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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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You have to be pretty darn dense to not understand how it destroys community. Dungeon Finder leads to cross server Dungeon Finder which then leads to standing on fleet at lvl 50 while qued, going to flashpoint, finishing, going back to the fleet, queing , rinse and repeat.


You do not interact with anyone on your server this way. I have a fix for the dungeon Finder problem.










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they did give some sort of breakdown a while back.


6 million subs are from asia where they pay differently


2 million from north america

2 million from eu


average number of players logged in every month is only 4 million of the total of 10 million accounts.


ye ye source or it's not true...give me some time i'll try to find it and link it.


6 million in asia, id bet that atleast 4million of them will be gold afrming account lol

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i agree with you


but LFG did alot of damage to the game and the new LFR is going to do more


hell wow is an mmo in all but name, its more like a single player game now than call of duty is

So what is the problem? The current system is doing the same thing as a LFD tool but instead people sit idle in fleet and spam /1 until they finally get a group.

This means they can't go out in the world and quest and have fun while waiting. Now it is a job sitting a corner waiting for dungeon.

And if Bioware places the best gear in dungeons and raids we will have the same problem as with WoW with or without the LFD tool.

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Jesus give it time, the game's been out for about 3 weeks. Start a new character and enjoy the game this time around and don't rush things. On my server the average level seems to be 35-41.


Average level on mine is in the teens. Around 80 on Korriban, 120 or so on Drum, then single digits afterwards (at best).


So I can't experience the game at all because I don't have this stupid complex of wanting to level slow or make 50 alts.

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I fully disagree.


Destruction of community is not fun


How does it destroy community? Spamming the chat channel with LFG is not being social or community building. Even when you get a group there is no guarantee that group will be good just because it was formed from talking in chat. In fact, many of the groups i have so far experienced, most people aren't social and just want to get the quest update. You could do this just as easily with a dungeon finder. You can't force people to be social, you barely get a 'Hi' if you are lucky.


I suspect you are talking about cross server dungeon finders. I would be happy with a same server one to start with.

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The ADHD generation is killing video games today. It's disheartening and very upsetting for me.


I want a community again. A community I saw in Ultima Online, Everquest, EQ2, Vanilla and Burning Crusade WoW. Ever since the introduction of "LFG or LFD" tools, the community aspect of MMOs has died more and more on a daily basis.


What's so hard about joining a guild and running stuff together? What's so hard about asking in chat to form a group? I've had absolutely no issues with getting groups for flashpoints or heroic quests done. I ask once in chat and get 30 responses from people wanting to join.


If they do implement a LFG tool, my only suggestion would be to keep it "same server" and not cross server. That way we can weed out the trolls, and continue building on our local community on the server of our choice.

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Might as well make a LFD, also make it cross server while you're at it since I doubt BioWare really cares about the "community" they keep talking about since they couldn't even bother to put in server forums, which helps develops communities.


Just another strike against BioWare.

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You have to be pretty darn dense to not understand how it destroys community. Dungeon Finder leads to cross server Dungeon Finder which then leads to standing on fleet at lvl 50 while qued, going to flashpoint, finishing, going back to the fleet, queing , rinse and repeat.


You do not interact with anyone on your server this way. I have a fix for the dungeon Finder problem.




ah yea the wonderful pre LFD WoW community.


"help im getting camped by a lvl 70 rogue!"


"L2PvP Noob" "roll on a pve server stupid" "we is teh hardcore here"


"LF1M Tank Slabs"


*crickets* *guild chat crickets*


Not that it's any better now of course, but it was NEVER something to aspire to, and thus the LFD system didnt really do anything. Most people that were in my guild liked it and had mostly good experienced. In fact I would say most people had good experiences with the LFD groups, it just only seems like there were more bad because people were running FAR more dungeons than before.

Edited by Basiliscus
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What kind of community do you people honestly believe SWTOR currently has that is so worth saving?





LFM Tank/Heals x2!


LFM Tank/Heals x2!


LFM Tank/Heals x2!


LFM Tank/Heals x2!


LFM Tank/Heals x2!


LFM Tank/Heals x2!


LFM Tank/Heals x2!


LFM Tank/Heals x2!



What are you trying to protect? Do you honestly have conversations with random people on generic channels around the absurd amount of LFG spam? What a joke. There _IS_ no community in SWTOR beyond guilds, and that is because there is no stand-alone LFG system. SWTOR does not have community.


Prior to actually taking part in a flashpoint with someone (after inviting them, but before running a flashpoint), do you honestly find yourself forming any sort of lasting relationship with someone through the negotiation of a group? Really? I know that people I do a flashpoint with that do well, I tend to keep in touch with, but I have never said to myself "gee wiz, it was fun to talk to him about how he is a 46dps who wants a fp group, maybe I should friend him!"


What COMMUNITY do you get from being forced to spam for groups? What COMMUNITY do you lose by losing LFG spam? What part of the social process is lost if a LFG tool is implemented that creates SAME SERVER groupings to run flashpoints?

Edited by Delekii
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What kind of community do you people honestly believe SWTOR currently has that is so worth saving?





LFM Tank/Heals x2!


LFM Tank/Heals x2!


LFM Tank/Heals x2!


LFM Tank/Heals x2!


LFM Tank/Heals x2!


LFM Tank/Heals x2!


LFM Tank/Heals x2!


LFM Tank/Heals x2!



What are you trying to protect? Do you honestly have conversations with random people on generic channels around the absurd amount of LFG spam? What a joke. There _IS_ no community in SWTOR beyond guilds, and that is because there is no stand-alone LFG system. SWTOR does not have community.


You know how many people ive pugged with by looking or answering a LF general chat statment that are now in my guild or on my friends list? A ton. I never need to use the chat at this point as I have a whole friends list full of people who I can run statics / dungeons with.

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What are you trying to protect? Do you honestly have conversations with random people on generic channels around the absurd amount of LFG spam? What a joke. There _IS_ no community in SWTOR beyond guilds, and that is because there is no stand-alone LFG system. SWTOR does not have community.


I think real in game communities can only develop when there is a significant difference between players who can craft and those that can fight. Of course my only experience with that was AO. Tradeskills took alot of points to get anywhere and you needed to put the high level crafters on your friends list in case you needed something done.

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You know how many people ive pugged with by looking or answering a LF general chat statment that are now in my guild or on my friends list? A ton. I never need to use the chat at this point as I have a whole friends list full of people who I can run statics / dungeons with.


And as I said in the edit of my previous post, NOTHING to do with your forming of relationships with those people is stilted by the removal of the "using the chat as a spam tool" part. The relationships you form in flashpoints are made IN THE FLASHPOINTS, not in fleet.

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The ADHD generation is killing video games today. It's disheartening and very upsetting for me.


I want a community again. A community I saw in Ultima Online, Everquest, EQ2, Vanilla and Burning Crusade WoW. Ever since the introduction of "LFG or LFD" tools, the community aspect of MMOs has died more and more on a daily basis.


What's so hard about joining a guild and running stuff together? What's so hard about asking in chat to form a group? I've had absolutely no issues with getting groups for flashpoints or heroic quests done. I ask once in chat and get 30 responses from people wanting to join.


If they do implement a LFG tool, my only suggestion would be to keep it "same server" and not cross server. That way we can weed out the trolls, and continue building on our local community on the server of our choice.

That's irrational. There's a load of different factors that has led the 'good old times' to die/change. It can't be as simple as "LFG tool implemented => community detoriates". LFG tool most likely is just a "symptom", not the cause of the worsening of the community. Also, you have to remember that the 'good old times' is just something in your head, it's something you've attuned for and thus think that's the way things should be. Probably every single generation throughout the history of mankind capable of feeling sadness has felt it over the 'death of good old times' or whatever.

Edited by Olzmo
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What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.

2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.

3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.




1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.

2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.


There are no dungeons in SWTOR. You want dungeons and a dungeon finder go play wow.

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There are no dungeons in SWTOR. You want dungeons and a dungeon finder go play wow.


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a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as joyful, elated, glad. A dictionary of synonyms and their opposites, or antonyms, such as Thesaurus.com is called a thesaurus.


a word or expression accepted as another name for something, as Arcadia for pastoral simplicity; metonym.


Biology . one of two or more scientific names applied to a single taxon.

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Most peoples concern about a LFG tool stems around the fact everyone will be sitting in one spot queuing all day and not out in the world...then why are all the flash points located in one spot I haven't left the imperial fleet since I hit 50 except for Ilum.
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Check this out... Do /who then type in the lvl you want, see the classes, and ask them politely.


I dont run with guild, and I'm never waiting for more then 5 min.. Because I actually use the keyboard.


Try it... you'd be surprised.


I consider this tantamount to an unsolicited mormon coming to my door during dinner time. I consider people who send me unsolicited tells asking for groups unbided highly rude, and I refuse to do the same to others.

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I consider this tantamount to an unsolicited mormon coming to my door during dinner time. I consider people who send me unsolicited tells asking for groups unbided highly rude, and I refuse to do the same to others.


Then dont play an MMO...


I dont want you to click a button and get a group from other servers ect...


In the community, The weak, and the fail, never make it to the end.. for a reason, we the community dont let them.


Thats why alot of people including myself, left WoW a long time ago...


Too many rewards for the weak.



You dont like tells, then you my friend, should stick with those weak games. Or better yet stay out of mulitplayer.


you are the perfect example of why these "Tools for the weak" are not wanted.

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I agree it's obnoxious to see people spamming in general LF HEALER!!!!!!!!.

It isn't social but often the best way to find people

Just like I find it annoying to fly between 3 different places through loading screens just to be able to see if there are people up for an instance.


When I hit 50 I will be sitting afk on the space station waiting for groups and looking at the LFG tool .

This isn't social this is boring, but well if I go do some low level quests or explore a bit I can't see who is up for it.



I don't see how this is social, it's tedious.

Besides in the end I'm looking for a tank not a chat buddy.

Just making this clear I prioritize your class over you as a person while forming a group.



The current system isn't good, but the only reason people dislike the LFG tool is because WOW has it.

We all know some people just hate wow for some weird reason and everything WOW has good or not is hated.

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Then dont play an MMO...


I dont want you to click a button and get a group from other servers ect...


In the community, The weak, and the fail, never make it to the end.. for a reason, we the community dont let them.


Thats why alot of people including myself, left WoW a long time ago...


Too many rewards for the weak.



You dont like tells, then you my friend, should stick with those weak games. Or better yet stay out of mulitplayer.


you are the perfect example of why these "Tools for the weak" are not wanted.

If you think spamming LFG in chat (general or whisper) is a skill that is somehow indicative of ability in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM, you are terrible. No, you are terrible anyway.
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