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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game has a terrible, terrible crafting system.


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I like the system in itself. However crafting things that are better then what you would easily get from quests, pvp and recommendations...not so much. So it takes a lot of work and credits to build things that are not BIS.


System in itself I like. The balance between questing gear and crafted gear is a little of IMHO.


I think it's balanced perfectly except at level 50 personally. You either quest and get a good drop easily, or craft and get a GREAT item not to easily.

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I just wanted to comment on how absolutely terrible, unprofitable, and RNG-based the crafting is in this game.


Basically the way you get from green to purple quality items is by disassembling such items until you get a higher quality item with a particular prefix. So to get a best-in-slot artifact, you need to get the right combination of prefixes by disassembling many blues til you finally get your artifact. This applies to every crafting trade.


So I'm doing this for implants to get a best in slot dps warrior implant.


I'm up to 200 disassembles (days of crafting missions and hundreds of thousands of credits) and I still don't have it.


The first epic I got was a Rampart implant. Shield rating. Effing shield rating.


The second epic I just got is Commander's, which gives PRESENCE. WHO NEEDS PRESENCE?! So I can PvP better in Ilum? What. The. Hell.


How many more implants will I have to disassemble to get the fabled Hawkeye prefix? Will the million credits and ten weeks of crew missions be worth the lousy implants that I'll replace in a couple of weeks with nightmare raid gear? Why couldn't I just have an epic schematic like the crafting in EVERY OTHER MMO IN THE WORLD. Instead, I have to play the New York Mega Millions every waking moment so I can have a 1 in a million shot of unlocking a decent purple schematic.


Brilliant. I'd give Bioware a golf clap, but I think I broke my hands PUNCHING THE WALL.





Well.. thanks for sharing.. but I don't agree, and I certainly don't feel bad that you are unable to craft your self a best in slot item in the first month of the game being out.



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I love the system as it is an actual craftingsystem and not something where everyone gets access to the exact same things without effort.


The RE part reminds me of Earth & Beyond where the only way of getting schematics was "REing" a drop (or purchased item) and hoping it was succesful (success was based on skilllevel and level of item). Spending hours/days farming specific (boss)mobs for a drop and crossing your fingers that mapping the item would be succesful. Trying to have as many items mapped as possible to retain customers as they leveled and needed to upgrade their gear. Sure, it was costly as heck to do , but it separated the "real" crafters from the hobby ones and players could make a name for themselves on the server.


Hopefully BW will implement the possibility of REing drops later on, instead of just the trainer ones (and dropped schematics ones) that we have now. Not all of course, but a large portion of them.

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Well.. thanks for sharing.. but I don't agree, and I certainly don't feel bad that you are unable to craft your self a best in slot item in the first month of the game being out.




Not having unlocked every single schematic in 200 dissasembles is just totally messed up, sorry but that has NOTHING to do with him being slightly insane and having done so many disassembles this early in the game's life. This just means it's going to a TOTAL *********** NIGHTMARE for casual players to get any kind of reasonable gear in a somewhat reasonable amount of time.


They wanted to take the grind out of MMOs but they made a crafting system that is one big long random grind.

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Not having unlocked every single schematic in 200 dissasembles is just totally messed up, sorry but that has NOTHING to do with him being slightly insane and having done so many disassembles this early in the game's life. This just means it's going to a TOTAL *********** NIGHTMARE for casual players to get any kind of reasonable gear in a somewhat reasonable amount of time.


They wanted to take the grind out of MMOs but they made a crafting system that is one big long random grind.



What defines a 'casual player'.


I would certainly count my self as a casual, I havent joined a guild, probably wont unless something special turns up, or I get really hooked long term. But I have done 150 disassemblies and only produced 9 purple schematics.


Im only level 22 and doing crafting as I go along, not sure how its remotely 'grindy' it takes 5 seconds afterall.

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where is the crafting system in this game? From the start when i start crafting i laughed, its a childish crafting system.


but from what you say here they add a bit of a hard time to get something that will makes you and others to have a bit better stat for our 1st raid, its something from nothing.


And dont whine, cuz as others said ''if you succeed once and you get the schem, its permanent to you'' that make it even easier.

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I just wanted to comment on how absolutely terrible, unprofitable, and RNG-based the crafting is in this game.


Basically the way you get from green to purple quality items is by disassembling such items until you get a higher quality item with a particular prefix. So to get a best-in-slot artifact, you need to get the right combination of prefixes by disassembling many blues til you finally get your artifact. This applies to every crafting trade.


So I'm doing this for implants to get a best in slot dps warrior implant.


I'm up to 200 disassembles (days of crafting missions and hundreds of thousands of credits) and I still don't have it.


The first epic I got was a Rampart implant. Shield rating. Effing shield rating.


The second epic I just got is Commander's, which gives PRESENCE. WHO NEEDS PRESENCE?! So I can PvP better in Ilum? What. The. Hell.


How many more implants will I have to disassemble to get the fabled Hawkeye prefix? Will the million credits and ten weeks of crew missions be worth the lousy implants that I'll replace in a couple of weeks with nightmare raid gear? Why couldn't I just have an epic schematic like the crafting in EVERY OTHER MMO IN THE WORLD. Instead, I have to play the New York Mega Millions every waking moment so I can have a 1 in a million shot of unlocking a decent purple schematic.


Brilliant. I'd give Bioware a golf clap, but I think I broke my hands PUNCHING THE WALL.





Really funny. Personally i consider the crafting system excellent, for exactly the same reasons you think make it terrible.


Yes, it takes considerable effort/money/patience to obtain a schematic generally considered valuable. So why don't i mind?


Because it allows dedicated crafters to distinguish themselves from the impatient wannabe crafter crowd. It makes items produced by dedicated crafters actually valuable(unlike the situation where everyone can craft everything). Having a crafter with a complete set of recipes is actually an achievement.


Me like! :)

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This just means it's going to a TOTAL *********** NIGHTMARE for casual players to get any kind of reasonable gear in a somewhat reasonable amount of time.


The whole point of having a player economy in a game is that you don't have to craft every single damn item you want to use yourself.


When you RE, you'll no doubt get some blues & purples that you don't want but other people do. So sell them. Likewise, someone will no doubt get blue/purple recipes that you want. So you buy the product from them.


The game's barely been launched a couple weeks. Pretty soon most of the desirable purples will be craftable by one or more people, and you'll see them on the AH.

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The whole point of having a player economy in a game is that you don't have to craft every single damn item you want to use yourself.


When you RE, you'll no doubt get some blues & purples that you don't want but other people do. So sell them. Likewise, someone will no doubt get blue/purple recipes that you want. So you buy the product from them.


The game's barely been launched a couple weeks. Pretty soon most of the desirable purples will be craftable by one or more people, and you'll see them on the AH.


Why should I have to pay a premium for items I can theoretically craft myself? What's the point of leveling a crafting profession if you can't even provide the stuff you need yourself?


I'm no trader, I used to be a tailor/enchanter in "that other game" and I nearly never sold enchants even though I had about every single one available in the game at that time (including rare and much sought after ones). The only reason for me to pick up a profession is to be able to provide the stuff I want for myself, or provide for my guildmates (whom I don't charge, usually not even for rare mats). If I can't do either the crafting system has failed.


If all you want to do is make money off of it then sure, you can make it work. But there's enough people that just want to provide for themselves, the sheer randomness of the entire system makes that if not impossible at least seriously unattractive.


For the record, at high levels of synthweaving creating blue items takes around 20minutes, so if you need to dissassemble over 200 and still not get the one you want... I'll let you do the math (not counting time/money spent running mission). Also don't forget that dissassembling an item means a net loss of value as you lose mats on it. 200 dissassembles is a LOT of credits and a LOT of time down the drain.


TL;DR if I roll a profession I need to at least be able to provide for myself, if I can't do that the system has failed.

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I just wanted to comment on how absolutely terrible, unprofitable, and RNG-based the crafting is in this game.


Basically the way you get from green to purple quality items is by disassembling such items until you get a higher quality item with a particular prefix. So to get a best-in-slot artifact, you need to get the right combination of prefixes by disassembling many blues til you finally get your artifact. This applies to every crafting trade.


So I'm doing this for implants to get a best in slot dps warrior implant.


I'm up to 200 disassembles (days of crafting missions and hundreds of thousands of credits) and I still don't have it.


The first epic I got was a Rampart implant. Shield rating. Effing shield rating.


The second epic I just got is Commander's, which gives PRESENCE. WHO NEEDS PRESENCE?! So I can PvP better in Ilum? What. The. Hell.


How many more implants will I have to disassemble to get the fabled Hawkeye prefix? Will the million credits and ten weeks of crew missions be worth the lousy implants that I'll replace in a couple of weeks with nightmare raid gear? Why couldn't I just have an epic schematic like the crafting in EVERY OTHER MMO IN THE WORLD. Instead, I have to play the New York Mega Millions every waking moment so I can have a 1 in a million shot of unlocking a decent purple schematic.


Brilliant. I'd give Bioware a golf clap, but I think I broke my hands PUNCHING THE WALL.




So basically you want free epics, you want every single crafter to easily own every epic schematics in the game like in WOW.


That was ****** desgin, it's much better in SWTOR and imo there should be even MORE RNG because that's fun and it helps making every crafter relevant instead of all crafters being clones who can all make everything.

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So basically you want free epics, you want every single crafter to easily own every epic schematics in the game like in WOW.


That was ****** desgin, it's much better in SWTOR and imo there should be even MORE RNG because that's fun and it helps making every crafter relevant instead of all crafters being clones who can all make everything.


No offense, but back in the olden days of TBC you had to earn most epic "schematics" from boss drops, which imho is preferable to this horrible random system.


We don't want free epics, we just don't want this half assed RNG based system (and you can get free epics anyway from PvP which are still better than a lot of the crafted stuff, so your point is moot really)

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No offense, but back in the olden days of TBC you had to earn most epic "schematics" from boss drops, which imho is preferable to this horrible random system.


We don't want free epics, we just don't want this half assed RNG based system (and you can get free epics anyway from PvP which are still better than a lot of the crafted stuff, so your point is moot really)


So you consider random drops from bosses better than random drops from reverse engineering?

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sigh, another complainer of the wow variety....... Their will be ways to earn your good stuffs. SWTOR uses a RNG system to allow for a "gasp" long tern crafting system. The fact that it takes you a while to get some high end blueprints isnt a bad thing, well unless you just dont like earning anything and want the silver platter treatment. Plus there is alot of variety in the crafting system that is sorely needed in the "other" game that will never be seen. Get used to playing a game again that actually has a challenge that lasts more then two weeks
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I have read a lot on here with regards to crafting being poor and being a time and money sink. I do feel sorry that the OP has obviously done a lot of RE and been pretty unlucky with what results you have gotten but like other people have said the game has only been out for a while. You never know your next RE may give you the schematic you want.. go away and try.. =)..


I think if the ability to craft artifact items was too easy then the market for Crafted good would crash. Dont get me wrong it can certainly be improved as from my experience at the moment the only viable market is IN artifact level items.. its certainly the only thing I sell thats crafted. It would be nice if the developers revisited the decision to make premium/prototype items so easily available elsewhere (insert numerous options to get these)


Yes the system isnt perfect, not by any means but its a damn site better than most other MMOs out there at the moment. Wow, LOTRO, Rift I have crafted in them all and wouldnt say I enjoyed it as much as this system. It is early days, later on I could get very frustrated with it, but for now I am enjoying it as from what I have read here are many others. I am making my own mods and gear (have cybertech and amourtech) and making a considerable income from selling my gear on the galactic market (although quite how anyone can find it through that shocking system is beyond me.. but thats another post entirely!). I have made more from actually selling stuff then I did pre slicing nerf.. although i was late to that party.


So I hope the developers look at the crafting system and tweak it, not nerf it into the ground. Please dont simplify it even further. What you gain in recognition from one camp you will certainly lose in the other.. Its a solid basis that will hopefully be built upon. 2 weeks is a short time for a MMO.. lets see where we are in 6 months time.

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So you consider random drops from bosses better than random drops from reverse engineering?


Yes, because the droprate was way higher, for starters. And acquiring them required some actual skill, not just stupid luck as it does here, so people that actually put effort in got an edge compared to people that just got lucky with some RNG.


For all I care they are guaranteed drops from raid bosses or hard mode bosses, either way would beat this triple RNG system.

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I just wanted to comment on how absolutely terrible, unprofitable, and RNG-based the crafting is in this game.


Basically the way you get from green to purple quality items is by disassembling such items until you get a higher quality item with a particular prefix. So to get a best-in-slot artifact, you need to get the right combination of prefixes by disassembling many blues til you finally get your artifact. This applies to every crafting trade.


So I'm doing this for implants to get a best in slot dps warrior implant.


I'm up to 200 disassembles (days of crafting missions and hundreds of thousands of credits) and I still don't have it.


The first epic I got was a Rampart implant. Shield rating. Effing shield rating.


The second epic I just got is Commander's, which gives PRESENCE. WHO NEEDS PRESENCE?! So I can PvP better in Ilum? What. The. Hell.


How many more implants will I have to disassemble to get the fabled Hawkeye prefix? Will the million credits and ten weeks of crew missions be worth the lousy implants that I'll replace in a couple of weeks with nightmare raid gear? Why couldn't I just have an epic schematic like the crafting in EVERY OTHER MMO IN THE WORLD. Instead, I have to play the New York Mega Millions every waking moment so I can have a 1 in a million shot of unlocking a decent purple schematic.


Brilliant. I'd give Bioware a golf clap, but I think I broke my hands PUNCHING THE WALL.




Wow, talk about an over inflated sense of entitlement. I feel your pain but come on. Grow up a little.

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Yes, because the droprate was way higher, for starters. And acquiring them required some actual skill, not just stupid luck as it does here, so people that actually put effort in got an edge compared to people that just got lucky with some RNG.


For all I care they are guaranteed drops from raid bosses or hard mode bosses, either way would beat this triple RNG system.


The droprate was higher? Hahahahahahahahaha. Let me read that again to make sure that's what you wrote... Oh it is. Hahahahahaha. Tell that to my guild, who never saw the pattern from Moroes after running Karazhan every reset (starting about a month into BC) until sometime close to around Sunwell released. Heck, the entire server only had a handful of people that could do Mongoose and they were well known by name.


And no, crafting systems in general are not designed to allow every player to be able to craft every item they so desire. They're simply designed to introduce items into the player economy and stimulate trade and cooperation between players. You may not be able to produce an item, but you can make other items and then sell those in order to buy the items you want.


Crafting is ultimately for profit. You may be able to make some things that you or friends can use, but ultimately it's there to generate revenue.

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The droprate was higher? Hahahahahahahahaha. Let me read that again to make sure that's what you wrote... Oh it is. Hahahahahaha. Tell that to my guild, who never saw the pattern from Moroes after running Karazhan every reset (starting about a month into BC) until sometime close to around Sunwell released. Heck, the entire server only had a handful of people that could do Mongoose and they were well known by name.


And no, crafting systems in general are not designed to allow every player to be able to craft every item they so desire. They're simply designed to introduce items into the player economy and stimulate trade and cooperation between players. You may not be able to produce an item, but you can make other items and then sell those in order to buy the items you want.


Crafting is ultimately for profit. You may be able to make some things that you or friends can use, but ultimately it's there to generate revenue.


Something this crafting system does not. It's a huge money sink for the crafter, while crafting should be the opposite.

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I like the idea of the crafting system. 'Biotech' is great from a leveling and end-game view. That crafting becomes redundant at 50 is what concerned me. That Orange kit is redundant at 50 and a player has a thin and rather ugly selection of PVP armour is disappointing.


I dropped Cybertech on my char and gave them Biotech. I enjoyed Armortech for levelling but will drop it soon as I don't see the point in grinding to 400 when 'loot' and 'commendations' provide better kit and that I can't compete without the expertise stat.

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The droprate was higher? Hahahahahahahahaha. Let me read that again to make sure that's what you wrote... Oh it is. Hahahahahaha. Tell that to my guild, who never saw the pattern from Moroes after running Karazhan every reset (starting about a month into BC) until sometime close to around Sunwell released. Heck, the entire server only had a handful of people that could do Mongoose and they were well known by name.


And no, crafting systems in general are not designed to allow every player to be able to craft every item they so desire. They're simply designed to introduce items into the player economy and stimulate trade and cooperation between players. You may not be able to produce an item, but you can make other items and then sell those in order to buy the items you want.


Crafting is ultimately for profit. You may be able to make some things that you or friends can use, but ultimately it's there to generate revenue.


Except on one glaring oversight. Mongoose was a VERY higly sought enchant at endgame and it was lvl cap too while this RE will only last for ohhh 6-8 lvls before you can find a better replacement or 2-4 lvls if you got the upgradeable armor or weapon which are around like candy. Not to mention that a lot of times you will have mismatching combos on discoveries, like pressence (still can't beleive that 3 in a row on artifact schematics was all + pressence) which most do not want as it is a solely solo stat or def+alacrity or and def+dps stat.


3 of my biggest beefs against this RE is

1. Last nite I logged off all in a huff n a puff n posted a thread in my frustration in how I discovered the same exact artifact schematic on some booties twice in a row after well over 20 booties crafted. The 2nd time I received a "You already know this schematic" which I think is completely ****ed up.

2. There is a significant amt of totally crap combos if your working with a 3 tier crafting schematic like I said above def+dps like shield on a damn auto cannon... srly that is retarded. Only have legit combos and have it reflect the weapon.

3. Return mats are horribly low. An avg of 25% mats return is just too damn low. While the premium basic mats I'm not concerned it's more of the prototype quality like in Underworld Trading which majority of the time I get zero returns on RE. Buff up some of the rare metal returns.


If BW does 1 and 2 then I would more than happily accept RE state, 3 is more of an inconvenience than anything.

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The crafting system is good but it got this flaw indeed. To learn the upgrades you need to dissemble a bunch of stuff. Maybe should they just drop alot of more recipes. Cause I dissembled a bunch of Greens to get Blues to get the Purple i wanted. And you cant decide if its going to be i.e Overkill Belt of Blabla or Redoubt Belt of Blabla.
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