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Top 10 criticisms of SW:TOR with responses


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Its quite obvious that on certain subjects the OP really doesn't appreciate why people are raising concerns, and perhaps doesn't want to. I could go into detail, but I think it will just fall on deaf ears. To me, this is nothing but a "we love bioware, who agrees with me?" thread.


Quite frankly ive had enough of all you nay sayers.


I wish the free month would just hurry up so you can all leave and not post your crap all over these forums.


Whats wrong with the game? Ive been gaming most probably longer then most of you crybabies have been alive for, i know a good game when i see one.


Sure theres minor hiccups, target of target, shift click name in chat etc etc but IN TIME they will get corrected and i can wait cause i can see this will be a brilliant game when all the minor details are ironed out. And its not like the game is 2 weeks old or anything is it..o wait....


So to be rather blunt, **** off and crawl back to whatever hole it is that you guys slithered out from, your not welcome here anymore. Ive had enough, im over reading all this BS plastered over the forum pages, i want to read meaning full game related topics, not " This sux, i want lfd, i quit,fail "......BEGONE CHILDREN and dont let the god damn door hit you on the way out....

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Anyone here have a fanyboy to english dictionary? Please translate this to fanyboy for the OP":



This game is a boring steaming pile.

It is.... SPACE WOW.


It is the "Pop music" of video games.

Put simply, it's the Justin Bieber of MMO's minus the stupid haircut.


I realize they pointed out many times that this would be a story-driven MMO. What a lot of us did not realize is that they put ALL of thier eggs in that basket. In other words, once you get past the fluff (custscenes and voice acting) there is hardly anything left... except another poorly done wow-clone.


You are entitled to your opinion. Log out, cancel and cancel your sub and find another MMORPG to play.

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Quite frankly ive had enough of all you nay sayers.


I wish the free month would just hurry up so you can all leave and not post your crap all over these forums.


Whats wrong with the game? Ive been gaming most probably longer then most of you crybabies have been alive for, i know a good game when i see one.


Sure theres minor hiccups, target of target, shift click name in chat etc etc but IN TIME they will get corrected and i can wait cause i can see this will be a brilliant game when all the minor details are ironed out. And its not like the game is 2 weeks old or anything is it..o wait....


So to be rather blunt, **** off and crawl back to whatever hole it is that you guys slithered out from, your not welcome here anymore. Ive had enough, im over reading all this BS plastered over the forum pages, i want to read meaning full game related topics, not " This sux, i want lfd, i quit,fail "......BEGONE CHILDREN and dont let the gosh darn door hit you on the way out....


I know how you feel. I have been reading the troll, hater and flamer posts now for every MMORPG I have played. There are legitimate criticisms but there are many that are not. Sadly, the bad posters tend to get most of the attention. At least in this thread, we are trying to change that.

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People actually complain that the world is not very big? There is a difference between a big world with lots to do and being big for nothing with no purpose except to sell scale. WoW is the latter.


Also I read some nonsense about how no game goes on forever? Elder scrolls 2 daggerfall would like to have a word with you

Edited by Idiots
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Quite frankly ive had enough of all you nay sayers.


I wish the free month would just hurry up so you can all leave and not post your crap all over these forums.


Whats wrong with the game? Ive been gaming most probably longer then most of you crybabies have been alive for, i know a good game when i see one.


Sure theres minor hiccups, target of target, shift click name in chat etc etc but IN TIME they will get corrected and i can wait cause i can see this will be a brilliant game when all the minor details are ironed out. And its not like the game is 2 weeks old or anything is it..o wait....


So to be rather blunt, **** off and crawl back to whatever hole it is that you guys slithered out from, your not welcome here anymore. Ive had enough, im over reading all this BS plastered over the forum pages, i want to read meaning full game related topics, not " This sux, i want lfd, i quit,fail "......BEGONE CHILDREN and dont let the gosh darn door hit you on the way out....


Won't matter. Oddly enough - these same people will continue to subscribe to the game just so they can continue to post inflammatory threads about the game.

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Every good article shows both positive and negative aspects. This article does not. Everyone here will agree to this game being good enough to pay money for. But also that there are negative points to it.


Because this article does not elaborate negative points or does only try to attack the creditibility of those mentioning them: Its just another brainless post that will only cause more "No, its pure crap" answers.


It's not an article. It does contain facts, it isn't brainless, it's light years (intended pun) ahead of the "no it's pure crap" posts.

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1. Bad or cartoon-y looking graphics.


> Its called stylized graphics. SW:TOR's graphics are not designed to be photo-realistic so that they will not look dated in a year or two. If you want photo-realism, play BF3 (great game EA).


Well they did a terrible job because the graphics already look dated. They chose a terrible style to go with. Maybe they could have injected a little bit more life into the game.


And hey, maybe some features that have been in games for the past several years such as AA, and making sure the graphics are actually high quality when we choose high quality.


2. Linear storyline.


> SW:TOR is a story-line driven game. All MMORPGs with experienced-based character leveling are by nature linear to some extent. SW:TOR is unique in that at each step in the storyline, you can make decisions from multiple paths that will affect the destiny of your character.


Not really. You make decisions but your story doesn't change much at all. You may kill a person here or there or let them survive, but it doesn't really affect the story much. Play a character making all dark side decisions then play a character making all light side decisions. It's the same thing with slightly different details along the way.


3. No open world. I dont like exhaustion or boundaries.


> Its a big galaxy, did you expect to be able to ride a speeder from one planet to another? Exhaustion and boundaries are part of every MMORPG including WoW. No game world goes on forever.


The world is about as open as I expect from a theme park MMO, no issues there for me.


4. No dungeon finder.


> Type /who and hit enter. You can find people who are LFG and in the zone where you are questing or doing heroics. Dungeon finders, especially x-server destroy MMO communities and distort character progression by removing players from the flow of the game and rewarding bad behavior. Server communities are self policing, if you behave badly, you will be removed from your flashpoint or heroic group and likely remembered so be a team player and help your group.


ToR is trying to gain a piece of the MMO pie. Most players are casual and not having a LFD feature is anti-casual no matter how you slice it. Some people don't have time to put their own groups together anymore. Bioware is trying to be righteous by leaving out a LFD but really it's just leaving out a heavily demanded feature on purpose.


5. No x-server warzone finder.


> Just click the Republic or Empire button and wait, you can queue with a group from your guild or server. See #4 for x-server issues and their effect on server communities. If you want a mindless, anonymous pvp grind, SW:TOR is not the game for you.


I don't really have a comment for this or a care. I played PvP 3 times and quit because of the horrible lack of character responsiveness. I want this fixed before I even begin to care about the warzone matchmaking system.


6. No flying mounts.


> You have your own space ship, you can go anywhere in the galaxy in an instant. What more do you want?


Agree for the most part. The game doesn't need flying mounts at this point. Now mounts in general... boring design. Surprised Bioware couldn't come out with anything better.


7. Companion crafting and gathering.


> You have more than one of your own personal valet, bodygaurd, cyber-@#$ toy, servant or slave. Yes, you have to equip it and give it gifts. What more do you want?


Some people don't like pet classes and having a little computer controlled character following you around. Sure you can dismiss it, but it nerfs your character if you do. The leveling zones were balanced around companions. /yawn.


8. SW:TOR is boring, cut scenes and voice acting are time consuming and a waste of time.


> Voice acting and cut scenes are a key part of the game. If you have MMORPG ADHD, try ritalin. If that doesnt work, SW:TOR is not the game for you. Group or social gameplay is strongly encouraged. If you dont play well with others, there are some parts of the game that you will not experience.


The story is still limited by the fact that it's an MMO. You can tell bioware had to limit the story in some areas because of this. It's also blatantly obvious that Bioware spent so much money and time in making the cutscenes and voiceovers that other areas of the game suffered because of it.


Paying attention to the story is an optional part of the game. Players that choose to skip over it are left with what is a fairly bland and boring product. Bioware should have spent a little more time on the gameplay aspect because that's what we're paying monthly for. Not some voiceovers that don't mean **** after you hit level 50.


9. SW:TOR is not a true MMORPG.


> By whose standard? It may not be the MMORPG you are used to but SW:TOR is definitely an MMO-ROLE-PG. Take it from a role-player, SW:TOR is a role-players wet dream.


Bioware has done everything they could to ensure we never see other players outside of flashpoints, operations, and PVP.


10. SW:TOR is buggy.


> More than 3 years and hundreds of millions of dollars in development. Take it from a software developer, software development is an imperfect process. BioWare does it better than most. Given the size and scope of SW:TOR, the game is remarkably stable and bug free. If you find a bug, report it. Remember that THE LACK OF A FEATURE THAT YOU WANT IS NOT A BUG. BioWare's programmers are bug-stomping as you read this.


There are some horrible gamebreaking bugs including the worst one for me which killed my game (not being able to turn in a class quest). SWTOR is horribly unpolished and unfinished and the game could have used at minimum another year in development. Instead people are going to quit because they don't want to spend $15 a month while they wait for Bioware to bring the game up to CURRENT MMO standards, not standards that were set 7 years ago.

Edited by BrambLed
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1. Bad or cartoon-y looking graphics.


> Its called stylized graphics. SW:TOR's graphics are not designed to be photo-realistic so that they will not look dated in a year or two. If you want photo-realism, play BF3 (great game EA).


2. Linear storyline.


> SW:TOR is a story-line driven game. All MMORPGs with experienced-based character leveling are by nature linear to some extent. SW:TOR is unique in that at each step in the storyline, you can make decisions from multiple paths that will affect the destiny of your character.


3. No open world. I dont like exhaustion or boundaries.


> Its a big galaxy, did you expect to be able to ride a speeder from one planet to another? Exhaustion and boundaries are part of every MMORPG including WoW. No game world goes on forever.


4. No dungeon finder.


> Type /who and hit enter. You can find people who are LFG and in the zone where you are questing or doing heroics. Dungeon finders, especially x-server destroy MMO communities and distort character progression by removing players from the flow of the game and rewarding bad behavior. Server communities are self policing, if you behave badly, you will be removed from your flashpoint or heroic group and likely remembered so be a team player and help your group.


5. No x-server warzone finder.


> Just click the Republic or Empire button and wait, you can queue with a group from your guild or server. See #4 for x-server issues and their effect on server communities. If you want a mindless, anonymous pvp grind, SW:TOR is not the game for you.


6. No flying mounts.


> You have your own space ship, you can go anywhere in the galaxy in an instant. What more do you want?


7. Companion crafting and gathering.


> You have more than one of your own personal valet, bodygaurd, cyber-@#$ toy, servant or slave. Yes, you have to equip it and give it gifts. What more do you want?


8. SW:TOR is boring, cut scenes and voice acting are time consuming and a waste of time.


> Voice acting and cut scenes are a key part of the game. If you have MMORPG ADHD, try ritalin. If that doesnt work, SW:TOR is not the game for you. Group or social gameplay is strongly encouraged. If you dont play well with others, there are some parts of the game that you will not experience.


9. SW:TOR is not a true MMORPG.


> By whose standard? It may not be the MMORPG you are used to but SW:TOR is definitely an MMO-ROLE-PG. Take it from a role-player, SW:TOR is a role-players wet dream.


10. SW:TOR is buggy.


> More than 3 years and hundreds of millions of dollars in development. Take it from a software developer, software development is an imperfect process. BioWare does it better than most. Given the size and scope of SW:TOR, the game is remarkably stable and bug free. If you find a bug, report it. Remember that THE LACK OF A FEATURE THAT YOU WANT IS NOT A BUG. BioWare's programmers are bug-stomping as you read this.




Biased, fanboy answers. It is EXTREMELY buggy... are you joking? Pvp.. is a joke. And the entire game is linear. I dont care if its a story MMO or not, its linear as ****.

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There are some horrible gamebreaking bugs including the worst one for me which killed my game (not being able to turn in a class quest). SWTOR is horribly unpolished and unfinished and the game could have used at minimum another year in development. Instead people are going to quit because they don't want to spend $15 a month while they wait for Bioware to bring the game up to CURRENT MMO standards, not standards that were set 7 years ago.


If we go by the WoW classic release standard, SWTOR was in excellent shape at release. Have you forgotten the bugs, queues and lack of content in wow classic?

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Biased, fanboy answers. It is EXTREMELY buggy... are you joking? Pvp.. is a joke. And the entire game is linear. I dont care if its a story MMO or not, its linear as ****.


I have been repeatedly criticized for being a non-linear thinker. I take it as a complement. If SWTOR were too linear, I would not like it. How do I know that SWTOR is not linear? Look at the galaxy map in your ship.


SWTOR PvP is awesome. What were you expecting from PvP?

Edited by Samaul
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If we go by the WoW classic release standard, SWTOR was in excellent shape at release. Have you forgotten the bugs, queues and lack of content in wow classic?


WoW had a worse launch (SWTOR's was stable), but the actual game of WoW was a better product than SWTOR currently is, which is what kept me subscribing.


I played day 1 so I'm very familiar with how WoW was. There were bugs, flaws, etc. But the game had more features than SWTOR has. This game doesn't even have a combat log.


WoW's default UI is absolutely horrible but at least Blizzard recognizes this and lets us mod. Bioware just gives us the worst UI in an MMO ever and expects us to just be ok with it.


WoW at release > SWTOR is now. And that's sad considering SWTOR as a game SHOULD have blown WoW at release out of the water considering it's 7 years later.


Does SWTOR really have more content than WoW at release?

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I've seen idiots try to say Azeroth is bigger than all the SWTOR planets combined. I mean, c'mon. It's more like one SWTOR planet is almost the size of all of Azeroth. So we have this massive world in SWTOR and people want to complain about exhaustion zones. It's just idiotic.


I really have to disagree with this one.


You're saying that Hutta is bigger than all three continents of WoW combined?

Or are you saying that just one certain SWTOR planet is bigger than all of Azeroth? If so, which one?


If you're comparing pure square feet, I would say that each one of the 'planets' of SWTOR that I've seen so far are roughly equal in area to some of the larger Northrend zones.


I don't really see the point of comparing the square footage of a zone to another; if the storyline accomplishes what is required in a single small zone and it's still enjoyable, then what does it matter the size?


WoW had large and small zones, as does SWTOR... But saying something like the playable area in Korriban is larger than Azeroth is just wrong.

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I have had more fun reading this thread than playing the game.


I will finish my free 30 days then be done, I just cant pay a monthly fee for what is basically a single player game with a few co-op bits thrown in.


I just feel this was meant to be the last single player game of the trilogy and some bright spark went heh lets call it an mmo throw in a little multiplayer and get extra cash out of it.



I really wanted this to be a good mmo. But it's dissapointing in so many ways. Oh well .



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I have had more fun reading this thread than playing the game.


I will finish my free 30 days then be done, I just cant pay a monthly fee for what is basically a single player game with a few co-op bits thrown in.


I just feel this was meant to be the last single player game of the trilogy and some bright spark went heh lets call it an mmo throw in a little multiplayer and get extra cash out of it.



I really wanted this to be a good mmo. But it's dissapointing in so many ways. Oh well .




So, because Bioware took the time to add story makes it single player?




I am sorry that WoW doesnt have story for you to pay attention to, you prob spam accept for the quests dont you? spam the space bar in TOR too?


Just because this game does not have some features makes it not an mmo?


Please, please just go back to wow playing with pandas.


Or I could say, WoW's pandas are different from Kung Fu panda 2's pandas so that game will dies!

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You forgot one, I'll help....11) HORRIBLE UI that is outdated and trash.


response...Bioware are seriously out of touch, the UI is as intended.....the intention being to piss off it's player base.....yes, indeed, Bioware have success, playerbase pissed, kudos.

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So, because Bioware took the time to add story makes it single player?




I am sorry that WoW doesnt have story for you to pay attention to, you prob spam accept for the quests dont you? spam the space bar in TOR too?


Just because this game does not have some features makes it not an mmo?


Please, please just go back to wow playing with pandas.


Or I could say, WoW's pandas are different from Kung Fu panda 2's pandas so that game will dies!




Never played WoW in my life. I have played this game for 12 days now and have not been in a single party with another person. if that aint single player i dont know what is.


I came from DDO online, very niche MMO but an MMO that is all about grouping to do quests.


I am not flaming anyone just stating my opinion, so no need for you to jump on me and act all abusive.



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Never played WoW in my life. I have played this game for 12 days now and have not been in a single party with another person. if that aint single player i dont know what is.


I came from DDO online, very niche MMO but an MMO that is all about grouping to do quests.


I am not flaming anyone just stating my opinion, so no need for you to jump on me and act all abusive.




Oh, makes sense that you come from a worse game that was horrible from the start.

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Ravage locks me into position on my sith warrior, that is, if it even FIRES.


But nah, lets keep parroting that any constructive criticism is a hater. I have only been here since the site FLIPPED ON, I must REALLY hate the game. I love when someone from 2011 calls me a hater.


Some of you amaze me.

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Ravage locks me into position on my sith warrior, that is, if it even FIRES.


But nah, lets keep parroting that any constructive criticism is a hater. I have only been here since the site FLIPPED ON, I must REALLY hate the game. I love when someone from 2011 calls me a hater.


Some of you amaze me.


Constructive criticism? I see none of that.

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