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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. on the general concept, this game has a very unbalanced approach to money.


    while your leveling, unless to take time out of the process to gather money, you will always be strapped. higher level skills are simply too expensive. once you hit 50, money is easy to make...as long as you enjoy doing the same boring repetitive stuff day in and day out.


    on the origination question OP: simply put, you will have to take time out of the normal questing process and devote it to "making money". Plus, you will have to NOT SPEND IT. the nature of the income generation in this game is if you do anything outside of buying skills, you will be broke unless you specifically go out to make money.


    Best way to get extra income as you level is to get 3 gathering skills, or 2 and slicing. sell everything you get on the GMT, and slice every box you come across. if you decide to craft as you level (for gear on your toons), it can be done, just be aware that unless you have a lvl 50 doing constant dailies (which get reeeal old after a few months), you will not have spare funds. crafting is a money sink in this game. and this is from a dedicated crafter like myself.

  2. Heavy alt player here.


    1) first speeder license @ 10 on all toons that have hit lvl 10.

    2) on toons that im getting past home planet ill usually get the port back there. having it can be handy (though on my 50's ill often use the CD for BH port)

    3) as mentioned above, on 50's BH port (not on all, still too pricey).


    Biggest barrier? cost. They just don't get it. not everyone enjoys having (and I emphasise having) to log in to do the same daily quests for weeks on end to unlock these things. it's like I almost dread 50 on my toons now...because I know what I'll have to do once I get to 50 to get geared up. and this doesn't even cover the legacies.


    rocket boost sounds interesting, but I'll probably never invest in it. the leveling perks are a waste of time....id get them if they were 1/10 the cost, but at that cost it's just not worth it.

  3. More back on track to the OP, the PvP gear has +Expertise, which is needed to increase your offense/defense in PvP. In PvE, that +Expertise is useless, and you're giving up other stats for that, that instead you should have +(insert your class's core stats). So if you're a Smuggler/Agent, for example, in PvE, if you're wearing PvP gear, you've got a lot of useless +Expertise, when the PvE gear would instead give you (more) +Cunning and +Crit, etc.


    For PvE, see the gear vendors around the Columi desk in the station for the various sets available to you that generally will kick the #### out of any Orange gear you have. As said, even Recruit gear is often better than any Orange gear, so is a good starting point to tackle Flashpoints and gather real PvE gear.


    I agree with this. As a matter of fact, depending on your stat requirements, you may not replace the blue gear until columi level gear starts coming in. I grabbed both tank sets and DPS sets for my shadow consular to run HM FP's. i was sitting in the high 16K health range with respectable mitigation stats (defense, shield, abosrbtion) for a starting tank. DPS stats are similar. The only problem with it is the aforementioned bias...people are just dumb, and they use their uneducated opinions to judge someone in starting PvP gear.


    Whats really sad is I'm still using the blue PvP saber for my shadow....it's DPS is higher then anything you get in normal HM FP's. you need to run EC at a bare minimum and get the columi saber to drop to get any better. I'm not even bothering to save up/craft weapons for any of my new 70's...it's a waste of materials and daily comms when you can buy better for less then 20k.

  4. I play both as well. the real key is in the difference. I find that my Sage is very "regular" with her process...casts the same spells the same way for DPS. Healing is a bit more involved, but the sage feels much more simplified in the process then my shadow.


    My shadow has a much more complex rotation and movement requirements that make him a bit more enjoyable to DPS with. Of course, ultimately, you will probably end up doing their secondary role as well be it healing or tanking...it just happens....those roles are needed in groups, and you get tired of being part of the DPS sitting there waiting for a healer or tank to show up. So you have to ask yourself...Do you prefer to sit back and heal, or be up front tanking?

  5. First off, to the OP: I agree.


    Given their stated goal (5%) I can see why people are bringing the information up. so I agree....having input from Bio would be amazing, because they are saying one thing....and all the information players can glean from the game is saying another. SO.... i can understand the trust gap.


    Now on the other point that always seems to grow from these conversations. that is... people who are being obstinate and saying that they don't bring along sages as DPS because theoretically they aren't top DPS. I simply do not understand that paradigm in this game (Note I said this game...not in general.)


    It doesn't make sense. when a sage can do enough DPS ( and even those who are obstinate are saying they can....) for every encounter in this game, then why would you even bother having to think about it?


    Picture this. I have 2 juggernauts (which I do). one is 35, the other 50. Now, when they both do normal Black Talon (lvl 11-12 instance roughly), my lvl 35 kills most of everything in one blow. My 50 kills....most of everything in one blow (the actual run times are pretty close). So obviously....like the sage...it really doesn't matter which one I use, they both have met the damage threshold. so do I care which one I take? nope..as of now I'm taking my 35, cause he needs the social points.


    So...in real play....WHY DO YOU CARE? if sage's can meet the threshold, if they can add their part just as much as a sniper can, why do you care? you shouldn't...because at that point you are being obstinate purely for the purpose of being....obstinate. You need to get a grip, and bring the people you enjoy playing with, not some goofball because he rolled a class that looks better in a mock up.


    now...if there is a team that is struggling, and DPS is the one issue that is standing out, and you could see in a damage parse that the sage WAS doing less damage then the sniper...okay, I could see that. but to drop them because of a isolated simcraft? lol that's pretty epically egotistical. But then again, it's easy to believe that you are perfect like the simcraft, and that you can make judgements on other people because of your perceived amazingness.


    So to the OP's message I salute you. Bio needs to show us why they believe we are all happily hugging each other in this mystical 5% circle that they say exists. to those who think that kicking a sage in a group that is clearing content just fine because...oh well the simcraft told me to...well I guess I'm glad I'm not in your guild. get a grip.


    Like the example above of a sage who was ONLY 50 DPS above the Sentinel with whatever gear. Honestly dude....if i were the raid leader in THAT raid, and I had to make a choice (he obviously didn't...since you both were in it....you both hit things, and you both were in it at the end)...I would choose...you. Do you know why? because no matter what a simcraft says...you did 50 DPS more then him. no matter what people whine about in the forums and whatever numbers they throw out...you contributed more to my Op.


    THATS what I look for in a group...people that can produce, and meet the goal. if you can, great. I don't care if your blue and purple and have feathers up your ***. if you cant make the grade....then well talk. but your example actually proves the idea that you bring the player, not the class, more then it proves your point that sages are somehow broke.


    again...I still agree with the OP's post. we need to have classes around that 5% magical mark that Bio is trying to sell us like a slick salesman. But as of right now....this shouldn't' impact who you bring along in your raid....Unless the rest of your players suck. But at that point I wouldn't be blaming the sage.

  6. Force Mend - Awesome, so many situations where this skill allows me to live just long enough to get to cover and LOS and heal up. You can even see situations in which you would have died pre 1.4.


    Force Wave- Absolutely awesome in so many ways. Activates instantly so you can interrupt skills with it much more efficiently than previously. I can't tell you how many times i died while jumping in the air to do the old animation. Also it knockbacks way further than previously so you can actually use it to kill people on the bridges in voidstar now.


    Just as an added element, I love it as pure Pve player too. the Mend is a gap filler that allows me to use my healing comp less often, which means mobs die faster, and I have less downtime.


    the new push is amazing. Which is funny...I was dreading the change (sounds too familiar....disliking change because it's change). but now it's one of the reasons I look forward to playing my consulars (shadow and sage). It's almost as good as my Jugg's force push....but it's a cone AoE.


    however....from a PvP perspective I could see how those who are used to using it as a blind emergency button don't like the changes...they really did turn it from a reactive clearing device to a focused control device (much like the force push on my jugg)

  7. Because that's totally what I said ... :rolleyes:


    Looking back...I think i should have quoted the dude beneath you. sry bout that. he responded to your thread, so I think I got thrown off a bit. That's what i get for trying to post inbetween outages at work :p.


    so yeah....it's the other guy i was responding to. Not sure at this point if the OP is trying to say that sages do good dps, even though people don't think they do, or if he's trying to say that sages can burst too.....which isn't really an issue IMO...unless you solely play PvP...


    either way, Sages do good DPS. big numbers or not :)

  8. I have had several recently, but am fully optimized WH. That said, my Sniper in 1/2 recruit gear gets more 5k hits than my Sage/Sorc ever have :rak_04:


    Yeah...because the real hits that matter are the big ones with flashy numbers.


    because...all the small hits don't count. the DoT's, the smaller hits....they really don't add up to anything. but those burst hits are where classes get their DPS!


    so we need less smaller damage and more bigger numbers! As a matter of fact, I think they should double the size of the font....then we'll be doing SUPER damage !!!!


    Just ignore all the current damage parses....they lie.

  9. could all the people who are saying it was removed please click the link at the top that says " first bioware post" and read it?


    they are aware its their (whether peeps are happy with the timing or not), they stated it was a bug, and they are working on fixing it. I have my gripes like everyone else...but let's all at least do a bit of work before adding to the dogma.

  10. Aloha all,


    Long time rage juggy who made a recent switch to vengeance and am loving it ... i ran across this while speccing and just want some confirmation / input on whether its possible to get 100% crit on our finisher, vicious throw.


    - impale or shatter to activate savagery which gives 60% crit to vicious throw

    - brutality in the rage tree for +15% crit to vicious throw

    - regular 25%+ natural crit


    = 100% crit chance? or does other things detract from it or mitigate that chance? I know its energy damage and can be mitigated, but besides that is there anything im missing? I'm trying to get that % high so that finishing people quicker may translate to more wins.


    yes. it is 100%, and it's a viable strat. not sure at this point what you give up for that, because those last few points are tight when your squeezing out every last bit of DPS you can get. you will either have to trade off a reduction on your smash CD (and increased damage on same), or reduction in your ravage CD (meh...its nice when your unlucky but other then that probably the best option), reduce your crit on force attacks, or lose an extra rage every sunder. out of all of those, the ravage CDis probably the easiest to give up. I've been considering that move myself.

  11. Definitely. I have been incorporating smash into the rotation whenever it is off cooldown. Ran SM TFB last night.....no issues. I have relegated Enraged Defense to emergency use only, and only when I have a taunt to throw as soon as I hit the ability. It seems to drop a lot more agro than stated, or my guild's dps is just that close on my heels. My GM who is a PT tank and I are always shielding our sniper and mara now because they pull aggro so quickly if we as much as blink at the wrong time....lol.


    I learned this with ED as well. its an instant threat drop, so the next DPS in line picks up, and you turn around and taunt, boosting your threat above his. very smiple for a bit extra DR. just make sure your DPS is aware :) and if your on a boss where the next dps are ranged....need to be quick on the fly.

  12. honestly, i run with power/absorb on the augments. or shield rating. health isn't as critical as mitigation in this game. you don't want to starve yourself of endurance, but you get plenty on your gear. might as well add some extra damage(threat) and get those mitigation's you need. those are far more important then endurance. Endurance is what you add when you have everything else.


    once your close enough to 30/50/50 then stack endurance.

  13. For dailies, the quickest combination is always DPS player + healer companion. You deal the pain, he heals you = very little downtime between fights. My Jugg is a tank though, he's rolling with Jaesa. With dailies it doesn't really matter if you take Vette or Jaesa as DPS, both work just fine.


    QFT. For teh most part, you will probably gear up quinn + jaesa. you can gear up Vett too, but she uses the exact same gear quinn does. As you run more FP's, you will start to naturally acquire extra gear that will go to them. both quinn and jaese are geared in columi + rakata on my jugg at this point.


    i will use one or the other pending my situation. prior to 1.3, I would say that running in tank spec with jaesa is equal, but now it isn't. it' simply slower then vengeance with Quinn (though Rage spec now may be worth running too...nice buffs last patch). but immortal took too much of a damage reduction in 1.3


    I literally can kill mobs faster now in vengeance with jaesa...and take less damage then I would in tank stance. it is literally that much of a dps difference. solo play in immortal spec is literally not worth doing now unless you A: only have a tank set, and B: have way too little money to afford spec switching. both of those are viable reasons....but if you have a choice, go with vengeance/rage for solo work. use jaesa if you want to see how fast mobs can squeal and die, and use quinn if you just want to steamroll everything withouth having to look at your health bar....ever....


    now, at early gear levels, you will feel the hit, and you may want to juggle back and forth pending your situation. but ocne your mostly in columi, you won't have to worry.

  14. Tank with assassin (well, shadow really, but still the same) and Jugg. my PT isn't high enough to count (I do tank, but 30's tanking isn't quite the same). There are many times I honestly wish I was on my jugg when im playing my shadow. they do have excellent AoE skills, but my jug feels far more mobile (didn't think this until I played other tanks)and simply fun to play. I worry about AoE threat on my jugg, i never on my assassin...but in all honesty, I've never seen someone go down because I couldn't' hold a few trash mobs.


    and my jugg is more involved, whereas my assassin is pretty much press Aoe Buttons = win. oh yeah, don't forget your shield skill. On that note, I feel like i have much more control over my mitigations on my jugg. my CD's are better, and under my control. whereas with my assassin, i have to keep my floating rocks going....and then i just hope that spike damage doesn't hit me too hard.


    My only gripe with my jugg is the tanking tree feels very half-hearted. My assassin's feels much more rounded in overall skills, but he feels like hes fluffing his way through tanking. my jugg feels much more mobile and I feel like I'm pounding things into the dirt when i tank on my jugg. I just wish the numbers floating above the mobs reflected that feeling. My assassin feels like a noodle, but does solid damage. my jugg (tank) feels like a mack truck, but is really hitting like a wet noodle. I cry now when i use crushing blow....its really more of a whiffling blow with a crushing animation.


    I still love my jugg. just want a bit more out of the tree is all. my DPS tree is doing fine. immortal needs some love.

  15. Yup, juggs hold their sword in a one handed, light grip. reminds me of how you would hold an escrima stick (though I'd never let the tip down like that). guardians hold theirs much like you would in kendo. 2 handed grip.


    I actually played the jugg over the guard because of that....and the attack animations. and the gear looks. its all about style!

  16. Tab is your regular targetting, but its irritating and has a "range" to it, there also is a feature in your preferences to change things so that tab targets the closest thing to the center of your visual area vs. "next target" ... sometimes it might work for certain playstyles.


    I have this option enabled. it was clunky at first but I like it now, because I control what it targets. hold down right mouse button and turn while you tab. works like a charm.


    Gratz on your choice OP. my favorite class still to date. it also helps me to keep the targets health bar and picture in a visible place (mines right down next to my hotkey bars). that way as I tab through, especially in a crazy busy environment. I can see which one i have targeted there. sometimes in FP's or Op's, the air and ground is so lit up with crazy force stuff i can't even see my target reticule on my target! so being able to visually look and see, "oh OK. I am on the silver mob now." really helps.


    You can adjust the location of this (and most other elements) through the Interface Editor on your options menu. you can also adjust the size as well. not sure if your a semi-blind old guy like me, but it helps me a ton!

  17. I will slow down a bit, and more so as you get closer to 50 of course. I think the problem is the disparity of FP's as you get higher. that and the RDF seems to be fine with placing you in an FP run even though 98% of the mobs are grey and grant no experience (had a fwe of those...the only green ones are the bosses). So it will be slower overall then running quests. but doing your class series can help even that out a bit. throw in some space missions, and it may work


    Keep Vette or jaesa geared up well....our DPS in immortal form sucks ATM...I know your not doing allot of quest based work, but even the class story will feel a bit slow at times in immortal. so take good care of your ladies! they will take care of you.

  18. I believe the default goto numbers are 25/50/50. given that Id sub in the correct augments to provide a bit more shield/absorb. one of my favorites is the power/absorb augment. power = more damage = more threat. an alternative would be endurance... secondary woudl be either or depending on how close you get to 50 with each.


    It'g going to be personal preference either way. there are good arguments on both sides. personally, i prefer to have a bit more damage with my mitigation's then a bit more health. But to each his own.

  19. I was very reserved about the changes personally. Got a merc and a few shadow consulars. But when I got back into the game, I enjoyed the changes as well. I'm LOVING the new force wave. its fast, feels powerful (better then the old one), and knocks things back a looong ways. Plus, with the cone effect, I can now use it in many situations where before I couldn't for fear of breaking CC.


    the interrupt is amazing on my merc too....ran TFB with a group of friends the first week, and I was all over Cyrius (or whatever the dudes name is). 30m interrupt ftw!

  20. Yes. Just ran part of TFB with server mates. no BH comms. Now that BH gear is 350 per piece (not sure if anyone noticed that) I figured there would be an increase in BH comms. as it stands right now, most of us will be getting one piece every month or so. its pretty disgusting really.


    I figured the balance would be that we would get more BH Comms from the Ops runs....but were getting none.


    Ironically, the new OP (TFB) is dropping a TON of gold. we got just past second boss and most of us had averaged 100k for that one sole run. 100k credits...and zero BH comms. zeeeeerrrrro


    I hope this is a bug, because prices are stupid high right now. I don't know if Bio realizes this, but people will stop running the Ops. yeah, the story is great....the first time. Do you honestly think people are going to run it any more when there's no reward? why do that when i can just run one HM daily and get more BH comms then i get an entire run. this is beyond silly. im /buggin it.

  21. Hey guys.

    After leveling my JK to 50 and just getting bummed out from the low dps output from him, I kinda just wanna play the best current class in the game.

    Anyone have any suggestions?


    roll a maurader and a PT and see which one you like better. Honestly, it sounds like you simply don't like how the Jugg plays (er...guard. same thing). in an odd note, I prefer playing my jugg over my guardian. guard just feels clunkier.


    back to topic: Juggs can parse very well. I've seen them top 1800 on some fights. so your guard has plenty of capability to produce DPS. it's not as easy to get the DPS OUT of them, but it's there. Now, this has NO BEARING on your enjoyment of the game. if you want a class that is easy to get DPS out of, and can put out satisfactory numbers doing so, then you will want either Mara/sent and PT/Vanguard if its melee, or Merc/commando if its ranged. any of those will be easier to get DPS out of....IF you enjoy how they play. if you don't...then the DPS wont matter. it will be an uphill battle the whole way.

  22. ^ Coming from a mara that would do roughly 1k dps, like all the other crappy ones out there.


    Like I always say, play the class you will play most effectively. If you want to micro-manage then go for it, but if you want to be lazy then don't bother.


    ^^ QFT. If we have exact numbers, and a sold enough number to know, we could "rank" classes. realistically, all the classes do enough damage to run any Op in the game atm. some have the potential to do more....but this is a shaky spot. not everyone can put out that potential.


    Now, there are classes that simply put are easier to put out DPS with. the two that I've leveled that are simply easier (compared to my Operative and Juggernaut) are my maurader and my Merc. now, i rarely notice a huge DPS increase between my merc and my Jugg (except that my Merc doesn't have to hope around as much...and this does impact things), but my mara is far easier to get eh same level of DPS out of. to get the top DPS? it's probably a bit more challenging, but the curve for both my mara and my Merc is far less drastic then my jugg and Operative (the Op being the most challenging of the 4).


    Now, that given, I've seen enough parses to believe personally that mara/sent, and the Sinper/gunslinger are top DPS when optimized, period. not by enough that other classes can't run an OP, but they are simply ahead (when played well.....again, this is very important). However, the only people that are really going to care are:


    1)the ignorant

    2)those who are struggling to get their fledgling guild through a progression Op (and are having to deal with inexperience and poor gear), and

    3)progression guilds that don't care one whit about who they bring...they just want top numbers.


    category one simply needs to get a grip. category two needs to understand that making their players better at what they do will net them better results in the long run then just bringing along EZ mode DPS to apply a band-aid to a gaping wound SKILL > CLASS. the last category needs to realize....they're in the wrong game. TOR isn't a hardnosed progression game. doesn't mean that you cant have fun, or that there isn't some challenges for average players. but it's like comparing non rated BG's to arena (for those who understand WoW). two different beasts.

  23. I am really interested in starting a Guardian, my question is are they capable of putting out a large amount of DPS, or will I have a hard time finding OP groups and people constantly telling me to go tank spec instead. I also have the same question for a scoundrel except they expect you to heal and not DPS.


    Thanks :)


    Only chiming in to support the last two posts. Jugg's are regularly in the top DPS slots. They aren't THE top, but thats a subject for a different conversation. they can put out enough DPS to perform well in any Op.


    they key with Jugg's (or guardians), it effective and efficient skill use. I find that skill is a far greater variable in jugg performance then gear (by a reasonable margin...obviously crap gear will = crap DPS. but given equal footing in gear...)

  24. Just wondering what my defense/ damage reduction/shield rating and shield absorb rating should be at for tank all sorts of stuff from the regular fp' s to HM EC ?


    Im asking so i know what to be working towards with my bh gear on my shadow tank


    looks like you have plenty of 50's, so this may be old news, but here's a rough approach to gear requirements. In other words, have this gear before starting that tier of tanking:


    HM FP's (except LI) - Full tionese

    HM LI - Full Columi (be warned that most groups will want higher for this...it takes a well put together group to make it on columi, but it's doable. The tank takes allot of punishment in there, so the higher gear the better)

    Sm Ops - Full Tionese

    HM Ops - Full Columi

    SM EC - Columi + Rakata (some BH can help)

    HM EC - Full rakata/BH


    These are baseline starting values. Skill makes an impact on this, but its a good starting point. LIke Kit said, once you hit BH/Camp gear (you can start as early as Full Rakata), then you start optimizing. keep all your mods from Columi onward (the armor itself isn't required, but save the mods). you will often be switching stuff in and out as you get new gear, and it impacts your itemization. although BH gear is higher then rakata or columi, i find myself often keeping some of the columi/Rakata mods, even though their gear level is lower (far too much accuracy/alacrity on BH gear).

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