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Everything posted by AidenPryde

  1. Rap music and PvP don't go well together IMO.
  2. Yeah and my Smash will crit on you for 4k. You will die to me. Repeatedly. I bet an Op/Scoundrel pre-nerf would hit you for 7-8k. There goes all your HP bonus.
  3. I called this 2 weeks before they introduced the 50 bracket. It's funny. In Beta there are 35-49 PvP gear with Expertise on it. They removed those items from the game for some reason. But yeah, prepare to be owned for a long while because they definitely nerfed the drop rate of gear from the Random Bags of Awesomeness since 1.1.
  4. My 4k crit is on people WITHOUT Expertise. Against people with Expertise I will hit them for 2-2.5k. In total I can hit a group of people for 10k (IF there are 5 people in range which can be rare in anything other than a Voidstar match). But see a combined hit of 10k is manageable because a single AOE heal will heal them up within a matter of seconds. So while a healer can keep someone up even though I am beating on them it is three times as hard for them to keep someone up with a Smuggler who can do a burst of 13k within 6 seconds. No one else can do that on a single target. Juggs only have 21k Health if they are buffed with the BH party Buff and are running around in defense gear (which has far higher amounts of endurance than the DPS Jugg gear). To top it off the Jugg probably has Battlemaster defense gear if he has that much health. I top out at 16k with the DPS Jugg gear AND the BH buff. Good Operatives/Smugglers are extremely difficult for me to kill, if not impossible because many of their hard hitting abilities bypass my armor, while few of mine can. There are a number of Smugglers on my server that will hit me for 3k even if they are out of stealth. And I'm talking about their Shotgun abilities, so it doesn't matter if they are behind me or not. While I can't hit them for that even with a Smash/Relic/Shockwave combo.
  5. I'm a 11% Expertise Juggernaut and I get three shotted by Smugglers on my server. I was hit for 5536 yesterday by a Smuggler. Which in Champion gear is a third of my health (only missing 1 Champion implant and the champion focus). NO ONE should hit that hard even with a supposed Expertise decrease. If I had no Expertise then I could see that and wouldn't complain, but seeing as I do that is ridiculous. The only time my Smash does a 4k crit on someone is if they do not have Expertise gear, which is getting rarer and rarer these days.
  6. But has a longer Cooldown than tracer, which balances out.
  7. Lower the damage to 800 on Tracer missile. Tracer Missile is meant to be stacked so that it improves your Railshot etc damage. Basically it builds up to increase a finisher's damage. But it hits too hard for that. Problem solved. It would be the same with Juggernaut DPS if our Sunder Armor ability hit for 2k. We'd spam that ability too (even though it has a longer cooldown than Tracer Missile lol).
  8. Stop listing the abilities you have and list the abilities you commonly use (ie every fight).
  9. A Smuggler hit me for 5339 yesterday, which is more than a third of my health. He then proceeded to hit me for 3500 twice. At which point I couldn't do anything but die. As a Juggernaut that is ridiculous. I have 10.64% Expertise. That kind of damage on someone who is only missing 1 Champion implant and the focus is crazy. They needed the nerf. Hopefully with this nerf they won't be instagibbing people and will play other specs. I really think Lethality could be a good team play alternative for Operatives, it's just that no one tries it.
  10. This particular thing is fine. However what is not fine is full sorc/sage teams just Pulling the ball carrier around to the goal line. You should be able to use it once on the ball carrier (if at all) then there is a cooldown of 1 minute, sort of like resolve.
  11. Try lethality. You won't get a ton of kills but your damage will be just as high. Plus you will actually be able to prevent people from planting in Voidstar.
  12. Even without Buff stacking a Smuggler is taking more than half my health before I can even trinket out of the stun. Broken class is broken.
  13. I'm being hit by Scoundrels for 3990, and not from their opener. From their shotgun blast. My Smash will hit a like geared Scoundrel for a 3rd less, which means I have no chance of defeating him as he has the same amount of health I have. They still need to be toned down. The only way that I, as a Smash Jugg, can compete is to attack someone without Expertise. I am only missing 1 Implant of Champion gear and have a little over 11% Expertise and still get hit like that.
  14. They do need a nerf in their burst damage. Specced right Smuggers and Operatives can do high burst and can easily run away and heal themselves up. No other classes can do that.
  15. This whole PvE raiders will dominate PvP argument is trash. People are raiding EV HM/Nightmare with PvP gear because PvP gear is easier to get. Removing expertise and leaving the gear grind the way it is will have no significant effect on PvP.
  16. Hrmm yes I see the confusion. I only use smash when it crits because of my spec so to be more precise 3k on someone without expertise and 1500k crit on BM. So Expertise certainly has a significant effect.
  17. If you're so smart then explain it to the masses. I know for a fact that my Smash hits non-expertise people for 3k and only 1500 on a BM.
  18. Yes it is. 10% attack against other players, 10% healing done to yourself and others, 10% defense against other players. 10% x 3 = 30%. See above please. Look at the stat. It effects all three of those categories.
  19. Removing expertise from the game will solve all of these problems really. Its basically a 30% boost for people if you have 10% of it.
  20. Expertise is what is wrong with the game. A little history here: Blizzard Entertainment's game, "WoW," did not really have PvP at launch. There were no Battlegrounds, no PvP gear, etc. The game was entirely PvE based and any PvP that did happen was all player instigated and no mechanics existed to support that play other than server rulesets. So Blizzard then introduced PvP gear, and all the other things to go with it. Well what happens? The PvEr's come into PvP and dominated because they had been spending the time raiding and getting the best PvE gear, while people that PvPed had no such gear. Because there was no PvP gear mechanics at launch Blizzard was forced to add Resilience into the game to balance the PvE'rs and PvPers gear levels. What Bioware did: Bioware saw this and thought that because Blizzard's game has it they must have it too. But SWTOR did not start with no PvP. Indeed it started with more PvP mechanics than WoW did at launch (/cheer Bioware). Thus if Bioware's PvP and PvE teams had spent some time communicating and balanced the time it took to get gear equally between the two activities, there should have been no need for Expertise at all in the game. But Bioware thought that because WoW had it, so must they. But they screwed it up. So much so that Expertise is three times as powerful as Resilience ever was. Whereas Resilience only lowered the chance of people critting on you to prolong fights, Expertise actually buffs damage done, lessens damage taken, and buffs healing done. So now all the really fun PvP to be had in the game is happening in the 1-49 bracket. - Thoughts of a full Champion PvPer. P.S. Bioware. The only way to save your PvP game is not to add new content, but to re-balance the gear grind in the game so that people can PvE and get the same gear as you can in PvP for the same effort and remove Expertise or tone it down significantly.
  21. A lot of people got many pieces of the BM and Champion gear before they nerfed the drop rate last patch. So the 50 bracket isn't balanced at the moment and it's harder for other people (besides myself who has full Champion) to compete. This is why you are seeing a lot of 50s roll alts and PvP in the 1-49 bracket. Remove Expertise from the game.
  22. My spec relies almost entirely on getting Smash and Force scream to crit for large numbers because both those abilities cannot be dodged or shielded. With other classes it is the same thing, which is why you see certain classes (operatives/scoundrels) only using 3 abilities in PvP.
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