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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. my vengeance jug parses 1600-1650 on a dummy (and vengeance is terrible on a dummy) and my mara in equal gear parses 1800 at best. so 150 isn't THAT big a deal. And ive come within less than 5 percent on every fight against my guilds pt, and hes full 63's. im full 61's with a couple 63's. Thatd not far behind at all


    I agree. Were Not only not far behind other melee DPS, but we are also far ahead of many ranged DPS. I'm comfortable with the numbers overall.


    Rage Vs. Vengeance to me is not really a key issue of which one does more damage. target dummies are situational at best, and AoE damage is misleading (but fun when you have trash to clear).


    as long as both are withing earshot of each other, Then IMO it's "pick your own poison" I like the smooth approach to vengeance in most my Ops runs and solo work. Rage is a fun in-between, but after a week of it i go back to vengeance. it still doesn't feel as good as vengeance does for me. so my poison is the smooth flow and regular damage output of vengeance :)

  2. Seriously, some people need to chill.. a guy has posted that he spends most of his gameplay on watching cooldowns and suddenly he's became a noob with no skills complaining about jk/sw.. ***? This community isngetting worse and worse each day..


    I can't argue that forums can be bad places. Except....I think the real issue here is the OP's stance, not the actual topic. the sheer fact that the OP didn't ask about "how to get his rotation down or get better at the class", but instead said it was a class issue will raise peoples shackles. I have no problems with the class. But when I started I did...


    My first toon in the game was a guard. I love the in your face combat style, and it was a classic "jedi" archetype to me. so I dug in...and after 12 levels stopped, and started a consular. Why? because it felt lopsided and clunky. the early levels of consular were much smoother, and more enjoyable. And I was learning the game mechanics, so i wanted an easier class to start with.


    But I came back once my consular was in the 40's, and tried the guard again. though it was actually a juggernaut, the mirror of the guard. I enjoyed the battle animations more on the juggernaut. And I pressed through the more difficult learning curve this time. I researched and studied up on the class a bit (didn't take much, but took personal action, which many people seem to have a hard time doing), and once i got past the hump, what I found was a very interesting and challenging class that was fun to play. and to this day the juggernaut is till my favorite class of all time, and none of the others are as interesting.


    and it seems like the OP didn't bother trying to do the same thing I did. they just came into the forums and griped about it. nothing about asking how to improve themselves (which, if you notice, I tried to do a bit in my previous post here), nothing about how end game players get this class to work. it wasn't about how to improve, it was about venting, and redirecting the responsibility of learning about the class and just blaming the class design.


    So i have no issues with people being abrupt....the OP was. most of the people in this thread probably would have responded with help if the OP has asked for it....but they didn't.

  3. I wish it had 60% to proc..


    That'd be a bit OP. I'd love the 24 hours of sheer godliness we'd have with that before they nerfed us to the ground, but for that day it would be fun :)


    Mine seems very normal. sometimes procs like crazy, sometimes it goes 1-2 cooldowns without one. most of the time it's in the middle. Perception can trick us a great deal in these situations...last week I swore my crafting was broken for a few days...i was RE'ing like crazy, hundred's of them with no crit results, was about to write a thread on it, and everything returned to normal.


    It's just RNG man. enjoy the streaks while they last ;)

  4. No arena. Ever. It killed the game that created it, and I even remember a post from ghostcrawler asserting to that. This is not a game that could handle even the concept, and I don't want it to.


    now...on your other topics, I don't care about pazaak or sitting in a chair at this point (though side games would be nice). What I really want in their next patch is 80% bug fixes. I'm tired of getting booted from FP's on the final cut scene. I'm tire of hitting a skill and watching the cooldown trigger and the skill never goes off. I'm tired of seeing skills that need windows of opportunity to use never go off during those windows even though your spamming the key like mad. I'm tired of glitches in armor, glitches in speeder flights, warzones that classify you as losing even though you won by a longshot, glitches in the holocron databases...the list goes. on.


    they could easily fill multiple patches with the fixes. But as it was said before...this is not a SWtOR thing. it's a Bio thing. It's a structured approach to development that's the core issue, not the actual product. I work for a huge company, and I've seen multiple situations where they take a simple, efficient process, and incorporate 3-4 different teams to make it "more efficient" and the net result is 3-4x more work with a far worse process that is clunky and frustrating for everyone involved.


    And these processes are standardized approaches for many higher ups. it's how they run business. So i honestly don't think were going to ever have a game as polished as some others out there. the internal clockworks within EA and BIo are probably designed specifically to NOT allow these things to run smooth and efficiently.


    An average Dev who has their own time and unlimited resources can develop some amazing things (and we'll often see the idea of those things in early development). take that same dev, put them in a clunky business model, and force them to have to go through 12 different layers of approval to get done what they were getting done on their own in 1/10th of the time, and the net result is a dev who....only gets 10% of the real world stuff done.


    there you go folks. that is the current business model for many large companies. and these large companies are the ones that are buying our small developers. And you can see the results.

  5. the numbers discussion will always go on forever folks. No sense in arguing like your going to convince either side of the argument. Bio has stated that they are not going to allow mods in the game. the current approach to the log files is specifically designed to allow you to watch and gauge your own performance while not allowing for in game real time e-peen comparisons.


    Im not a supporter of meters. I thought that they were critical to my function until I played a game that was well designed to not include them. I do not miss them at all. they key is to pay attention and use other visual cues to determine whats going on, and make choices based on that. I'm not dissing those who would want meters, Im just saying that there's ways to play the gaem without. MMO's existed prior to meters, and they will exist after that. This is a game that is designed to not have those, and you should make your play choices based on that. If you don't want to, that's fine. you can always choose not to play the game

  6. I recommend his build as well. Vengeance is the best tree to level in for the most part. the only one Id possibly switch out is the 2 pts in rampage...you'll get it eventually, so if your hurting for rage 2 pts in enraged sunder is HUGE. but thats a personal pref...I've run with it and without, and both are viable.


    Optimum companion is Quinn. subbing out for a DPS comp will usually add more downtime resulting in an overall slower leveling curve. but that again is personal pref. if you don't mind the extra downtime, it's fun to try other companions.

  7. Do NOT.remove all your crit gear. The only time that's acceptable is for PVP. For PvE the returns on 125-150 crit rating are too good to pass up even for a spec that has 30% of its damage come from an auto crit ability.


    Yeah...its pretty silly to kill all your crit only because of 30-40% of your damage doesn't use it. it just becomes less critical (hehe punny....)


    I actually like them both. Rage feels very mobile. i don't have to be on the mob at all times I build up and pow!. I don't feel like i have to be on the mob 100% of the time. drop crush, whack other mobs whiel it builds, and let go, and they all die. But it also feels less smooth then vengeance. But it's fun to click just a few attacks, and lay everything out with one hit.


    Vengeance is my go too, love it, love the style and animations. I see Rage being viable, but i don't like the lack of range gen (not as bad as it was, but still less then vengeance), and i miss all the defensive abilities i get from vengeance.


    Overall, I simply see vengeance as more flexible for Ops and FP's, independant of what numbers are produced on a test dummy. but it doesn't detract from Rage's viability, especially if you PvP allot as well

  8. it's very important. the only other options you have to build lolsmash hits are on 45s+ CD's. plus, its a serious hunk of damage and a control skill (slows them). not sure you can get enough mitigation in the lower tiers to make it worth losing. but then again, I don't play a huge amount of PvP, perhaps theres an approach where you only need to smash once a minute and it works.


    Rage is very clunky without it.

  9. Personally, I would go for Zentih assuming equal gear levels.


    Me and a sage in guild did some testing on this. My Nadia versus his Zenith. Nadia was in full rakata level gear, Zenith was in mostly tionesse / columi. Zenith tore Nadia a new one. this was repeated over the 4 duels we had. We then switched (my Zenith versus his Nadia). My Zenith was also in full Rakata, versus his Nadia in lesser gear and the difference was even more pronounced.


    The primary reason for this was armour rating. Both their damage was roughly comparable, but Zenith has more armour and could thus take much more of a beating. Both companions have AoE stances which make dailies very quick.



    So, thats primarily why I now use zenith for most dailies. does good damage, survives longer and is less annoying. Also, if you forget to turn off Nadia's knockback ability then she gets even more annoying!


    If you want to take this sort of thing further (and have the time and patience!) then gearing up Qyzen in full DPS gear is great. Being heavy armoured, he lasts a long time and he can do good DPS too.


    duels are different then PvE mob groups. it's like comparing two classes in a 1v1 instead of a group of mobs with one or two silvers. I could see zenith doing well there, mostly because he only has one target, and his skills orient towards that. in larger groups I find Nadia to be more effective...her AoE's are pretty potent and kill groups of normals and weaks very fast.


    Doesn't mean that a well geared Zenith cant burn stuff...hes does great damage. but its and apple oranges thing IMO. against single targets I'd go zenith, and against groups (regular farming/dailies) I'd go nadia. Especially if your a tank based spec...nadia rarely if at all gets hit when i run with her. I don't use either in DPS spec. even with theran, i kill fast enough that a DPS comp wouldnt' have much uptime anyways. when you add to that the leftovers principle (she actually wears my DPS set when im in tank spec), gearing her up was pretty quick.


    And I agree with Kit...HK is fun and a good companion but SITUATIONAL. most the DPS and healing specs in the game would do better with another Comp unless going up against large single targets (soloing Heroics where you have CC in the mix is a great example of this). I tried HK on two different healing toons, 3 DPS specs, and a tank. out of all of those, the only one that felt right with was the tank. the rest i spent more time getting whacked by the other mobs he wasn't on then I do with any other comp....even comps like zenith (as he actually has a small AoE). HK is just too narrowly focused to be called the "best" companion.

  10. I have 4 lvl 50's...sage, shadow, jugg, and merc. I Don't feel like my Jugg is any worse to play then the others.


    the key with the jugg/warrior is that their CORE rotation revolves around a simple group of skills with a very easy to learn priority list. personally, I find that my TK sage is just as bad,but from a different perspective. she has a few buttons she regularly mashes 1..2...1...1..1...2...1...2, and then a few more when things proc. So looks like this: 1...2...1...1...1...3...1...1...2...3...4...1..1...1... 3 and 4 are the proc abilities like TK throw and TW. but in comparison....


    My jugg has about as many skills in her basic prio list, but she uses them all at least once per rotation. looks like this:



    1 is sunder of course, and the others are the hard hitting skills in my arsenal. but as you can see...the basic rotation right there isn't hard, and it provides the bulk of your damage. the only other thing you watch out for is ravage procs. so it would prob look like this:

    1...2...3...1...4...5...1...ravage...1...2...3...1...4..5...1...ravage...1...ravage... etc.


    really, once you get the basic rotation down, the rest of those skills fall into situational...situations. like hilt strike. I have it wired in so much that i always hit my HS button after a stun. force push is a "paying attention" kind of skill...i enjoy being able to figure out how to place it in a fight to help out the team or just for kicks and giggles (love playing my jug inn false emp..soo many things to throw off the edge! )

  11. Personally id run an Immortal Jugg.


    Or run a vengeance Jugg in tank stance with tank gear. Immortal will probably be better.


    HK is a unique comp. amazingly high single target damage, and complete lack of AoE damage makes him very powerful but very narrow in his application. the issues you ran into with your DPS sage will be echoed on the Marauder. while the Marauder is hearty against a few mobs, a group can whittle him down fast. most Mauraders depend on their comps for either a: holding aggro on multiple mobs through AoE skills or tanking skills, or B: healing the maurader so he can go to town. Neither of these are an HK's specialty.


    juggs have far more regular mitigation then Mauras, and if you specced tanking with tanking stats you'll be more survivable, so you can hold of the group at large while HK picks them off one at a time. I don't see the Mara being a smooth process with the HK. you can obviously do it...but having it smooth and fun...well you tell us how your sage experience ran :) sages have far more utility in heals and bubbles then a mara does, so im sure you can do the math on that.


    I actually have a jugg im re-rolling to do that exact thing. so far so good...but she's only 15 :D not like anything is hard at that point.

  12. Jugg has more overall survivability, while the Maurader has better controlled short term survivability. The situation will often dictate which one is tops, as stated above me there.


    plus player ability has a HUGE impact on this. I know peeps want to argue the merit of the class outside of skill....but a class can't play itself, so there's always skill involved.

  13. I don't have any issue with Dual spec. But I also don't have an issue with my hotbars. I have them set up so I usually have 3-4 skills MAX that i have to switch when I respec. most are 3 or less. It's not that hard. A respec is withing the same AC, so 90% of your skills are the same.


    I have 4 50's (with another on the way), and all of them are multiple role AC's, so i switch....allot. and it takes me a total of 3-5m maximum to switch specs and gear. Not sure why a group can't take a quick Bio while their second tank switches specs. the talent trees really aren't so diverse that you are going with different skill sets every time. Funny thing is...I can't tell you the exact names of most my jugg's talents, but i can tell you exactly where they are in the tree! moral of this story is that it's not hard to remember a spec. really. but dual spec really isn't a barrier to me either.


    But I'm game for it IF... it doesn't take a huge investment of resources. because it really is a simply QoL issue that eliminates 3 minutes of time in the life of a person who raids. if it's a simple switch they can turn on, fine. if they have to pull someone away from another issue that needs fixing to do this, it can wait. It really is only a few minutes of my time.

  14. I personally can understand the OP's point, and I wouldn't be surprised if they had actually had that on the table at some point. Why they decided to not do that I'm not sure. could be because it hasn't been tried or tested in the MMO market, and they didn't want to risk it themselves. could be that after looking at demographic numbers, it didn't provide them with the financial benefit they would need from it to make it cost effective.


    either way, not happening at this point. although the person who wanted a "cheaper" sub option could decide to simply spend 10$ worth of coins each month, gaining the fruit of these coins, unlocking aspects of the game, and not having to spend 15. you would have to self manage your spending, but it's doable with the f2p option.


    though the idea is interesting, the question is, if they did a cheaper option (say, 10 instead of 15), what do you think you should get for that 10? its obvious that you shouldn't get as much as the full sub gets, but you should have more then what the freemium account or premium account gets. I thought it would be balanced to say that the 10$ sub would get sub access but just no coins...but that goes back to the argument of "is 500 coins really worth 5$ if you don't use them"? which would be applied in reverse...why should the only difference be 500 coins..especially when they're forking over 5$ more a month?. and there's demographic issues as well. How would they satisfy everyone who wanted a cheaper sub option, but wanted access to "their" favorite things?


    like PvP. I simply do not do it. so as a 10$ subber, I'd want Ops access and dailies access, but could care less about PvP. yet what about those who want PvP, but don't' care about dailies or crafting? though a reduced sub could be doable, it poses allot of challenges about what and how you get access that are solved by a free access. you get the basics for free, and then buy the extra's you want. so while a reduced sub seems approachable, I can also see why they may have discounted it on the table of ideas.

  15. Which is fine until people go, oh you are Human healer? Sorry, no noobs allowed in our op.


    Your comment was exactly the point of the person you quoted. He said Bio made the choice to simplify races because of people who say or think exactly what you said right there. think about it for a second...in this game there is nothing that 2% of a stat will allow you to beat that you couldn't beat without that stat boost. But in spite of that, people would still pick the 2% bonus, and most likely alienate those who didn't have it.


    So in a game where that childish mentality isn't needed, Bio was aware that people would still exhibit that behavior, and decided that race should not be part of that process. So, in effect, the vanilla feel to the races are due to those who would prioritize stats over everything instead of those who would actually enjoy the differences those stats would bring. Bio knew that class "filtering" would occur...it's an unavoidable situation in games such as these. but they wanted the racial choice to be free of this bias, hence why they dropped it.


    And like the OP you quoted, I enjoy racial differences, but I understand why Bio made that decision. I may not like it, but it works out for the best give the mentality that exists nowadays in most MMO's.

  16. I don't hate Corellia...it's really where it's positioned, plus they're approach to leveling post 40 that sort of "ruins" Correlia for me.


    this primary issue is with every planet belsavis and up. leveling time on those planets has nothing to do with experience grind...it has to do with running (or speeding) halfway across the planet for every quest. the quest hubs are not designed well, and the quest targets are spread out with far less symbiosis with other quest objectives. the earlier planets did this much better. I don't mind a Dev team increasing the time between levels, but it seems that their only approach in this game is to make the objectives further away. I enjoy planets....but i hate having to tread the same ground multiple times just to get all the quests done.


    Plus, i think most people are getting the "end game" fever by the time they it Correlia. the last few planets seem to take forever, and as your hitting Corelia your perhaps one or two levels away from 50, and debating how much you really want to do Corellia....or just finish your class story and start in on the dailies (which can easily boost you up 2 levels on their own).


    So those big factors really add up to me just being impatient by the time i reach Corellia, so I probably don't give it the fair shake that it deserves. my last toon i was glad to be able to push through Corellia to get to 50...had a ton of gear saved up, wanted to start running heroics, etc. but If you compare it's design, its a far cooler looking city IMO then Coruscant.


    ON the offhand, I'd like to see more variance with planet types. like some more interesting Jungle based planets, some tundra style, perhaps a mass of swamp and wasteland with a few outposts and tons of mysterious ruins taht are reminiscent of the sith temple on Dromund. Voss had a very different and nice feel to it. In spite of the general dislike of Belsavis, I love the planet style and design (think the big issue is the travel time and trying to find the portal points, poor design there). Tatooine has a very cool feel to it (just wish it was bigger....the dune sea should just go on....forever....


    no matter what the toon, by the time Im done with belsavis, Im pretty much tired of 3 things:

    1) City-planets

    2) Snow planets

    3) long hauls in-between each quest.


    we need a bit more variety.

  17. someone once wrote: a bad Assassin tank dies, a bad juggernaut tank gets the group killed. This can't be more true. your group doesn't die until after you do as an assassin, no matter your skill. If they do, it's 99.9% surely their own fault.


    that quote was just full of win Fall :D and echoes exactly what I felt after getting my shadow tank going on repub side (this was after my juggs). Initially it was a bit tough to get used to. I think i was more used to my jugg and their approach. with my jugg i worry less about my own safety and more about mob interactions. with my shadow, it's all about managing my own defenses...mob threat is a few buttons repeated on a cycle.


    Jugg tanking is all about using your skills to the upmost Errant. backhand isn't a simple stun...it's what you use on that mob to the right as it turns to head towards the DPS that just aggroed it. You don't freak out when a mob turns on the healer...you wait till its a few yards away from her, then use your single target taunt and let it spend the next 4-6 seconds running back to you (in the meantime the DPS have probably killed it). you force push Mob A onto mob B, then you leap onto mob B, smash it, backhand it, Force choke Mob C, hit Mob A with Crushing blow...Intercede over to the healer, leap back to Mob A...you get the point. lots of switching mobs and spreading skills out.


    My shadow? hunkers down in the middle. spams AoE threat skills, and hopes to Mergitrude that a spike hit doesn't come in just as his shield of floating rocks dies :) Im being harsh on my poor shadow (he does well, he's just not my juggy). Juggs are quite fun if you enjoy having to make split second decisions. if you do it well, and pull it off, you look like a mexican jumping bean on steroids and it feels great. if you don't like that kind of challenge, you may get frustrate with the class. but it's not bad, just takes some getting used to.


    Falls link is great for info. short and skinny: Base stats to shoot for: 30 Def, 50 Shield, 50 Absorb. you wont get there until full campaign or higher. so don't sweat it if your floating somewhere lower. a good starting point for Ops is 20 Def, 30 shield, 30 absorb. you should be close to that with the recruit PvP set (don't quote me on that, haven't checked myself recently).

  18. So I understand how accuracy works, but how important is it really to a Jugg tank? I have gone back and forth about this and I have seen Juggs with no accuracy on gear at all and I have seen Juggs stick with the accuracy provided on the gear.


    The problem I have is that it seems like you have to sacrifice a lot in your mitigation stats to get to that 98-100% accuracy. Granted, I am in mostly BH with a few pieces of Rakata still, so I am sure that is not giving me a solid view of what my stats can be. I guess what I am seeing is that accuracy should wait until the very end game content and that mitigation stats are more important to get through the content first. Am I right in that assumption?


    I actually agree with you on that. In all honesty, i added the accuracy because i've seen it in discussions. Will you miss more with less accuracy? yeah. but with our threat generation potential (and a borderline OP taunt system), those misses are probably barely seen, and most likely it's not worth sacrificing a ton of mitigation stats to get to it. But if someone is missing allot, and they don't want to, the benchmark is there.


    Me? I think I've looked at my accuracy rating like twice my entire tank career in the game, and so far it hasn't killed me.

  19. Elyx thanks a lot for all the info. I never had problems leveling immortal but that was pre 1.4 (I think I stopped playing before 1.3). Thanks for the updated info, I might also consider switching specs while leveling. :)


    NP Elde :) I also don't want to slam Immortal too heavily. It gives you more flexibility when choosing your companions (pick what you want kinda thing). And if you pick up Biotech, the medpacks and stims can really help out. I think Honestly I added to that my personal gripe with Bio and their 1.4 Immortal nerf that they never explained....and it slowed it down allot :p but its still doable, and if you want to be able to switch comps up at will it is the better spec for doing so.

  20. I would like to know any good seer/telekinetic builds for this sage that i'm building. I had originally wanted to roll a Telekinetic build but when playing in a group I found myself half the time healing, so I want some help on some good builds that are good at dps and healing.


    I'd also ask yourself why you are healing in a group when your the DPS. are you queuing as a healer for quicker queue times? then just spec heals...it saves you heartache at the end. you'll solo fine as a healer...i geared up nadia and she kills fast. and the Sages DPS ability in full heal spec isn't small, so it's perfectly viable to solo as a heal spec sage. I actually run that way, in spite of my enjoyment of telekinetic spec. i kill fast enough with a geared nadia that it don't matter. So if you want to heal, then spec full seer.


    if your queuing as DPS and you end up healing to help out the healer...then your in a bad group. A telekinetic sage should have no issues throwing out some heals to help out, but if your feeling forced to spec partially into heals to help out, then you are having bad luck with your groups. and you losing damage to help out the bad healers wont help the group....because your not killing the mobs at that point....the encounters are designed for one healer and 2 dps...not 1.5 healers and 1.5 DPS. slow boss killing means more damage going out to the party....which means more you have to heal....which means the more you are helping out the terribad healer...you can see the cycle there.


    emergency heals i understand...you throw out a bubble or a big heal to keep the tank from going down while the healer recovers is one thing, but regularly healing is a serious damage cut. The healer just needs to up their game, pure and simple. or get better gear. Not your responsibility.

  21. In relation to your ideas, I don't think it's a bad idea to brainstorm. I like some of them quite a bit. but thinking on what you have up there...


    #1/#2 - changing Dist to internal AND increasing it's crit damage is probably overkill. people would simply spam that and nothing else....it's useability coupled with the small-ish force cost would trump anything else we have in game. i think the issue is that it's our staple, as well as a critical proc creating ability. It already has a ton of useful items tagged to it that make it important in any rotation (that and its simply fun to cast! ).


    but all those increases would turn it into the ONLY skill we would need. my Dist is already hitting for huge amounts. If it passed Turbulence....at that point we just killed our tree topping ability (which BTW is already internal and autocrits when played appropriately). I think that turning it into an internal ability may be enough. the other option I like is to increase the damage of the secondary proc on TM. up it from 30% to 50 or 60%.


    #3 I like. simple and easy. more motivation to stay in place (when we can) and do more damage.


    #4 not a huge fan of, solely for the reason that they would have to do something like increase the CD to compensate, and Im not a big fan of increasing CD's. messing with CD's can really mess up a rotation. an extra 3 seconds could easily mean we have downtime, or simply spamming Dist more often (which we don't need). plus, an increase on it's CC affects it EVERY time we cast, not only in the sub-30 range.


    only conjecturing here...but either way, im not a fan of increased CD's. better to simply boost it's damage on sub 30 targets, and thats a simple addition to any talent in the tree. that in addition to the increased proc chance on #1 above would probably work.


    really, we don't need a huge damage boost in raw damage. our biggest issue is flexibility in mobile environments not allowing us to bring our full potential to bear. In addition to the increased proc on TW, here's a few other ideas to help that flexibility (and help out on PvP too):


    1) Make Psychic Projection also allow for Tk on the move, and increase the time frame it's up by a few seconds(2-3). this proc always seems to be just a bit too short to fully take advantage of it, especially when your being hit allot and cast times are a bit longer on your other skills. this would allow more movement along with a few fast channel to apply steady damage while on the move. It can still be interrupted, so it's not guaranteed. but in PvP it would be a huge help. The extra few seconds allows for more versatility....like if you have to run around some obstacles to get your target into view, or if you get stunned just as it procs.


    2) Add Turbulence to Telekinetic Momentum. this would give us a single target high damage skill as an alternative to TW with this skill. it would give us a use for telekinetic momentum in times when situations don't allow us to use an AoE, and it adds another skill to the bag of tools the PvP player could use on the run effectively if needed.


    Most your other ideas are interesting, but just different variations on adding damage to attacks. My ideas also increase flexibility, but retain what I think is the essence of the telekinetic tree...burst and AoE damage.

  22. To be honest, it doesn't really matter. I'd also just level up as dps until level 25+ anyway, you have more than enough healing already, and bubble is huge at low levels.


    this. I've even healed FP's as a Telekinetic sage in the early 40's (not by intention, but it happens. gotta love our flexibility).


    Not advocating doing that on purpose through the 40's, but just showing that you don't have to have those healing skills just to run FP's. however, if you like the idea of being the healer while your companion does the work, here's what I'd do:


    1) First 5 into Telekinetics for more mana and reduced cost.

    2) Next level seer tree up to Rejuvinate (fantastic skill). You should be lvl 26 or so at this point.

    3) rest of points up to lvl 40 in Telekinetics. nice damage boosts

    4) at 40, respec into full Seer tree.

    5) next 5 points will be in Telekinetics to get your force boost and savings back. rest wherever you feel is important.


    And make sure you keep Qyzen geared up! he can hold things and down them with good gear. If your going to focus solely on healing, your companion is the actual killing part of the team, so they need good gear. especially weapons.


    Personally, I dropped qyzen as my comp of choice for healing spec when i got Nadia. I don't miss qyzen's tankability what so ever. Of course, i don't regularly run 2+ heroics on my own, so having a sturdier comp isn't an issue for me. nadia tears through stuff at level cap currently with good gear.


    But again, if you just want to be able to heal FP's, the seer tree isn't critical until much higher. I actually leveled up through mid 40's as a DPS sage with theran healing me. Yes, I had a healing comp out for a "healing" class. Ultimately, you put out more damage then a comp does, and theran has plenty of healing to keep you up. even without your shield. I didn't start bubbling myself regularly until i hit belsavis. If you want to level up DPS and heal FP's, I'd recommend Telekinetics. Balance is great fun, but healing with it sucks your mana dry.

  23. I am a full time full warhero rank 90.


    Vengence does not need a buff in my opinion.


    Thanks - just thought I'd dial in here.


    I agree. Vengeance is fine. there is no need to make it a PvP viable spec when we already have two that people use (and rage just got a great boost to PvP viability)


    While I certainly respect peoples feelings about their love of Venge/Vigil, there really is no class in the game that has 3 PvP ready trees. they are all like us....one specialized tree (healing or tanking) that is general, and one that is really better with PvP, and one that is either PvE related or a mix. Vengeance certainly works for PvE....it's not like it broke when 1.4 came out. Rage just got better.


    Vengeance doesn't need huge buffs. Which is why I support a slight bleed increase, or a slight damage boost overall Via SSM, but we don't need a huge amount else. Changing it for PvP simply isn't needed. again, not to slight those who enjoy venge/vigil and want to PvP. but it was doable before 1.4, and it's doable now. It's not the best, but then again, if your priority is PvP, then perhaps you need to use the most PvP viable spec we have. we should be happy! pre-1.4, rage was really meh. At least we HAVE a viable PvP spec now.

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