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Top 10 criticisms of SW:TOR with responses


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I see your post, OP and I mostly agree (dammit i want an ATAT mount so i can walk around awesomely)




I took a speeder from the main town of tatooine to the first 'mixed' area and it took me along a rather obvious path. However when I went to walk it (well hover over it) I was embraced by an exhaustion zone which I did not feel was fair. I get taxiing over gorges or between city sections on Nar Shaddaa but not allowing me to walk the very obviously there path? It's not like they'd have to do much else it's already all build and explorable. Stick a few monsters in there and away you go right?


Out of everywhere so far that one bugs me, i don't mind unclimbable mountains or big deep rivers that kill you when you fall in but the exhaustion zone i hate with a passion.



Also the search functions on the GTN are HORRENDOUS. i Have ticketed this already. horrible.


And finally a minor one - No right click option to invite to guild or that? seems a bit arbitrary which options are there.

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I see your post, OP and I mostly agree (dammit i want an ATAT mount so i can walk around awesomely)




I took a speeder from the main town of tatooine to the first 'mixed' area and it took me along a rather obvious path. However when I went to walk it (well hover over it) I was embraced by an exhaustion zone which I did not feel was fair. I get taxiing over gorges or between city sections on Nar Shaddaa but not allowing me to walk the very obviously there path? It's not like they'd have to do much else it's already all build and explorable. Stick a few monsters in there and away you go right?


Out of everywhere so far that one bugs me, i don't mind unclimbable mountains or big deep rivers that kill you when you fall in but the exhaustion zone i hate with a passion.



Also the search functions on the GTN are HORRENDOUS. i Have ticketed this already. horrible.


And finally a minor one - No right click option to invite to guild or that? seems a bit arbitrary which options are there.


I left out a valid criticizm.


11. Jawa should be a playable race.


Jawa Jedi ftw! :D

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Its quite obvious that on certain subjects the OP really doesn't appreciate why people are raising concerns, and perhaps doesn't want to. I could go into detail, but I think it will just fall on deaf ears. To me, this is nothing but a "we love bioware, who agrees with me?" thread. Edited by Tarka
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#1 & #2 are your own conspiracy theories. #3 - the game does not have basic MMO design features. Do you think it does? If so, why do you? Start offering some explanation for your accusations.


Why not do some research into the real issues the community is talking about before starting a thread like this.


Conspiracy theories? I have been playing mmos for a long time. I have read many forum posts. I am absolutely convinced that there are many posters who come to a new MMORPG and deliberately try to destroy the game by telling lies. SWTOR is no exception. I think there is overwhelming evidence in this forum to support my assertion.


Feel free to make your own top ten issues thread :cool:

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Conspiracy theories? I have been playing mmos for a long time. I have read many forum posts. I am absolutely convinced that there are many posters who come to a new MMORPG and deliberately try to destroy the game by telling lies. SWTOR is no exception. I think there is overwhelming evidence in this forum to support my assertion.


Feel free to make your own top ten issues thread :cool:


If someone is convinced of such things then perhaps they have a more jaded perspective than the "haters" they are aiming their venom at. You know what they say about making assumptions. Especially about people you don't know personally.

Edited by Tarka
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Its quite obvious that on certain subjects the OP really doesn't appreciate why people are raising concerns, and perhaps doesn't want to. I could go into detail, but I think it will just fall on deaf ears. To me, this is nothing but a "we love bioware, who agrees with me?" thread.


I do appreciate that there are legitimate issues and concerns with SWTOR. However, this is not a bug or issues feature thread. This thread is about criticisms that I have read frequently in this forum.


Feel free to make your own top then issues or bugs thread :cool:

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If someone is convinced of such things then perhaps they have a more jaded perspective than the "haters" they are aiming their venom at. You know what they say about making assumptions. Especially about people you don't know personally.


I've never seen big business of any sort w/o dirty dealing like that. Construction, cell phones, grocery distribution, if a little deceit and manipulation is beneath you try not to pay too much attention or be prepared to remain on the bottom rung your whole life.


Who and how much is unknown but that there is some, if only a Blizzard employee or two acting on their own accord, is guaranteed.

Edited by Roycerson
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If someone is convinced of such things then perhaps they have a more jaded perspective than the "haters" they are aiming their venom at. You know what they say about making assumptions. Especially about people you don't know personally.


You want to obfuscate the truth, I want to bring it to light. As a famous man once said, "what is truth?" The truth matters. The truth is that I have read all of the criticisms in my list in this forum and most of them are phony or made up. Lets take one


SWTOR is boring.


What do you do for excitement, play in freeway traffic? This statement is false on its face or a highly subjective and jaded opinion. SWTOR may be many things but boring is not one of them.

Edited by Samaul
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I've never seen big business w/o dirty dealing like that. Who and how much is unknown but that there is some, if only a Blizzard employee or two acting on their own accord, is guaranteed.


I agree with this sentiment but I did not say it :p


I have seen and been subjected to organized teams of trolls including as I found out later lead developers and their friends involved in the trolling. Yes, it does happen. I dont know if it is happening in this forum. I would not accuse anyone without direct proof but there is a lot of money at stake in the success or failure of SWTOR and there are some people that will do anything for money.

Edited by Samaul
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I do appreciate that there are legitimate issues and concerns with SWTOR. However, this is not a bug or issues feature thread. This thread is about criticisms that I have read frequently in this forum.


Feel free to make your own top then issues or bugs thread :cool:


This is a thread about criticisms you have concocted to further your agenda that any and all criticism of this game are invalid.


There are two other responses in here where the posters started their own top 10 issues. Why aren't you responding to those? I'm curious.


You want credibility, base your points in fact.


(edited for sp.)

Edited by andrelle
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This is a thread about criticisms you have concocted to further your agenda that any and all criticism of this game are invalid.


There are two other responses in here where the posters started their own top 10 issues. Why aren't you responding to those? I'm curious.


You want credibility, base your points in fact.


(edited for sp.)


I am not here to prove myself to you or impress you. Again, if you dont like my top ten list, feel free to make your own. Post it here if you like :cool:

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Yeah right, WoW is totally boundary free except for oceans, it's not like most zones in WoW (which the average size of is much smaller than Taris btw) is artificially walled of by mountan's and the only way to get between them is a small artificial passageway (without flying mounts that is), which would be impossible in SWTOR since the "Zones" are planets.


I've seen idiots try to say Azeroth is bigger than all the SWTOR planets combined. I mean, c'mon. It's more like one SWTOR planet is almost the size of all of Azeroth. So we have this massive world in SWTOR and people want to complain about exhaustion zones. It's just idiotic.


Idiotic trolls spewing blatant falsehoods are everywhere, and I do believe some of them have ulterior motives. Some are just deranged WoW fanbois who have done nothing else but grind WoW for 8 years. Some others are probably more closely connected with Blizzard than that.


I have genuine concerns about some of the lack of features (UI customization and smart camera being two that annoy me) but I overall love the game as evidenced by the hours I have put into playing it. I like that this game is different than most others out there.


It's funny, some people say it is WoW with light-sabers. Other's say it is not enough like WoW. Which is it, trolls? Can't have it both ways.

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Boundaries are part of the game. Boundaries are there by design. If you dont like the game, dont play it.


BioWares programmers are mediocre?


Prove it, start your own game development company and do it better. Put up or shut up:cool:


I don't get it how they could at fail at refreshing the guild window whenever you press your guild keybind, or how they hard coded certain keybinds (bug report, seriously?), how they didn't implement a /roll function ( seriously, this is elementary programming).


There are others, such as boarding party finishing when you kill Jorlund and not when the entire boss fight is over (this may also be a stupid design choice).

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Not true. There is flight-based exhaustion as well. Every area in Wow that does not border another zone, has an exhaustion zone. In SWTOR it is more obvious because you are dealing with individual planets.


Think for one moment how much uproar there would have been if Bioware made all the planets link together in the same way as Azeroth?


Running across the snowy wasteland of Hoth, climbing a hill and... Tatooine!


Why is there exhaustion zone right in the middle of map? I understund there is borders of map... But in the middle of the friggin map, that is just plain stupidity. Tattooine 1300, 2300.


This game is way over instanced and instancing is done glumsy, not the way it is done in other games... Like EvE jumpgates, wow ships and balloons etc. Here we have black screen... Why not small animation of a lift or entering ship etc.


Hell, even old Freelancer had made instancing better.


No i leave planet 1 to planet 2


Enter hangar area


Entering ship


I can "fly" click map to planet 2


leave ship


leave hangar


And after all this instancing and black screens I am at planet 2... Not smartly done at all.

Just small animations could make it feel much much better.

Edited by Valkyriane
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See embedded responses.


Well, at least you took the time to respond to them now... even if it was 10 seconds per issue (in your defense, you didn't spend any more time in your original post). Have fun with your thread.

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The complaint is that the planets themselves are linear and not open.


No one expected to take a speeder to a different planet, and for you to assume that is just silly.


The planets are like corridors. Not open "zones".


Did you ever get to Tatooine? I was partially believing this garbage about the game being "linear" until I stepped out into the field of Tatooine and was dumbstruck at how open the planet was. As for linearity, ever hear of this crazy thing called story? I think Bioware marketed this game as having it, but I guess not enough for people to realize. You can't really have a flushed out story if you aren't told to go to certain places at certain times. This game is, in essence, just as linear as WoW is. Only difference is that there is a real story in this game. Not just stupid quests that take you from one area to the next.

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Well, at least you took the time to respond to them now... even if it was 10 seconds per issue (in your defense, you didn't spend any more time in your original post). Have fun with your thread.


Most forum readers have ADHD including me. It doesnt take more than a few sentences to lose them.

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ZOMG! A thread OP who actually gets it! Rest assured this party will eventually be crashed by self-annointed legends from other (read: not competing) games who crave copious amounts of attention. May they be discarded like vendor trash. Well met! :D
LOL ... they're like cockroaches - took less than 12 hours. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Thats not an issue for me or anyone I know. I like the pace of combat as is.


Then you're apparently not possessing quick reflexes and react fast to sensory input. Nothing wrong there, but it is indisputably a huge issue. It's not without reason that 300+ pages of forum posts has acknowledged it and that the devs has acknowledged it.


Particularly on my Jedi Guardian it's an issue. Riposte being instant and off the global cooldown? Not so much.

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Anyone here have a fanyboy to english dictionary? Please translate this to fanyboy for the OP":



This game is a boring steaming pile.

It is.... SPACE WOW.


It is the "Pop music" of video games.

Put simply, it's the Justin Bieber of MMO's minus the stupid haircut.


I realize they pointed out many times that this would be a story-driven MMO. What a lot of us did not realize is that they put ALL of thier eggs in that basket. In other words, once you get past the fluff (custscenes and voice acting) there is hardly anything left... except another poorly done wow-clone.

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Then you're apparently not possessing quick reflexes and react fast to sensory input. Nothing wrong there, but it is indisputably a huge issue. It's not without reason that 300+ pages of forum posts has acknowledged it and that the devs has acknowledged it.


Particularly on my Jedi Guardian it's an issue. Riposte being instant and off the global cooldown? Not so much.


I honestly agree with the person you quoted, I am not having any problems with combat. So you can't play EXACTLY how you did in WoW. Learn the new play style and get better. This is what I did.

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