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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. welcome to the Club :D


    not sure what we'll call it. I'm the same. First Jugg was a Vengeance up to 50, second was mix of tank/rage (did tank up to 40's...specced rage to try afterwords)


    My third will be vengance most likely, my favorite spec. Or I may try leveling without an AC, see how far I get.

  2. It certainly is a study. If one were to extract the hyperbole, conjecture, fabrication, and mind projection fallacies from this board it would appear as dead as they promulgate the game to be. ;p


    Probably even less.


    the studies I've seen show that regular forum posters account for roughly 5-10% of a games actual populace. and most of the post here are usually hyperbole or conjecture, or simply opinionated ranting. It would be interesting to pull out the details and see how much of the actual forum posting is from a very small group of accounts. I wouldn't be surprised if 3/4 of the posts here are actually regularly posted by 1-2% of the actual playerbase, max. the other 1/4 is probably a scattering of players that would still put it under the 10% mark.


    But I'm too lazy to manually do the research myself, so i guess I just added another opinionated point of conjecture :D

  3. Am I the only one who has liked the content they have provided?


    Your not the only one :) Plenty of peeps enjoy it, they just don't come to the forums everyday to broadcast it as much as those who are frustrated come to the forums to constantly whine about it. not that the whining's bad, but that's simply the truth. frustrated people voice their opinions far more often then satisfied people do.


    On the OP...they did release things. many things. a week long event with nice rewards (even if they weren't the rewards I wanted...a legacy weapon is pretty sweet. first one in the game atm.). they have a huge new patch incoming that they already told us about (why tell us a second time). f2p is coming, whether you think it's good or bad (im mixed atm). they have lots of positive changes coming to the game.


    In all honesty, it just sounds like you wanted a reason to grip about the game. So they didn't put it out the EXACT same week that GW2 came out. Plus i think your over-hyping the game. GW2 will most likely go down the exact same road every other MMO has gone down. I've seen others labeled as "the most anticipated MMO of all time". It's nothign new. I've seen people blast a game verbally, and say that game "X" coming out will kill it. I've been around long enough to see this same process happen close to a half dozen times.


    Im not going to judge GW2, nor am i going to elevate it to Diety-like status. I learned along time ago to not do that...it tends to ruin the game for you. so I'll be interested to see just how quickly GW2 falls, like every other MMO has. the big question is simply how far will it fall. If they do a good job...it won't fall too far. I personally hope it's a good turnout. I like SWtOR, but i also like trying new things. and most the GW2 beta didn't entice me. but SW certainly hasn't been sitting on it's behind either...they've been pumping stuff out. sounds like you just didn't want to give them credit for it.

  4. If they do decide to do it, I wouldn't be surprised to see it initially pop up as a store option. I believe that allot of their "cosmetic" changes were put on hold with the f2p....why give them to us now for free, when they can nickle and dime us with them instead?


    ...on a more reasonable note...it's probably easier for them to push changes through with the store then it was without. So I'm hoping to see many more things like this available once f2p hits the game.

  5. Coming from someone with a definite preference for Jugg's, Id honestly say go with maurader


    ...if you like the playstyle. I preferred Jugg (DPS) as a playstyle...leveld 2.5 of them so far, and just started my first maurader (actually sentinel on repub side). I just didn't like the playstyle as much.


    But Maurader does have many advantages in PvP. they're defensive CD's are more effectively used there, they excell at burst damage, and have many control abilities that the Jugg lacks (unless you go deep into the immortal tree for jugg).


    Now, having said that, there are many players who enjoy playing their Jugg's in PvP. search for any threads with Dracosz in them, and follow his links to this PvP Vids. fun stuff. there are a few others who are motivated enough to post vids in the forums, so check them out.


    But ultimately...PvP is simply easier to get high numbers with on a maurader. they're skill setup makes it this way. Jugg's can do it, but it takes more work and more class experience/skill to put out the numbers. So if cruising through the game and high numbers in PvP are your primary priorities, then I'd go Maura. If your looking for an enjoyable gaming experience the whole way, try both out, and see which one you like. the starting area is about 2 hours to complete when your cruising through the quests, so its not too bad to get two of them going. play the one that you end up liking, and keep the other as a crafting alt.


    NOTE: Both Jugg's and Mara's put out respectable DPS numbers, and have a smooth leveling process. The Jugg matures a bit slower, but I had no issues with mine, especially once I got quinn.

  6. Here's my own...and I apologize if a few of these are redundant (already mentioned).


    Mail - many posts on this, my spin is we need autofill in the name slot. which means if i send a mail to my toon jane doe, then next time I bring up the send tab, her name's still in it

    please change the mail window so it doesn't pop you back to the inbox once you've sent mail. it's quite grating to have to continually re-click the "send" tab to get back to that screen....then enter the same name....a half dozen times...and this last one may seem small, but you'd be surprised at how big a difference it makes. when I click on the send tab, i intend to send a mail to someone. it's double work to have to "click" the Name field to enter the name. the cursor should be there by default. we can click out of it if we want to do something else, but please place it there by default. These are the small things that make mail feel very clunky, when in other games (that do these things), it's a very smooth and seamless process


    gear design - already stated, but im adding my vote in. I do not like many styles on jedi side...and many of the sith and/or jedi styles would look great on the opposite fraction. Luke wore a very sith-like uniform in Return of the Jedi...and he wore a soldiers uniform in Empire strikes back. I have no clue why jedi are forced to wear monk like robes....canon notwithstanding, the few books i've read outside of the movies had jedi that were in everything BUT those silly "I just came down from the mountains" robes. nothing wrong with having them, but I think that limiting sith styles to sith side and vice versa is bad. Not to mention you already broke the mold with the "dancers outfit". If i can tank HM EC in a bathing suit that would make Madonna blush, then i should be able to do it a sith guard uniform, even if im republic. on that note...same thing with the "class locked" moddables. simply silly. the Black Talon Agents jacket would look good on my smuggler as well....not to mention look great on mako, or Vette....I think you get the point. It seems odd that you would not let a very Agent-like companion (a.k.a Mako) wear an agent vest...but she certainly can tear it up in a slave girl outfit....yeah, that's balanced.


    It wouldn't be easy, considering that many of the sets are the same "name", but different looks. you'd probably have to relabel most the gear thats multi-skin, but Im willing to make that sacrifice :)


    I know your "working" on it, but it's still a papercut....which means its still stinging us...we need the LFG tool to pop us back to where we were when we were spirited away. its extremely frustrating to spend over 5-10 minutes zoning into BH on Corellia (or longer pending your computers setup), only to get a group queue just as you get there....then your back on fleet, having to rezone again...


    speaking of which, zoning times suck! I know it's probably not as easy as pressing a button, but man! planet load times are horrible. I don't know what game mechanics would need to be changed, but based on many other MMO's I've played, its not something that's undoable. load times should simply be faster. more of the game engine on the client perhaps? or more of the skin DB? I don't know....just really needs to speed up. I've even lost LFG queues waiting for some planets (Corellia, belsavis, and tattoine seem to be the worst, though alderaan is really fighting for top dog as well.)


    OH yeah...last but not least, money sinks. it's really out of control when you have to grind dailies every day just to do things in the game. way too many money sinks. Mod exchanges should be reduced even farther (im thinking at least 50% of the current cost, or more). it should be a minor impact on finances, especially since it's supposed to by our "customization" option. it's far too prohibitive to be labeled as such right now. especially when many other MMO's let you do it for free (LotRO gives you 3 full gear costume tabs for free. at the very start. you pay NOTHING to switch immediately, you can even hotkey it). we have to go back to our bank....yank out mods....spend close to 500-750k for a full set of gear....that's not customization. thats high priced gear restructuring.


    respec fees seem a bit extreme as well. again, half the cost would be appropriate. it starts really cheap, and skyrockets. If you guys are planning on putting dual spec in the game, it's pretty obvious that you plan on allowign people to switch easily, with little cost. might as well start now by cutting back on respec fees. you can raise them again once dual spec is back in if you like being hardlined about it.

  7. Well it's not the only tree in poor shape, I sometimes get the feeling the devs didn't really think things through in some places (Shiv and Backstab are redundant abilities, the concealment talent "Waylay" could just apply bonus backstab damage to shiv, removing the need for an entire ability and likely making the rotation smoother as a result)


    I would totally switch out right now actually but alas I am in loooove with non channeled force choke. <3 I guess i'll just have to wait and see.


    Good point :)


    on a flip note...you can drop crushing blow and a few points in the tier below it to get up to unstoppable in the vengeance tree. Unstoppable is awesome for those first few seconds a boss is laying down the punishement on ya. My only regret is of the two skills in tier 6, one gives you the extra rage in soresu (really helps in flashpoints), and the other gives us internal and elemental resistance (something we are low on). but there are those who say the tradeoff isn't bad...4 seconds of immunity and 20% dr. the more you use intercede during combat the more beneficial this becomes.

  8. Well I can't say I would know anything about that, but thanks for letting me know it's not really worth altering skill rotation to make use of the AoE component.


    In addition to the notes Vandana mentioned above, its saddening to think that CB does around the same damage as the rage dump ability we get at level 1 ! compare the two sometime...you may get 5-10% extra damage off of CB (single target), but with the extra rage cost, combined with the 15 second CD, and the almost uselessness of the AoE component, it really almost isn't worth the talent points to get there. Vicious slash (our lvl 1 ability),does almost as much damage..and it costs less rage.


    The only beneficial thing that high in the immortal tree is the extra rage from sweeping fury, but in most raid situations, even this isn't needed. This is the reason why many people are switching over to a hybrid build. some of the builds are almost 70% vengeance tree! in spite of my love for my jugg, the Immortal tree is in pretty bad shape atm. I wont rant too much ( i could go on for ages), but suffice to say that it works. it's not well made at all, but it works. Sad thign is you can run halfway (or more ) up the Vengeance tree (DPS tree), and it works just as well...with more damage.

  9. After loving the rakghoul event, I looked forward to this one. Now...Im not even going to do it.


    I have ONE character that can benefit from the legendary Moddable weapon. I use absolutely ZEOR companions on my other characters who would use something like that. the other quest rewards are cheesy at best. the pet is interesting....until i realized that it was the PvE pet. great...now PvP players are going to be frustrated that I went and got their pet after a few days of dailies, when they worked hard to get theirs.


    worst Idea so far Bio. You took everything that was good about the rakghoul event and canned it for this one. horrible horrible...


    rakghoul event had individually spawning mobs....the only point that you had to contest for anything was on the ship investigation in the sand people area. on this one...we have lines waiting outside quest event spots. great, really. Sure, ill wait 15m in line, only to have some scrub come up and jinx the line, clicking the item like crazy. fantastic.


    take out the event special pet, and replace with one already in game.


    take away the smooth discovery process with the rakghoul event, and throw in a complex, irritating treasure hunt. That I have to jump back and forth multiple times across multiple planets to do.


    and finally...instead of rewards everyone can use, we get....rifles. I guess if I wanted to yank the mods (LIKE WE NEED ANOTHER MONEY SINK IN THIS GAME). the crystals in the R.E. were simple and easy. now if i want anything out of these stupid rifles. i have to play 30k a pop. gee, thanks. ya know...like I couldn't already buy 20 items with all the silly tionese comms I have. At least they're cheaper to yank the mods with....and i can start HM's with those and get my columni set going. and suprisingly enough...the HM"s are faster then running the event.


    All in all it was a good idea initially...i was excited to see the initial idea. then after my first 15-20m line, i dropped it. not even worth it. perhaps later on, where everyone has already spent themselves and are bored with it...I can hopefully get a few of the rewards in the last few days.

  10. Here's a few pointers Phill:


    1) the Knight (and sith side juggernaut) are one of the harder classes to get the hang of in the game. they also mature a bit later (they're skills get better at higher levels)

    2) they are VERY gear dependant. so upgrading your gear to keep it current helps allot. an exampel is if your level 17, runing with a lvl 14 green weapon isn't doing you much good...upgrading to a blue lvl 17 weapon and you'll see a HUGE increase in damage.

    3) They're one of the few classes that lack a solid CC (Crowd Control). an agent, as an example (sith version of the smuggler) has 2 CC's...one to stun a person when they're invisible, and another to stun droids at any time. both of them last for 60 seconds. the JK's longest stun is 5 seconds or so...so you can see the difference. trying to solo a silver and a gold at the same time is tough for most classes. the JK has an even harder time. plus you wont get your healing companion until higher levels (mid 30's). the sith juggernaut has it a bit easier as they get their healer around lvl 20. But once you get your healing companion, it helps a ton.


    the best thing you can do is keep your gear (and your droids gear) updated as much as possible. crafting helps a ton here...id go with either artifice or cybertech. this will allow you to keep yoru gear upgraded as you level. artifice gives you hilts for your lightsabers too, which makes it a plus IMO.


    also make sure you are approaching each fight thinking first. if you just jump in the middle and start swinging, especially at lower levels, you will get pigpiled. send in your companion first (I prefer the droid for this, though Kira can work as well. let them get aggro on one or two mobs, then pick one to attack yourself (leap to it if you need to), and once its down, move on to the next one. your companion may die a bit more often initially, but they don't have nasty repair bills to worry about!


    also learn how to maximize your skill use. don't wast a big damage skill on a mob thats at 4% life. finish him off with a basic attack, and then spend the big ones on the next mob. learn how to down mobs quick....if you are fighting a group of normals and one silver as an example, let your companion tank the silver, and kill the normal mobs first. you'd be surprised at how much damage they put out, especially in numbers. use smash to knock them down, and hilt strike a weak to kill it right away. things like that. the JK/Jugg is a very active class, and you need to be aware of whats going on at all times. Hulk smash simply don't work.


    this may sounds like allot, but the class is a blast to play. have 2 juggernauts at 50, adn a JK on the way as well. if you like how it plays, stick to it. it gets better. but it isn't a faceroll class. I get bored on a few of my other toons when I play them now...my Jugg is just more interesting to play then most. But if you can't get into the class, it's not a loss. there's plenty of different classes and ACs in this game to try out. I actually put off my knight initially until a bit later. it felt odd that first time. but after playing the game for a bit, i went back to it (via my jugg), and im glad i did. fun class.

  11. You can craft gear? How?


    Press "n" on your keyboard. opens up your companion menu. If you have picked up crafting skills, they'll be shown there. on most planets there are crafting areas where you can choose your craft skills. Id go into details, but theres guides in the crafting forum that would do a better job. Basically, you choose one actual craft, like synthweaving (for making force weilders armor), armsman (makes guns and tech weapons), and biotech (makes implants and stim boosts). Each craft skill will require materials usually farmed with a gathering skill. synthweaving as an example, requires crystal and srtifact fragments to weave the armor necessary for force weilders. there are also Mission craft skills...these mission skills will send yoru companions out on mini "missions", and return with rare materials to craft the more powerful items you can make.

  12. Welcome to SWtOR Park! Glad you enjoy the game...I still am, even after multiple 50's and tons of alts. to your qeustions:


    1) nah. no guide worth it IMO. just read up on the stickies in your preferred class forums. If your a WOW vet then your used to the standard forum negativity...disregard for the most part. just browse the threads that look like they may provide useful information and keep your eyes open.


    2) Solo is fine. I'm not a huge social player. Im in a good guild, and ill run HM's and Ops with them when i have the time, but 90% of my game is solo. here's a few solo tips:


    * Don't be afraid to challenge yourself in Heroics. anything with "Heroic 2+" or "Heroic 4+" in the title are world quests that were designed for small groups. think of them as like mini-dungeons (like a wow instance). on most the servers nowadays, there are always people available to run with. So even though i prefer solo, I will still throw something out in chat about a heroic or two i may have in my log. An example is, "LF2M for Heroic 2+ saving my undershorts" you'd be amazed at how many responses you get. it's a quick and easy way to get some of those done.


    learn all the skills the class has available, and use them frequently in solo work to get familiar with them. a skill that is not used often is a skill that you won't really ever use. Because I ignored my characters "break free" skill (each class has one that frees them from snares and stuns), I almost forgot it was there! but once I started doing end game group runs, i realized how useful it was...especially when i was healing or tanking, and i got stunned! But because i didn't use it early on. I don't really think about it until its too late.


    Many of the SWtOR classes have skills like that...you only may use them once or twice a day, but they are wonderful in certain situations. some of those skills (like a guardian/juggernauts defensive skills) can mean the difference between dying or living when used regularly. so find those skills, and use them all!


    And unlike WOW, most the people in this game are actually decent, and give you great advice (in game....forums are different matter). so don't be afreaid to pipe up in chat and ask! I see questions ranging from advanced stat placement to stuff as basic as "wheres my trainer!" and rarely do you get a snide response. it does happen more frequently on fleet if it does happen.


    and there are also many guilds that are perfectly happy having the "mostly" solo player in them. We have quite a few in my guild, and they will still join in once in awhile for small group runs just because were doing them. and guilds are also very helpful in answering those questions your just a bit too shy to ask in general chat.

  13. Jedi Knights holds his ls just like samurai holds his katana

    Sith Warrior fights like bravado barbarian without a proper stance


    ^^ this. in the martial systems I have studied (kendo, escrima) as well as the research I've done on others, a ready position with your weapon is never with the tip down. I drop my tip when im fighting someone I know im much better then....the the distance you have to travel when the tip is down is a life threatening choice when the fight is close (i.e. 2 equally skilled opponents....or an opponent you don't know).


    so realistically...I'd have my guard up in a fight. two handed/one handed guard position is really relevant to the system. in escrima, it's 1 handed (though you often support with 2 hands, or 1handed assist) in kendo...2 hand primarily.


    But this isn't reality. And in spite of my training, I like the sith moves better. the jedi motions are definitely flashy, but in real fights you rarely see swords spinning like Arnold whipped his around in Conan. most hits are direct and powerful...more like the sith approach. so realistically....a warrior would probably hold his weapon more like the Jedi when in guard (though I wouldn't run like that...id probably spear myself :p). But combat would probably look more like a siths motions...direct, heavy hits. unless your fencing i guess, but I've never swing my escrima stick like a fencer (though there are tons of similarities in teh systems) most my hits are full body, heavy slashes to the opponent.


    I really see effective fighting within both sides, but neither is really an image of realistic fighting systems. So personally....I prefer the sith look. But thats mostly for cosmetic reasons.

  14. The only real voice of reason on these forums. Stop giving yourselves so many headaches and just go to Guild Wars. It's way better than this piece of junk could ever HOPE to be even if everything was done right from the beginning.


    I actually like the game. Not a huge fan of GW, or GW2, sorry. some of us really DO have a different opinion then you. I appreciate the info tho.

  15. LotRO solved this issue five or six years ago with a system that allowed multiple players to harvest the same quest node simultaneously. It was revolutionary back in beta and I have no idea why every other MMO ever since hasn't done the same thing.




    In spades. I think it should be mandatory that all management that is involved in approving game mechanic changes be required to play other MMO's (all of them), so they can see real innovative changes that make such a huge impact on a games playability.

  16. Am I a douwshbag if I want to get the dailies done as fast as possible because they're not fun and I have other things to do? If you want the objective then you take it, its just a shame that the bad design makes it like a race. Its not that I don't care about others, just that they are foolish enough not to take the objective. Also note that if you don't press it and I don't, someone else will so me waiting is pointless because its your loss whatever happens.


    So tips:

    • Take the objective asap, its a race.
    • Don't hate on us for wanting to do it as fast as we can!
    • Best idea ever - don't decline my group invites then complain when I take your objectives. Groups are the ultimate solution!


    1) it's not a race...your making it a race because of your personal choice in time constraints. I don't control your schedule...you do.

    2) I want to do it fast too...but i respect other people in the game. that's the difference. so..yes, your acting like a douche. no hate there, just a simple statement of fact. note i didn't say you ARE one, your just acting like one. I have faith that you can change :)

    3) I will always accept group invite in BH, cause like you I prefer to not stand there for an extra 15m waiting for 6 silly boxes. which means we probably agree on this point....


    Bio needs to reduce the refresh timer on those, period. but since were stuck here atm, what we need to ALL do (not just this gentleman above, of whom i respect, in spite of his temporary duchebaggeries) Is we need to group up, work together, respect others, and hit the boxes first!

  17. Ah, I did not know that, excuse my incompetence.


    I was going to be a sith inquisitor. Thing is, it's not like the choices are gone, they're just greyed out and says I have to reach 50 with one in order to play one - Which doesn't make much sense to me.


    Edit: Oops, my bad, questions has been answered. Thank you guys!


    :) no worries man....I think i wrote the book on incompetence. And I agree with you actually...why would i want to level a class that i don't want to play, just to unlock a race for a class I do want to play....


    Good news is with the f2p they will probably be providing unlock options for races with cartel coins. not the perfect solution, but im retaining my sub anyways, so im sure my points will go initially to stuff like that.

  18. I get that people are frustrated with this announcement, but there is one thing that I haven't noticed a whole lot of people who are griping about it mention. Yes, it will be free to play up to level 50. However, when they launch this new model, that's when they are increasing the level cap to 55. They might increase the level cap sooner than that, maybe later. The point is, how is this model any different than the current one that's free to play up to level 15? Or that other game's model that is F2P up to level 20, or whatever it is. You will still need a sub for the last 5 levels and that's what's going to matter in terms of getting new gear and playing end game content.


    I know what most are thinking, and that is, "well what about the cash shop?". There is no confirmation that they will have pay to win items in the cash shop. If they do, then that will most likely be the tipping point for me because personally, I'd rather play a game where you have to earn your items in the game rather than buying them. Vanity and fluff items I have no problem with. Regardless, until pay to win items are in the shop, easy on the qq'ing.


    also keep in mind that the bulk (not all, but most) of those against it are really unsatisfied with the game anyways. they will use whatever fuel is sent their way to continue trolling the forums about how "horrible" the game is.


    The few that are genuinely concerned have decent concerns, but for the most part I don't mirror them. My only concern is how it will eventually play out.

  19. So I've been away from the game for a few months, went to create a new character and discovered that a lot of the species I used to be able to pick from, I can no longer pick. Why was this decision made and how do I unlock all of them?


    Not sure when you played last, but I started in early release, and the races available have not changed since.


    Now, something that could be causing it to LOOK like less races are available:


    In 1.2, they started allowing players to unlock classes that were previously unavailable for that class. so the ones that are "greyed" out weren't actually available for that class before (and weren't even showing for classes that didn't qualify)...but now you can unlock them individually via a few methods.


    the 2 current methods to unlock are:

    1) level a that race in a class that normally allows it to 50

    2) pay 1.5m creds, and be at least legacy level 4 for that account on that server.


    either of those two options will unlock that specific race for any new characters on that account/server.

  20. Completely agree mate. But we are in desperate need of either a 1 min CC (droid only would be fine) or a better defensive CD than that utter abomination of an ability, Enraged Defence. That ability is such a joke it offends me to have it on my toolbar.


    I agree wholeheartedly. I'd get behind that like I'd get behind Marilyn Monroe

  21. Err...they are. If you ask anyone except the people that play assassin/shadow tanks, they will all tell you that assassin/shadows are the best, followed closely by powertech/vanguards, with jugg/guards quite a bit behind.


    Err...they are what? worst DPS? no, they're not the worst DPS.


    The worst tanks?

    I'll bet that we can find people on the forums that will disagree. and "best" is a measure of what? can jugg's not do the current content as tanks? am I missing something? My guild seems to have no issues bringing a jugg tank along for HM EC. I could care less about NM content...but there are juggs that are doing that as well.


    And it seems like the people that play assassins think that juggs are better...and juggs think assassins are better. problem is, there are people on both side of the fence. I'm not saying that Jugg's are perfect...the disparity between them and other classes atm irritates me as well. But I simply disagree with those who are extreme and say jugg's are broke. were not. we can do the same content tanking that the others can. Not as easy, I'll admit...but that's an ongoing fight with Bio.

  22. Now...on the general note of the Jugg class being able to solo "solo" content....they do fine. comparing them as the level can be tough, as the two classes mature differently.

    juggs grow into their skills much later then assassins do (mid 30's). I've played both. At end game, both are competitive DPS (Juggs are actually one of the Top DPS, given circumstances and gearing). So as a class, they can do what needs to be done.


    Now, in regards to comparing them to other classes....Bio sold them a bit short. Problem is....Bio doesn't balance things based on whether you can solo content thats made for 2+ peeps or not. they consider solo content only. So if you look at it a different way...juggs are the truely balanced ones, and assassins are OP.


    ...except, the playing field is allot more even once you get into group content (where those CC's and self-heals matter less). Not sure If I'm going to be able to convince everyone of this, but the Jugg actually does just fine. I've leveled 2 of them to 50, and have a few more scattered across multiple servers, in addition to my Assassin and Shadow (and PT....Op...Merc...i got allot of toons.). I find my jugg no more difficult to level and play then my other classes....more fun actually. The challenge comes into play when you try to challenge yourself (like with h2+ content). the jugg simple isn't set up to do that. Which i don't like honestly...it makes the jugg look underpowered in comparison. not sure how they can ultimately balance that out. give is a simple CC perhaps? like the Assassin (cannot cast when in combat, ranged with cast timer...whatever works).


    But I think at that point every Assassin in the game would start whining about how OP we are, since our defensive CD's are so much better then theirs (according to all the gripers in the Assassin forums), and we have better armor (cause we KNOW how awesome that is....yeah....). and we get our own bubble! cause its so amazing... and then we get a CC now? Bio must love us, cause they hate assassins....


    Whatever. point is, juggs are behind from a perspective of higher performance in solo situations...but only when doing challenging content. leveling solo to 50 isn't a race, and honestly after leveling 2 juggs I don't feel that they are worse then any other class in solo work. good example is the champion I killed on quesh (ranged guy, can't remember his name). had quinn in tow, solo'ed him, finished with around 80% health left. and he was my level (one above at the time actually). so for solo work, even against tough mobs, the Jugg can do fine.


    you certainly need to know the class though...whereas on my merc and Assassin/Shadow i can pretty much spam whatever and survive. The problem with heroic situations, is they're really set up to require some form of CC...or some form of extra healing (beyond companions)....I think the idea was to make multiple classes desired. but then they went and gave every other class but the jugg the ability to control those extra mobs. and offheal themselves. Heck, even Mauraders (or sentinels) have a CC and healing abilities that surpass the Juggs. So for me its a mixed bag. i have no issues with my jugg...but then I'll turn around and find that my assassin can do 2 man content my jugg can't.


    irritating, but not game breaking. If Jugg's were ranking the lowest on DPS results (they're not), or they were regarded as the worst tanks (overall most people dont think so), then id be worried.

  23. I have a BH that just hit 40, so I'm not done leveling yet, but it has been a blast (so to speak) to play. I would suggest Mercenary over Powertech as an advanced class, as Powertech is more crowd control and (from what I understand) PVP oriented. You do plenty of damage as a Mercenary, and with heavy armor your survivability is high. You also have a few self heals.


    You also get your healer as your very first companion, which helps a lot. I haven't played another class yet that got a healer right away.


    I really like the story line for BH too. It has a lot of twists and turns.


    Best of all, I think the BH is very intuitive to play. The Resource bar for bounty hunters is Heat. If you use a lot of attacks that heat you up too much, you'll need to cool down. Little pew pews with your blaster don't generate much heat, but don't do much damage either, while huge missile explosions do a lot of damage but generate a lot of heat. It all makes sense and is really fun to play.


    I found the Merc quite enjoyable as well. Initially avoided it (our guild had a ton), but eventually leveled one. The dual blaster was always a fun idea for me, but I didn't like how the gunslinger worked (hate the "cover" idea). It's also nice to be able to offheal if needed (or heal yourself if you pull the wrong aggro in a PuG)


    Small note on the PT: They're actually a Tank class, with 1 tree for tanking and 2 for DPS, similar to how the merc is a healing hybrid: one for healing, and 2 for DPS. The merc actually has more CC ability then the PT. I think the "PvP" bias that some may see for the PT is due to the PT being mostly melee class for one, and two, most of their skills are instant cast. Mercs have a cast bar, whether they're shooting things or healing things, and cast bars are prime targets for interrupts, making is difficult to accomplish stuff in PvP as a merc. But the PT is not more PvP oriented then a merc is....probably just easier to PvP with.

  24. Played both as well. heck played almost everything.


    here's the skinny on the two non force classes.

    BH (Merc/PT). probably the most straightforward of the 2 to play. PT is a melee DPS/Tank AC (Advanced Class). Merc is a Ranged DPS/healing AC. Mercs are VERY popular right now due to their ease of playstyle (though they can take some work getting maximum DPS out of). PT is just as much fun, but i think the tank option makes many players a big gun shy. But they are an excellent tank, and do great DPS in their DPS form. they use blasters for both AC's (mercs use 2). pretty much blast them to pieces playstyle, with some bombs and lots of lighting things on fire. Heavy armor, main stat is AIM


    Agent (Operative/Sniper) - more complicated to play then the BH (but not horribly so). More involved playstyle, also the least played class in the game. Operative is a melee/ranged hybrid that can DPS or heal. Sniper is a full blow DPS only AC that is mostly ranged. Medium armor, lots of sneaky stuff, especially the Op. stealth, low blows, sneak attacks....poison/gas attacks, etc. uses CUNNING as primary stat


    Out of the 2 storylines, the BH is a hunter style mercenary race kind of plot...fun and engaging. The Agent has a very 007-ish secret agent story, probably one of the best in the game. Either class is fun to play, and both are wanted at end game (YMMV pending guild and peeps you run with).

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