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10 Good
  1. Really. This needs to stop. People keep talking about how they have to manage way more abilities then other classes..... Yeah right. Let me give you a hint. when I was level 25 on both my jugg and operative, i have twice if not MORE hotkey binds on my operative that I use consistently while I literally have maybe 7 keybinds I use on my jugg. I dont even need to bind scrolls or anything past ERFCVT and middle mouse click. I laugh at how easy to it to play. Playing it effectively though is another thing. Juggs have massive threat generation for single target BUT their aoe is the worse. To make up for this, you must constantly witch targets to keep threat up if your allies are aoe pew pew moding everything. Right now I ma in love with the class but the community of the players needs to sit back and think hard about what they are saying. YES bounty hunters/troopers are broken as far as damage/threat is concerned. But assassins are in the same balance boat your in. You want to see skill vs effectiveness. Try being a operative that does more then sit back and try to heal efficiently.
  2. Lightside Sith plot and scheme to steal power from idiots in power. They usually honor their agreements and make crazy amount of political moves like a republic senator. See Vash for details. Neutral Sith care only about tradition. They absolutely can not stand change, aliens, blah blah blah. Bunch of nazi bastards. Darkside Sith are complete psychos that just kill anyone and everyone they can. They dive head first into traps, they argue about everything, they never take orders. They usually don't make it past 30 years old. -) So there is your profiles of ALL Sith. I prefer the lightside siths as they use politics and strategize the most. Sometimes traditional Sith can be cool. But most of the time they can be alienating.
  3. You must be weak sauce miggee. I can easily solo any elite with 75% my hp left. I can kill the grey badge mobs in one rotation. charge, the 3 second strike channel, force scream. dead badge dude. Barely lose any health at all. I am now level 18 and I feel it is pure ez mode so far. So easy in fact that I plan on plaing this class exclusively. I tried every class for atleast 20 levels and I feel the warriors do by far the most damage ESPECIALLY for tank specs. The fact my 3 sec channel attack usually does 1000 damage is just silly. You need to learn how to do a proper rotation and how to combo. build rage then dump. dont rage, build. rage, build. That is how you fail miserably.
  4. Healer spec. I usually do for single target, shiv, backstab, TA, shotgun move, 2 rifle rounds, shiv, the aoe TA move that does retarded damage, backstab, never let energy cap and keep it moving.
  5. You are not understanding the problem. You ever play rift? The same problem is there with pyromages. They are completely unviable in all aspects of the game if they are not standing on a 3 meter spot they have to CAST. They must self stun themselves for 1.5 seconds minimum just to be viable then if they move, they are screwed. This is the same concept here. The only difference is their runes were actually broken op as all hell while your cover aint **** but a self stun/ You don't see mercs crying about having to cast their stuff. Why? Because they dont have to self stun themselves for 1.5 seconds minimum just to start casting those spells.
  6. Turn the cover requirement off. Why can i only carefully aim when HIDING behind something completely blocking my line of sight? Why can i only call a probe when ducking? This is just silly. I stopped playing my sniper because I couldnt stand having to take a knee every single time i wanted to cast something. There is no reason for the requirement of cover. You should only want to do it if you get A) more range or B) more defense vs ALL attacks not melee. Right now it is a terrible gimmick. It is like the stupid pyromages in rift that had to stand on a stupid 3 meter rune on th ground to be viable but still wernt unless the rune itself was broken. sniper don't get broken abilities from their rune. They just have to sit still and self stun themselves for 2 seconds whenever they want to start casting. nuff said. remove the REQUIREMENT of cover. No reason i can't aim carefully when staring at my enemy as oppose to ducking behind a rock with 0 visibility. The logic of that alone is grounds for a good *** kicking.
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