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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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Yea the global lfg global channel would help, also having it so the whole lfg message could be read would be nice too.


But what this game really needs is dungeon finder, end of story.


I think all these "community people" should find some place to RP as nerf herders.

Edited by whotookmynamee
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I didn't read all of these, so maybe it was said. The one thing the LFG ques helped me with, is to know exactly what instance I should be doing at the moment. Sure, there are quests and in that menu the corosponding colors (Green, yellow, grey, whatever) to help you know, but as I leveled in Rift, I was able to easily place myuself either in random for my level, or in the exact dungeon I needed/wanted to be in. I see all sides of the story I have read; community effects, chat needs, long que potential for DPS....etc. I will say, I think a real group que finder would be great as an option. Maybe not for all of you, so don't use it, you have made your friends, use them. Edited by Filopio
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Just Spam every 5 seconds , i hope they add macros soon so i can spam every 2 seconds for group. :D



If you click on the chat pane and press directional arrow up(I think that's the default) it will bring up your last comment. That should save you a couple seconds of having to type it out.

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THis post should be titled: Global LFG CHannel Needed Badly


/agree. A server-wide LFG channel would be easily implemented. I like the idea of not catering to the other games with their game-wide LFG tool. A server only channel allows the community to get to know each other, can lead to friendships, guild interest, and most importantly provides a level of "accountability" for everyone's actions while grouping. A bad player/griefer will not be invited to future groups to everyone's mutual benefit (other than the griefer). Also, it allows the group to form as they see fit - not a tank/healer/dps/dps/(support) model that the AI of the LFG tool decides.

Edited by Lanmoryn
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ANYWAYS! we need LFG finder... coming home from work, school or whatever. and u really want to do that MISSION, and u spamming the chat log, asking for a group for an hour or so and ppl ignore or just busy doing their thing is annoying.


don't CARE about WoW or any other mmos. this LFG finder is needed PERIOD


forget all that "looking for party member" that stuff don't work lol. not for me. ppl walk to u .. look at u . then walk away... or ppl are on a different missions etc.. global lfg thing would be nice to. please!!!!!

Edited by xLogicalx
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In WoW, the dungeon finder completely destroyed any activity of players in the world outside of the capital cities. Seriously. You could go entire play sessions through the zones and see maybe 3 to 4 players.


And why would they want to go anywhere else? They can just level all the way up to 85 and get better gear....


I do NOT want to see a repeat of that in this game, please.

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In WoW, the dungeon finder completely destroyed any activity of players in the world outside of the capital cities. Seriously. You could go entire play sessions through the zones and see maybe 3 to 4 players.


And why would they want to go anywhere else? They can just level all the way up to 85 and get better gear....


I do NOT want to see a repeat of that in this game, please.


At lower levels yes, not where people are doing dailies and where there is actually new content. I would gladly trade seeing people while questing for a dungeon finder, In fact one thing I really liked about wow was how I could go 1-85 just by queuing for dungeon and BGs in Org.

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In WoW, the dungeon finder completely destroyed any activity of players in the world outside of the capital cities. Seriously. You could go entire play sessions through the zones and see maybe 3 to 4 players.


And why would they want to go anywhere else? They can just level all the way up to 85 and get better gear....


I do NOT want to see a repeat of that in this game, please.


At lower levels yes, not where people are doing dailies and where there is actually new content. I would gladly trade seeing people while questing for a dungeon finder, In fact one thing I really liked about wow was how I could go 1-85 just by queuing for dungeon and BGs in Org.

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In WoW, the dungeon finder completely destroyed any activity of players in the world outside of the capital cities.
What you stated is simply untrue. It's false because very very few players in WoW have ever stuck to dungeons through their leveling. It's simply never made sense to do it given the difference in xp gained via questing compared to grinding dungeons.
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It was a huge success in other MMO's



I stopped reading when I this, and noticed your name...and poor grammar. They've already said no. Deal with it and the play the game the way it's meant to be played, not hanging out in a Queue. The dungeon tool ruined those "other MMOs" (read:WoW).

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I stopped reading when I this, and noticed your name...and poor grammar. They've already said no. Deal with it and the play the game the way it's meant to be played, not hanging out in a Queue. The dungeon tool ruined those "other MMOs" (read:WoW).
Ahh sooo SWTOR is meant to be played standing around spamming LFG.


You do get how businesses work right?


If the LFD tools weren't successful at retaining subscriptions and making players happy after they were implemented they wouldn't still be there.

Edited by Umbral
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I don't see what a dungeon finder has to do with the destruction of community. Can you elaborate on your strange comment?


Here's an example: WoW comes out and I meet people while forming up groups for dungeons, I get the people who are good / fun to be around on my friends list and try to run with them whenever I can.


WoW introduces the new and amazing LFD, and after a few years the people I meet left the game. I'm now using the LFD for groups and I don't even bother trying to get a group together on my server because it's filled with "LOL! Use LFD noob!" trash.


My friends list has shrunk to one maybe two people, and those folks are in my GUILD! I can't even get friends because the LFD goes cross server, so those awesome people I liked? Can't play with them anymore.


LFD killed community for me, you're lucky or blind if you didn't see it.

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Ahh sooo SWTOR is meant to be played standing around spamming LFG.


You do get how businesses work right?


If the LFD tools weren't successful at retaining subscriptions and making players happy after they were implemented they wouldn't still be there.


WoW has been bleeding subs for a very long time now, and their biggest demographic is currently china, not the US. I would hazard to say that most of the people there are only still there because there are no better alternatives, not because WoW offers them one more feature that plays the game for them.


Start talking to people, make friends, start filling up that friends list instead of hanging out on the forums whining about how the game won't play it'self for you.

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Here's an example: WoW comes out and I meet people while forming up groups for dungeons, I get the people who are good / fun to be around on my friends list and try to run with them whenever I can.


WoW introduces the new and amazing LFD, and after a few years the people I meet left the game. I'm now using the LFD for groups and I don't even bother trying to get a group together on my server because it's filled with "LOL! Use LFD noob!" trash.


My friends list has shrunk to one maybe two people, and those folks are in my GUILD! I can't even get friends because the LFD goes cross server, so those awesome people I liked? Can't play with them anymore.


LFD killed community for me, you're lucky or blind if you didn't see it.


This is exactly what happens. Good thing they've already said it wasn't going to happen. I wish people would stop bringing it up.

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My god what a bunch of Bioware fanboys in this thread, the game needs a flash point finder, I am a healer and cant find groups to the point where I dont even want to bother anymore. This game is missing common mmo features, you want to defend this trash go ahead, the rest of us will be waiting and spamming chat, or leaving this relic all together.
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I dont remember SWG having a finder. I remember having to ask in general chat for a group which seemed to work well. So far in this game, I have not found it hard to form a group for heorics or flashpoints.



But I am not one to speak against something that would add additional features either just because I do not current have any issues.

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