. and not a bad one IMO).


    I mean...if they could show me where they are getting this data, and how they are proving it in real world envorinments, i'd be happy.

  20. 1. It cannot be used in combat.

    2. It has no knockoff, but any hostile mob or player dismounts you instantly even if the attack misses.

    3. It is not at all usable in PvP currently. Why do you assume changing it into a full-time mount suddenly would make it usable in PvP?


    Your other points are your opinion, but these 3 points are just flaws in your reasoning. Why would you even write them down if they are flat out wrong? I assume you don't actually have the Rocket Boost purchased?


    You are correct sir. I don't have it....read up on it pre-release, and i guess my info was wrong. thanks for the corrections.


    but again....if its a mount you want, why not just add a jet pack or jet belt ingame as a mount? and it still does not have a cast time, correct? or am i not seeing the cast time when people are running and engage it? while i was certainly off on my facts, it still would need some changes to be qualified as a mount.


    I suppose as long as your okay with giving it a cast time, then you can have your expensive mount....I actually have yet to buy it purely due to price. Especially if the only advantage it has is "instant".

  21. Joe summed up most the critical elements. ill add some Juggernaut specific details. but to answer your last question, yes, you got it right...the DPS can deal with the stragglers. but it's a balance game. When I'm DPSing on my jugg (i.e. not tanking), ill actually keep a few mobs busy. were tough, even in DPS form, and we can do that. I don't do this on my jedi shadow when he's DPS...his health simply drops way too fast. so let them handle a few...if you notice that they are ending the fight low on health far too often, reign it in a bit.


    So the moral to the story is....watch your team. one of the most critical skills to become an effective tank is situational awareness. it's learning to know, at a quick (relatively) glance what the mob setup is like, and how to best approach dealing with as many mobs as possible. and being able to scan the environment WHILE tanking to see whats going on. there should be very few "reactive" choices when your situational awareness is high enough. you know your not doing it well when the fight seems like it's "out of your control" or you are spending far too much time re-actively spamming your skills instead of setting up scenarios to use them the most effectively.


    the bad news is this: you probably picked the worst class for dealing with multiple mobs. don't get me wrong, I love my jugg (no other class is as fun). but Im also honest...it take 3x more effort to get that AoE aggro out of her then it does my shadow when he's tanking. my shadow hits 2...I repeat 2...AoE abilities and he has aggro like glue. my Jugg has to throw his saber at one, leap to another , choke a third, backhand the first one, and then smash them all...sunder the second one again, and then use crushing blow (and hopefully you'll have 5 stacks by then and it will actually do something).


    I will also often throw a mob into the larger group, leap at him again....you get the point. we bounce around like jumping beans. a good juggernaut is never static...but you shouldn't need to run around just hitting things (notice that everything I did above did not involve running over to mobs.) we have the most mobility tools out of all the tanks. so much so that I miss my jugg when im tanking on my shadow. here's a few more tips:


    1) like i stated above, spread out your attacks. don't chain up all your stuff on one mob when theirs 5 in a group. try what i mentioned above, spread your stuff out on 3 or so.


    2) if you have a straggler, leap to him, push him into the group, leap to him again, and use your area taunt, THEN smash after a few seconds. you got 6 seconds before taunt wears off....wait till they're all close and whammy.


    3) don't use your choke or backhand on your main target. they are much more effective as threat agents and as ways of controlling mobs you lose aggro on. if a mob runs off to the healer, backhand it. that's 4 seconds where you can figure out what the heck to do with it before it wakes up again. backhand builds a ton of threat as well.


    4) On that note...if a healer pulls aggro, DON'T FREAK. don't immediately spam your taunt. that silly mob has to run over to the healer. it's a long ways...let it run....then taunt it....and it has to run back. that's allot of lead time to save up a backhand for it, or a force choke...or just let it run back to the healer again. and taunt it again. That's what I call the taunt juggle, and I've literally kept mobs running back and forth between me and a DPS or healer until they're dead. It's pretty funny to watch actually.


    5) There's a reason Interceded is a lvl 50 skill. because it's amazing. in PvE, it's instant threat drop on whoever you leap to, and you absorb damage to them. IMO this should be an integral part of your leap skill in a fight. If your leap is up...look around to see who you can intercede too (healer is always a good default) intercede, then leap back. it's fun as hell, and can save a healers life. or DPS. whoever.


    Also, some more general stuff.


    know the fights. even if you have to tell the group 'one sec' so the silly DPS will wait, that's OK. look at the fight and plan your attack. you'd be amazed at how amazing you look when you choreograph a fight and control the whole thing. feels great too


    Communicate. talk ahead of time about what mark is what. set up your marks on hotkeys (mine are alt+1-8). that way you can slap them up fast. unless the DPS are complete morons, they can process simple ideas like, "target first, then blue shield, then red flame plz. ignore purple gear, ill control him"

  22. To duo a flashpoint with both players using companions, you'd still need to be very well geared.


    As for people saying the hardmodes are easy... what gear are you running them in? Or did they make them drastically easier since I did one back in early spring?

    The one I did back then (The Esseles HM), wasn't even remotely enjoyable while I enjoyed almost every storymode FP I've played (the exceptions being Colicoid Wargame and Mandalorian Raiders).


    they didn't make them easy. what has happen is: One, people just got better geared. its easy to walk into an HM nowadays with tionese or higher gear levels.dailies make it even easier. no one really is walking into these runs with the blues that you and I started with back in the day.


    Two: they all have run the HM's a dozen times each. people tend to forget how much familiarity with boss and mob tactics makes a run that much easier. and because 95% of the population has ran them 10x each, no one even bothers anymore to explain strats. which further compounds the issue for new players.


    so no, they didn't make them easier. people have just outgeared and outplayed the HM's, and they forget that they have...

  23. I think the only issue with making it a "mount" is twofold. first, it's an instant (no cast time) and can be used in combat. a speeder cannot. second, it has no "knockoff" component like speeders do. if you made it a mount without those requirements, it would be infinitely OP, and even more so in PvP.


    Aside from the fact that they could toggle it off for PvP....many people use it FOR PvP. And also, many people like the intant, speed boost. It's really not a mount....its a longer speed boost on a medium CD. But I do agree with the costs...like many other legacy items, it's simply far too expensive.


    But making it a mount would ruin it's design. If you want a mount like that, they should just add a "rocket belt" as a real speeder in some Op or something. But this isn't a mount...it's a personal in combat speed boost.

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